• Published 19th Oct 2016
  • 3,659 Views, 54 Comments

Bite-Sized Spike - ShrunkenBro

During another stressful Grand Summit Twilight Sparkle while in her sleep accidently shrinks Spike down to size. Now at his tiny size the tiny dragon must find a way to get back to his normal size and survive the new gigantic world.

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Chapter 10. Mouth Of The Shining

Shining stuffed the fork into his face, closing his lips around it, and then sliding the contensil out of his mouth. Inside his maw, the lettuce, tomato, and bits of bread tumbled down onto his tongue, and eventually included a tiny dragon, who added a bit of flavor to the meal that caused the stallion to ‘mmm,’ before he began to chew. Spike, crying out in surprise, found the tongue beneath him become almost like a liquid thing, spinning him around and then dumping him, along with some of the rest of it on one of Shining’s teeth.

Shining, trying to chew his meal, felt some part of it resist his mighty chomps, his teeth staying just a bit apart no matter how hard he moved his jaw, causing him to grunt as he thought something might have gotten into his salad. Finally, when he felt he’d tried hard enough, he spit whatever it was out, moving it with his tongue, and then using a napkin from his desk drawer to catch it. Crumpling up the thing, he placed it on the edge of his desk, and returned to his reports and salad.

Spike was tossed up and down by the gigantic slimy member as the leaves were knocked aside into the white blocks that were Shining’s teeth Spike watched in horror as the helpless green leaves were smashed in between the gigantic teeth ripping them to bits a small pool of saliva in the corners of Shining’s tongue and gums became littered with the shredded leaves the sudden movement of the tongue caused the saliva to splash Spike soucking him in drool and bits of green.

“Eeew.” Spike tried to whip off the spit he found himself being tossed into the the center of one of Shining’s molars and hitting it with thud. Spike held his throbbing head blinked to stop his eyes from twisting in circles “Uhh,...” Spike looked up seeing the top molars coming down right on top on him, Spike quickly jumped off landing on back on the slimy tongue making another splash into a puddle of hot saliva. Spike gasped shaking and spitting out the saliva covering him from head, to toe, to tail the grossed out dragon coughed waving his hands trying to whip off the sticking spit from his scales.

The dragon soon found himself tossed around even more as the tongue battered against him, pushing him first into the teeth, then into the roof of the mouth, and finally trying to force him backwards. The last nearly worked, until Spike found a bit of footing and leapt forwards, landing on the tip of the tongue with a splat. Covered in drool, he was slick, but he still managed to dig his claws in, not enough to draw blood, but enough to stay where he was, until the stallion finally opened his mouth, and with a flood of spit behind, forced Spike out between his lips and into a napkin that was then wadded up and placed on the edge of the desk.

Recovering from the ordeal, Spike was woozy as he clawed his way out of the napkin, tearing into the loose fabric with a ripping sound, and then taking a deep gasp of open air. In front of him, Shining Armor had returned to his paperwork, giving the rubber stamp to some forms, while scratching notes on others. All the while he was eating from the salad bowl, shoveling the contents into his mouth, until finally he heard a clink sound, and looked over. He’d emptied the bowl, and yet he still felt hungry, the stallion levitating the dirty dish into the kitchen area, and going about his paperwork some more, trying to ignore a growl in his stomach.

Spike let out a loud sigh of relief he’d already almost had a been eaten twice today and enough was enough, Spike watched as Shining rubbed under his chin looking at the paperwork Shining was going to be to busy now to look down on the table to see a tiny purple dot moving around. Spike quickly scanned all of plates that had Shining’s chosen meals Spike quickly noticed a sandwich half made with a piece of bread at the bottom and baloney Spike smiled.

“I know what I’ll do. He’ll stop to make his sandwich and when he does he’ll spot me!” Spike started his journey down the table walking pass the empty bowl of salad and the plate of pizza, Spike found himself at the edge of the plate with a sandwich the size of three queen-sized beds Spike’s ears twitched hearing the sound of Shining Armor’s roaring stomach shaking the table.

“Uhh Alright already.” Shining’s booming voice echoed. Spike saw his golden opportunity beginning to start without him he quickly climbed onto the plate and clawed his way up on top of baloney quickly waving his arms in the air and jumping wildly.

“Shining! Shining! Down here! I’m right here!” Spike yelled at the top of his tiny lungs. Unfortunately for Spike Shining Armor kept his attention on the papers in front of his muzzle. Shining Armor’s horn glowed bright pieces of cheese, lettuce, tomato, and flouting mayo, mustard and ketchup came floating right for the half made sandwich in a single line Spike stared up in confusion about to say a word until he was blasted down by an injected rocket of mustard causing Spike to fall down flat on his belly and was then covered by a blanket of cheese that was covered by ketchup and mayo a patch of lettuce laid on top of the cheese as well as a sliced tomato topped with a piece of bread.

