• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 4,541 Views, 66 Comments

A Wielder and His Students - Golden Flare

2012. The year that was prophesied to be the end of the world. But in reality, it was a test for humanity, and we failed. Well, except for a select few who passed, like me. Now I have my own Keyblade and live in a new world, teaching future wielders.

  • ...

Explanations At Dinner And Daily Outings

After that little fiasco, the princesses calmed the ponies of Canterlot and changed into more presentable dresses that were similar to the ones they wore. Night had fallen and the four of us were situated in the dining room with dinner served; spaghetti with tomato and basil sauce. I ate my dinner pretty quick, not caring if royalty was watching, yeah I was that hungry.

Celestia giggles, "I love a stallion that can eat."

That was enough to get me to eat a little less sloppily while I blushed a little, invoking a few more laughs.

I cleared my throat, "So, um, Princess Cadence—"

"Just Cadence is fine."

"...Okay, Cadence, where's that Shining Armor character I met? Will he be joining us?"

"No, he's working late to make nopony else breaks in." she sighs, "I just wish my husband wouldn't take things so seriously nowadays."

"Well, you and your aunts almost lost your...virginity," I cough nervously, "so if I were married to either of you, I would do my level best to ensure your safety and protection after something like that."

Luna gazed at me with her bedroom eyes, "Is that a suggestion of marriage?"

I choked on my spaghetti a bit before forming a coherent sentence, "W-W-W-What?! That's not what I—"

"So you don't think we're attractive?"

"That's not what I'm saying! You three are absolutely gorgeous! But...I..."

But it was too late to say anything else; the three of them looked at me in surprise, then smiled as they stood up and walked over to my seat.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

Before I could say anything else, one by one they planted a kiss on my lips, making my blush come back full force.

"Thank you." Celestia said, "Whenever we tease stallions, they either blurt out embarrassing things or their true intentions. But you...you said you think we're gorgeous. Beauty is skin deep, you know."

"Um..." I was speechless, they were teasing me to see if I wanted something out of all of this, but what they found were my true thoughts. Yeah, they were downright beautiful, any sane person would think that, but the stallions that courted them either had an ulterior motive or were just plain stupid.

"I'll tell you what; if you can answer our questions, we'll each take you out for a night around Canterlot, starting tomorrow, what do you say?"

I couldn't answer any faster, "Yes! That would be great!"

"Good. Now then, what was the weapon you used against Armored Tyrant?"

"I agree, it is strange for a blade to cleanly cut through solid steel." Luna added.

"I'll do you one better, I'll show you." I stand up from my chair, back up from the table, and in a flash of dark light and static, my new Keyblade appeared.

"My word!" Luna said in awe.

"You can say that again! How did you do that?" Cadence added.

"Well...how do I put this?...this is called a Keyblade, it can either be a weapon of light or darkness, as one cannot coexist without the other, it's the only weapon that defeat the black creatures known as Heartless, and it can open any lock."

Celestia examined it as she walked around me, as if she scrutinizing my every move. Needless to say, I was a bit uncomfortable by this, when Celestia stood in front of me again, she lit up her horn with a yellow light, which wrapped itself around my Keyblade as it started to hover over to her.

"Hmm...interesting design..." she muttered.

But her examination didn't last long as my Keyblade vanished and reappeared back into my hand, surprising the girls.

"Uh, sorry. I forgot to mention that the Keyblade can only be wielded by the person it chooses." I explain.

"Incredible..." Celestia whispered.

"Can we wield Keyblades of our own?" Luna asked me.

"Yes, if they choose you. But..."

"But...?" Cadence coaxed.

"Keyblades are very picky about their owners, but with the power that was granted to me, I can bestow Keyblades to others."

"Really?!" Cadence exclaimed, "How'd you get a power like that?!"

I sigh, not liking this part of the explanation, "Alright...I'll start from the beginning..."

First I explained the Mayan calendar, which foretold humanity's end at the year 2012, I told them that an all powerful deity named God told me it was a test that only a selected few passed and I was one of them, I asked for three things as I was offered a new life in a new world; a Keyblade, journal, and a Book of Prophecies that predicts the future of the world I enter.

"...And well, here I am." I concluded.

The girls were flabbergasted, I guess they never thought a calendar could foretell the future.

"Wait...'Book of Prophecies'?" Celestia asked.

Oh, shoot.

"I'll show it to you three later, when we're in private, but this stays between the four of us." I state.

They nod as the doors to the dining room burst open by a unicorn pony with icy blue eyes, blonde mane and tail, wearing a fancy suit. He had this pompous air around him, and it made me want to yack up my dinner.

"Auntie! Why didn't you tell me dinner was served?!" he said, all whiny.

Celestia sighs in exasperation, pinching the bridge of her nose, "Well, my dear nephew, this was a private dinner for us and—"

"And what is a commoner doing in here?!"

I scowl, "Pardon my hearing issues, but I don't think I caught that." I pointed my Keyblade at him "SAY THAT AGAIN."

He gasps, "Auntie! This ruffian has just threatened me! I demand that he be thrown in the dungeons!"

"I shall do no such thing," Celestia refused, "this gentlecolt saved us from a fate worse than death."

"What?! But...but..."

"Leave, Blueblood," Luna demanded, "or we'll throw YOU in the dungeons."

He stared at the princesses wide-eyed, neither of them willing to help him, then glared at me as I glared back, finally he huffed and left the room, slamming the door shut on his way out.

I groan, "I guess rich snobs exist in this world too."

"'Snob'. That's one word to describe him." Luna says.

"Anyway, tell us more about your world."

I felt like this was going to be a long night...

Day 1
Night Out With Celestia

After explaining to them about the ups and downs of humans and humanity, we all finished our dinner and went to bed. When I woke up this morning, I noticed something wasn't right...first of all, I feel like I'm being smushed, secondly, I also feel arms wrapped around me, and thirdly...I got a good look at who it was.

Celestia and Luna.

In my bed.

Without a stitch of clothing on them.

Now, normally this would be a perverted guy's paradise...but I'm not like that, so...


Celestia and Luna were standing before me, now fully clothed and looking nervous as I paced around the room.

I rub my temples as if I had a massive headache, "Okay...at first I was going to scream at you two for your little...stunt. But I decided to let you girls tell your side. Now then. Celestia. Luna. Tell me. WHAT. IN GOD'S NAME. WERE YOU TWO THINKING?!"

Celestia sighs, "It was Luna's idea."


Luna takes over the conversation, "You saved us and shared information with us willingly, I thought you deserved some kind of reward."

Something tells me there's more to this. "And?"

"Well..." Luna mumbles something I can't hear.

"Say again?"

"I and my sister wish to court you as our soon-to-be husband."


I could've sworn I heard my own heart skip a beat. "WHAT?! Did you ever think to ask me if I wanted anything to do with this?!"

Luna looked dejected as she stared at the floor, "I should've known you'd say no."

Aw, Goddammit! Why do these ponies have to look so irresistible?!

"I-I didn't say no, I'm just...surprised is all. Don't you think you girls are taking this a little too fast?" I say.

"We do." Celestia interjected, "But that is why I offered for us to go on dates for the next few days, for you to get used to us and grow a little more comfortable with the thought of marriage."

"Yeah, but...a few days? At best, I'm gonna need a month to decide something this major."

Celestia nods, "We understand, right Luna?"

Luna begrudgingly nods, "...Yes." her head pops back up when she thinks of something, "But we CAN still cuddle with you, right?"

I sigh, "Alright..." Luna looks absolutely giddy...too bad I'm gonna have to shut her down. "But keep your clothes on please. At least until I make my decision."

Celestia smiles smugly at Luna's unprincess-like whine.

Once that was over, Celestia and I left the castle and walked around Canterlot, attracting some unwanted attention and the nobles bowing before her.

I lean over to whisper to her, "Um...if I do decide to marry you and your sister, ponies are gonna bow before me like they are right now to you, aren't they?"

"Most likely. Why? Is there something wrong?" Celestia whispers back.

"It's just...well, I'm not a big fan of being worshipped, especially for marrying royalty. I just want others to see me and think, 'oh, there goes Devin, hope he's doing good with his life,' not think of me like, 'sweet Celestia, it's him! Bow, you idiot of a pony!' It's makes me feel like I'm better than them, but I'm really not. You know what I mean?"

Celestia stifles a giggle, "'Sweet Celestia'?" I scowl at her not taking this seriously, "Sorry, sorry, I heard you, and I understand completely. In fact, that's how I think you're going to be a great ruler one day; not all stuck up and full of yourself. Now back to the other topic..."

"You gotta admit, you had to have heard some of the ponies taking your name in vain."

Celestia sighs, "Yes. It becomes quite...insulting after a while. Even if I make a law to prevent ponies from saying that, they'll still say it behind my back."

"Yup. An old saying where I come from, 'you're only in trouble if you get caught'."

"From what you told me about your world, such philosophy would give birth to crook and thieves."

"A little late for that now." I say bitterly, remembering the reality of my world.

Soon enough, we came up to a fancy restaurant and entered as the waitress set up a table for Celestia, and stopped me as I tried to sit down.

"Excuse me, but this table is for the princess. I can seat you somewhere else, sir."

"It's okay, he's my—"

"Guest!" I stop her before she says something we'll both regret, "I'm her guest for the evening."

The waitress and Celestia both look at me wide-eyed until the former cleared her throat, "Okay then, please take your seat, sir." I sit down and hear her say, "For a moment there I thought that the princess was going to say you were her date."

I chuckle nervously, "Yeah, crazy, huh?"

She gives us our menus and she leaves. I look it over and decide on the ravioli, but when I look at Celestia she doesn't seem very happy.

"What was THAT all about?" Celestia harshly whispers.

I sigh once again for today, "Sorry...I just thought It'd ruin your image if you were dating...well..."

"A commoner?"

I look away in shame, "...Yeah."

Celestia puts her menu down and cups my face with a hand, "Devin, look at me." I do so and see her most compassionate eyes staring into mine, "I don't care about my image, some ponies don't think I should be in power, I don't care about the naysayers." she smiles, "But it was sweet of you to put me before yourself. Don't be afraid or ashamed to admit to dating us, okay?"

I nod slowly, "Okay."

"Great!" she leans back into the chair and reads the menu, "The ravioli looks good."

My eyes went wide, "I was thinking the same thing."

Celestia smiles at me again, "Well, guess great minds think alike, don't you agree?"

I blush at her compliment, but I forced it away when the waitress returned and she took our orders, then leaving saying she'll be back with them soon. As we wait, we talk about various things; our worlds, our customs, even how romance works, but we kept our possible marriage hush-hush, didn't want anypony on the outside knowing, image or not. A waiter comes with orders and sets them down.

"For you, sir and madam." he then walks away, giving the stink eye.

"What crawled up his ass and died?" I ask.

Celestia shushed me, "Language!"

"Uh, sorry. Cursing was part of living in my world."

We chose to ignore what happened with the waiter and ate our food. Unfortunately, the waiter came back with some choice words.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid you'll have to leave."

"Wait, what?" I ask.

"You're bothering the princess and you don't even look like you're from Canterlot, so you'll have to leave this fine establishment."

"The princess invited me to dine with her, thank you very much, and no, I'm not from Canterlot, I'm from another world that is most likely been destroyed by now, so I'll thank you for leaving us in peace."

"Very well, it appears I will have to escort you out. Security!"

The three security guards gathered around me as I continued eating. Celestia looked like she wanted to intervene, but I was just nonchalantly chewing on a ravioli.

I swallowed my food, "You're making a big mistake, dude."

"And why is that?"

I glare at him from the corner of my eye, "...You have no idea who you're messing with."

I call my Keyblade and point it to the guard on my left, "Fire." I blasted him with a fireball as the one on my right tried to grab me, only to be hit by me swinging my Keyblade outward, knocking him unconscious, the last guard tried to restrain me from behind, but I back-flipped out of my seat, landing into a crouch as I swung downward at his back. The guard mumbled something before he collapsed into a heap, I turned to face the waiter who nervously held a kitchen knife at me.

"S-Stay back!" he ordered.

"Why?" I ask as I casually walk over to him, making him walk backwards in fear, "You're the one who had a problem with me and tried to sic the guards on me, so..." I hum as I tap my chin with the tip of my Keyblade and decided, "...I think I'm gonna let you slide."

The waiter blinks, "...Really?"

"Yup." I smirk and point behind him, "But THEY might not be so forgiving."

He turns around and his eyes bulge out in shock, a male pony who looked like the manager of the restaurant was glaring at him as well as some of the waitresses. He snaps his fingers and what looks to be his personal bodyguards show up and grab him by his arms.

"You're fired." the manager said before the bodyguards dragged him out as he was kicking and screaming, he turned to me and Celestia, "I am so sorry about my former subordinate's attitude and rash actions, as an apology, the food you ordered is free for today."

I nod, "Thank you for your kindness, but I think my date and I have had enough excitement for today." everyone gasps at the mention of 'date'. "Shall we go?" I hold out a hand to Celestia and she takes it.

"Yes, we shall." she says.

We headed back to the castle as the sun sets to cuddle for the night with Luna.

Day 2
Night Out With Luna

The moment we got breakfast was the weirdest part of the day; Luna was sitting on my lap, eating out of the same bowl of cereal as me, occasionally spoon-feeding me like a child. It got annoying at first, but then I remembered that Luna wanted to be my husband in the first place, so I let her do as she pleases...no, not anything like THAT! Get your mind out of the gutter!

"Are you okay? You're blushing." Luna asked, making me blush deeper, and she smirks, "Are you considering some...bedroom activities?"

"HUH?! Wa-Wa-Wait a minute! We're not doing anything like that!...not yet, anyway. It's too early." I say, making Luna smile bigger.

"You're really cute when you fumble with your words."

I blush and start shoveling my breakfast, hoping to get this over with before Luna ties me down to the bed. Once we finish, we talk a little bit while Celestia is in the Throne Room dealing with Day Court and selfish, whiny nobles. Then once night fell, Luna and I decided to take a moonlight walk out into the Canterlot Gardens. Truthfully, I enjoy the night, sure it means robbers and thieves come out to play, but I always felt a sense of peace within the blanket of moonlight.

Luna noticed me staring at moon and smiling, "Do you...love the night?"

I look at her, "Of course I do." Luna blushed at my words, "In my world, the nighttime was a time for criminals to run around and cause mischief...but to me, it's a sign of comfort, knowing that the moon and the stars shine a guiding light to those lost in the dark." Luna smiles at my philosophy, "Funny thing, something I've heard of, is that every star in the sky is another world. And the light they give off is shining down on us like a million lanterns."

Luna tackles me into a hug and kisses every part of my face, leaving me in surprise and bliss.

She stops and looks into eyes, "...Thank you."

We spend a long night kissing under the stars...

Day 3
Night Out With Cadence

Today it was Cadence's turn to spend time with me, I refuse to call it a date because she's married and I'm fairly certain that Shining Armor isn't into sharing.

"So, ready for our date?" Cadence asked, wearing casual clothing that really showed off her slim figure.

"It's not a date, you're married. Plus, does Shining even know about this?"

"Oh no, he doesn't, he would flip if he heard I was hanging out with another guy."

I sigh, Guess we got a rebel on our hands. "Alright, but if he finds out, I'm not gonna be cannon fodder."


We walk around, going into a few shops to buy clothes and a few...adult stores, for Cadence to buy some "toys", if you know what I mean. After the shopping was done, we dropped off her bags and headed for a local café for a coffee and a snack. We talked a little bit and enjoyed each other's company, but it didn't last long as the Heartless showed up; an Invisible, five Neoshadows, and several Soldiers, like ten or so.

I summoned my Keyblade and ran into the fray, "I got this!"

I was able to destroy some of the Neoshadows, a few Soldiers, but the Invisible was sneaky, so I followed it as it was trying to get away, when I did I noticed the Heartless giving up after the ponies ran inside their houses. But why? Somebody had to be controlling them, otherwise they'd break down the doors.

Which means...

"It's a trap!" I exclaim.

"Hey kid!"

I looked at where the voice came from and saw someone wearing Ventus's Nightmare Armor from KH:3D holding...the χ-blade?!

"What's the rush?"

To Be Continued...

Author's Note:

Next chapter: a crossover with Balance

Stay tuned!