• Published 26th Feb 2017
  • 3,110 Views, 178 Comments

Chaos Theory - Rose Quill

College is around the corner, but strange things are brewing for the girls.

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Chapter Ten - Midnight Daydream

My boots thudded against the pavement as I ran. Momentarily, I spared a thought thanking the foresight to have worn flat soled boots today. My apartment building loomed in sight and I slowed only long enough to put my key in the lock and throw the door open to…

Everyone sitting around the table with take-out Chinese cartons, staring at me.

I blinked in confusion. “Twilight,” I began. “Is everything ok?”

She nodded and I felt confusion bubble up through the slowly strengthening bond. “Why wouldn't it be?”

I frowned. “Not even an hour ago I got a message from you saying that you had been attacked and hurt,” I said.

“Well, as you can see, darling,” Rarity said. “We’re all well and good. Perhaps the book is malfunctioning again?”

“It would make sense, I mean, you’ve only been gone seventy-two hours,” Twilight said, taking another bite of her rice.

“Twilight, I’ve been gone five days, not three.”

Twilight pointed at the clock on the wall, which showed the date as well as time. “I’m pretty sure I know how to read a clock, Sunny,” she said with a giggle.

I stared at the clock. “This doesn’t make sense,” I murmured.

“We’ve always suspected the portal played with time,” Adagio said. “Maybe it’s just warped a bit more?”

I sat down and ran my hands through my hair. “This has been a confusing five days,” I said.

I started to recount what I had found out, but just before I got to the events surrounding my hurried departure, I felt a cold chill start to creep up my back. I spun, looking towards the door as it was ripped free from its frame, Acerak striding in, looking much more solid and human.

He glanced around. “I must admit, this is a nice place,” he said, running a finger across the bookshelf that housed our communication books, then looked at it, tsking. “Could stand a good dusting, though.”

“We’ve been a little busy,” I said, hearing chairs scrape against the floor.

“So it seems,” he smiled, returning his icy gaze to us. “So good to see you all healed up. I’d hate it if you were hurt permanently.” His toothy smile was anything but human, all sharp points and dull shine.

“I’d hardly say we’re healed up,” I said, rage building. “You violated me in a way that I have never thought possible and stole from me something precious,” I tilted my head forward, nudging some magic into the bond I had with Twilight. “I will never forgive you for that.”

Acerak gave off a trilling laugh, sounding eerily like evil birdsong. “And what do you intend to do about it?” he gloated. “I’ve stripped more than half of you of your magic, and by the time you recover enough mana to be a threat it won’t matter anymore.”

“Because you’ll have freed your brothers? Twilight said, taking a few steps forward to be just behind my right shoulder.

“Children would be a more accurate term,” he said. “But good for you, you’ve done your research. I guess I’ll just have to block the portal a little better for the immediate future.”

“So you are involved in the trouble we’ve been having,” Rainbow shouted, and I saw her just inside my peripheral vision.

Please, I thought. Don’t fly off the handle just yet Dash.

“Not just that,” I said. “He’s been siphoning off the magic of the portal. That’s why we can’t hurt him.”

The Harpy clapped his hands in appreciation. “Very good,” he said. “But I wouldn’t mind answering any questions you might have.”

“Why?" Fluttershy asked. Her tone was angry, but only those that knew her would recognize that.

“Honestly?” Acerak said, face losing its humorous look. “That’s your question? Look around you,” he gestured widely. “In the entirety of this world, you ten are the only ones that could cause any sort of problems, and I could crush you with ease.” He locked his eyes on me. “And you were the first to work on.”

I paled. “What?” I whispered.

He smiled a predatory grin. “Celestia doesn't trust you at all. She probably told the guards to bar your entry after you left. You did tend to flaunt her authority in the past,” he said, his voice modulating as he spoke to fit that of the demon. My friends all gasped behind me. He tilted his head slightly, speaking again, only this time his voice matched mine. “I told you it was pointless, you weren't enough to cut it at the school in Equestria, and you can't keep your friends safe here. Acerak will take you each one by one.”

I stared in horror, my mind numb. “It was you the entire time,” I whispered, my rage starting to rise again to wash through my fear. I felt some of it bounce off Twilight’s emotions as her hatred rose in tandem with mine.

Acerak started laughing again. “And it was so simple,” he said, waving his hand at me. “Your self-doubt already existed and gave me an in! The perfect way to destroy someone is to let them do it themselves.” He gave a short bow.

“Now,” I whispered.

Acerak began to rise from his bow and froze in mid-motion. “What…” he spat.

Twilight held her hands forward, focusing her telekinetic grip. “You didn’t hit all of us,” she growled. “Rather sloppy, actually.”

I reached down inside and grabbed the faint strand of magic that had regrown inside and ponied up, feeling a strain as my body struggled to shift for a second, then a wash of power flowed forward and I felt my wings grow and horn begin to sprout. They weren’t fully formed, but I saw Acerak’s eyes grow wide in surprise.

“Ascension?” he spat. “You?! The standards must be getting lower.”

“Or maybe I’m stronger than you thought,” I said, holding my hands out to either side, my friends stepping forward, the sapphires on the Siren’s neck glowing. I started to charge my horn while Rarity set a series of shields around him. They were a little paler than usual, but she had no problem raising them.

Adagio started to sing a note, her sisters joining in and I felt my pocket twitch. As the song grew louder and Acerak began to fight aginst the bonds, the gem I had brought with me floated from my pocket and began to glow in time with the song. I stared at it for a second, having forgotten about it.

And that was when Acerak managed to break free, reaching out with one hand and clenching his fist. Twilight gasped and doubled over, her control over her telekinetic grip wavering even more. A sphere of pale yellow light began to grow in his hand.

“Your control,” he said, standing straight again. “Is found wanting.” He raised the sphere of magic up and bit into it, causing a scream to rip from Twilight’s throat as she collapsed.

“Twilight!” I said, moving to her side. But before I could reach out to touch her, she flew through the air and was grabbed by Acerak, Rarity’s shield shattering. Her glasses fell to the ground between us.

“Let her go,” I said, my anger rising.

“Oh, but I like her,” he purred in response. “She’s feisty, like you.” He started to back through the door slowly. “I think we’ll take some time to get to know one another.”

Twilight whimpered as he ran a talon along her cheek.

“You hurt her and I swear to Celestia you’ll regret it.” I snarled.

“A gripping tale, I’m sure,” he said as he moved up the stairs. “But something I remember from my time in Equestria; even Alicorns are worthless in a fight.” He started to grow indistinct, Twilight’s form following fashion.

“Twilight!” I said, rushing forward just in time for the cloud of smoke to blow away in the air.

My magic flared alongside my anger, and I heard a scraping sound from behind me. I looked over my shoulder around in time for my element to fly forward and fasten itself around my neck, throwing my pony form into full bloom. I spread my wings in reflex.

And that was when the ruby flew over to me and fused with my element, taking the shape of Twilight’s emblem.

And a blaze of light erupted as I felt magic rush through my veins. I felt my horn grow more and my wings turned into blazing light. I started to float up into the sky when I heard a voice call out.

“Sunset,” Adagio said. “What are you going to do?”

I looked down at her, the radiance of my Daydream form causing her to squint.

“I’m going to kill the son of a bitch,” I said, turning and flying off, searching inwardly for the bond I shared with Twilight.

I was floating in a black wasteland. Bones littered the ground and the vegetation was brown and sharp.

“Sunset?” I called out. “Fluttershy?”

My voice defied physics and echoed in the open plain. I turned around nervously. “Anyone?”

“My, my,” a voice said, causing my blood to freeze. “It has been a while.”

I turned slowly to see Midnight Sparkle sitting on a throne-like chair, legs crossed and wings gently folded behind her. She rose and slowly walked to me, a slow, seductive walk that I shied away from, her wings spreading slightly.

“Oh, come now, Twilight,” she cooed as she reached me and reached out a single finger to tuck under my chin. “No warm hug to greet me? No kind words?” She grinned. "No kiss?"

I shuddered at the touch. “I banished you,” I said in a trembling voice.

“No,” she purred. “Not quite. I’m a part of you, Twilight darling, and you will never fully be rid of me.” She began to pace around me. “Every dark nightmare, every shadowy thought, every angry outburst will be me.” She stopped in front of me again. “And each time I’ll be making another foothold back into you.”

I shook my head. “I know who I am,” I said, trying to feel the bond I shared with Sunset. “You won’t get back in control.”

Midnight chuckled throatily, wiping a tear from her eye. “Oh, I forgot how sweet you are,” she said before grabbing me firmly by the chin. “They can’t find you here, despite the bond you share.” She narrowed her eyes, the halo of light around them flared for a second. “You are at my mercy, Twilight Sparkle.” She shoved me backward.

I landed hard onto a concrete floor, the air rushing out of me in an explosion. I dimly heard the mocking laugh of Midnight Sparkle as I scooted up against a wall, trying to see in the darkness, everything blurry.

“Sunny,” I said, feeling an aching hole inside. “Please hurry.”

The only answer was the dim memory of laughter of the side of me I thought I had banished long ago.