Shining looked down on the table at his masterpiece of a sandwich he smiled and licked his lips hungrily.

“This is gonna be good.” Shining said to himself Shining then thought of something else that would be a great add on to his meals using his magic he opened the fridge down levitating a bag of green and red grapes, using the same bowl he’d used for his salad he emptied the grapes into the bowl then sate the bowl beside his pizza and sandwich.

“Perfect.” He said licking his lips again.

Shining levitated a few grapes up to begin with, popping them into his mouth one by one, in the same way he’d done for Cadence during their honeymoon in Las Pegasus. The things were nice and juicy, his teeth squishing them and causing his mouth to almost explode with flavor as he consumed them one at a time. Finally, when that was done, he started on the pizza next, levitating the triangle upwards. Of course, as he did so, he noticed a small string of cheese dripping down the side, and then panicked as it nearly fell onto the Eastern Front Reports, ones he’d spent half an hour on.

Quickly, he sprang into action, instincts honed on the training field for months at a time telling him how to move, his neck twisting in a way that probably looked painful, as he dipped his muzzle just below the cheese, sticking his tongue out just in time to catch the run, and then slowly lift it up. The cheese coiled like a cobra on his outstretched tongue, laying down and covering the member with grease as he made his way upwards, and then finally made it to the offending piece of pizza.

With a strike like a snake, he shot his muzzle forward and chomped off a good chunk of the pizza, ‘Mmming’ as the flavors of the pepperoni, cheese, and bread filled his mouth. Chewing lightly around the muzzleful, he tried to let each hint of taste wash everywhere, to be enjoyed one morsel at a time, before finally he swallowed hard, a huge lump moving down his throat. Licking his lips, Shining was dismayed to find he’d taken in most of the slice of pizza with a single bite, but then remembered his sandwich, which he raised upwards, while also grabbing another report and looked at it, opening his mouth to receive a new load.

Spike struggled trying to push the huge weight off his back that weighed him down Spike whipped the mustrued from his face only to have more of his face be covered once again Spike could feel a shift in gravity.

“Oh no. No! No! No!” Spike tried to struggle and shove his way threw the pressed prison Spike sunk his claws into the baloney pulling himself forward, Spike shoved himself to edge of sandwich quickly finding an opening that seeped with rays of light Spike smiled ready to escape. Spike parted the top and bottom layer of the sandwich open his eyes being brighten by the sudden light Spike rubbed his eyes gasping to a familiar sight.

“No! Not again! NOT AGAIN! SHINING! WAIT!” Spike screamed but his cries were muffled by mustered dripping off his head and into his mouth.

Spike trembled as Shining Armor’s lips parted showing the familiar site of the inside of the stallion’s mouth and of what was to come for the little dragon, Spike could see into Shining’s mouth once again the pink spongy tongue flexed up and down, saliva dripped from the roof of the stallion’s mouth ready to soak the sandwich and it's little intruder, Spike could see past the pink hilled tongue looking into the moist ruby red throat in the middle was Shining’s drool dripping uvula that flexed up when the back of his tongue squished down ready for the sandwich to enter in his waiting mouth.

Spike quickly sunk back into the sandwich this time for protection Spike crawled and dug his way into the sandwich he could hear a crunching ripping sound that to the tiny dragon sounded like crumbling Earth or rubble, a line of thin white teeth pierced the top and bottom of the sandwich surrounding the tiny dragon in a U shaped line blocking him off from his one chance of freedom.


Spike retracted his hands and feet just mere inches from being crushed by the white chompers. the tiny dragon started panicking and thrashed when he saw the lines of bottom and top white blocks coming together with a loud clunk, Shining Armor bite down on the sandwich, taking part of it into his mouth with Spike inside, surrounding the dragon in total darkness.

Spike and the half of the sandwich was pushed up into the roof of the mouth squeezing Spike in-between the sandwich making him go red feeling his chest become heavy. Spike felt gravity shift again letting the sandwich bite he was inhabiting fall back to the sloppy tongue.

“Got to make a break for it!” He felt the weight coming off his body. Spike pushed himself out right before the chunk of the sandwich was moved by the slobbery tongue. Spike’s footsteps squashed from the slobbery surface below him he neared the white thin blocks in front of him, climbing up smooth rows of teeth. A big smile stretched across his face he was finally going to to taste freedom! And escape his brother’s mouth.

