• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 9,018 Views, 1,391 Comments

Yes, My Lady - Tatsurou

Scootaloo must step into her inheritance, protecting Equestria from devious criminals and dark conspiracies alike, all while staying close to her friends. Thankfully, she's got the help of one devil of a butler.

  • ...

Chapter 6

After the meal, the trio continued to explore the manor and grounds as Scootaloo showed her friends around her family home. Much as could be expected, before long Sweetie Belle had a list of new Cutie Mark ideas with everything from record keeping to topiary to blacksmithing, though that would have to come before any attempts at 'jousting' as they lacked any suits of armor in their sizes. Oddly, Scootaloo wasn't as enthused about the more dangerous and risky ideas as she normally would be, leaving Sweetie Belle nervous bordering on terrified and Apple Bloom simply uncertain.

When asked, Scootaloo simply shrugged. "I've been Scootaloo in Ponyville and Sunrise everywhere else for so long it's hard for me to think like Scootaloo elsewhere...especially here. Scootaloo loves thrill seeking and danger...mostly because Sunrise has to be the perfect Noble daughter...now just the perfect Noble." She sighed softly. "Can we talk about something else?"

Sweetie ducked as another cat raced down the hall, leaping over the trio in another attempt to pounce on Sebastian. "Just how many cats do you have here?" she asked curiously.

"Only a dozen," Scootaloo explained. "The calico is the 13th. It's just when you have more than three cats, it seems like each and every one is four."

"Not to mention cats take a perverse pleasure in driving their owners wild," Sebastian added. "Such fascinating creatures..."

"Could ya talk some sense into 'em?" Apple Bloom asked hopefully as yet another feline attempted to grab at her ribbon claws first. "Yer part cat, ain't ya?"

Sebastian blinked in surprise. "...I am, aren't I?" he allowed ruefully. "I admit, the thought hadn't occurred to me." He turned to the cat going for the ribbon. "No. Respect the guests of this House."

The cat turned and snarled at him disdainfully.

"There is no need for rudeness," Sebastian chided. "Now behave."

The cat leapt on Sebastian's face and hissed.

Sebastian met the cat's eyes squarely. "There is a procedure ponies do not practice that I know of for dealing with troublesome pets," he whispered softly so only the cat would hear. "How attached are you to your testicles?"

The cat's eyes widened, and he dropped to the floor and started licking himself, trying to look aloof and disdainful.

By that point, the fillies had gotten ahead of him, and he rushed to keep up. Scootaloo had led them to a room filled with toys made by the Wingshadow Toy Company, her family's official front business. Sweetie Belle was already gushing over several of them, running around to play with each and every one.

Apple Bloom leaned over a few. "Ah never really got the appeal o' most of these," she admitted. "To me, playin' is somethin' ya do out and about, especially with friends and animals. Never really saw much point in toys like these."

"I think I can find a few you'd enjoy," Scootaloo pointed out, walking through the selection before picking up a stuffed panda almost idly. "There's something here for everyone."

"You're using that word a lot," Sweetie Belle pointed out from amongst a pile of stuffed animals. "Back in Ponyville, you always said everypony."

"More lessons," Scootaloo admitted. "Dad's policy was always to hire whoever had the skills he wanted, whatever they were. He considered difference of species to be purely superficial, and something to be ignored in the quest for success. He's even got...had a few Changelings working for him who deserted from Chrysalis' hive."

"Really?" Apple Bloom asked in surprise. "How's that work?"

"Dunno," Scootaloo admitted. "I...haven't really gotten a handle on that side of the business yet..."

Silence fell for a time, only to be broken as Apple Bloom tackled Scootaloo into the plushies Sweetie was all but buried in. This led to several shouts, cries, and flying stuffed animals as the three devolved into a mock tussle. When they settled, all three panting for breath, Apple Bloom looked over at Scootaloo. "Feeling better?"

Scootaloo grinned from ear to ear. "Yeah...much."

"You didn't have to drag me into that!" Sweetie complained petulantly.

"So, when do you two need to get home?" Scootaloo asked curiously. "Sebastian and that carriage are fast, but it still takes time to get from here to Ponyville."

"Actually...when ah told Applejack about ya not bein' able ta be in Ponyville much anymore, she said ah should stay th' night if ah could," Apple Bloom spoke up.

"Rarity said the same thing," Sweetie added. "Though she also said something about needing to have the Boutique to herself for the night. Not sure what she meant by that..."

Scootaloo grinned widely. "In that case, come see my bedroom!" Turning, she dashed off, her friends hot on her heels.

Sebastian followed at a sedate pace, still managing to reach the Master Bedroom before the trio, much to the surprise of those who didn't know his true nature. As he watched the trio jumping on the massive four poster bed, he let himself muse over the odd dichotomy of his current Master...and draw comparisons between her and his previous Master.

Ciel Phantomhive had been cold, cruel, and nearly uncaring on the outside, with a deep core of passion that was always a surprising treat to see burst free. Even for Sebastian, who could literally read the young man's soul, it had been hard sometimes to determine if an action taken was simply an expedient knowing Sebastian would clean up, or was an act of genuine compassion done without thought. Then again, sometimes it seemed even young Ciel didn't know the true motives of his actions.

Sunrise was very similar to Ciel in that way, with the cold outside and the burning passion within. Unlike Ciel, however, Sunrise had grown up with an outlet for that passion in the form of Scootaloo, and was thus used to both getting her own way and accepting when she couldn't. Where Ciel saw every new event as merely a stepping stone towards his goal of vengeance, Sunrise/Scootaloo seemed to look at a much larger picture. The Contract had been the same - act as the butler until vengeance was achieved - but something about the way Scootaloo looked at him whenever the nature of the Contract was discussed. She would always point out that the terms were 'vengeance carried out to her satisfaction', which he had no problem with. After all, that satisfaction is what would give her soul the perfect flavor.

But there was something he was missing there. Pony souls were much harder to read than human souls, since they had so much more magical energy. Of course, that also made them much more filling meals.

Noticing something that had appeared on Scootaloo's desk, he brought it over on a silver platter. "Something requires your attention, My Lady," he said softly.

Scootaloo glanced over, then groaned as she saw the wax seal marked with Luna's symbol. Carefully unsealing the scroll, she examined the contents. "...looks like I'll be spending more time in Ponyville after all," she grumbled.

"What do you mean?" Sweetie Belle asked, trying to see the contents of the scroll.

Scootaloo promptly snapped it shut. "It's business, not pleasure," she grumped. "...now how the hay am I supposed to keep Scootaloo and Sunrise separate with Sebastian following me around Ponyville all day?"