• Published 6th Nov 2016
  • 13,900 Views, 2,138 Comments

Order and Chaos - Tatsurou

Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness, raises Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. You have been warned.

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And Logic Vanished in a Puff of God

Sheogorath stared out at the Shivering Isles, lost in thoughts that sprang into being as they popped into his head, watching as every whim that popped into his crazed head came to pass, no matter how impossible it should have been. Impossible? This was his realm! Impossible was whatever he said it was, which was nothing! Unless he changed his mind, or his mind changed him. That was always an odd feeling, when his mind changed him. Sometimes he was Haskill, and that was always curious indeed, serving himself. Quite fun.

But right now he was faced with the dilemma that troubled him most as he reigned over his realm in any era. "I'm bored," he grumbled to himself, and just about everyone that was around him, though most of them really weren't. "Whatever I think of happens, and everything here is under my complete control. Where's the fun in that? Everything always happens the way I want it to, and nothing is interesting anymore." He leaned one elbow on his throne as the throne room burst into butterflies, leaning his chin in his hand as he dangled the other off his knee. "And nobody's coming to play with me, and mortals are the only way anything really interesting happens here. They actually struggle against me. Struggle! Like they have a chance against a Daedric Prince?"

He rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Well of course they don't. I'm Sheogorath! Nobody has a chance against me! Well, except Jyggalag, the cheater. He always shows up when I'm not here and breaks everything I work so hard building, the sneak thief! And the other Princes, I suppose, but none of them are anywhere near as creative as me! I'm the best, no matter what the others say!" He sighed sadly. "But that doesn't fix the boredom, since none of them want to play my games. Sometimes...sometimes I wish I had someone here who could match me...who would play with me when the rules could be changed." He waved his free hand dismissively. "But what are the chances of that happening?"

He paused as he felt a new, unusual, unexpected sensation...pain. "What's this? Something is biting my finger. I'm supposed to do something when this happens...scream? No, that's so boring. Oh, I know!" He lifted his head and extended his unbitten arm. "Yodelay-yodelay-yodela-HEE-hoo!" he cried out dramatically, just for the fun of it. However, this did nothing about the sensation of honest to goodness pain on his fingertips. "Well, time to see what I have here." Lifting his hand, he stared at the creature.

The creature extended upward from his hand, and Sheogorath examined it top to bottom. "Hmm...a feather for an antennae? How curious! And a salamander tail for a neck, so interesting! Whoever made this creature really had an imagination! A bear torso, and a dragon and deer leg for arms, amazing! Odd place for a bat and bird wing, and a lion leg and eagle talon for legs. And a head for a bottom, with eyes in its ass! How genius! And a stag antler and goat horn instead of tails!"

The creature giggled from the mouth gripping his fingers. "Ah, of course!" Sheogorath realized. "You're upside down!" He rotated his hand to stare at the creature the other way, and its eyes rolled back into its head before dangling out the tail on either side of the feather, blinking at him. Sheogorath burst into pleased laughter. "And I didn't even come up with you! How wondrous!" He tossed his hands into the air, popping out a fresh pair to applaud.

The strange creature - about the size of a loaf of bread - giggled and bowed playfully as it floated in the air. It then twirled around a few times, staring around at the Isles.

"You like this place, do you creature?" Sheogorath asked happily. "Wonderful, wonderful! But I can't keep calling you creature. Everything on the Isles is a creature. I'm a creature! You need a name!"

"Dic-ko!" the little creature offered in baby talk.

"Of course!" Sheogorath proclaimed proudly, clapping his hands together. "I shall call you...Dick-cheese!"

The creature's eyes narrowed, and it snapped its eagle talon. Sheogorath's head exploded.

Sheogorath quickly grew a new one. "That stings, Dick-cheese-"

Another snap, another exploded head. Although this time it first swelled like a balloon before popping.

Sheogorath grabbed his left arm and pumped, inflating a new head. "I get the distinct feeling you don't like the name I've given you."

"Dee! Code!" the creature insisted firmly.

Sheogorath blinked for a moment. "...Discord?"

The creature clapped happily, flying circles around Sheogorath's head before curling up to sleep on a truncheon.

"What a wondrous name!" Sheogorath proclaimed happily as he lifted the blunt instrument that hadn't been there a moment ago. "And how fitting for this place. I'm going to like having you here."

Setting the instrument down, he proceeded to play chopsticks before digging into a bowl of egg foo young, only to be blocked by little Discord's shovel from his own attempts at excavation. "What's this? This is my food! Get your own!"

"Dada! Hungy!" Discord complained before eating the bowl and throwing the egg foo young into Sheogorath's face.

The Daedric Prince happily slurped up the meal, stretching his tongue out to get every inch of his face. "Dada? Who's that?"

Discord pointed at Sheogorath with his tail, giggling as he slurped up the chopsticks.

"Me?" Sheogorath gasped in shock. "A son - you are male, aren't you? - and heir? I never thought of having such a one! I'll have to look up-" He slapped himself, making his head spin like a top. "Look it up? Who am I, Hermaeus Mora? No, I'm Sheogorath! I make it up as I go along!"

To his surprise, little Discord curled up happily in his lap, a machine gun going off in his mismatched hands to show he was purring.

Sheogorath gently began stroking Discord's back, staring at the tiny creature. Feeling odd in his face, he lifted up his free hand and felt moisture at his eyes. "What a curious thing," he murmured softly. "What a curious thing..."