• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 13,901 Views, 2,138 Comments

Order and Chaos - Tatsurou

Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness, raises Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. You have been warned.

  • ...

Worlds Apart

With the Daedra united under a King, they waited patiently for the Era to end. All signs pointed to a significant death presenting a dramatic conflict to the entire world of Mundus, or at least to the main continent of Tamriel. As such, all eyes were focused on the province of Cyrodiil for when the grand event would happen, waiting with baited breath for the fun to begin...at least until Vaermina goaded Discord into providing refreshments other than sushi for the grand wait. After that, breath was merely bated.

However, as 3E 433 approached...nothing happened. The Daedra continued to wait for the unfolding of the predicted Oblivion Crisis as the Mythic Dawn cult plunged the world into chaos as part of a plan to open the gates to Oblivion, allowing the Daedra to invade and bring about the greatest conflict of Aurbis history. But events never unfolded.

"Hermy!" Discord finally snapped when events still refused to unfold. "What in Sithis' name is going on here? Where is the war? There's supposed to be a world shattering war!"

"A moment," Hermaeus Mora growled, still disliking the nickname. He began sifting through his tomes and other forms of stored knowledge. Eventually, he came across the appropriate passage. "Here are events as they were predicted," he began solemnly. "A young Bosmer mother, abandoned by Cameron the Usurper, the sire of her child, would starve to death desperately trying to feed her child...and others would watch and do nothing. With nothing else to feed the child, she would feed the child her hate for those callous observers until she died, and young Mankar would grow to hate the world for the way it was, and seek to turn it on his head. He would found Mythic Dawn, etc etc etc."

Discord blinked, something about that situation niggling at his mind, an old memory... "And...why hasn't that happened?"

"Well, the mother in question is currently the head of a bordello specializing in breast milk, Mankar is a wealthy baker with a loving wife, and their children want for nothing," Hermaeus Mora explained as he checked the history against the prediction. "Apparently, the Bosmer woman somehow started producing limitless breast milk...on the first of Morning Star several decades ago."

All eyes turned towards Clavicus Vile, who stared at everyone with a hurt expression. "What? You think I'd do anything to upset this prophecized end of the era? We've all been waiting for it! Besides, I didn't actually grant any wishes that year. That's the year I met Discord...and..." His eyes widened, and he turned towards the Daedric King.

Discord gave up his attempts at seeming innocent. He couldn't keep his whistling on key, anyway. "Well how was I supposed to know that was important? I wasn't even a year old, relatively speaking!"

Mehrunus Dagon sighed gustily. "Well, so much for a big conflict," he grumbled under his breath. "Guess we're going to be biding time until the next era and hope we still get a Dovahkin after all this. Seriously, if Alduin sends a rain check, I am going to be put out!"

"You should join us for that O&O game that was my challenge," Boethiah offered, resting his hand on Dagon's shoulder. "Maybe Discord will even let you be Game Master, and you can try and conquer us."

"Maybe," Mehrunus Dagon offered grudgingly. "It's not like there's anything else to do around here in the meantime..."

"...I wouldn't be so certain of that," Discord spoke up carefully, once more drawing all attention to him. "You see...I've been feeling a niggling tug ever since I achieved Chim, as though something somewhere were trying to draw me to it. I'd been ignoring it, since first I was trying to take the Crown, and now because we were looking forward to the Oblivion Conflict. But with that not happening..."

"Is this about those dreams you told me about?" Vaermina asked curiously. "Dreams that did not come from my realm? Dreams of...ponies?"

"Maybe," Discord allowed. "I'm not entirely sure. However...I'm going to follow the tug. If it does lead there..." He grinned widely, rubbing his mismatched hands together. "Well, it'll certainly be entertaining for all of us. The world I come from...who knows? There might be more of me."

"Anui-El save us from that!" Sanguine joked teasingly, only for the gravy boat on the snack table to spray hot gravy up his nose in protest.

Discord calmly floated through the air, hidden from all sight physical and magical, as he took in the colorful landscape below him. While he was certain he'd never seen the world below, it was nonetheless familiar. Deciding to work his way from the top down, he flew to a castle that seemed to have sprouted out the side of a mountain.

Flowing through the halls, he found numerous ponies rushing back and forth at work, engaged in all sorts of activities. Two in particular, however, caught his attention...and not just because they were the biggest. One - a dark blue equine with wings and horn - had an aura that reminded him rather strongly of his beloved Vaermina...though a bit more domestically tranquil than Vaermina had managed yet. Still, he sensed she had quite the core of mischief, which could be entertaining...when she was awake. The other was a white equine with wings and horn, and a waving aurora of a mane and tail. He somehow knew her instantly, though not her name. He felt they'd fought before.

Confused, he made his way to a quiet hall...where several stained glass windows carried in them the memories of events he no longer recalled. Touching his staff to them - and specifically the one that bore his own image - he found the memories waiting for him. As he took them in, he grinned widely. This was the world he came from originally...and it was time to take it back.

It didn't take long to find his way. A small source of chaos in the form of three fillies guided him right to a statue garden as they argued over the meaning of something...as they left a familiar figure.

"It's confusion!" one was mumbling to the others as they walked away.

"Evil!" a second insisted.

"Chaos!" the third countered.

Discord waited just long enough for them to be out of sight...then crumbled the stone shell that had once contained him with the touch of his staff. "Watch out, Equestria," he chuckled darkly. "The King Has Returned."