• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 4,574 Views, 66 Comments

A Wielder and His Students - Golden Flare

2012. The year that was prophesied to be the end of the world. But in reality, it was a test for humanity, and we failed. Well, except for a select few who passed, like me. Now I have my own Keyblade and live in a new world, teaching future wielders.

  • ...

Mark of Mastery

The moment my exam began, Luna conjured several suits of armor that surrounded me, at least six in total, their eyes began to glow a blue color and started moving on their own, drawing their swords and wielding them in both hands. I summoned my Keyblade and me and my opponents readied our battle stances, the first to attack was from one of the armors and I raised my weapon to block, but it had the momentum advantage and pushed me a ways across the battlefield. I recollected myself and readied for another attack, which soon came from a different armor as I clashed blades with it, locked in between each other as one of us tried to gain an edge over the other.

Eventually, I was able to push it off and follow up with an old three hit combo from the Kingdom Hearts games and a Fire spell, which made it disperse into nothingness.

One down, five to go.

Unfortunately, I let my guard down too long and let yet another armor strike me across the field, the same with another and another until the whole field became one giant pinball game, and I was the pinball. I had enough of the onslaught and prepared to hit the armor I was being knocked over to and sliced it out of existence, I did the same thing to another armor that tried to get the drop on me except I dispatched it with a Blizzard spell, I didn't know I had that one.

Okay, half of them are done, now for the other half.

This time I was focused as an oncoming attack from behind was blocked by me and redirected its blade to its side and slashed across its chest, destroying it. The other two ganged up on me and used their swords against my Keyblade to keep me pinned down. Luckily, I was able to slide under in between one of the armor's legs, making their sword crash to the ground as I picked myself up and dragged my Keyblade across their backs, causing them to disappear. Then, the crowd started cheering for me, happy that I cleared my first test.

Luna walked up to me, "Well done, Devin. Now, on to your next test. Miss Dash, Miss Applejack, you know what to do."

The two nodded and walked in front of me a few feet away as we returned to the center of the field.


We all readied our own Keyblades for battle.


We all charged forward in a rush of wind and collided each our Keyblades.

I knew I was in for a rough battle.

One Hour Later...

After conducting a bunch of skills and tricks during our fight, we were so exhausted that we could only hit each other's Keyblades very weakly, as if our arms were limp noodles.

Luna giggled at our tiredness, "Okay, that's enough, it is clear that you are all evenly matched, so Devin passed." Luna became serious, "Which will make this harder for me."

"Huh?" I ask.

"After you take a break, you'll be up against me. If you couldn't defeat Rainbow Dash or Applejack, what hope do you have against me?"

I was rendered silent all throughout the break.

Rainbow and Applejack sat with me on a bench, "C'mon, Devin, you can't get yourself get down because you can't beat Luna." Rainbow said.


"It'll be okay, Sugarcube, you can handle yerself."


"Well...we'll be with the others in the stands, you get ready for your final test. See ya!" Rainbow said as she and Applejack left me alone.

I began to think to myself, if I can't beat Luna then why did the Book of Prophecies say I passed? It should be pretty much impossible! Unless...I'm missing something.

Just then, I remembered what I told the girls about the Mark of Mastery.

"Yes, but it's not a battle for supremacy, there are no winners, only truths, for when two equal powers clash, their true nature is revealed."

"Of course...!" I utter.

I get up and steel my nerves for my final trial against Luna. As I enter the battlefield once again, I see Luna waiting for me, Keyblade in hand and her dress replaced with full body armor, and the crowd looking quite anxious, but I remain confident, yet serious. The moment I stand a few feet away from Luna, she speaks to me.

"This, is your final test. Are you ready?"

I nod and notice Luna looking nervous to battle me, it's time I gave her some words of encouragement, "There are no winners, only truths, for when two equal powers clash, their true nature is revealed."

Luna was slack-jawed at my words, but then smiled and nodded, then we both get into our battle stances and prepare for a fight. We rushed forward and met in the middle, our Keyblades clashing and sparks flying as we tried to push each other back. Luna had more strength than me and shoved me backwards, but I didn't stumble as she predicted and charged at her with an uppercut swing, knocking her Keyblade off to her side, then quickly going for a downwards swing, which she retaliated by swinging inward and redirecting my Keyblade's path to the ground as she jumped to the side to get away. I wouldn't be denied so easily as I rushed her again, swinging sideways as she raised to block, holding us in another deadlock, which I broke by sliding under her in between her legs like I did with those suits of armor, good thing she wasn't wearing her dress anymore, otherwise it would've really threw me off...anyway, I went for a thrust the second I was behind her, but she swiftly spun around and knocked my Keyblade away from its desired target, instead I was able to cut her arm, but not close enough to slice open a vein, thank God.

Luna was surprised at her sudden gash on her arm and turned to me with a smile, "Impressive. Nopony has ever been able to land a blow on me in over a millennia."

I break my serious face and smirk, "Guess I'm the first in a long time, huh?"

"Verily, surely you will make a grand husband."

"Care to disperse with the banter?"

Luna smirks confidently, "Gladly."

We charge again, but instead of locking in the middle, we slashed and clashed our Keyblades multiple times in several different directions, sometimes raising a block, trying to land a hit on each other. A good five minutes has passed as we kept going strong, but then Luna raised her free hand in front of her as I was going for another strike.

"Enough. The battle is over."

I disband my Keyblade and kneel before her, waiting for her verdict of my test.

"Devin Freeman, you kept a still heart in the most trying of circumstances, never gave up even though you became tired, and managed to survive in a blade fight with me, Princess of the Night...with that said..."

She raised her Keyblade and tapped both my shoulders with it before making it disappear.

"...You have truly shown the Mark of Mastery. Rise, Master Devin."

I did so, and the crowd went wild, cheering at my victory as my friends dogpiled and hugged me, making me laugh at their boldness. Today was truly a good day.

Soon, my victory party came around and everypony from Ponyville and Canterlot were invited, even Blueblood...unfortunately. I met a lot of ponies who became quick friends with me and today couldn't have gone better. But before I knew it, my Keyblade appeared in my hand and shot a beam in front of me, opening a portal to another world.

Everyone was staring at it as I walked up to it, until Celestia grabbed my wrist, "Are you sure it's okay?"

I shrug, "Won't know unless I try."

Reluctantly, Celestia let go and I entered through.

Time to see what was so scary.

Once I was on the other side of the portal, I was in some sort of office with dim and flickering lights.

"That's weird..." I spoke.

Just then, the power went off leaving me in the dark. Shortly after it did, creepy music started playing in the background with mini-lights flashing all around, unnerving me more.

"Okay...how can there be music playing if the power's out?"

Suddenly, an animatronic bear wearing a top hat appeared out of nowhere and screamed as it tried to grab me, making me scream back as I fell backwards back into the portal, landing on my ass and the portal closing immediately. Everypony rushed to my side to see if I was okay, but I was still shaking with fear.

"Devin, are you okay?" Celestia asked me.

"I'm not going back in there." was all I said before passing out from the rush of anxiety my body felt.

In my unconscious state, I could still hear that bear's screech...

Author's Note:

Yeah...Five Nights At Freddy's gave me freaking nightmares, so I made this last part to show that this world was a one time thing and will NOT be shown again.