• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 9,018 Views, 1,391 Comments

Yes, My Lady - Tatsurou

Scootaloo must step into her inheritance, protecting Equestria from devious criminals and dark conspiracies alike, all while staying close to her friends. Thankfully, she's got the help of one devil of a butler.

  • ...

Chapter 35

Scootaloo didn't have long to wait before Blueblood arrived, escorted by Sebastian. Unlike how he would greet most ponies he considered 'beneath him', Blueblood always had a genuine smile for his beloved little brother's fiance. "You asked to speak with me, Scoot?" he asked playfully, using a shortening of her chosen nickname.

Scootaloo smiled, deciding to keep the meeting friendly as long as she could. "Yeah. I got some mail I was confused about, and was wondering if it was at all familiar to you."

Blueblood chuckled softly. "Well, I suppose the intricacies of noble interplay might be a little unfamiliar to you after spending so much of your time out here in the middle of nowhere."

Scootaloo rolled her eyes, by now used to Blueblood's teasing barbs. "Have you ever heard of a group called Today's Hope?" she asked curiously.

Now it was Blueblood's turn to roll his eyes. "Really? You're asking me about that political movement disguised as a cult? I'm honestly surprised you can't tell a sham when you see it."

"Sham?" Scootaloo asked, feigning surprise. "Really?"

"Oh, absolutely," Blueblood confirmed. "Really, claiming to reunite one with deceased loved ones in this life and promising ascension? Can it get anymore transparently blatant as a faith game?" He tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Though the hundreds of invitations they've sent me never do ask for money even in the vaguest of double talk...probably something they only bring up with the 'faithful' to 'spread the word' or something."

"They send you that many?" Scootaloo asked curiously, doing her best not to show how excited - and depressed - this made her to hear. If the 'cult' was that desperate to get Blueblood in their ranks, then her plan would work...too well.

"Indeed," Blueblood confirmed airily. "Though I can't imagine why-"

"Maybe they heard why you were pursuing Sunset Shimmer?" Scootaloo interrupted teasingly.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Blueblood countered primly.

"BB loves telling the story of why you're the 'best big brother ever' while at the same time being an absolute cad," Scootaloo countered wickedly.

Blueblood winced. "Including my talk about Aunt Celestia's former student?" he asked, his tone somewhat sick.

"He told Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle just a few months ago," Scootaloo needled. "Imagine if Sweetie told her older sister about that?"

Blueblood shuddered violently. "Heavens, no," he murmured in fear. He then frowned, his eyes calculating. "But why are you asking me about them?"

Scootaloo shrugged innocently. "I got one of their invites," she explained readily, doing her best to keep her voice neutral. "The ascension promise is of no interest to me, but the reuniting with lost loved ones..." She sighed sadly. "I'm ashamed to admit I was tempted. I...I miss Mom and Dad..." She wiped a tear away. "But as you say, it's a sham. As long as you're completely sure..."

Blueblood's eyes narrowed dangerously. "It wasn't Scootaloo who asked me here to talk, was it?" he asked incisively. "It was Lady Wingshadow."

Scootaloo winced. So much for keeping things friendly, she thought silently to herself. "Yeah...sorry for being deceptive-"

"To be honest, I expect it," Blueblood interrupted. "You wouldn't be doing your job well if you opened with the entire truth. So what is it you want of me?"

Scootaloo nodded. At least he wasn't holding it against her...though when he heard the whole plan, he might just try to kill her. He was very protective of Bluebottle, after all. "I want you to accept one of their invitations," she began. "Express interest in their message, in whatever way won't arouse suspicion about the sudden decision. I'm certain I can leave that part to you, you're far more skilled at political and social double talk than I."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere with me," Blueblood chided gently, though he did smirk at the praise. "Though I'm surprised you would want me to spy for you. You of all ponies should know I'm terrible at that."

"I don't want you to spy for me," Scootaloo corrected. "I want you to escort me. Part of how you could cover yourself would be expressing concern for a 'family friend' who you hope to help, if you can work with that."

Blueblood frowned at that. "It'll be difficult, if not flat out impossible, to keep Bluebottle away with that cover."

"It wouldn't make sense to try, either," Scootaloo agreed.

The Prince's eyes narrowed. "Just how dangerous is this cult, anyway?" he asked dangerously.

"Dangerous enough that it has to be dealt with," Scootaloo responded softly. "And clever enough that a direct attack of any sort would be pointless...unless their home base can be located."

"So what is your plan, then?" Blueblood demanded darkly. "Let yourself get snatched along with Bluebottle when they recognize who and what you are, and hope that somehow leads backup to this home base so you can take them down? And hope they want me among them badly enough that they don't kill the two of you once they have you, or all three of us outright?"

"More or less," Scootaloo admitted grimly.

Blueblood stepped forward, his entire aura changing to become dangerous, so much so that Sebastian discreetly positioned himself where he could easily intervene. "What's so important about this cult that you would go so far, would risk even Bluebottle?"

"They're the ones who killed my parents," Scootaloo responded flatly.

Blueblood's temper lowered, though his glare remained. "Do you care so little for Bluebottle that you'd risk him just for vengeance?"

"They didn't just kill my parents," Scootaloo continued. "They destroyed my home, and kidnapped me, and tried to break me. It wasn't a personal strike, it was a coordinated and planned strike on Equestria's Watchdogs. And now their operations have increased, and they're primarily targeting nobles. What does that tell you?"

Blueblood's face paled. "This is conquest..." he murmured softly.

"So no, I wouldn't risk Bluebottle for vengeance," Scootaloo answered. "But this isn't just vengeance. It's also Duty. And you know how serious that is to me."

Blueblood lowered his gaze. "I am sorry I misjudged you."

"Forgiven," Scootaloo responded immediately. "I hate myself just as much for considering this plan."

"I'll do it on one condition," Blueblood spoke up softly. "We don't go until Bluebottle is as skilled as we can make him without him being recognized as that skilled."

"We'll wait until Granny Smith says he's ready," Scootaloo confirmed. "And Sebastian will help with his training."

"Wait, what?" Blueblood and Sebastian demanded in simultaneous shock.