• Published 16th Nov 2016
  • 1,163 Views, 45 Comments

Pony Polka Power!!! - Gpizano

And so about a year and a half passes since spring break, catch snippets of certain character's lives during this time!

  • ...

I Wanna Push You Around

"That. And we have the apartment all to ourselves."

The flirtatious grin from Sunset was returned with one from Jackie, the guitarist leaning up as Sunset leaned down, their lips connecting as they kicked off their alone time.

With Bobby gone off to a romantic rendezvous with Cinch and Canterlot, both Jackie and Sunset were looking forward to a fun two weeks ahead of them. Don't get them wrong, Bobby was a good roommate, nice guy, didn't make a lot of noise, but now that his bedroom, i.e. the living room, was currently empty, they had a lot more freedom. Watching TV whenever they want, having a new space open to them, eating at the coffee table, making out on the couch... speaking of which.

Things were starting to really heat up as the two kept going, lips locked, Sunset's holding Jackie's face while the guitarist's hands were holding onto an entirely different set of cheeks. Jackie was just about ready to pause the action and take it to the bedroom because well, it would kind of be a dick move to do it where Bobby slept, when a knock came to the door. Both women let out a frustrated groan before Jackie slipped out from under Sunset and walked over to see who the hell was giving her... well, whatever the female version of blue balls was. A glance through the peep hole didn't reveal much, just someone with blue tinted skin with their hair hidden under a black cap. Their voice sounded a little high pitched at first before they cleared their throat.

"Pi-uh, hrm-hm! Pizza delivery. Pre-paid!"

FREE PIZZA-... wait a minute, could you pre-pay on a pizza delivery?

"Meat lovers deluxe with extra cheese!"

.... well, pizza places were trying new things these days. Still, as an added precaution, Jackie picked up the trusty wood bat by the door before slowly opening it.

Only to have to jump back when suddenly a familiar, light fuschia pink hand shot out and pushed the door open the rest of the way with great force. With the door wide open Jackie had a better look at the "pizza deliver person", showing it was none other than Sonata Dusk, her dressed as normally but with all her hair somehow tucked under that black baseball cap. She smiled and waved to Jackie while Aria Blaze appeared from the left and Adagio Dazzle appeared from the right.

"Oh god why!?"

Sunset seemed to share her girlfriend's sentiment, letting out a frustrated sigh as the three sirens invited themselves in, Aria bringing up the rear and closing the door behind them as she eyed the bat in Jackie's hand.

"You gonna swing that or what?"

"Why are you three here?"

Despite the powerless sirens making peace with everyone over spring break, Jackie was still wary of them. Well, mostly Adagio, but Aria could still break her in two now that she was ripped and Sonata well... admittedly she was okay but when paired with the other two it was still bad news. Usually for her. Adagio had taken the chair, Aria had gone over to sit on one side of the couch while Sonata had taken the other side and began flipping through the channels, each giving their answer.

"Today is my day off from work."

"Break from training at the gym."

"I still don't have a job!"

"... so you all decided to just come hang out at our apartment on your days off?"

This question came from Sunset, seated in between Aria and Sonata now as she shot a scowl at Adagio, fairly certain she was the one who had organized this. The orange haired beauty smiled sweetly in turn.

"I thought it had been far too long since we last paid a visit. Aren't you happy to see us? Or have we... interrupted something?"

The suggestive remark was successful in coercing a small blush from both Sunset and Jackie, which in turn conjured a small, triumphant smirk from Adagio. Then she leaned over to the coffee table and flipped open the pizza box, revealing the promised meat lovers deluxe with extra cheese.

"At least we came with an offering of free pizza."

"Adagio, I don't eat meat..."

Not to say that Sunset couldn't eat meat, coming to a whole new dimension with no money or source of income didn't allow for someone to be picky, but she preferred to avoid it whenever possible. Thankfully her girlfriend was already on the move, calling the nearby pizza place while getting her shoes on and get her keys and wallet. Although that would leave her alone with Adagio, Aria and Sonata...

"Alright, quick walk to the pizza place and I'll be back, Sunshine."

"How about I go with?"

