• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 14,246 Views, 1,197 Comments

Fur and Feathers - Nexas

The mane six's pets become ponies! What do they do now?

  • ...

Not a lucky Rabbit

As the sun finally blanketed the slightly damp town of Ponyville everything was just starting to wake up. Many ponies had taken hesitant steps out of their homes and into the soggy streets to investigate how exactly a storm had disappeared into thin air leaving behind even more thin air. Many ponies who stepped outside met with friends and family to try and figure out just what had happened. Those that hadn't gone outside instead looked out their windows to the groups of ponies below.

"Gang way!"

Heads turned quickly in the direction of the noise. A group of very familiar ponies and some unknown ones raced up the street in their direction, kicking up the dirt behind them. Many of the ponies smiled and waved at those they recognized but were brushed off quite literally when the group rushed past them, pushing many of them into the mud.

"Sorry!" Owlowiscious shouted to the ponies as he flew over. "We're kind of in a hurry!" He looked down to Twilight. "Do you think it was a good idea to just run out of the house and leave Spike behind?"

"He's used to it!" She shouted back. She did feel bad about leaving Spike at the library but there had been no time to do otherwise.

"Ugh!" Opal groaned overdramatically. "This is absolutely disgusting! It's going to take me forever to get this mud out of my fur!"

"Oh calm down." Rarity demanded. "We have shampoos for this kind of thing, not that you would know since you never want a bath."

"Cats hate water!" Opal yelled at her owner. "First it makes us heavy as a rock and then it turns us into fluffy basketballs!" She looked embarrassed for a moment. "It's humiliating."

Rarity felt a pang of sympathy enter her. "Well I could teach you a easy mud remover spell."

"Hah!" Opal perked up and laughed derisively. "As if I would need to learn anything from you and your abnormally large horn!"

Feeling the sympathy inch away again Rarity took a running jump into a large brown puddle, spraying the other unicorn with dirty water.

"Ah!" Opal cried out.

"Oh excuse me." Rarity wryly apologized. "How unladylike of me."

Twilight and Owlowiscious watched the two as they ran. "Can you believe them?" Twilight asked her other assistant.

He shrugged in disbelief, which was a difficult thing considering he was floating above them. "I suppose you're not the only one in town who need to learn about friendship."

"Quiet bird!" Opal snapped, mud flying from her mane. She glared at Rarity. "And honestly, why couldn't you have thought of me as a Pegasus? I would've had lovely plumage-Ah!"

To Opal's surprise and non-pleasure, a pony had jumped out onto the street and in her way causing Opal to slam into the pony with full force. The two of them rolled along the the ground into a muddy pile. The others stopped to help and Owlowiscious landed quietly.

"Okay..." Opal groaned, rising from the mud. "Now I want to take a bath."

Rarity recognized the pony Opal had run into instantly. "Oh, hello Pinkie Pie."

"Hi Rarity!" The pink mare smiled happily despite her current position on the ground. "Hi Twilight! Hi Pegasus I have never met before!" She looked at Opal who was on top of Pinkie in a very awkward position. "Hi unicorn that I've never met before!"

"Oh no..." Opal groaned. "I know you."

Twilight leaned over to Owlowiscious. "Should we tell her?" She whispered.

"We might as well," he responded. "She'll find out eventually anyways, we'd only delay it."

Twilight nodded. It was Pinkie Pie after all.

"Pinkie, we need to tell you something but you can't tell anypony else." She stated.

"Oh! You mean like a Pinkie promise?" Pinkie jumped up at alarming speed and shook her entire body, the layer of mud coating her flying off and onto an extremely surprised and disgusted Opal. "I just love Pinkie promises!"

"Yeah, sure now promise."

Pinkie did the strange ritual that goes along with the promise, ending with sticking her hoof into one of her still open eyes causing everypony to cringe.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! Okay now tell me, tell me, tell me!" She hopped around them joyfully.

"Pinkie?" Rarity asked the mare. "Do you notice anything odd about these two other ponies?"

"Hmm..." Pinkie went up to Owlowiscious and inspected the Pegasus closely, almost uncomfortably close. She turned a full one eighty degrees on her hooves and now looked at the unicorn that wasn't paying attention to any of this and instead trying to wipe off as much mud as possible. Pinkie appeared next to the unicorn and peered at her, spooking Opal and causing her to fall into the mud again.

