• Published 26th Feb 2017
  • 3,110 Views, 178 Comments

Chaos Theory - Rose Quill

College is around the corner, but strange things are brewing for the girls.

  • ...

Chapter Twelve - Night Versus Day

I spread the Elements out on the table, looking at each of them in turn.

“I’m not sure,” I said. “But I’m fairly sure she’s somewhere in the warehouse district. It’s out of the way and past the point I could reach with my scrying. We’ll head that way, and we’ll keep the Elements at hand.” I picked up the gem that I had received from Starlight.

“Adagio, I want you to hold onto this,” I said. “It amplifies magic, and we saw it reacts to your Song.” I looked the girl in the eye. “It may just do more than annoy him this time.”

The Siren smiled, taking the ruby and tucking it into a pocket.

I took a deep breath, clearing my thoughts. “I’m going to be the only one he should see,” I said, slipping on my Element and feeling the increased magic flow through my veins.

“Now hold on just a cotton pickin’ minute,” Applejack said. “We ain't about to let ya go alone.”

As my horn finished manifesting, I smiled at the farmer.

“I said I’d be the only one he’d see,” I smirked. “Not the only one he’d face.”

Pinkie grinned as she grasped the idea. “So we’re going to be like a sneak attack!”

“Bingo,” I said, charging up my horn and beginning to cast the spell I had in mind.

I stared at the darkness, my mind numb. I had long since lost track of time, the building I was in barely let in light, and the constant assault on my senses by Midnight Sparkle had warped my sense of time even further.

I wondered just how it was that they hadn’t found me yet. Was I beyond where they could search? Was I in another dimension?

“They’re most likely dead,” a smooth voice purred.

I didn’t even react, as my alter ego’s appearance was so commonplace now that I almost felt comforted by it.

“Ridiculous,” I spat. “I’d know.”

“Through that bond you’re so fond of?” she oozed back. “If you would have felt that, why haven’t they found you yet?” She leaned close enough for me to see the separation in the feathers on her hooked wings. “Maybe it isn't as strong as you think.”

I reached out and grabbed the edge of her outfit, dragging her close to me.

“I’d know,” I growled in her face.

She laughed as she pulled away. “True, I can’t deny that,” she chuckled. “But you know, you’re wasting your time fighting me. I’m not your enemy here.”

“I told you you’d never be in control again, demon.”

“Ah, but with my power, you could crush Acerak easily,” she cooed. “Avenge your friends.”

“They’re not dead,” I said, but even as I said the words they tasted like ash in my mouth.

“You shan’t find out in this captivity,” Midnight pointed out. “I may visit you, but he’s the one that truly keeps you caged, trapped in this maddening loop of time.”

I hated to admit it, but she was starting to make sense.

“Next time he tests you,” my dark half whispered. “Let me help.”

I pulled off the road, shutting off the car and stepping out. I pulled my Element on and began to walk forward towards the chain-link fence that sealed off the ramshackle warehouses. My wings spread and I flew over the top, easily infiltrating the complex. As I walked forward, I heard a slight jingle of metal from the fence but I ignored it.

I closed my eyes for a moment, stilling my thoughts. I caught a flash from the bond, and I knew Twilight was near, but there was something off about it, something dark beyond the sense of nearness.

I didn’t like it, it felt wrong. There was something familiar about the darkness, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

Hold on, Sunshine, I thought. I’m coming.

I looked up as the thought pinged through my head.

Hold on, Sunshine, I’m coming.

“Sunny,” I breathed, knowing her voice anywhere. But suspicion pooled immediately, It wasn’t the first time I had heard her voice and nothing happen.

Then, she was there, but she didn’t look quite right. Her skin was pale, almost waxy. Her hair held none of the shine and her eyes were glassy. Acerak appeared behind her, putting a hand on her shoulder like a proud parent.

“Now, this is what I like,” he said. “Nice, docile little lambs. She was a delightful meal, I assure you. Not quite as much flavor as the pink one, but a delicacy none the less.”

Rage flooded me. “You didn’t. I don’t believe you!”

Acerak gestured as Sunset. “I brought you proof,” he said. “The reason behind your months of captivity was to break her will, not yours. To make her pliable, and to get rid of her as a threat.” He chuckled. “I really didn’t expect it to be so simple, actually.”

