• Published 16th Nov 2016
  • 1,165 Views, 45 Comments

Pony Polka Power!!! - Gpizano

And so about a year and a half passes since spring break, catch snippets of certain character's lives during this time!

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So Hot Cause I'm In Hell

While the initial Los Pegasus heat wave had subsided, it was still very warm at night, making it hard for residents who did not have or could not afford to leave the AC on very hot at night. While some could manage to sleep just fine, others had found it difficult to be comfortable enough to catch some proper shut eye. This was no exception to Jackie or Sunset Shimmer of course, despite their best efforts of kicking off the sheets, stripping down to underwear and forgoing their usual snuggling, the room was still far too uncomfortably stuffy.

Just when it seemed they were finally asleep however, the digital clock beside their bed began to sound, the sound growing louder the longer it was left unattended while the two young women were jolted from slumber.

"God dammit!"

The guitarist's hand slammed down on top of it, managing to press the button and silence the infernal device. Jackie's hand slid off as she squeezed her eyes shut, wishing for just a bit more sleep so that she wouldn't be a zombie for the rest of the day but her girlfriend had other plans. Sunset instead forced herself to rise, stretching her arms above her head in an attempt to further wake her body before standing and moving around the room. While she would of loved to sleep in, it was the first day of her college classes and she had no intention of being late. She glanced over to the bed and saw Jackie had successfully managed to roll over and fall back asleep. While she would of liked for her girlfriend to be awake and see her off on her first day, she instead quietly crept up to Jackie's side of the bed and planted a quick kiss on her cheek before exiting the bedroom.

After a cool, refreshing shower, dressing and having a quick breakfast, Sunset was out the door and ready to start her trek, keeping a written set of instructions on which buses to take to get to the college. If she caught all of these right, then she'd make it to the campus with plenty of time to spare...

"Where were you?"

Barely catching the whisper, Sunset placed her book bag on the desk and slowly sank into her seat, exhausted and a little frazzled. But she put on a smile as she glanced over to the human Twilight Sparkle.

"Nodded off on the bus, missed a stop."

That had cost her some time and running all the way to class hadn't changed the fact that she was late. The teacher was still on his roll, going over what the class entailed and the syllabus. She and Twilight had gone over what classes they would need for their majors and had found that they could take a good portion of them together if they could schedule it. Sunset was certain that her success in college would only increase if she had Twilight as a study buddy so to speak, but that wouldn't mean much if she couldn't master the bus routes she'd have to take.

Shaking off the tired feeling clawing at her, Sunset took a notebook and pencil out of her bag and began jotting down notes.

The next couple of days would prove challenging for Sunset. With the heat still keeping her up at night, she wasn't as sharp as she liked to be. This lead to her missing some questions directed at her by teachers or missing chances to ask questions that would have to wait until after the class was over. Quite honestly she hated that, she didn't want to come off as some airhead to her teachers, that was a first impression she wanted to avoid. On top of all that, she also had to try and stay sharp on the bus. The neighborhood she lived in still wasn't great and she had to make sure that no creeps tried to pull anything. By the end of the week it was all starting to get on her nerves.

"I'm home."

Sunset's call carried through the apartment. Bobby was out, the man nowhere to be seen in the living room, and no sound came from Jackie. With a soft sigh, Sunset headed to the back, figuring she'd find her girlfriend with her headphones on trying to make more songs, but found the bedroom was empty. What caught her eye was her swimsuit placed on the bed with a note.

Get into this, meet me on roof.

Raising a brow, Sunset had already recognized the hand writing as her girlfriend's and idly wondered what the guitarist was up to. Still, she set the note aside and changed into her bikini, putting on a t-shirt and shorts before slipping on a pair of sandals. Heading up to the roof, what she found brought a smile to her face.

Jackie had brought out the old lawn chairs and the cooler next to her, reclining in one with her bikini top and swim trunks on, a cold beer in hand as a very inviting looking kiddie pool, filled with water and some ice cubes was right next to her.

"Hey babe. 'Bout time you got home."

"Mm-hm, this explains why you wanted me to wear my bikini. You've been busy."

"Well you know, had a couple bucks in my pocket and this seemed like a good idea."

Reaching a hand in to test the water, Jackie then reached into the cooler and got some more melted ice to toss in.

"I keep missing you in the mornings when you go to catch the bus Sunshine. So you know... I figure we could celebrate the end of your first week in college. You survived!"


While she tried to sound sarcastic, there was a big smile on Sunset's face, taking her time to strip off her t-shirt and shorts to give Jackie a little show. The whistle and woofs easily told her that her girlfriend appreciated it.

Stepping into the pool, Sunset found it chilled enough that it sent a small shiver up her spine. A happy sigh escaped her as she reclined, not caring that she probably seemed a bit silly since the pool was so small her limbs ended up sticking over the sides. Sunset made a motion to Jackie which caused the guitarist to get out of her seat and join her girlfriend, the two cuddling up and just enjoying the view of the skyline at sunset while Jackie added ice from the cooler every so often.

Author's Note:

Miss me? :derpytongue2:

Well now that the holidays are finally over, I can get back to doing stuff.


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