• Published 26th Feb 2017
  • 3,110 Views, 178 Comments

Chaos Theory - Rose Quill

College is around the corner, but strange things are brewing for the girls.

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Chapter One - Bridal Shower

I’m not sure what was more foreboding, the gloomy sky and rain or that Rarity and Fluttershy had planned this party with input from Pinkie. As such, I wound up sitting on a chair in Cadence’s living room, wearing a dress that was a little tighter in the shoulders than I would’ve liked. It forced me to sit up just to avoid the bunching.

Rarity was starting to pass out the gifts that had been stacked neatly by the table.

This is the last time I let Rarity set a dress code for anything.

Twilight sat next to me, sitting just as proper, wearing an outfit similar to her Crystal Prep uniform but with a longer skirt. It was like looking back in time to the Friendship Games when we didn’t know each other. I wonder what I would have said if someone had told me back then that we’d be getting married in a year or so.

I barely believed it myself right now.

“Now, Twilight,” Rarity said, her hand on Fluttershy’s thigh. “This is from Rainbow Dash and Applejack. They apologize they were unable to attend.”

She handed my bride-to-be a wrapped gift about the size of a stepping stone.

Twilight lifted the gift, testing its weight and tilting an ear towards it.

“Twily, sweetheart,” Cadence said. “Part of the fun of a shower is the surprise of the gifts. Think of it like an extra Christmas.”

“Actually,” I said, clearing my throat. “I’m with her on the caution here. Last time Dash sent us a gift, it triggered Pinkie’s magic. If it weren’t for AJ, I’d never would have gotten my security deposit back.”

Cadence sat up, looking over at where Pinkie had just skipped into the kitchen to help Sonata finish.

“Like I said,” she continued. “Take your time.”

Twilight set the gift in her lap and slowly unwrapped the gift to find four placemats inside. Along the border were a series of symbols with a special meaning to us all - what would have been our cutie marks in Equestria. I saw AJ’s, Pinkie’s, and Fluttershy’s across the top, and Rarity’s, Dash’s, and Sonata’s across the bottom. Our individual marks held court on the sides and were in the center, merged overtop each other. Two had mine as the dominant mark, the other half had Twilight’s star as the primary one.

“These are so cute,” Twilight said as she flipped through them. “Where did she get them made?”

“She didn’t specify,” Fluttershy said. “But I remember her saying that her Dad has a deal with a local print shop.”

I looked at the Fluttershy. Ever since the cruise, she had become more confident. She still spoke quietly, but she hardly ever mumbled anymore. I wanted to chalk that up to the fashionista next to her.

Rarity, as the host of the shower, handed the next gift to Cadence. “From Night Light and Twilight Velvet.”

Cadence opened the box to reveal a baby album. She giggled and opened the book to find a folded piece of paper with handwriting on it.

“Cadence,” she read. “While I’m sure this may be premature, we both know how long it took Shining Armor to get the nerve to ask you out. Hopefully, when you decide the time is right for starting a family, this will help him remember to string words into coherent sentences this time. With love, Velvet.” She put the note back down, a grin tugging at her mouth.

“Sounds like Shiny, all right,” Twilight said, the bow from the first package draped across her neck as she toyed with the ends.

Lemon Zest leaned in, headphones down around her neck, a strange juxtaposition against the classy dress she was wearing. She held out a wrapped package about the size of a box of checks.

“We all chipped in on this, Twilight,” she said as my fiancé took the small box. “Figured it would be nice to give you a good send off. Ya done good, kid.”

She smiled and was about to tilt her chair back until she caught Rarity’s glare. She sat up straight instead.

I had never understood Twilight’s desire to connect with some of her Crystal Prep classmates that had stayed in town after graduation. Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, and Sunny Flare were all present and much more likable than the last time I’d seen them almost two years ago. It still bothered me knowing how poorly they’d treated my love while they were classmates, though.

Twilight opened the package and pulled out four airline vouchers. She frowned and glanced at her former classmates.

“We weren’t sure where you were going for your honeymoon,” Sunny Flare said. “So we just bought vouchers. They should be good for practically any destination in the country.”

Lemon grinned. “I would recommend Las Pegasus, myself.”

I rolled my eyes and stifled a chuckle.

If they only knew… I thought.

Behave, Sunny, came a thought back through our bond, tinged with laughter. They’re doing their best.

I looked at Twilight and caught her wink at our silent exchange. This was a fairly new development in our magic and it made for some interesting memories. The last Pictionary night at the Sparkle house had been a complete landslide victory for us. I think Cadence is catching on, though. She was starting to give us the same sly grin she had leading up to us trying to tell her folks about me being a Unicorn last winter. She seemed to have a knack for knowing.

The rest of the gifts were a blur to me. Some glassware, silverware and a set of cake knives, for the big day, were sitting next to the plane tickets and placemats, along with a couple of gift certificates for Cadence and a set of bathing suits that had set Twilight's face aflame.

Fluttershy pulled back from my hug and smiled. “I’m sorry Dash and AJ couldn’t make it.”

I shrugged it off. “Dash is in the runnings for a spot on the academy's premier team. I’d rather hope she makes it then complain that she isn’t here. And AJ is right where she needs to be, on the sidelines.”

Twilight slid her arm through mine. “Sonata said the food is almost done,” she said, tilting up on tiptoes to peck me on the cheek.

“Who would’ve thought that Sonata and Pinkie would manage to get the funds to open up a catering business of their own?” Rarity said as we all sat down.

“Well, between the two of them, I’m sure it will be a rousing success,” Cadence said.

Twilight was still messing with the ribbon from earlier, this time tying it up in a bow where her scarf would’ve been. She looked at me and I grinned.

Is that a present I get to unwrap later?

She blushed furiously and looked around to see if anyone noticed. Before I could press on, our hosts came in with several trays of food. It was a full feast, including a vegetarian dishes for myself. I smiled with thanks at Pinkie who winked back before going to get drink refills.

“Everybody,” Sonata said, her business casual outfit so jarringly different from her usual punkish style she had worn leading up to the Battle of the Bands. “I hope you enjoy your meal. And to the brides,” she continued, lifting her glass. “Best wishes and good luck.”

A round of agreement came from everyone, and Twilight, Cadence, and myself raised our glasses as well.

Just as we took a sip, I noticed a flicker of something from the corner of my eye and my skin crawled for a second. I shivered and looked around but as I did, the strange sensation was gone.

I rubbed my bare arm, the chill dissipating.

“Sunny?” Cadence said, looking at me. “You ok?”

“Yeah,” I said, smiling.

No sense ruining the party on something that was likely my imagination.

“Just a chill. I’ll be fine.”