• Published 21st Feb 2017
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A Wielder and His Students - Golden Flare

2012. The year that was prophesied to be the end of the world. But in reality, it was a test for humanity, and we failed. Well, except for a select few who passed, like me. Now I have my own Keyblade and live in a new world, teaching future wielders.

  • ...

At The End of the World

We were packing our things and loading them up into the truck, trying to get away as fast as we could. The end of the world was nigh, and we were all about to die. I can only guess what my family was thinking right now, "Why did this have to happen?", "How did it come to this?", I honestly had no idea why things would end this way for all of us. All I could think about was why everything bad happens to us; it was bad enough that we were struggling on payments, especially with my family's disabilities, but now this happens, I guess it's true what they say, "Bad things happen to good people."

Even as the world crumbled around us as we drove, I couldn't keep my eyes open, I felt like I was exhausted and wanted to sleep, but I knew if I did, I would be dead. But that didn't stop my tiredness as I dozed off...

When I woke up, I found myself in an empty white space, with a man bearing overgrown hair on his head and face, wearing Christian robes and holding a tome of some sort.

"Hello, my child." he said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am who your people refer to as 'God'."

"God?!" I then realized something, "Am I...dead?"

He shook his head, "No. I simply liberated you from your world before it completely collapsed. The apocalypse was the result of a test mankind was given to see if people could change for the better...millions failed miserably, but a select few passed. One of them being you."

"So. What happens now?"

"I can send you to a new world with a power you can call own."

"...A Keyblade. And the power to bestow Keyblades to others."

God was silent for time, then burst out laughing as if I told him the funniest joke in the world.

"I...don't understand."

God finally caught his breath from laughing so hard, but he still chuckled from time to time, "It's just...you'd be surprised how many people have asked for a Keyblade." he clears his throat, "Which one do you want?"

"Master Xehanort's Keyblade."

God went wide-eyed, "That's a first."

"I just...thought it looked cool, that's all."

He smiles, "I know. I'm God, after all. Anything else?"

"A copy of the Book of Prophecies that depicts the future of the world I enter and a journal to chronicle my life there."

"Fair enough. All I ask is that you keep the book a secret until you find someone you can trust to know about it. We don't want to risk any temporal paradoxes."


"Well, if there's nothing else, I will send you to a world with little hostility, that is almost in harmony."

"Thank you, for granting me this second chance."

"One last thing before we finish up here: will you be going with a different name or your normal name?"

"I'll be sticking with my original name, Devin."

"Very well, goodbye, my child."

God sent me away with a wave of his hand and I ended up blacking out.

I began to wake up, groggy from my sudden sleep, when my senses finally came back, I saw that I had two books with me: a blank journal and a Book of Prophecies. I picked them up and viewed my surroundings, I found myself just outside a city that appeared to be on the side of a freaking mountain with regal looking people with tall ears, long mouths, and tails walking around like nothing was wrong.

...Wait, what?!

I had to do a double take to see whether or not I was hallucinating, but I wasn't, it seemed like the people here looked like horses or ponies or something...wait a second. Could it be that I'm...in an anthro version of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?! Well, I wouldn't put it past God to send somewhere that was almost completely harmonic...if only the females of this world didn't look so hot...damn, now I feel like a pervert.

It was then I heard screaming, "HELP!! THE PRINCESSES ARE IN DANGER!!"

I knew that if I could help I needed to, so I checked to see if God gave me my other requested item, and lo and behold, there it is, Xehanort's Keyblade in all it's glory.

Now, I wasn't much for confrontation back in my world, but...I'm not in my world anymore, now am I? I flipped the hood of my hoodie over my head and rushed into the city, ready to help. When I made it to the city square, I saw all of the, um, ponies gathered there and decided to ask one of them what was going on.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"It's the princesses!" the mare spoke, "Somepony barged into the castle with weird black creatures and fought off the entire Royal Guard! Now he's holding all three of the princesses hostage!"

I see... I began to think, So the Heartless must be here, not only that, but Twilight must not have become princess yet.

It was then that a stallion with a red coat, snow white mane and tail, and sickly yellow eyes, wearing a black spying outfit walked up to the balcony with a mare's mane in his hand as he drug her with him; she had a rainbow like mane and tail, white coat, and purple eyes, wearing a yellow regal dress that appeared to be in tatters. That's when the crowd started shrieking in terror.

He brought her head up to his and addressed the crowd, "LISTEN UP!! EQUESTRIA WILL SOON HAVE A NEW RULER!! ME!!!" the crowd became even more frantic, "AND MY HEIR SHALL TAKE MY PLACE, LONG AFTER I'VE FINISHED HAVING MY WAY WITH THE PRINCESSES!!" with that, he left the crowd in shock, fear, and disgust.

Was he really going to...rape them?

My anger started boiling inside me as the mare spoke again, "This is horrible! If somepony doesn't do something, the princesses will be violated!"

"Roger! Over and out!" I said as I ran past everyone and made a beeline for the drawbridge.

"Wait, are you crazy?!" a stallion shouted.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?!" another mare asked and sighed, "What can a single boy possibly do?"

After jumping over the large fence, like how Sora jumped in his battle with Xemnas, I rushed to the front door, only to be blocked by the Royal Guards.

"Hold it! You can't go in there!" one of them said.

"The black creatures are too dangerous!" another added.

"Explain." I demanded.

"Do we really owe this kid an explanation?" a third asked.

"It's our job as the Royal Guard to protect, not just the princesses, but all of Equestria."

The three turned around to see a white coated stallion with a two toned blue mane and tail and blue eyes, wearing purple guard armor.

"So yes, we do." he approached me, "The stallion you saw was an old member of Princess Celestia's counsel, but he was fired because of his rash ideas and actions. Now he's back, and with reinforcements." he waved a hand to some of the injured guards, "My men were able to escape when we realized the creatures couldn't be defeated by normal means."

"The Heartless." I said.


"They're called Heartless. They are what remains should anybody lose their heart to darkness."

"And how do you know this?"

"Because I've tangled with them before." it wasn't entirely a lie, I fought them in the Kingdom Hearts games, "I can handle this. Let me show you. The weapon I carry is the only one that can stop them."

"Show us."

I nod and with a wave of my hand, I summoned my Keyblade again. They were all surprised by my ability to conjure a weapon out of nowhere.

"So...that's it?"

"Yes. This is called a Keyblade. It's the only weapon that can destroy the Heartless."

"What do you say, guys?"

"I don't know, Captain," the first one said, "If we couldn't take those things down, what makes you think that this kid can?"

"He might." the second one spoke up, "I mean, if he carries the only thing that can destroy them, he may be our best shot."

"He still a kid." the third one added his take, "And like the Captain said, it's our job to protect others, so we can't let this kid in."

"Well, I, for one, think he's the best we got right now, and we have to trust him." the Captain said.

"That's two votes for two." the second guard said.

"Yeah, but I'm the Captain of the Royal Guard, so my votes outrank yours."

They grumble. "...No fair." the third childishly said.

The Captain turns to me, "You think you can do it?"

"I have to try." I said.

He looks hesitant, but I felt that deep down, he knew I had a point, "...Alright. What do we have to lose?"

"Other than the princesses' innocence?"

"...What." he said flatly.

"You didn't hear? I think that guy is planning to rape the princesses."

The Captain began to look extremely angry, "...I'm going with you."

If I knew one thing, it's never cross a man who's angry, "...Okay. But stay close."

He nods as the three guards reluctantly moved aside and we both rushed in.

"Don't worry, my dears," the evil stallion began as he gazed upon the princesses chained up and gagged forms, "I'll be gentle."

Before he could make a move on them, the sounds of a struggle were coming from the main doors to the Throne Room.

"Hmph, no matter, those doors are locked by a spell that only I can remove. Now, where were we?"

He saw a light washing over the room and looked back at the double doors to see that they were opening.

"What?! No! That's impossible!"

The doors opened all way to reveal Captain Shining Armor of the Royal Guard and...some kid with a weird sword?

I looked at the stallion who had a surprised look his face with a hint of defiance, behind him were the three princesses, whom of which I knew were Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, their dresses ruined but still covering what needed to be covered...thank God for that. They were wrapped up in chains, their muzzles gagged, and things on their horns that I learned, from fanfiction, were magic inhibitors, to prevent them from using their magic.

"Cadence!" The Captain rushed to the princesses, but stopped himself when he saw the stallion raise a sword to their necks.

"Not another move or they're headless!!" he barked.

With the utmost control over my emotions, I used my newfound magic to teleport behind the stallion like Aqua fighting an opponent when she collects the Teleport reaction command.

"W-Where did that kid go?!" he asked no one in particular.

"Surprise." I said, making him spin around to face me, only to be whacked in his face with my Keyblade.

"W-Who are you?!"

"Not who..." I took off my hood to show him I'm not a pony, "...what."

The stallion readied his sword to fight, but with a single swing of my Keyblade, I sliced off the tip of his blade. I went for a downwards swing while he tried to block, only for me to chop his sword in half, making it completely useless. Dropping whatever was left of his weapon, the stallion walked backwards until he was grabbed from behind by the Captain.

"Armored Tyrant, you're under arrest for attempted rape, assault, and high treason against the crown."

As the Captain was cuffing him and placing an inhibitor on his horn, I walked over to the princesses, used my Keyblade to unlock their chains, ungagged them, and took off their own inhibitors.

"You girls okay?"

I didn't get an answer, they all leaped onto me, hugging and nuzzling me. I blushed majorly, I was expecting a "thank-you", I wasn't expecting this.

"Um...you're welcome?"

The guards came in and secured Armored as they took him to the dungeons while the princesses regained their composure.

Celestia wiped away some tears in her eyes, "We're sorry. We're just grateful somepony came to save us before we lost something precious to us."

"You're not kidding." I agreed.

Luna kissed my cheek, making me blush again, "Thank you, young warrior."

"It was no big deal." I tried to dismiss.

"Wrong, that was a very BIG deal." Cadence disagreed, "You put yourself in danger to help us, not a lot of kids your age would do something like that."

"I just thought I could help."

"Quite the modest one, aren't you?" Celestia said before kissing my other cheek, making my blush burn more.

"I-I-I-I guess, yeah."

The three of them giggled at my bashfulness.

Cadence cupped my face and kissed my forehead, "Again, thank you."


She turned to see the Captain, "Shining!" she jumped into his arms and they hugged, "You're okay!"

"I should be telling you that! Did he...?"

She shook her head, "No. Luckily the two of you came just in time."

Shining smiled and hugged her tighter, making me smile. Soon enough, the royal sisters embraced me from both sides with big smiles on their faces.

"We can't thank you enough for saving us." Celestia said, "Could you tell us your name?"


"Devin. That's a nice name." Celestia seemed nervous about something as she blushed, "Would you like to stay for dinner?"

My stomach growling was all the answer she needed and giggled again.

"I'll take that as a yes."