• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 13,900 Views, 2,138 Comments

Order and Chaos - Tatsurou

Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness, raises Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. You have been warned.

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Challenges III

Namira snarled across the table at Discord as her turn came. The game that had been chosen - given her own field of Darkness and Shadow - was terror, with each seeking to create something that would terrify the other. Each would have only one attempt, and Boethiah would judge whose reaction was stronger. With her specialty with the undead and cannibals, Namira had chosen to strike as close to Discord's heart as possible...by conjuring a zombie Vaermina attempting to devour him. Discord's only response had been 'Kinky!' She was now waiting for Discord's entry. However, she doubted he could make anything that could terrify her.

"Here it is!" he said finally as he plucked a book out of the ether. "Vaermina and I came across these on one of our dates. Fascinating, really. I think you'll enjoy them." With a grin, he handed over the book. "Give it a read. If you can make it through half the stories in here, I'll call it a draw, and we'll try again."

Namira tilted her head in confusion as she examined the book. It had no author on the front, and the cover was completely black, save the title written in blood red. Creepypasta. Curiously, she opened the tome.

Before long, Meridia of all Daedra was trying to coax her out of the fetal position, the book sitting open only a quarter of the way through. Discord 'tsk'ed sadly. "Didn't even make it to the 70s..."

Much to Boethiah's surprise, before his challenge was accepted, those Daedra who had not yet challenged Discord - the ones who were plainly on his side to begin with - had all sworn fealty to him, making Boethiah's challenge a 'winner take all' match. As such, Discord had decided to change things up completely.

Set up on the table was a massive gameboard to something Discord called Ogres & Oubliettes, which he explained was a pretend world that acted as a reflection of Aurbis - or whatever world it was played in - and they would determine the outcome of the challenge in a single campaign. Boethiah and all those who'd willingly sworn fealty to Discord were playing as players with their own Characters drawn up, while Discord sat as Game Master. The explanation of the game was quite simple. Boethiah's goal was to defeat the final boss of the campaign. He could do this either by himself, or by convincing the other players' characters - in character - to aid him. If he succeeded, he won the game...but only if he delivered the final blow.

Boethiah had at first gone with his strengths, trying to gently twist the game and other player characters around to his way of thinking to help him win...but he'd come across something in the 'source books' Discord had provided that gave him a completely different way to win. All it took was a pledge to some in-game entity spoken in and out of character, and he'd get a new class that had supremely effective abilities that fit his play style - as he'd developed it - to a T. Eager to do so, he played through the game to the proper place and spoke the pledge. ".gniklan reteymsa, ssend amdnas oahc foec nirp, droc sidotyt laeflan retera ewsyb erehi"

With the oath spoken, the game really picked up pace. For a time, Boethiah even lost sight of the fact he was trying to win the crown of Daedra King with this. He had come to love the game itself. He made a mental note to play it again sometime.

At long last, he and the others faced off against the final boss of the several week - relatively speaking - long campaign, and it was his character that delivered the final blow. With a wide grin, he sat back to hear the accolades.

Smiling, Discord proceeded to read out the loot and awards that everyone had gained for their performance. Boethiah was chuckling to himself until he heard one particular sentence.

"-and with Boethiah's oath, I win the crown-"

"What oath?" Boethiah demanded angrily. "I never swore an oath!"

Discord grinned widely. "I told you...the world we played in was a reflection of Aurbis." He snapped his claws and handed Boethiah a mirror. "Take a look at that 'pledge' of yours for your class upgrade, and how it reflects on us."

Confused, Boethiah looked at the reflection.

"I hereby swear eternal fealty to Discord, Prince of Chaos and Madness, as my Eternal King."

Boethiah blinked several times, then rounded on Discord. "You tricked me!"

"You mean...I deceived you?" Discord corrected playfully. As Boethiah's eyes widened, Discord chuckled. "That's what all these games were all about." He gestured to each Prince as he described the challenges. "I out-knowledged Hermaeus Mora. I out-destroyed Mehrunus Dagon. I out-sexed Mephala-"

"I think I did that," Vaermina purred teasingly.

"But you were always loyal to me, dearest," Discord purred back. He then continued around. "I out-conquered Molag Bal. I out-darked Namira. And I out-deceived you, Boethiah. In each game with those who weren't sworn to me out of loyalty, I showed that you should be sworn to me because, even in your own domains..."

"Anything we can do, you can do better?" Boethiah offered ruefully, grinning despite the upset.

"Precisely!" Discord proclaimed as the air warped around his head, and a crown forged of metal that was the color of magic - a color that did not exist on any rainbow known to Aurbis, but known to certain other worlds - took shape, hovering ever so slightly over Discord's head as it rotated between his horn and antler. The crown had 16 gems in it, each gem with a fragment of power from one of the other Princes, binding them to their new King. "And now...a new era begins..."