• Published 16th Nov 2016
  • 1,165 Views, 45 Comments

Pony Polka Power!!! - Gpizano

And so about a year and a half passes since spring break, catch snippets of certain character's lives during this time!

  • ...

Semi-charmed Kind of Life

This was it, the final confrontation of the final baddie. Hours of training up leading to this moment where she would fight this nefarious person for the final time and save everyone! First she'd send out Primarina, she'd use the move Sing to put the big baddies first pokemon to sleep and then-!

"Okay, that's enough."

Suddenly the fantastical world of pokemon Moon was snapped shut, the blue 3DS ripped so suddenly from blue hands that their owner rapidly blinked for a moment as her mind processed what just happened. When she was over the shock of being forcibly ejected from the battle, Sonata cried out and tried to leap off the couch, her legs feeling a bit shaky as they supported her weight while she tried grabbing her 3DS back form Adagio who held it high above her head and out of reach.

"But Dagiiiiiiii! I'm at the final battle with the evil villain! If I don't win then all of the islands in Alola are going to-!"

"No, no, no. Sonata, you haven't moved from this couch for hours. I'm cutting you off."

"Nuh-uh! I get up to pee and grab food from the fridge! And besides, I bought that game!"

Sonata's petulance and stamping of the foot was formidable, although the power of such an adorable glare was undermined by the bags under her eyes. Over all, Adagio was not at all moved, one hand on her hip as she quirked a brow at the younger siren's statement.

"Yes. With my hard earned cash. After you blew through your monthly allowance that I give you for doing chores around the house. Which you have been slacking on more and more, especially after you have gotten this new little game of yours."

It was hard to argue with that, mainly because Sonata couldn't normally think of a good retort even if she wasn't sleep deprived. Still, she stuffed her hands into the pockets of her shorts, gaze to the ground in a guilty fashion.

"I still get them done... and I can't help it if I play a game that's really good."

Despite outward appearances, Adagio was not completely unaffected when her sister looked so pitiful. With a soft sigh, Adagio reached out and gently placed her hand on Sonata's shoulder.

"I know these games can be addicting. It's one of the more insidious things these humans have created. But all you seem to do is hang out around the apartment and play video games, your sleep schedule is off and I worry you're going stir crazy."

"Nuh-uh! I'm... uh, fine!"

Of course Adagio was less than reassured as Sonata seemed to be nodding off, barely able to stand as she swayed a bit back and forth.

"Sonata, I want you to get to bed and catch up on sleep. Then when you've fully rested, perhaps it's about time you tried going out and finding a job again."

"But Dagiiiiii...."

"No buts. Now come on."

With a bit of coaxing, she guided Sonata to her room, where the blue haired siren promptly collapsed onto the mattress, conking out the instant her head hit the pillow. As she snored with mouth agape, Adagio lightly rolled her eyes, setting the 3DS down on the nightstand and pulling the blanket over Sonata's body before leaving the room.

When one went to bed at about four in the afternoon and slept for twelve hours straight, they would understandably need a bit of time to get ready before going out into the world to find a job. Or in Sonata's case, that would mean taking a shower so she wasn't so grungy, have breakfast with Adagio and Aria before they went off to their jobs, and use the internet to see who was possibly hiring before printing out copies of her resume and going out into the world to find a job!

.... right after she stopped by Jackie and Sunset's to see what they were having for lunch!

It seemed she had really good timing since as she approached the apartment, Sunset had stepped out! Sonata smiled broadly and skipped up to the other.

"Hiya Shimmy! What you up to?"

"Oh, hi Sonata. I'm heading out to get a bite-"

"Yay! Can I come? I'm hungry!"

"Sonata, I'm not going to buy you lunch."





"Pretty please?"


And so it continued on in this manner as Sonata followed Sunset all the way from Sunset's apartment to Papa Chayote's Taco Shack. While Sunset's patience had grown immensely in the months she had been around her girlfriend, it was quickly wearing thin as Sonata kept up the relentless begging. It finally came to a head as they were about ten feet away from Papa Chayote's, when Sunset stopped, fists clenched as she took in a deep breath before turning to confront the siren.

"NO! I will absolutely NOT buy you lunch Sonata! Don't you have anything better to do than to bug the shit out of me?!"

Instant regret as Sonata did a very good imitation of a kicked puppy.

"Well... I am trying to find a job. But I never get hired anyway... I'm not really good at anything, especially now that I can't sing anymore."

... dammit. With a weary sigh, Sunset rubbed her temple and mulled over her options. Which was futile since she already knew what she was going to do.

"Well, maybe I could spring for a taco or something..."

Immediately Sonata's demeanor brightened as she hopped forward and gave Sunset a hug.

"Thanks Shimmy! But can I get a burrito instead? That sounds super good right now!"

With a roll of the eyes, Sunset smiled a bit as she followed after Sonata, the two of them waiting in line to give Tino their order. Sunset decided to make small talk during the wait.

"So, you're having trouble getting a job, huh?"

"Mm-hm. I tried before when we moved here, sometimes I made it past the interviews but then I kinda messed up after that so I kept getting fired. I've tried stocking at a store, being one of those perfume ladies at the mall, I tried ubering, I even tried being a line cook. None of those worked out so well and I got fired before the first week was over..."

The way that was said, Sunset couldn't help but imagine a couple of scenarios that would get Sonata fired so quick, an accident or a poor choice of words were always the main culprit.

"Well, I'm sure there's something you'd be good at."

"I hope so. It sucks not having a lot of money and I think Dagi and Ari are annoyed I'm around the apartment too much."

When it was finally their turn, Tino greeted Sunset with a friendly smile and Sonata with a slightly flirtatious one.

"Hey Sunset. And hello Sonata! What can I get you fine ladies?"

"The usual for Jackie, I'll take some vegetarian tacos, and I need a nachos grande with extra cheese for Bobby. To go."

"Aw, he's still down about that Cinch lady, huh?"

"Mm-hm, and Sonata, what do you want?"

"A chicken burrito with extra sour cream please!"

After their orders were taken, they found an open table near the building that was open, yet sadly it didn't have an umbrella over it to shade them from the summer sun beating down on their heads. Not that it bothered Sunset much as her attention was not focused on trying to help out Sonata as she looked at a copy of the siren's resume.

"Anyway, if you'd like I could ask Jackie and the gang if they could put in a good word for you at the places they work at. I'm sure there's a place where you'd do just fine."

"Fore realzies? That'd be great! Oh! We could ask Tino right now!"

"I suppose..."

When the blonde came around to give them their to go orders, Sunset motioned for him to stick around.

"S'up Sunset?"

"Tino, you got any jobs around here that Sonata could do?"

"Eh, not really. Me and my cousins handle the cash and serving, my dad and aunts do all the cooking and cleaning is taken care of by us..."

Still, seeing the downcast look on Sonata's face made Tino feel bad, so after thinking and tapping his chin a moment, a thought came to him.

"Well, there might be something. Hang on and let me go talk to my dad about it."

It took about ten minutes before Tino was back, a small smile on his face as Sonata looked on hopefully.

"Well, good news and bad news. Good news is that I convinced my dad to create a job for you, bad news is that if it doesn't work out then he'll terminate it."

As expected, Sonata at first looked over joyed but then looked downcast while Sunset was more quizzical.

"What's the job?"

"Sign twirler. She'll stand on the corner and try to draw attention to the place. If it turns out we get more revenue because of her then she stays on."

"Alright, Sonata you think you can do it."

"Mmmm, I think so? I'll go home and google it."

The start of her new job was set to a week from that day, which left Sonata with plenty of time to look up what a 'sign twirler' did and try to get in some practice. Without an actual sign to practice on it was a little hard. That and practicing indoors made things very challenging. Especially when the broom she was using slipped from her grasp, went flying towards the front door and almost hit Aria in the head. Luckily the siren's reflexes were good enough that she ducked just in time before standing up straight and shoot a scowl to the other.

"What the hell Sonata?!"

"Er, hi Ari. You're home early."

"Yeah, I am. Now why the hell did you chuck a broom at my head?!"

"W-Well... I was practicing for my new job, it kinda got away from me..."

"Job? What job?"

"Sign twirler at the place Tino works."

Eyeing the older siren for a moment or two, Aria retrieved the broom from the hallway before heading in and tossing it back to Sonata.

"So you're serious about wanting to do it?"

"Well, yeah. I saw videos online and it looked like a lot of fun! Plus, they got competitions and seeing the people do all that stuff looks really awesome!"

"... they seriously have competitions for stuff like that?"


".... oookay. Look, you're going to need more room than this to practice. How about you come to the gym with me? I'll be able to get you in for free and I'm sure you can get better practice in there than in here where you're bound to break something."

"Really?! Thanks Ari!"

The broom was dropped and the older siren had pounced, sweeping up Aria in a hug that seemed to annoy the muscular woman but she wasn't exactly struggling to break free.

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't embarrass me in front of the guys or I'll pound you. Now let go of me."

Between practice and no serious accidents in the first week, Sonata was proving to have a knack for sign twirling. After a month she was pulling off twirls and flips, tricks that weren't on the pro level just yet but were still impressive. She tended to draw people who cheered her on and were directed to Papa Chayote's at the same time. It brought in just enough more revenue that Tino's father kept Sonata on so that she could keep garnering attention.

"Dang, look at her go."

Jackie was munching on nachos from Chayote's as she watched the siren go, Sunset next to her with a to go bag in hand.

"Mm-hm. I'm happy to see this is working out for her."

"Yeah. I bet Tino is real happy too, he's got a cute chick for a co-worker."

Rolling her eyes as her girlfriend snickered, Sunset smiled as they headed back to their apartment, leaving Sonata to keep up the good work.

Author's Note:

Eh, kinda short but it's a one shot. I don't know why but I enjoy the idea of Sonata being good as a sign twirler.

Either way, more world building. XD