The offer from Adagio was a bit of a surprise, the siren rising slowly to her feet, movements catlike as she lightly stretched her arms above her head. Provocative. Evil, but provocative. Of course Jackie's response was as expected.


"I'll pay for the pizza, I'll even throw in soda and a garden salad."

".... ugh, fine. Let's go."

For the sake of more free food, she could put up with Adagio for about twenty to thirty minutes. Or at least she'd be more confident if the fluffy siren didn't shoot her that smirk as they walked out together. Whether it was by mercy or design, Adagio hadn't said anything as they walked down the stairs and a couple blocks, which caused Jackie's guard to be lowered.

"To quote an infamous movie, 'How's your sex life, Vibrato'?"

God dammit!

Fighting down another blush, Jackie crossed her arms and scowled to the siren with the teasing grin on her face.

"What's it to you? It's not like it's your business."

"Forgive me, but as a friend who cares, I am curious. Things are still going well?"

Eying the other with suspicion as they entered the pizza place, she gave her name for the order, adding on the sodas and salad to the order before answering Adagio.

"It's fine. We're happy Adagio and it's all good."

"I see. That's good to hear."

And it seemed that was that. Maybe Adagio really was just curious, maybe even just still inexperienced at boundaries. Either way Jackie was feeling her small ire start to leave, relaxing again as she was handed the food and Adagio handed money over to the cashier. As they exited, she handed over one the pizza and salad for the attractive woman to carry while she carried the sodas. With one two liter soda under arm, she unscrewed the other and held it up to waterfall, not wanting to wait until she was home or had a cup in hand. If she was more alert, she'd see that Adagio was subtly watching her, waiting for the right moment to say...

"I'm surprised you haven't tried any light bondage yet."

While the contents of the liter were safe, the same could not be said for what had been poured into Jackie's mouth. WHY DID IT STING SO MUCH WHEN IT CAME OUT HER NOSE?!

After changing between coughing up the soda that went down the wrong tube and sneezing out the tingling residue in her nostrils, Jackie wiped her mouth and nose before staring at Adagio.


"Oh yes. While I can't say I've ever heard her confirm this, I always had the feeling she'd like to have her or her partner tied up a bit."

"Oh that is such bullshit!"

"Is it?"

"... you're fucking with me."

"Tell me, has things ever heated up when she pinned you down or vice versa? Or that she's wanted to bring something up but hesitated?"

Immediately her mouth opened for a rebuttal but her brain stalled for a moment. There had been the one time she pinned Sunshine's arms above her head and the time her girlfriend pinned her by the wrists. The once. Twice. Okay on more than one occasion since they'd been having sex. Seeing the hesitation and gears turning, Adagio smirked, shifting the pizza and salad to one hand so that the other could gently close Jackie's mouth.

"How does the human saying go? You'll catch flies that way?"

The rest of the afternoon and early evening had gone well. Granted it wasn't how Sunset had pictured spending the day with her girlfriend but the Dazzling were tolerable enough outside of the random squabble between Sonata and Aria or the innuendo flung by Adagio to get under her skin. No what really bothered her was how odd Jackie was acting when she came back. She kept looking at her like she wanted to bring something up but then pulled it back. Even after their unexpected guests left Jackie was acting strange and especially seemed skittish when they were intimate later. To Sunset there was really only one culprit for this and she made the call after Jackie left the apartment for a bit to get some groceries.

"Good evening Sunset and how are you?"

"What did you do to my girlfriend, Dazzle?"

"Ooo, feisty this morning."

With a roll of the eyes, Sunset refused to be derailed as she continued her interrogation.

"Seriously, she's been acting weird since you both got back with the pizza and soda yesterday. What did you say to her?"

"Oh it's not so much what I said to her..."

".... go on."

"Well, after a bit of good-natured teasing, she opened up a bit to me. So very interesting."

"What did she say?"

Not wanting to sound agitated, but what in the world did her girlfriend tell Adagio that she couldn't tell her? Was it bad? Well out of the scenarios that ran through Sunset's head, she didn't expect the answer she was given.

"Well, to be honest she's been thinking of expanding your play in the bedroom."

"... what?"

"Oh yes, something in the vein of light bondage I believe, from what she described of hand cuffs and blindfolds..."

"If you're not going to tell me what was really said-"

"Why would I lie?"

"Uh, to get under my skin? As usual?"

"Oh, then I suppose she didn't act strangely when you tried to have sex? That she looks as if she wanted to bring something up?"

At that point Sunset's vocabulary had broken down, the red head spluttering how questions that didn't even make it past the first word.

"Really Shimmer, you should have this conversation with your girlfriend. It's not good to repress such things. Anyway, it's been fun but I must go, tah."

While Sunset was left speechless and thoughts abuzz, on the other side of town a certain fluffy haired siren was cackling softly to herself, quite pleased. All the while Sonata continued to watch her cartoons while Aria rolled her eyes from the opposite side of the couch she was on before pointing out the obvious.

"You know you're just begging for Shimmer to punch you in the throat one of these days."

The rest of the evening and most of next day were very awkward between the two women, both trying to bring up a certain topic but failing to do so. They'd never tried anything they thought the other wanted to do, it was a little scary to be tied up. Were they right in thinking Adagio was just trying to pull one over on them? But then why was the other acting so strange!?

By evening they were sitting on opposite ends of the couch, barely paying attention to what was on TV as they continued to stress over how to bring up the subject. Surprisingly it was Sunset who finally blurted something out.

"So. Bondage."

"..... yup."

At least it was a start? With the elephant in the room finally being broached, Jackie felt she had the nerve to go on.

"With ropes and stuff. What about it, Sunshine?"

"Um... yes. I've... heard about it. Seems a little scary I guess."

"Yeah. I mean, tying your hands behind your back and stuff."

"But it's not weird!"

"Huh? Uh, no! Of course not. If people like it then it's fine. And the people they're with are open minded enough to give it a shot."

"Right.... right. You have to trust the person you're with and why wouldn't you? No judgment, it'd all be fine."


Silence was starting to reign once more. But before the kibosh could be put on the topic, Jackie took a deep breath and turned to Sunset.

"Look, Sunshine, if you want to do it then I'm totally fine with that. If not then that's fine too, no pressure to do something like that."

"No! I mean. I wouldn't have a problem with this if you wanted to try it."

"... yeah?"


By now they had scooted close enough that Sunset could reach out and take Jackie's hands in her own.

"I trust you. A lot. Enough that we could try this once and see if we like it."

They both shared a smile, a touching moment based on the fabrication of a total lie engineered by one mischievous siren. Although they were over one awkward hurdle, another one had presented itself that Jackie of course was the one to bring up.

"Sooooo... you wanna do it now?"

"I guess? I mean um, how would we-?"

"Well, we could try with t-shirts? I mean, the t-shirts would probably rip..."

"Umm, maybe we should go and actually get some things..."

"Y-Yeah, totally. And um... who would go first?"

"I-I could, if you want..."


Despite their nerves being worked up into a tizzy, they both smiled and headed out to try and discreetly buy proper supplies...

"Little tight today Susnhine."

"Well, I don't want you getting loose again~"

Although awkward at first, this new form of play had held appeal to the two women. It was like a whole new game they had discovered that added spice to something that was already fun! Neither had caught on that it had all started as a way for Adagio to mess with them but at this point it wasn't important. Not when Jackie, in her underwear, was currently being blindfolded and pushed down onto the couch by her girlfriend who was also in her underwear.

"You know we should take this to the bedroom..."

"Do you really want to stop?"

".... eh, Bobby won't be back for another week or so. We'll get it cleaned."

Despite the silk chaffing a bit, Jackie was fully into it as Sunset got on top of her, the fun really about to begin when they both heard the click of the door. Both froze before their heads snapped to the front door as Bobby came in, his dejected look turning to one of shock at what he was seeing.



Author's Note:


But yeah, this and the last one are obviously connected. Fun fact, this idea actually sprung up in a custom cards against humanity game with me and a couple friends that read my fanfiction. I had a blank card. XD

But I just ended up liking the idea so much that I decided to run with it. I guess in What I Got and this one I got into exploring and making relationships, with typical and not typical things. *shrugs*

But yeah, it's all just for funsies and to build the world I guess. :rainbowlaugh: