• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 9,018 Views, 1,391 Comments

Yes, My Lady - Tatsurou

Scootaloo must step into her inheritance, protecting Equestria from devious criminals and dark conspiracies alike, all while staying close to her friends. Thankfully, she's got the help of one devil of a butler.

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Chapter 3

The following morning, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle went to their big sisters to get permission to spend the day at Scootaloo's place. While they both got permission readily, they felt mildly guilty about being vague on certain details. Both had neglected to mention they meant Scootaloo's Canterlot house, not her house in Ponyville. They'd also waved off breakfast saying that Scootaloo was gonna make them breakfast, when it would actually be made by Sebastian. Sweetie Belle felt less guilt over this than Apple Bloom, who made a mental note to find a way to vaguely ask Applejack if it was more important to be completely honest or to keep a harmless secret to protect a friend.

Both quickly forgot their concerns once Sebastian had hooked himself up to the sky chariot, and the trio found themselves being pulled towards Canterlot at somewhere in excess of Mach One.

"How can he fly so fast?" Apple Bloom started to scream, only to realize that she didn't have to despite the wind whistling loudly around the chariot. The air within - despite not being contained by walls - was still and quiet. "He ain't even flapping his wings that much? And how's it stayin' so quiet in here?"

"Probably some enchantments on the chariot," Sweetie Belle spoke up, examining the gilded woodwork. "It's expensive, but it is possible to enchant a chariot for both speed and atmospheric bubbling."

Scootaloo simply smiled, blushing a bit sheepishly. She decided not to say anything until they actually reached...home. Her smile faded as she thought that. As much as she'd loved her parents and the family manor, Ponyville had been home from the moment she'd discovered it and been allowed her own house there. She was already taking into consideration renting it out, since her usage of it was about to drop from two weeks a month - or a month at a time - to three days a month tops. It wasn't a pleasant thought.

As the chariot reached Mount Canter, it slowed down and began to curve around the mountain, giving a Pegasus eye view of the mountain city, jutting out from the mountaintop to soar into the heavens. "So where's your place?" Sweetie Belle asked eagerly. "Down in the city? I mean, Wingshadow toys and all..." She looked towards the business district of the city, where Rarity hoped to one day have a Boutique of her own.

"She's a Countess, remember?" Apple Bloom pointed out. "The business front might be down there, but the house has gotta be up in the nob district." She briefly scanned the more opulent houses closer to the palace.

Scootaloo was torn. On the one hand, she was looking forward to seeing her friends' reactions when they saw the place. On the other hand...she was afraid of how they'd react.

Sebastian showed no awareness as he arced gently around the mountain, leaving the city proper behind. On the opposite side of the mountain from the city itself, the slope was divided into farmland scoops, Guard training camps, the occasional mine...and a single estate near the top, what one might consider the back door of the palace. The grounds extended a third of the way down the mountain, and the manor itself soared in a network of interconnecting towers and wings that stretched out off the ground. Statues, trees, and carefully pruned topiary lined the expansive grounds, and the whole thing was surrounded by a low wall topped with glowing Shield Stones, magically charged crystals that projected an invisible energy dome that prevented anything from landing within the grounds. Sebastian brought the chariot down to the front gate.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's jaws hung limp. Scootaloo winced worriedly. "Yeah...I know. Really ostentatious-"

"Diamond Tiara's entire mansion could fit in your kiddie pool!" Apple Bloom cried out, pointing to the wide lake laid out for fish, swimming, and boating. "This is...how could ya not have told us about all this? Think o' the Crusading opportunities!"

"I'm trying desperately not to," Sweetie Belle whimpered as she stared at the many steep drop-offs caused by the estate being built into the side of the mountain.

Scootaloo sighed softly, and pointed above the gate to where the family crest was emblazoned. Unlike most noble crests, the four symbols were arranged in a diamond pattern, rather than a square. The upper three were each one head of Cerberus with a Cutie Mark emblazoned on its forehead: Celestia's in the upper middle, Luna's on the left, and Twilight's on the right. The bottom middle symbol was an echo of the entire crest in miniature...complete with an even smaller echo in that bottom symbol...and an even smaller one there...

"The Royal Watchdog," Scootaloo explained, dragging Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's thoughts away from trying to contemplate the crest. "The Wingshadow family's duty from the day it was formed...is to make sure certain things that threaten Equestria cease to be threats...and to ensure the population at large never even learn that the threats existed in the first place. It may come with a noble title and all the benefits thereof...but it's still not a happy role to take." She fell silent as the gates opened, and Sebastian pulled the chariot through them.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle struggled for something to say...only for the sound of over a dozen yowls to catch all attention.

Over the nearest hill, a seeming swarm of cats of all shapes and sizes swarmed towards Sebastian, all of them pouncing all over him in an attempt to climb him or bat at his tail. Sebastian, for his part, set down the Calico he'd been holding and managed to tend to each and every cat without getting any fur on his uniform, which would have been obvious had it happened as the cats were every conceivable color and color combination but black.

Following the cats, a surprisingly short and slim-built minotaur trotted up. His lower portion was covered by coarse silver fur, his upper body gleamed white, and his baby blue eyes shone with peaceful joy. "Oh, you've returned Mistress," he called softly, gently trying - and failing - to herd the cats away from the chariot. "I'll take the chariot to the garage." He reached for the vehicle as Sebastian unharnessed himself from it.

"Silver Tongue," Sebastian spoke softly. "Be sure to carry it this time, instead of throwing it."

The minotaur - Silver Tongue, presumably - blinked in confusion. "But I'm supposed to complete my duties quickly," he pointed out, his voice confused.

"Let's try and keep this chariot intact?" Sebastion suggested gently, though his eyes were hard as rubies. "For novelty's sake, if nothing else."

Silver Tongue stared at Sebastian for a time, then nodded. "Yes sir," he agreed, hefting the now empty chariot - which was bigger than his entire body - over his head and trotting towards the manor.

"Is...is he a kid like us?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously, having never seen a minotaur be so small, especially compared to how big Iron Will had been when he came to Ponyville.

"No, just a runt," Scootaloo corrected. "Come on, let's go inside. It'll be easier to tell this story on a full stomach." Turning, she began to trot towards the manor.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle exchanged worried glances, but quickly followed their friend, Sebastian bringing up the rear.