I didn’t believe him, and I reached out with my bond to confirm another simulacrum. I felt it resonate off Sunset, and the mindless shell in front of me seemed to react.

“Twi…light?” it rasped.

I felt a wall inside me snap, and white flooded my vision. I felt wings spread from my back and power wash through me. I glared at him as light flared around my eyes and I held up a clawed hand, magic pooling into it.

“You’ll pay for this,” I hissed, feathered wings holding me aloft as I attacked with all the power I could muster.

I was looking around, trying to get a better fix when one of the smaller buildings simply exploded, bits of wood and metal being flung in every direction. I ducked down in surprise, and when I raised my head again, I stared in shock.

Midnight Sparkle was floating in the air, hooked wings spreading out to hold her aloft. A dark, inky aura surrounded her, adding to the intimidating sight. She looked like she was catching her breath when she spotted me.

“Twilight!” I called. “It’s me!”

I realized as she fixed her gaze on me she wasn’t seeing me. Something was wrong.

“Enough running!” she screamed, hurling a blast of magic at me.

I rolled out of the way, the bolt of energy gouging a hole in the ground as it landed. I looked up, seeing in her eyes anger, madness, and desperation.

“Twilight Sparkle!” I screamed. “It’s me! Sunset! Your fiancé!”

She seemed to recognize me. “Sunny?” she whispered.

“Yes!” I called out. “It’s Sunny!”

Her look hardened. “Another trick,” she spat. “Is this all you can do?” Another spear of magic came lancing after me. "Puppets on a string!?"

I danced backward, pulling a kinetic shield in front of me. “Sunshine!” I screamed. “It’s me!”

My answer was a scream followed by another blast of magic, my shield barely ablating it. She wasn’t seeing the world as it was, I realized. Something was altering her vision.

I leaped into the air, letting my magic pull forth my Daydream form. The next bolt of magic aimed at me was batted aside with my own.

“Twilight,” I said calmly, holding out my hand. “It’s time to go home. Take my hand.” I felt a tear slide down my cheek. “Please still be there, Twilight.”

Midnight seemed to hesitate, uncertainty crossing her face. “But he drained you,” she whispered, her dark aura fading slightly.

“I’m right here, Sunshine,” I said, drifting slightly closer. “I’m alright, I’m not hurt.”

The aura returned to its original hue. “Months,” she gritted. “He held me captive for months and you didn’t come looking!” She sent out another blast of magic, stronger than before.

“It’s only been a day, Sunshine,” I called as I blocked her beam. “I never stopped looking.”

“Lies,” she spat, her wings lifting her higher. “I recognize the area, we’re still in Canterlot. It shouldn’t have taken you months to find me.”

“Sunshine,” I said, my heart breaking. “It hasn’t been months, it’s been hours.” I dodged another attack. “Please, listen to me!” Magic energy crackled by me, almost shearing off the edge of my left wing.

“She can’t hear you,” a voice said from nowhere. “She’s fully trapped in a nightmare of her own creation.” Acerak appeared in midair, smirking as his spectral wings slowly flapped. “Madness has crept into her mind, and there’s not much left that you can do.”

That was when a glittering diamond construct flew up and ripped his wings off.

“What!?” he growled.

Rarity smiled as she flung another full powered construct at him, her full-powered pony form glowing in the dim light. Her horn began to glow with a cornflower aura as she began weaving a fence around Twilight.

“So you brought a friend,” he smirked. “No matter, she’s easily dealt with!”

He flew towards Rarity, talons spreading and reaching for her.

“Now!” I called.

And even from above I felt the magic slamming into me as the Sirens launched into song, the invisibility glamor I had placed over everybody fading to reveal all of us, Dash racing forward to pull Rarity out of the way of Acerak’s now unguided plummet.

AJ rushed forward and slammed her fist into him, sending him careening off the construct that the Fashionista formed behind him. The Siren’s kept singing, the gem hovering in front of them keeping the aura going even when they paused for air.

Pinkie threw a handful of stones into the air, the explosions catching the eye of Midnight Sparkle.

“Twilight!” she called. “We’re here to rescue you!”

I blocked the magical barrage, staring at the twisted form of my love. I heard another solid hit from below and the aura around Midnight wavered. She suddenly blinked, the glowing aura around her eyes vanishing for a moment.

“Pinkie?” she whispered. Before I could say anything, the darkness around her recovered and she scowled at me.

I dashed forward, slamming into her and bringing my power to the fore.

“Twilight Sparkle, wake up!"

The power from the Royal Voice slammed into her, and the echoes followed through the bond, blasting away the residual darkness from around her. We were suddenly alone in the air, our wings holding us aloft. Her’s had shifted, the hooked joint smoothing out and her horn filling in.

“Sunset?” she whispered, reaching out as though afraid I would vanish.

I nodded, tears on my face. “It’s me, Sunshine.”

Her fingers hesitantly touched my face, then she grabbed me in a fierce hug.

“Oh, Sunny,” she sobbed. “You found me. You finally found me.”

“You’ve only been missing for a day, Twi,” I said, stroking her hair.

“It was so much longer, so much…” her eyes flew open. “He tricked me,” she said and I felt anger flowing through the bond.

And she fell into the fray, screaming like Nemesis descending. I followed, taking a slightly different angle of attack.

Acerak didn’t look smug anymore. The Siren’s song kept him from just phasing into mist to avoid our attacks, and he was becoming more and more bestial as he fought. He caught Dash with a claw, but her speed carried her past his attack. She skidded to a stop, holding her arm as some blood began to trickle down from the armor plates.

“Hey!” she said, balling up her fist and charging him. I held off my attack until I saw him grin.

“Dash, no!” I shouted.

In slow motion, I saw her strike him in the face, the speed of her hit lifting him from the ground and flinging him back through the air.

He came crashing down to the ground between the Sirens, using his momentum to slash his talons across Adagio’s abdomen, blood spurting from the wound. The song faltered and died, Adagio’s shriek cutting through the night.

I blasted magic at him, forcing him to focus on dodging. Between Twilight and I, we managed to herd him away from the sisters, but I could tell the song’s effect was wearing off.

“Can’t say it wasn’t fun,” he said, smiling as he became indistinct.

“Not this time!” I shouted, dashing towards him as Twilight pulled up and made a grabbing motion with her hands. Acerak was pulled forward, stumbling slightly as I bore into him fully, magic charging and sending angry fire into his being.

He screamed, and I felt pain flare in my stomach. I looked down and saw his talon buried in my side, blood seeping out.

“I should have just finished you months ago,” he hissed, face showing the blistered results of my spell.

I spat in his face, the bloody spittle catching him in the eye. “A missed opportunity,” I whispered.

He shoved me back, my wings catching me as I tumbled. I hovered there, sending another blast of magic into him, a hand clamping at my side to stem the blood flowing. Twilight swooped in and took over as I drifted over to the Sirens.

Adagio was pale, but her sisters were already singing their healing song. She looked up at me and smiled.

“Don’t let him get away,” she said, handing me the gem. It had her blood spattered on it. I took it with a grim look.

“I won’t,” I said, turning and glaring at the Harpy as he batted Twilight aside.

I mustered my magic and sent it through the gem, resonating it against the magic trace of the Siren’s song. I heard Adagio behind me start harmonizing with the gem, and I hit the harmonizing note of the other two.

The Harpy held his hands to his head and flew to the side as AJ hit him again. He regained his footing only to stagger when several exploding stones took him in a broadside. He scrambled to his feet, his wings sprouting again and he took to the air, barely being missed by another of Rarity’s constructs.

“Oh, no you don’t,” I whispered, taking off after him.

I looked around, seeing my friends powered up and saw that Adagio was still hurt. I drifted down, wings furling behind me.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

She looked down at her belly, swirling silver mist permeating it. “I’ll live,” she said. “You?”

“I’ll be fine once he’s taken care of,” I said, turning to see how things were going.

Only he was gone, and the girls were staring off in the air.

I followed their gaze and saw the slowly fading wings of Sunset.

Then I saw the blood on the ground near where she had body slammed into him.

“Sunny,” I whispered, opening my senses to the bond and feeling anger, determination, and pain flowing through.

“Go,” Fluttershy said. She had stayed out most of the fight, having no active combat ability. A small owl flew down and landed on her outstretched arm. “He’ll help you find them.”

The owl hooted at me, his wise eyes blinking.

“Lead on,” I said, spreading my wings and taking off after my closest friend.