Spike’s smile quickly faded away seeing five flouting red grapes in Shining Armor’s magic aura now flouting straight forward to the now open mouth!

“No! No! Wait!” One of the grapes shot forward Spike right for him smacking him right across the face like a speeding dodgeball Spike’s eyes rolled and his snout flattened another grape came flying right at Spike knocking him off the front teeth.

Spike falls plopping back into the squishy tongue with a loud ‘Splat!’ The tongue moved flopping up and down pressing Spike and the grapes into the sides of his mouth

Spike was flopped into the row of white boulders with a grape soon the rows rose up and Spike leaped out from the molar watching the grape be ripped and crushed up by the massive molars the juice from the grape squirt out splashing Spike he watched as it was chewed up into bits and then lit green and red mush.

Spike heard a gust of air blowing into the mouth as Shining opened his mouth again and in came the sandwich.The giant front molars bite down sinking into the sandwich and ripped off the sandwich’s middle soon the bitten half was swished around by the tongue lifting Spike back up into the air pinning him to the roof. The sandwich was moved into row of teeth and soon shredded and chewed up Spike watched the lettuce being ripped up and the bread getting spongy from the moist saliva covering it. Spike slipped on the tongue splashing into the mush getting covered in the chewed up food.

Spike dripping with mush all over his tiny form felt gravity shift Shining Armor’s gigantic tongue lifted up sending Spike and the chewed food towards his gaping throat, the ruby colored flesh flexed ready to send its tiny prisoner to his jail cell.

“SHINING PEASE,... NO!” Spike yelled trying to claw his way up the tongue only to have his claws slip on the moist member, Spike looked down to see the gaping abyss below him Spike ground his teeth in frustration quickly looking up seeing Shining’s uvula.

The bouncing uvula was now Spike’s only hope it dripped with saliva and slowly swung back and forth Spike felt gravity forcing him closer and closer to the throat, Spike felt an adrenaline rush pulsing through him he tightened his fists. Spike neared the throat and the tongue bulged up squishing into the roof of the mouth Spike leaped up into the air holding his arms out wide to grab the uvula.


Shining swallowed down the food. The giant tongue flattened back into place leaving the mouth empty with only a few bits of chewed up food stuck between the stallion’s teeth and some splattered on his tongue. The uvula was motionless and then suddenly shifted Spike grasped a hold of the uvula hugging it tight with his arms and legs the food covered dragon slowly opened his eyes looking around the empty chamber.

“Th,.. That was close.” Spike shivered closing his eyes when a bright light blinded him a hooffull of grapes flinging into Shining’s mouth already being chewed up being squished and ripped up by the white boulders Spike watched as the chewed up grapes slid down to Shining’s thorat. Spike watched as the entrance of the voice box closed and the esophagus opened sending the grapes down into dark fleshy tunnel, Spike clenched the uvula tighter for protection making it squish. “Oh man. I hope he doesn't throw up.”

Shining Armor licked his lips patting his belly with a successful smile on his face he rested back in his chair rubbing his belly he couldn’t help but feel an odd tickle in the back of his throat.

“HIICCUP!” Shining bounced in his seat falling backwards onto the floor with a crash he rubbed his head and then another loud hiccup escaped his mouth and the tickle was getting worse he started to cough and hack as well. Shining lifted himself up quickly rushing to the sink grabbing a cup turning the faucet on and ran water into the cup he brought the cup to his mouth and chugged the whole glass down.

Spike felt the whole chamber shake and rumble the gusts of air shot up waving the uvula around, Spike sunk his claws into the uvula trying not to fall off or lose his grip. Spike saw the light shine inside the mouth again this time bringing in a flood of water splashing into the whole mouth and rushing down into the throat Spike still clung to the uvula despite the massive force of water pushing him he felt his grip beginning to loosen he shed a few tears still trying as hard as he could to hold on! The water splashed into Spike he had to hold his breath so he wouldn’t drown and then. Spike’s lost his grip on the uvula sending him and the flood of water down into Shining Armor’s throat with one final gulp.

To Be Continued.

Comments ( 12 )

Finally! True vore!

YES! Finally! :pinkiehappy:

7749776 Don't worry this is not. The End.

7750024 I can't wait for the next chapter and seeing what Spike does to try to get out.

7951838 I'm glade your enjoying these.

loooooooove this kind of stuff!!!!:pinkiehappy: i wish i was shrunk!

8020753 Thank you very much.

Hi. Will you continue this story?

I will its just in a bit of a Hiatus. Sorry.

Glade your enjoying it.

Thats a long hiatus :D

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