Pinkie thought loudly for a moment, rubbing her chin with a hoof as if that would help. She nodded quickly. "Yeah, they look like Owlowiscious and Opalesence but only if they were ponies." She gasped. "You turned all the pets in Ponyville into ponies!"

"Nope, I accidently turned all of the pets in Ponyville into-wait what?" Twilight froze in surprise.

Owlowiscious politely applauded the earth pony. "An astute observation Miss Pie, I would ask how you came to that conclusion so quickly but that would probably only bring up more questions."

"Aww, thank you Owl-y!" Pinkie said.

"Um, aren't we forgetting something?" Rarity asked the group. "Like a hundred somethings?"

"Right, right. Pinkie, we're going to Fluttershy's place to help, do you want to come too?" Twilight asked.

"Sure! That would be-wait a minute..." Pinkie was about to answer but stopped and thought again, a new understanding washed over her face. "Wait, if Everypony's pets have been turned into ponies..." She gasped. "I have a pet! And he's probably a pony right now!"

Without another word Pinkie turned and sped off down the road, leaving behind four very confused ponies.

"Well, now that that's over..." Opal stood up again, happy that Pinkie was finally gone. "Can we go please?"


As the group got farther and farther from the town the roads became dryer. Unfortunately there were still large puddles dotting the area and every so often one of the ponies ended up walking through them.

"The condition out here is absolutely dreadful." Rarity observed.

"Well there was a storm just earlier." Opal noted. "We can all thank Twilight for turning it into a massive mud bath."

An embarrassed Twilight didn't say anything.

"I never understood that." Owlowiscious stated. "If ponies want to be clean, why do they bath in mud?"

Nopony answered him and they continued in silence. Eventually Fluttershy's cottage was in sight and everypony was relieved to see that it wasn't totally destroyed.

It was only partially destroyed.

The cottage's roof had been almost entirely blown off by the strong winds and the wave of magic, all of the birdhouses attached to the roof before were now strewn across the area in small piles of painted wood and nails. Many parts of the house had holes in them and Twilight was quick to deduce why.

Ponies, a small towns worth of them. Ponies of every type and color were basically everywhere around the cottage, in the cottage and to the group's surprise in the walls, hooves and heads sticking out of the holes in the building. Some of the ponies seemed to notice the group as they drew near but they mostly just mulled around confusedly.

"I'll be honest..." Twilight said. "I thought it would be much worse."

Opal walked over to the small stream that ran past the house and prodded one of the gasping, flopping ponies that was laying in it. "Oh I don't know, there's still time for it to get worse."

"Does anypony see Fluttershy?" Rarity asked.

Owlowiscious silently lifted himself into the air with a flap of his wings and looked over the area. "There she is!" He pointed. Everypony looked in the same direction and saw the familiar long, pink mane and yellow fur. They quickly ran over in the direction of their friend, weaving through some of the confused ponies that blocked their path.

Fluttershy was, when they reached her, on the ground on her back with her legs sticking straight into the air. Her face was frozen in an expression of fear while her eyes were wide open and unblinking. She was surrounded by a small group of Pegasus that were looking down at her sadly.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight shouted, running to her side causing the surprised Pegasus to fly away in a shower of feathers and bird calls. The others crowded around while Twilight inspected her friend.

"She's fine." Twilight concluded. "But I think she's in shock."

"Step aside." Rarity stated, kneeling down beside the Pegasus. "I know what to do."

A confused Twilight stepped back and Rarity sat down behind her friends head. She brought a hoof up to the side of Fluttershy's head, right behind her left ear, and pushed down.

Fluttershy quite literally sprung to life, pushing herself off the ground and into the air with surprising amounts speed and strength. She even did a little flip in the air and landed back on her hooves, wide awake and very confused.

"What?! Where am I?! What's going on?!" She questioned in her usual quiet tone.

"Uh..." Twilight looked at Rarity.

"Pressure point; I know a thing or two about acupuncture."

"You certainly do; I can still feel where you've prodded me." Opal complained but went unheard.

"It's okay Fluttershy." Twilight tried to calm down her friend.

"Twilight? What's going on?" She noticed the two unknown ponies and shirked back. "Who are they?"

