• Published 26th Feb 2017
  • 3,110 Views, 178 Comments

Chaos Theory - Rose Quill

College is around the corner, but strange things are brewing for the girls.

  • ...


I started the first song, pick flowing across my guitar for the simple intro. Twilight and I had written it, based off of thoughts we had had prior to the Friendship Games.

Everyone here likes who I am

And it’s not from a magic spell’s command,whoa-oh

We look past the things we’ve done

And remember all those quests

Mythic creatures, magic tests

This was great, but’s it’s

Not who I am anymore

We had a different dynamic now, having a few extra members on stage playing with us. As I ended the first verse, not only did the rest of the band join in, but so did Octavia and the string quartet of hers, adding a different slant to our music. Twilight stepped forward to continue the song.

We’ve walked these halls before,

Been in and out of every door, whoa-oh.

Theres no part of this school I don’t know

Every class, you try your best

Try to pass on every test,

And now it seems it’s time for us to go

I know there's more that's out there,

And I just haven't found it yet.

I know there's more that's out there.

Another me I haven't met.

We all joined in on the second part of the chorus, including the Sirens, standing behind the stands since they hadn’t worked on forgiveness from the school yet.

And I know there’s more that’s out there

Maybe folks that we can help

I know there’s more that’s out there

Because we’ve seen it for ourselves

There’s only so much this town can offer

And I’m not saying that’s so bad

But I know there’s more that’s out there

Cause it’s the life that I once had

Rainbow slid into a slow solo, the notes sounding both plaintive and hopeful at the same time. I looked out at the audience, seeing the seven girls sitting near the back with looks of awe on their faces, one, in particular, grinning madly as the solo ramped up near the end.

The door is open our path is set

But that doesn’t mean we’re ready to move on yet.

Yet sometimes staying safe

can make you feel out of place

And I know there’s more that’s out there

Another world to explore.

And I know there’s more that’s out there,

Are we wrong for seeing more?

And I can't wait for it to happen;

And what it is I cannot say.

I just know there's more that's out

there, and it's calling out my name.

And we’re searching for the answer,

And you’ve all shown us the way.

We may not know what's really out

there, but we'll find out someday!

I waited for Rainbow’s bent note to end before Twilight and I finished the song.

"We'll find out someday..."

The assembled students and adults exploded into applause, and none were as fast to clap than the seven in the back. We all bowed and stepped off the stage to take our place among the other capped and gowned students.

I don’t remember a lot of the speeches given by the principal or the guest speaker Sapphire Shores outside of some brief compliments thrown the band’s way. All I do remember clearly is the look of pride Celestia had as she shook my hand while handing me the diploma.

My apartment was packed with all of us girls and two dogs all the glamors dropped. We all were enjoying the small mountain of sweet baked goods that the Pinkies were churning out as though they were racing, despite there only being the one oven. Sadly, Starlight had a show with Trixie that night so she had returned early. The Applejack from Equestria came back up from outside, a small crate of rainbow-hued apples in her hands.

“Now Ah’ve saved these here for a special occasion like this,” she said, setting it down on my dining room table. “From what ya’lls AJ says, this world doesn’t have anything like it, so Ah suspect it’ll be a treat.”

I picked up one of the apples, my mouth watering in memory. “It’s been years since I had a zap apple,” I said, biting into it and savoring the unique taste, somewhat tart and sweet at the same time.

My AJ bit into one and chewed thoughtfully for a moment. “Why don’t you have a bigger trade in these?” she asked as the apples were sampled by everyone.

“You can only pick them one day of the year and they spoil quick,” Applejack replied. “Fortunately, it looks as though the portal preserves them for a bit.”

Between the apples and the baking going on, I had a feeling that the place was going to smell like a pastry shop for a while after tonight.

And that was just fine with me.

“Hey Sunset!” my Rainbow Dash called from the doorway. “It’s here!”

I hopped outside to watch as a box truck pulled up. A single young man climbed out of the cab and came to me, holding a clipboard.

“Sunset Shimmer?” he asked.

“That’s me,” I said.

He handed the clipboard out for me to sign. “Anyplace special you want it?” he asked.

I jerked my thumb at the building’s awning as I passed the clipboard back. “Under there, if you please.”

Sunshine came out with a puzzled look on her face. “I didn’t know we were expecting anything,” she said.

“It’s something I ordered after we finished with Acerak,” I said, watching the delivery man roll my order up to the spot I had indicated. “Something to occupy my time over the summer and something that I’ve been a little afraid to do.”

“What are you going to do with your car?”

“Share it with you, as usual,” I said, walking over to the battered chassis of an older cruiser style motorcycle. “Can’t ride this in the heavy rain anyway.”

“Looks rather worn in,” she said, eyeing it critically.

“Oh, it’s a fixer-upper for sure,” I said. “But nothing worth it is without effort.”

She kept her gaze on the scarred metal of the bike, eyes distant. I could tell through the bond she was remembering her captivity. She knew now that it hadn’t been months, but the acts that she had been forced to do, including repeatedly destroying illusions of her friends, had taken a toll on her. I reached out and put a hand on her shoulder.

“And you are more than worth the effort,” I said, sending as much love and warmth through the bond as I could.

She reached up and gripped my hand.

“I do hate to interrupt,” Rarity said. “But I was going to go show my counterpart my shop and get some pointers.” She adjusted a bracelet on her wrist. “When are we expected to be back so they can return?”

I shrugged. “Twilight said they weren’t staying the night, but I’m sure it wouldn’t matter if the two of you stick together late.” I subconsciously put a hand on my side, where I still had an angry red scar from Acerak’s talons that not even the Siren’s Song could heal. “It’s not like the portal is dangerous anymore.”

She squealed in delight and dashed in to grab her purse, the twin fashionistas’ hurrying to the convertible to go obsess over designs in Rarity's private studio.

I sighed. “You feel any different?” I asked.

“From what?” Twilight asked.

“Being a High School graduate,” I said. “This time last year we were facing off against each other in the Games. Now we’re adults in the eyes of the world.”

She slid in and slipped an arm around my waist, careful to not touch my scar.

“C’mon, Princess,” she said, teasing me with my title. “Let's go enjoy the party. There's time enough to be adults in the morning.”

We went back inside and proceeded to enjoy celebrating with friends from both sides of the mirror.

Author's Note:

I've alway felt that the duet version of What More Is Out There was a great song, and with a few alterations could have remained in the movie even after cutting the Sunset homesick subplot.

As such, I gave an attempt to work it into the ending of their high school lives as both ready to move on but anxious at the same time. Maybe it worked, maybe not.

I'd like to thank BlackWater and Wolfkin again for their invaluable help in proofing this mass confusion as I wrote it and kept me from going too far off the rails.

But for now, these girls are going to have a respite and I look forward to starting my next project.