• Published 16th Nov 2016
  • 1,165 Views, 45 Comments

Pony Polka Power!!! - Gpizano

And so about a year and a half passes since spring break, catch snippets of certain character's lives during this time!

  • ...

Intergalactic Planetary

Dear Jackie,

I'm sorry to leave without telling you about this but I have no idea what would happen if you followed me, if you would be okay going through the portal Princess Twilight set up here in Los Pegasus or if any number of other things could happen. But more than that, I feel like this is something I have to do on my own.

I've gone back to Equestria to finally talk to Princess Celestia and set things right. I don't know what will happen, I know I hurt my mentor very badly in the past but I have a feeling that everything will be alright. So please, don't worry. I left my journal behind so that we can still be in contact if necessary, but I promise I'll be back as soon as I can. It shouldn't take any more than a couple of hours.



Since the note had been discovered on the nightstand at about ten am in the morning when Jackie woke up alone in bed, it had been thirty hours, twenty-nine minutes and thirty seconds. And the only response from the journal had been from Spike who had said Twilight and Sunset were still in Canterlot and he had no idea how things were going. Naturally Jackie did the only sane, logical thing...


She told Spike to open up the portal so she could go in and rescue her girlfriend! Of course it was hard to do when she had Bobby (having recovered enough from heartbreak to leave the apartment), Tino (having left his job early) and Poppy (who had called in an emergency break at her job) were holding her back while Sandy stood in front of the portal were all trying to stop her. The portal had been set up in the grand fountain found in Los Pegasus's Grand Park, where water flowed out over a wall and over the ground where more mini jets of water shot up into the air, great for children and others to frolic in on a hot summer day like today. Or at least they would, if Jackie and the other's weren't causing a scene. While the others were restraining Jackie, Sandy tried to be the voice of reason.

"Jackie, calm down! I know she said she would be back sooner, but no news doesn't mean Sunset is in trouble!"

"But I would've gotten a note by now saying what was up! What if that world's Celestia is like, mean?! What if she threw Sunset into a dungeon?! ON THE SUN!? I gotta' go see if she's okay!"

A sudden pop to the back of the head from Poppy silenced the panicking guitarist, allowing her to focus as Sandy grasped her face and made Jackie look at her.

"Jackie. You need to calm down. I'm sure Sunset is perfectly fine, we can wait a bit longer until we get word from them, okay?"

"... right. Right, okay, I'm calm. You're right Sandy, I should just wait. Maybe there's a reply in the journal back home by now."

Suspicious, Sandy never the less motioned for the others to let Jackie go, which they slowly did, ready to grab her again if she moved towards the portal. The guitarist was as calm as could be, smiling and showing no signs of making a move.

Until she made her move and bolted past Sandy to the portal.


However Sandy was cut off as Jackie went through, sound distorted as there was a bright light and colors swirled about Jackie. There was a strange sensation in her body, a sort of itch and an ache in her bones and her ligaments, sort of like when she had gone through growth spurts. She had to shut her eyes otherwise she was fairly certain she was going to spew inside the portal but as suddenly as it had all come on, Jackie hit a cold floor with a thud. With a groan, she reached up hand to rub her head, feeling an ache that went from top to bottom.

"Oooo, I feel like I got ass whiplash. Wait... what the hell?!"

Her eyes snapped open when she noticed a distinct lack of fingers. Only to freak out a bit more upon noticing a green hoof. She shot up to a sitting position, only to fall over onto her back as this new body confused and threw her balance off. But now she had a very good look at the rest of her body, hooves, tail, wings and all.

"Holy crap I'm a winged pony!"

"Pegasus, Jackie, you're a pegasus."

Leaning up as best as she could, Jackie soon saw Princess Twilight and Spike... as a horned, winged pony and little dragon respectively.

"Twilight! Where's Sunshine?! Is she okay?!"

"She's in the other room with Celestia, Jackie, didn't you get my-?"

Not waiting for the princess to finish, Jackie got up onto her hooves and made a dash for the door! Only to fall flat on her face. With a muffled groan, she pushed herself back up, partly pushing, partly crawling, and even slightly walking to the door.

