• Published 21st Feb 2017
  • 4,574 Views, 66 Comments

A Wielder and His Students - Golden Flare

2012. The year that was prophesied to be the end of the world. But in reality, it was a test for humanity, and we failed. Well, except for a select few who passed, like me. Now I have my own Keyblade and live in a new world, teaching future wielders.

  • ...

Interlude: Book of Prophecies

Day 1 of Rehabilitation

After being situated in my bedroom, I laid down on my bed to sleep off the headache I got from Rainbow Dash's complaining. After a while I could hear Twilight yelling at Cadence from a few rooms away, making my headache worse. Knowing that I wasn't gonna get any sleep, I picked up my Book of Prophecies from my nightstand and started reading.

After Zeke left this world, Devin had been beaten by Princess Cadence for leaving her at the café.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got that part already, what about later?" I flip through the pages impatiently.

Devin lets his soon to be students and wives in on the secret of the Book of Prophecies and tests out their own theories, making them ecstatic, especially Twilight, whom of which was very curious about the future.


I continue to read until I finally pass out, the last thought running through my mind was how was I going to tell them about the Book of Prophecies.

Day 2 of Rehabilitation

Everyone gathered into my guest room for the week and I began to explain to them about the Book of Prophecies, that it is a tome that reads the future of this world, needless to say, Twilight was ecstatic, just as the book predicted. Thank you God.

"I can't believe it! A book that can see the future!" Twilight said as she squee'd.

"Shh!" I shushed, "Do you want all of Canterlot to hear you? We have to keep this to ourselves, we can't risk any temporal paradoxes."

"But we can still read through it, right?" Twilight asked, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

She didn't need to do that, I was gonna loan them the book anyway.

"Okay." I said, making Twilight jump for joy.

She snatched the Book of Prophecies from my hands and started reading through it.

"For the record, can't you just ask for me to hand to you like a normal hu—ahem—pony being?"

Twilight realized what she did and blushed in embarrassment, "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to—"

I cut her off with a laugh and patted her head, "I was just kidding."

Twilight puffed her cheeks in annoyance and began reading. I had a feeling this was gonna be a good and funny week.

Day 3 of Rehabilitation

After a while, I was able to get out of bed without any help and wander around the castle, wondering where the girls went, if they're planning to screw around with my book, then I better keep an eye on them just in case things go south. Eventually I found Rainbow and Pinkie at the top of one of the castle towers holding a giant water balloon filled what God-knows-what. I approach them quietly to overhear what they're saying.

"Do you see him yet?" Rainbow asked.

"Nope! Like the book said, he's supposed to be entering the castle with his complaint at 1:00 PM on the dot." Pinkie answered, quoting part of the book.

"Okay, so what time is it?"

"12:58." I say, startling both of them.

"Where'd you come from?!" Rainbow asked me.

"Been here for less than a minute, what are you two up to?"

"Oh well we read that some ex-waiter from the restaurant you and the princess went to once gave you a hard time and we read that he was going to complain to the princess about you so we decided to get him back for ruining your date!" Pinkie ended her tangent with a squee.

"...Wow. You'd probably give my brother a run for his money talking fast like that."

Pinkie just smiled and checked her watch, "Ohmygosh! He's almost here!"

Rainbow lifted the massive balloon with ease over the tower's edge, "Ready!"

We all looked down to see a male pony, who was indeed the same ex-waiter from the restaurant, storming his way to the castle gates, seemingly muttering to himself, unaware of the fate that is about to befall him...

The stallion was seething.

Not only did he lose his job, but he lost the benefits that came with it; parties with the nobles, free food from the restaurant, and a slowly growing rank in the nobility. But now it was all gone. Nobles laughed at him, no restaurant gave him a job, and he lost his ranking.

All because of that peasant.

He was muttering something nopony could hear, "When I get my hands on that child, he's gonna—"


A large object fell on top of him and splattered an orange-ish substance, some of it got in his mouth, which he spit out in disgust.


We laughed and laughed and laughed until our sides ached from doing so, once we were done we looked back down to see the entire city laughing at the stallion's misfortune. He ran away screaming and crying like a little kid as we high-fived each other.

I knew this was gonna be fun.

Day 4 of Rehabilitation

I decided to rest in bed for today, because my pain killers were taking forever to work this time around. Later on, Celestia and Luna joined me in bed and snuggle and cuddle, which relieved some of my pain. I suppose marriage with these two didn't seem so bad after all.

Day 5 of Rehabilitation

I was laying in bed like yesterday, the only two differences is that the princesses didn't join me and I was reading through the Book of Prophecies to see what the future had in store for me.

Not long after completing the Mark of Mastery exam, Devin's Keyblade suddenly reacted and opened a portal to another world. He chose to check it out, but not even a minute later, he falls out of it backwards screaming and shaking in fear. Naturally, everypony goes to him to make sure he was alright, but all he said was, "I'm not going back in there."

"Huh? That's strange. How bad could this world have been to scare me out of my pants?"

Guess I'll find out soon enough.

Day 6 of Rehabilitation

A while had passed now and I was able to walk around with no problem, but I still need to go to the doctor on the seventh day to be sure that the pain is completely gone. Right now I was trying to find Twilight, who had the Book of Prophecies for the day and was analyzing it in the Canterlot Castle Library...now if I only knew where it was. After about five minutes of searching, I nearly bump into Princess Cadence, who looked guilty upon seeing me.

"Hey." she said.

"Hey." I said back.

An awkward silence occurred.

"Look, I'm sorry for beating you up, I wasn't thinking straight." Cadence apologized.

"And I'm sorry for forgetting about you and leaving at the café by yourself." I apologize back.

"It's okay. How about we start over?"

"Sounds good to me. Hey, do you know where the castle library is? Twilight has the Book of Prophecies for the day and I'm trying to find her."

Cadence giggles, "Of course she would do that. C'mon, I'll show you the way."

I nod and follow her to the library. I'm glad we got things patched up between us.

Day 7 of Rehabilitation

Today was the day.

Today I was going to hear from my doctor about my condition.

My possible wives and Princess Cadence were sitting with me in the doctor's office, waiting as he did some basic tests for pain and reflexes. After he was done, he wrote some stuff down on his clipboard and turned to us.

"Well, Mr. Freeman, it seems the pain has finally stopped, but I would advise not doing anything strenuous for the rest of the day should you have a relapse."

"I understand." I said as we left the hospital, the princesses hugging me all the while.

"So what should we do to celebrate?" Cadence asked.

"Hmm..." I think for a moment, then snap my fingers, "How about we have Pinkie plan a party for my recovery?"

"I think it's perfect. Let's go inform the girls, shall we?" Celestia said.

Little did we know that Pinkie had already planned ahead and surprised us with a surprise party and invited nearly everyone in Canterlot, the banner up top said, "CONGRATULATIONS FOR RECOVERING!" In no time at all, the party started up and everypony was having fun, even me, despite the fact that I had to stay out of some of the party games. Today, I will have fun with my new friends and future wives.

...But tomorrow, my true test of worth begins.

The Mark of Mastery.

Author's Note:

Sorry this was so short.

Also, thumbs-up for anyone who can guess the Boondocks reference :twilightsmile: