• Published 19th Oct 2016
  • 3,657 Views, 54 Comments

Bite-Sized Spike - ShrunkenBro

During another stressful Grand Summit Twilight Sparkle while in her sleep accidently shrinks Spike down to size. Now at his tiny size the tiny dragon must find a way to get back to his normal size and survive the new gigantic world.

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Chapter 9. Food Of The Ponies

Spike flipped thru the air seeing Shining Armor's head getting further and further away as he fell Spike closed his eyes hoping the fall wouldn't be as painful as he'd thought it would be. Spike had closed his eyes tight ready for the impact Spike was surprised to feel a soft and fuzzy surface under him that made him bounce in the air then land back on surface the micro dragon blinked in udder shock he looked down to see a Smarty Pants plushie Spike lied on the the plush’s head still in amazement at what he was seeing, a smile came across his face.

“Hehe. Aww Shining you big dork.” Spike slid off the Smarty Pants Doll quickly looking up at to see Shining Armor leaving the desk and heading into another room.


Shining Armor trotted into the kitchen taking off his armor and setting it beside the leg of the table “Better get a bite to eat.” His stomach growled begging for food.

The kitchen attached to his apartment was actually quite well stocked, usually anyway. Today, with the conference and all the other things going on, he had donated most of the better stuff to the people attending from other nations. His golden flowers, sage blossoms, were gone, and most of the cake he’d been able to save from Princ-er Aunt Celestia, was probably already claimed by the white princess somewhere below. That left him with few options, and he munched on an apple Twilight had brought him as he looked through the pantry.

"Troll Bites? Hmmm?" Shining grabbed the yellow box with painted green slime on the top and bottom he opened the box quickly holding away from his face when a puff of green smoke escaped from its top he nervously brought the box to his muzzle and smelled the horrid stench that was mix of onions and spoiled milk. "Ooooooohhooooo! No way I'm eating that! UGH!"

Shining tossed the box out the open window leaving nothing behind but a trail of horrid green smoke that seeped its way from the top of the open box Shining sighed with disappointment and somewhat relief hopping whatever what was in that box didn't fall in the wrong hooves. "MY LEG!" a male voice shouted making the stallion jump he went to his window and looked out to see a brown pony wearing a red shirt with white flowers on rubbing his head "Sorry sir." Shining shouted quickly closing his window and scratched his head. "If it hit him in the head why he shout my leg?" Shining just shrugged went to the pantry.

“Hmm, Temmie Flakes...no, those are too dusty. Hmm a mushroom no already had a 1Up. Astronaut Food?” he questioned this, and sniffed it, before making a face like he was gagging.

“Smells like paste,” he said, setting the tube to the side. With his options running out, he found a few piece of bread, one of them so stale he figured it would make a good improvised weapon, but at least there were some soft pieces.

“Might as well,” he said, walking over to the counter and setting them down. Looking through the refrigerator for something to make a sandwich with, he was disappointed to find his emergency stash of zap apple jam was missing, with a note saying, ‘I.O.U. RD’ in its place. Grumbling about Twilight’s Wonderbolt friend, he finally spotted a head of lettuce, and some tomatoes. Levitating them into place, he realized he was missing his knife.


Spike looked around at enormous desk, he was surrounded by building tall high stacks of books with so many different colors and titles behind some of the books he spotted a globe that towered over even the books, Spike could see crumpled papers as well as cut open envelopes the little dragon started to itch his chin for an idea. Spike walked over to the boulder-sized crumbled up letters stepping over some bits that Shining possibly left on the table.

“Ok so if all these letters are here,...” Spike scanned around for his possible ticket to being found and ending his tiny nightmare, Spike’s eyes went wide with joy he spotted Shining Armor’s prized silver knife. Spike quickly rushed over to it already trying to pick up the knife.

“Ah, right, I was using it to open letters,” Shining said to himself, and mentally reached back onto his desk for the tool. Of course, just as his magical glow covered the knife, a tiny purple dragon was trying to pick it up, figuring he could use it in some way to get some attention, after all, weapons tended to get the eye of a trained soldier. Unfortunately, as a blue sparkling field of magic grabbed the knife, it pressed the dragon into it, and then floated both into the kitchen.

“Hmm, okay, let’s see,” he said, floating a bowl over to the counter and then grabbing a few lettuce leaves and setting them into it. Next he levitated a tomato above it, and with the knife firmly in his magical grip, he began to slice it into smaller bits, not noticing a tiny purple form on it as he did so.

“A salad,” as he spoke, he sprinkled in some of those nicely seasoned bread bits that Cadence liked. They gave him a bit of gas, but he did want a nice snack. While sprinkling them, his grip on the knife loosened a little, and Spike, still hovering above the bowl, cried out, his claws grabbing onto the wooden handle of the blade and digging in. Unfortunately, his claws only got a little ways in when the knife spun in the air as Shining moved it, causing the dragon to crash down into the bowl.

Spike landed in the pile of leaves, thudding into it as he shook his head quickly looking up to see the bread squares landed beside him crashing into the leaves and everywhere around the bowl “Oh No.” Spike quickly ducked away as a bread square almost landed on his head.


Finished with that, Shining added a lettuce leaf and a few slices of tomato to the bread he’d set to the side of the bowl. Setting the remains of the lettuce and tomato in the fridge again, he dove in deeper. Inside, he found chocolate in about nineteen different flavors, another apple, and finally a few things he’d brought back with him from his time in the Griffon Lands recently.

One was a triangle of some sort, spotted with red dots of about an inch wide, while the thing was a good muzzle full. The stuff was called a pepperoni pizza, apparently a common food in the Griffon Kingdom nowadays with their recovering economy. He sniffed it a bit, smelling spices and meat on it, as well as cheese and bread, before using a spell to cause the thing to heat up nicely.

“Heh, those ponies don’t know what they’re missing,” he said to himself, remembering how most ponies tended to be vegetarians, a lifestyle he’d tried to keep up for a while, back before he’d joined the guard, but then he, like all recruits, eventually found himself stationed somewhere that didn’t allow such diets. His first taste of meat had been the Minotaur Empire, though since then he’d been known to dine on it when Cadence would allow it. Setting the slice of pizza on a plate, he dug even deeper.

“Oh, there you are,” he said as he pulled out a pink, round loaf thing. It was a heel of bologna, a type of food he knew was meat, if not what type. Using the knife, he quickly sliced off a few pieces of it, deftly doing so in the air so they fell onto the half finished sandwich, which he then finished with a flip of the top slice of bread.

“A snack, Assembled.” he said to himself like a comic book character he knew, before floating the plate and bowl back to his desk, grabbing a fork on the way. Settling the dishes down on the desk, he took his seat, and then slowly brought one of the forms to his eyes. Not even looking, he brought the fork down into the bowl, and speared some of its contents.


Spike watched as Shining Armor prepared his meal or meals he watched as Shining set his dishes down on the table making a ‘BOOM’ sound that rang in the tiny dragon’s ears he could see under Shining’s muzzle as he turned his head away from the salad bowl giving him a sigh with relief as he knew Shining wasn’t about to dine on him, Spike tried to maneuver his way through the leaves Spike quickly noticed a four pointed shadow that hovered over him.

Spike looked up see a hovering fork right above him it slowly pointed down then in a split second came down right for Spike “GAAHH!” Spike jumped just missing the fork that came close to stabbing him “Feeeew.” Spike whipped away a nervous sweat Spike was ready move away from the fork but found his foot stuck between the middle of the fork.

“Darn it not again.” Spike felt gravity shifting and quickly began to lift into the air with a fork full of leaves and then found himself being pressed down into a cold piece of bread bits Spike blinked and squinted watching the whole world around him spin making him feel air sick and sea sick at the same time, the little dragon quickly turned his head to see Shining Armor’s face coming closer and closer every second.

“Shining! Wait! Wait! WAIT!” Spike stuck his claws out in a waving motion not even being noticed by the titanic stallion Spike sweated in fear watching as his brother licked his lips then parted his muzzle showing the inside of Shining Armor’s waiting mouth, strands of saliva dripped from his top row of teeth as well as a strait web that connected from both his tongue and the roof of his mouth, Spike wanted to jump but only found himself mere inches away from the bright pink moist tongue.

To Be Continued.