"Wait, Jackie! After you demanded Spike open the portal, we came back and I-!"


Eventually she found she could just push the door open, the graceless green pegasus falling through into the other room. After blowing some of her blue mane out of the way, she saw only a tall, white pony that had the same mane color as ex-Principal Celestia... pony Celestia? Facing away from her in the room and no sign of her girlfriend!


The princess paused, turning in place and raising a brow as she watched Jackie push herself back up onto her hooves. Princess Twilight and Spike were right behind her, Twilight looking close to panic as she tried to stop the pegasus.

"Jackie, wait-!"

There seemed to be no stopping Jackie though, Twilight could only look on in horror as the guitarist pointed a hoof towards the tall alicorn princess of the sun, trying to look as tough as possible while Celestia simply looked nonplussed.

"Okay Celestia! Where's Sunshine?"

"... I'm sorry?"

"Sunset Shimmer! She was supposed to be back in my world hours ago but she hasn't come back!"

"... and you are?"

"I'm Jackie Vibrato! Her girlfriend! And I swear to god if you've done something to her I'll-!"

"Is this true, Sunset?"

Pausing mid-rant, Jackie completely froze as she watched Celestia step aside, revealing her girlfriend who had her eyes shut and was face palming (face hoofing?) at the moment. After the unicorn ran her hoof over her mane, she shot an annoyed half-glare to Jackie, who was now smiling sheepishly.

"Uhhhh, hey Sunshine."

Bracing herself for a tongue lashing, all in the room were surprised when Celestia spoke up instead.

"Twilight, would it be alright if I used your dining hall? I would like to speak to Miss Vibrato privately. Over tea."

"Uh-um! Yes, of course! I-I'll go make the tea right away!"

As Twilight scurried off, Spike and Sunset were left to exchange worried glances as one of Celestia's wings wrapped around Jackie, guiding the nervous pegasus forward. Despite some stumbling, Jackie managed to keep up well enough as they headed down a hallway and turned to the right, entering a rather nice dining area with at table that would sit four comfortably. Despite protests, Celestia would continue to guide Jackie to her seat, making the guitarist sit before the princess herself took a seat across from her.

Minutes later, Twilight would teleport in with a tray of tea, her nerves noticeably fraying some as she smiled nervously to the both of them.

"Tea all set and ready! So um, would you like me to-?"

"Thank you Twilight, that will be all."

Her smile faltering, Twilight gave a hesitant nod before heading outside to join Spike and Sunset. Which left Jackie to try and serve herself tea and failing to do so. How could anyone do anything with these hooves?! Soon the teacup and kettle were enveloped in Celestia's magic, the alicorn pouring some tea for Jackie and setting it on the saucer in front of the pegasus. Looking up, Jackie's smile slipped upon being fixed under Celestia's scrutinizing stare, her hooves steepled in front of her, hiding her lower face.

"Um, thanks."

"You're welcome. Sugar? Cream?"


After two sugars and a bit of cream was added to her tea, Jackie tried to pick it up, but she still wasn't getting used to the hoof thing. So instead, with a sheepish grin to a serious Celestia, she tilted her head down and lapped up some tea. As the silence stretched on, Jackie started to squirm a bit more under Celestia's gaze.

"So uh... yeah, I'm sorry about earlier. I was just worried about Sunshine, I hadn't heard back from her so I kinda thought something happened."

"I'm afraid she was kept longer than intended. Between my busy schedule and an unexpected hydra attack on Ponyville, we've been rather busy these past two and a half days."

"... two and a half days?"

"Yes. Your worry would be understandable. However, now that you are here, I have some... questions."

"... questions?"

"Yes. Sunset has mentioned you. But I think it would be best if we had a little chat. So that I can better know my former protege's partner."

Oh? .... ohhhhhhhh. Oh crap. Jackie tried to put on her best smile as she tried to straight out her messy mane some with her hoof.

"Um, sure! Why not? No problem!"

"Excellent. How far have you gone with Sunset?"


".... oh you know. Stuff."