"It's alright Fluttershy we're all friends." She glanced over at Rarity and Opal who were arguing yet again. "Well most of us are. Do you remember anything?"

"Not really I-Oh! On no! Twilight, it was horrible!" Fluttershy cried, accidently latching on to Owlowiscious sadly. "I was taking care of my animals like I always do and keeping them warm and dry from the storm when suddenly the storm began to move really fast and then a weird wave of magic went through the house and hit all of the animals! And then everything started glowing and then hooves started coming in through the walls and...and..."

"Fluttershy please calm down." Twilight pleaded.

"... Yes... calm down please." Owlowiscious said, awkwardly patting Fluttershy's back to show support. "You've been through quite a lot."

"I know...but what happened to my poor animals and-" She gasped loudly in realization and pushed Owlowiscious away, accidently sending him into one of the large puddles. She turned back to her house, desperation in her eyes.

"Angel!" She shouted. "My Angel is in there! Somepony help me find him!"

Before anypony could do anything though, the door to the house swung open, nearly snapping off its hinges in the process. Out of the door stepped a single pure white male earth pony. The pony stomped down the trail from the house towards the group, pushing away anypony in his direction.

"There you are!" He shouted angrily. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

Fluttershy was horrible confused. "...What?"

"Uh...yeah..." Twilight muttered. "You know that wave of magic that passed through your house? Well it kind of turns a pony's pets into...ponies."

Fluttershy pointed an unbelieving hoof at the approaching pony. "y-you mean...?"

"Honestly, the house starts to break apart and everything around you is transforming and what do you do? You freak out, run screaming from the house, and end up in frozen mode!" The pony shook his head. "And to top it off you left me behind!"

Fluttershy sprang forward and embraced the pony in a bear hug. "Angel, thank goodness! I was so worried about you."

"Uh..." Angel froze up much like his owner did; a red blush growing on his white muzzle. "R-right, whatever. You're okay, I guess you could say that I'm okay if you were completely insane, we're all okay." He looked over to Twilight. "Well, if it isn't little Miss 'my magic makes everything go wrong'. You're the reason I have to walk on four legs?"

Twilight hesitantly nodded. "Yes, I'm really sorry."

"Don't be!" He laughed. "Now I can finally have a conversation with miss dandelion over here without having to play twenty questions." When he noticed the other pets, his expression hardened once more. "Hello featherhead, puffball."

"Angel." Owlowiscious, despite being soaking wet, nodded politely.

"Vermin." Opal growled.

Twilight clapped her hooves together happily, ignoring the tension between the three pets. "Well, Now that we're all acquainted we should probably go back to the library and plan the rest of this out."

"We're not going anywhere yet!" Angel stopped her and pointed at the house. "You really messed up this time, Nightlight."

"Uh, it's 'Twilight' actually."

"Whatever. All I know is that Fluttershy's house and surrounding area has been turned into the biggest flash mob in Ponyville history and everything Flutters and myself own is turning into quaint piles of rubble!" He walked up to Twilight and roughly poked her in the chest. "You're all going to stay and help her fix this!" He demanded.

Twilight gulped at the earth pony's sudden boldness, Fluttershy ran up to Angel's side. "Oh no, Angel, it's okay, they don't need to do anything."

Angel was dumbfounded. "No, Flutters, I...ugh." He facehoofed. "You can't be serious! They destroyed our house!"

"I hate to say it but he's right." Rarity stated. "You're responsible for all of this Twilight, you should help her. We should help as well."

Opal groaned dramatically. "Do we have to?"

The glares from everypony else shut her up.

"Fine..." She eventually grumbled.

A few, nicer agreements were heard and everypony began walking towards the house and gardens to help with clean up and with the many ponies. Angel followed everypony else but was stopped by Fluttershy who timidly poked him to get his attention.

"Um, Angel?" She asked quietly.

"Speak up already." He demanded. "Seriously, I don't have those huge ears anymore."

"I just wanted to say...thank you for getting them to help me." She smiled warmly at her pet bunny. "You're as helpful as ever."

Angel blushed slightly from the kindness of his owner's words and turned away, his black eyes searching for other things to focus on. "Whatever, you need somepony to keep you from being a total doormat."

Fluttershy was happy regardless and went off to help her poor animals, Angel following close behind.