• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 13,902 Views, 2,138 Comments

Order and Chaos - Tatsurou

Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness, raises Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. You have been warned.

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New World Disorder

Discord had changed. He was now much longer, able to contort in midair and completely wrap any Prince in the full length of his body from muzzle to feather. His goatee had grown out long and luxurious, giving him a very evil appearance. His goat horn had grown long and crooked, and his deer antler was now an 8.8 point crown. Cascading energy of all colors and none surrounded him like an aurora before shifting to dance over his bald head. His staff now shimmered with palest blue and darkest purple, the energies of Anu and Padomy. Most different of all were his eyes, which now showed ancient wisdom, impossible knowledge, and the mischief of the truly wicked.

"Dad, everyone, I'm glad you're standing up for me, but I can fight my own battles...especially in my own Realm," he spoke up warmly. "Speaking of..." He lifted his staff. "I Discord, son of Sheogorath, son of Jyggalag, do hereby claim by right of succession and conquest the Throne of Madness and Chaos!" he bellowed out, the very fabric of reality shivering from the declaration. "Do any here gainsay my right?" He was greeted only with silence. "Well," he continued in a more normal tone, "now that that's taken care of, let's address some more important matters." He crossed his arms and floated back. "Why is there no Daedric King?"

Everyone stared at him, completely stunned. "...come again?" Vaermina finally asked.

"Only in private, love, I thought we were agreed on that?" Discord teased, making the Prince of Dreams blush rosily...much to the stunned amazement of several other Princes and the amusement of others. "But let me be blunt. The Daedric Princes are always in conflict with one another, alliances shifting on a moment to moment basis...meaning we have very little power where it matters. But history shows when several Daedric Princes unite, the results are awe inspiring. So...why is there no King to gather that power and shape that unity?"

Jyggorath snorted in amusement. "What do you think I was trying to do when I got cursed?" he explained with a playful glower at some of the other Princes.

"Now to be fair, Jyggorath," Clavicus spoke up, "your old self wasn't someone any of us would be willing to follow. Of course trying to enforce Order on those of us who aren't Order is going to result in unified counterattack."

"Let's nix that possibility, shall we?" Discord suggested. "I love Chaos as much as the next Daedra, but only when I'm the one making it and being entertained by it. So let's make things interesting." He raised his Staff again. "I, Prince Discord of Madness and Chaos, do hereby name myself King of the Daedra! Any who would accept my rule, swear fealty to me before the end of the Era! For all others...let the King Games begin!"

"King Games?" Hermaeus Mora snarled out. "What are those?"

"Just what they sound like," Discord explained. "I don't want war between the Princes, so we're keeping it simple. I have declared myself King. If nothing has happened by the end of the Era to refute that claim, I will be King, and you all will swear undying fealty to me. Before then, you may choose either to swear that fealty early, or challenge me for the Crown. The challenged chooses the game, the only rules being that relative Daedric Power and magic skill of the competitors in no way influence the outcome of the game."

He twirled playfully around Vaermina as he continued his explanation. "If I am challenged and win, the loser swears eternal fealty to me as their Liege, for themselves and all sworn to them. If I lose, I swear eternal fealty to the winner as my Liege, for myself and all sworn to me. It thus becomes an elimination match of Games, last Prince holding the Crown winning it all."

"Ludicrous!" Hermaeus Mora snarled. "Do you really think you can bet the fate of the Daedra on a series of games?"

Smiling, Discord turned to the Princes who had sided with him. "How many here like this method for ending this conflict and changing the face of Aurbis?" he inquired. The ten Daedra who had protected him raised their hands...as did Boethiah. "Boethiah? You're for it too?" Discord asked in surprise. "You realize there's no option to deceive when it comes to these oaths."

Boethiah smirked. "I am well aware. It might actually smooth things over between us this way. I look forward to these games."

Smirking, Discord turned to Hermaeus Mora. "So that's 12 for. How many against?" His grin turned vicious.

Hermaeus Mora snarled defiance. "Fine! I shall play your game, and you will regret challenging the Prince of Knowledge to a game of skill!"

Discord turned, seeing that he got the ascent from the other dissenters. "In that case, I look forward to your challenges. Until then...begone!" He thrust his Staff at them, banishing them back to their own realms.

"I'll take my leave as well," Boethiah spoke up. "This is going to be...an experience." With that said, he turned and left, fading to his own realm.

Discord sighed in relief as he stretched out, only to find himself nearly crushed in an armored bear hug. "D-dad!" he gasped out.

"Don't you ever pull anything that reckless again!" he snapped angrily. "I could have lost you to zero-sum, and never known the joy you brought me."

Discord smiled, wrapping around his father. "How could I not, Dad? You made me who I am today. What's the fun in being Mad if you don't take insane risks once in a while?"

"Well, I'm rather certain we'll all swear fealty to you once you've trounced the others," Clavicus spoke up.

"Are you certain he can?" Sanguine asked somewhat nervously. "They are quite capable..."

Discord's grin split his face three ways. "Oh don't worry...it's in the bag." He pulled out a large sack and reached into it, pulling out a deck of cards, a checker board, a chess set, and a cribbage board. "Ooh, Double Cranko!"