"... what sort of "stuff" if I may ask?"

"Errrr, you know. Holding hands. Kissing. And eh-herm-herm sex hum!"

One of Celestia's ears flicked and her eyes narrowed, causing Jackie's smile to become toothy so as to perfectly reflect her discomfort.

"Is that so?"

"Yup. Stuff."

"I see. And I'm curious, what were you saying you were going to do just minutes before when you confronted me?"


"Uhhhhh, nothin'."

"Oh really."


It was obvious the other was not buying it, Jackie could tell that much. So she tried her best to keep calm as she lapped up some more tea. Celestia however, gave a soft sigh.

"Miss Vibrato. While things between Sunset and I ended badly, I have and still do care for my former pupil. And hearing of her recent exploits and from you barging in like this-"

"WAIT! No wait! Look I'm sorry for coming at you like a jackass okay? But I'm good! I swear I treat her with nothing but respect and I love her! And there ain't nothing that's gonna tear us apart! Not even you lady! Horse! Pony! Whatever!"

At that, Celestia tilted her head down slightly, her expression completely hidden behind her hooves now.

"And you think you can stop me if I so chose to interfere, Miss Vibrato?"

"I dunno, but I'd certainly try!"

By now Jackie was up on her haunches, fore hooves on the table as she prepared herself for whatever would come. What she did not expect was to see Celestia's shoulders start to shake slightly, then the small rumbling of giggling that could be heard. The pegasus was left utterly confused as the princess looked up, smiling mischievously.


"... wha?"

Resting her hooves on the table now, Celestia floated her cup of tea up to her lips and took a sip before explaining.

"I already know of you Jackie. Twilight has told me how you helped Sunset during Anon-A-Miss and during the Friendship Games against your world's Chrysalis. You're quite remarkable for a human."

".... so you're okay with me dating Sunshine?"

"Jackie, when Sunset spoke of you, she was absolutely glowing, it's not hard to see that you make her happy. Between that and hearing about how kind, caring and even brave you were, I can overlook your brash and rude entrance."

"So you were just fucking with me then."

"Of course."

With a soft groan, Jackie leaned back in her seat, slumped and feeling highly relieved. Celestia simply chuckled as she rested her cheek against her hoof, satisfied that she got to play the role of the 'over protective parent'.

"You are an interesting mare, Jackie. And now I don't doubt how deeply you care for Sunset if you were ready to challenge an Alicorn."

"Hey, even if Sunset says alicorns are stupid powerful, I'm not just gonna step aside and let anything happen to her."


Taking a sip of tea, Celestia's magic flared for a moment, opening the door and causing Twilight, Sunset and Spike to come toppling through, the trio clearly having been pressed against the door to try and hear the conversation. After sheepish smiles, fumbled excuses and scrambling to stand, Celestia raised her hoof and caused them to become silent.

"Please, all of you, why not come in and join us for tea?"

"Ugh, Celestia gives a good third degree grilling. Still, worth it to hear stories of you when you were her pupil. Like you teleporting into that bowl of punch and splashing those fancy ponies. We gotta' come back sometime so I can hear more!"

At the tease, Sunset groaned softly, lightly face hoofing as they headed to the room that contained the mirror back to Los Pegasus. Yet the unicorn was still smiling as she glanced over to her girlfriend (marefriend?).

"I can't believe she shared those stories. But I'm glad that ended well and you two got along."

"Yeah. I guess alls well that ends well, huh?"

".... I'm still not happy that you barged in like that. I told you things would be fine."

".... yeah, I'm sorry Sunshine."

Leaning in, Sunset kissed Jackie softly on the cheek before pulling back and giving the other a smile. Truthfully she felt touched that the other would brave coming to another world for her. But she wasn't ready to tell her girlfriend that just yet. Jumping into possibly dangerous magical portals was not a habit she wanted the other to cultivate.

"You better be."

Author's Note:

A two-fer today! This was a one shot I was really looking forward to doing because it's basically meeting the parent.

I had to have this happen at least ONCE. But yeah, I figured Princess Celestia would troll Jackie. It was fun. :trollestia: