• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 9,017 Views, 1,391 Comments

Yes, My Lady - Tatsurou

Scootaloo must step into her inheritance, protecting Equestria from devious criminals and dark conspiracies alike, all while staying close to her friends. Thankfully, she's got the help of one devil of a butler.

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Chapter 38

Despite Scootaloo's own secret wishes, it did not take Blueblood long to make the arrangements to be invited to a 'special service' at a 'secluded' monastery of Today's Hope, well off the beaten path where the reply message assured him he was unlikely to encounter any who would recognize him, as he'd requested. Only once he had the directions there in hoof did he send the message about bringing along his younger brother and 'a fellow noble and family friend in need of relief from grief'. Scootaloo had to hand it to Blueblood, as much of an ass as he presented himself to be most times, he knew his political maneuvering.

After quick goodbyes to her Ponyville friends, Scootaloo was ready to head back to Canterlot with Bluebottle. Sebastian would make his own way this time, as a large part of this plan was to let Scootaloo get grabbed, and letting Sebastian track her through the Contract link. This specific variety of demonic contract was not native to Equestria, so it was highly unlikely anyone native to this world would have a means of blocking his ability to trace her through it once an order to come get her was given. Still...it was a gamble.

That was why Bluebottle was with her, much as Scootaloo hated to admit it. With any luck, his skill would be enough to break them out of whatever they found themselves trapped in if the Contract link didn't work. She just needed to make sure if she was taken, that they were taken together and didn't get separated. While the former was painful to think, the latter was easy enough to accept.

The hard part was knowing she couldn't tell Bluebottle what he was getting into. While he would eagerly throw himself into an adventure of espionage and danger, Applejack was a better liar than him. He might be able to keep the nature of any 'conspiracy' he was involved in secret, but keeping the fact he was involved in one secret was far beyond his abilities. He would never be a good poker player.

All this went through Scootaloo's mind over and over as she sat beside Bluebottle in Blueblood's carriage. While she knew it was a good plan, she found a rather unexpected personal hurdle rearing its head. She'd come to depend quite a bit on Sebastian, as much on his physical presence as on his abilities. Without him being near, she found herself frequently reaching one hoof up to the eyepatch, and fidgeting nervously. She didn't like it. She needed to be strong enough to stand on her own hooves. Even if Sebastian, by the contract, would always be there, she couldn't let herself be in such a state just because he wasn't there.

Her eyes widened and her fidgeting stopped as Bluebottle's tail shifted to lay over hers. He smiled over at her. "Have no fear, my Sunrise," he whispered softly. "I am here."

Scootaloo silently cursed him for being able to set her to blushing so easily. Still, as corny as the line was, she decided the reassurance deserved at least a muzzle nuzzle, so she playfully rubbed her nose against his.

Blueblood smiled indulgently as he watched over them, plainly pleased to see that their bond was both so strong and so real. "If only you had an older sister, Sunrise," Blueblood observed ruefully. "For a mare like you - but an adult - I might just consider being respectable."

"I actually do have an adoptive big sister, sorta," Scootaloo offered playfully. "Though respectable's the last thing she is, even if she is getting enhanced Wonderbolt training."

"That prismatic pegasus from the Gala?" Blueblood asked in surprise. "Well, she's certainly a fine figure of a mare. How do you think she'd respond to courting overtures?"

"Probably by bucking you in the face with both hind hooves," Scootaloo observed idly, snickering at the mental image. "Rarity is one of her best friends, after all."

To her surprise, Blueblood clapped his hooves with glee. "Oh, imagine the scandal! Newest Wonderbolt violently rejects overtures of the Prince! And if I made continuous efforts to win her over, it'd get my parents off my back about 'finding someone suitable', if only out of despair of me ever being anything but a spoiled noble brat. And maybe I'd wear her down eventually."

"I hope you enjoy being kicked in the face then," Scootaloo offered humorously. The humor faded when she noticed the slight tinge to Blueblood's cheeks. "...I really didn't need to know that about you..."

"We're almost there, your highness," one of the pegasi pulling the chariot suddenly spoke up.

"What wondrous timing!" Blueblood declared eagerly as the chariot began to descend.

Scootaloo glanced out the side of the carriage, hoping to see where they were going before they got there. It wasn't long before the monastery came into view, laid out in an identical pattern to the one she had visited with Sebastian. The only noticeable difference was that the 'oasis' it was set up around was a spring in the center of a small box canyon with completely sheer walls, with no paths leading down into it from the top. She immediately felt her hackles go up. That was not a natural formation. Only magic carved canyons out like that...or possibly the hoof-falls of incredibly large creatures. Either way, all of her instincts told her that even the monastery itself was likely a trap, and one they were flying right into.

As the carriage settled to the ground, several ponies approached it. At first glance, it looked like almost exact replicas of the 'clergy' from the other monastery...except one of them was noticeably larger and her habit bore actual decorations. "Greetings, Highness and guests," she offered, her voice rich, vibrant...and somehow empty. "You are welcome to Today's Hope." She watched as they stepped out of the carriage. Once Scootaloo placed her hooves on earth, the mare continued. "I am the Mother Superior...Lucretia."

Scootaloo jerked up. She didn't need to see the glow building in the mare's eyes and horn to know they were screwed. "Wa-"

Her cry was cut off as dim violet cocoons sprang up out of the ground they were standing on, wrapping around each of them and locking them in place. Even the pegasi who'd pulled the chariot were ensnared. Lucretia's empty laugh echoed as green fire erupted around her, revealing her true form.

She was exceptionally thin-bodied, looking almost emaciated. Her chitin was a shimmering blue violet, and she walked on six long, spindly legs that lifted her high above any pony. Dragonfly wings buzzed on her back as two antennae glowed as the focal points of her magic. Large, compound eyes surmounted her round head, over a long beak-like nose and tiny mouth.

"You truly are foolish to think we would not see this coming and be prepared, Sunrise Wingshadow," Lucretia hissed, her voice echoing cruelly like an out-of-key flute played in an echo canyon. "You have played right into our clutches! We have had lings training to replace Blueblood and his brother the moment they arrived, and with you out of the way Equestria will be ours!" She leaned in close. "We know not the magic you used to escape us last time...but it will not save you this time. No magic will penetrate your cocoon, nor will it allow you movement. You will only watch powerlessly as Equestria falls to us!"

As illusions fell to reveal the honeycomb of caverns that lined the canyon's walls, Scootaloo prayed her plan would still work.