• Published 19th Oct 2016
  • 3,660 Views, 54 Comments

Bite-Sized Spike - ShrunkenBro

During another stressful Grand Summit Twilight Sparkle while in her sleep accidently shrinks Spike down to size. Now at his tiny size the tiny dragon must find a way to get back to his normal size and survive the new gigantic world.

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Chapter 5. Soups On

The tiny dragon screamed still unknown where exactly he was falling until he hit a hot surface and splashed into a boiling liquid Spike quickly closed his mouth holding his breath but also getting a little of the hot liquid in his maw Spike quickly swallowed it to Spike's joy the taste was very good and familiar he opened his eyes to see himself in a lit yellowish water and surrounded by chopped carrots, potatoes, celery, boiled corn kernels and slender noodles 'Soup! I landed in soup!' Spike thought with joyous excitement Spike quickly swam his way up to the surface gasping for air and getting the wonderful smell of soup to his nose Spike flouted looking around his new surroundings the glass bowl stood high above Spike like giant circular walls, Spike couldn't help but think of the soup as lake, steam hazed threw the air and larger pieces of carrots flouted on surface like a piece of debris left by a shipwreck Spike swam over to a smaller chunk and leaped onto it using it as a raft.

Spike sighed wiping some sweat from his head "Well at least I landed in something tasty." he sighed then reached his claw down into the soup and cupped his fingers together getting handful of the broth and brought it up to his mouth and sipped it up "Mmm good." Spike smiled, the dragon jumped when the sounds of giant hoof steps shook bowl and made the soup ripple Spike held on tight to the moist carrot trying not to fall off Spike looked up to see the giant ponies above him he saw the same mare that he fell from now standing over him and soup he was in casting a colossal shadow.

"HMM NOW LET'S SEE HERE I COULD HAVE THE SOUP." the mare said to herself Spike brought his claws into his teeth and shook his head "No,... You don't want the soup!" Spike shivered and squeaked.

"HMMMM MAYBE NOT." the mare said bringing a hoof to her chin.

"HEY!" a male voice called the mare turned and smiled.

"HEY YOU." she said Spike watched as the same green stallion guard came into view casting another huge shadow.

Thanking the Princesses for small fortunes, the tiny dragon began to paddle around the soup bowl towards the edge, and with a grunt of exertion, he leapt towards it, claws first. If he’d been a pony, or maybe just Pinkie, he probably could have stuck to the slick, smooth side with his hooves and a bit of magic. Being a dragon, he didn’t have that ability, but what he did have was claws, sharp things that could cut the thickest gem, and the cheap metal of the pot found itself punctured, even as the two ponies above continued to talk.

Spike said as he tried to pull himself up onto the other side of the bowl he tried pushed with his back legs but his feet kept slipping on the ruff wet surfaces the young drake growled in frustration he started to grind his fangs Spike began to sweat from the heat of the soup, he huffed a puff of smoke out of his mouth then inhaled and exhaled in repeat the dragon wasn’t about to let his fate be the same be the same as vegetable noodle soup “Alright!” he growled licking his lips he hunched his arms and legs ready to make big leap “Ok,…” Spike said then began to count.

“1,…2,…3!” right before Spike could even leap he felt gravity jerk him down as the bowl began to move making Spike lose his grip and fall back into the warm soup with a big loud splash but not loud or big enough for the giants above him to hear.

Spike quickly held his breath finding himself back in the soup again the dragon threw his hands down into fists and pointed his legs and tail down in angered straight line, his face turned a flaming red, baring his fangs and screamed with his jaws closed making bubbles steam out of fangs and ears the dragon huffed out a few last bubbles before finally calming down Spike swam up to the surface and gasped for breath.

“Ugh I guess I got no choice now. Except?” Spike started to think up an idea but he began to have doubts he scratched his chin nervously this plan would have to involve Spike waiting for whoever pony was now holding the bowl to take and spoon full with him in it and jump out at the last minute before the pony would put the spoon it their mouth.

Spike looked up seeing who his new captor was he could see under the green stallion’s muzzle and watching other ponies pass by him then saw the stallion’s muzzle go out of sight and felt a thud Spike watched the stallion come into view again as well as the mare Spike rolled his eyes when the two started talking again, Spike climbed onto a chop of potato and sate on it waiting for the spoon to come down. Soon Spike watched as a long metal silverware came down splashing in the bowl making the broth ripple Spike clung to the potato as the stallion spun the spoon around in a circle making a whirlpool.

“AHHAHHHH!” Spike screamed falling off and splashing into the soup the tiny dragon sank then surfaced up and down trying to stay afloat the spinning stopped and the soup remained still again Spike blinked a few times to get his vision back he quickly swam to the surface again to see the spoon coming down right for him Spike saw his chance.

The spoon splashed in the broth and to the dragon’s luck under him along with bits of noodles that tangled around him and three chops of carrots that matted Spike down he quickly started to fight back pushing and cutting the noodles Spike looked up to see the green stallion’s lips parting and could now see his cavern like mouth that was coming right for him, Spike growled pushing a carrot chunk off the spoon and splatting on the table Spike crawled over to the tip of the spoon and turned to see the massive mouth now casting a shadow over the spoon Spike quickly leaped off the spoon just missing the pony’s mouth closing around the spoon.

Spike landed face first on the surface of table with his legs and tail sticking up and flopping down with a few drops of soup splashing on the tiny dragon Spike pulled his face off the surface revealing his now flat muzzle.

“Ow.” Spike said in a nasally voice and picked himself up Spike strained his nose back out and looked up seeing the giant slurping up more spoonful of the soup the dragon quickly ran around the side of the bowl and hiding beside a salt shaker “Phew ok I gotta get back to Twilight.” Spike said to himself nothing was going to stop the little dragon now he was determined to get back to his normal size again, Spike looked up seeing the two ponies talking to each other “HEY!” the green stallion yelled making Spike jump.

“HEY CHERRY PIC!” the mare waved her flagging down a lit blue stallion with a puffy red mane wearing a white chef's coat and hat pushing a cart with a large silver cover on it.

“HEY GUYS.” The stallion said with smile and pulled up to the table the three giants started talking Spike observed the cart and wondered where he might be taking it “You gotta see this dish.”

The chief pony said lifting off the silver dome revealing a chocolate cake stacked three layers high with the smaller layer on top and each dark chocolate melted on each layer and each layer was lined with rows of cherries on each layer Spike’s went wide and his mouth watered.

‘Oh that looks so good.’ He thought his stomach growled saying his words louder than his thoughts Spike placed his claws on his belly and looked down at it his stomach that demandingly growled “Stop it.” He said trying not to look at the mouthwatering cake that shadowed over him.

“So where’s the cake going to?” the mare asked.

“To the princess.” The chief pony replied Spike perked up with a big smile the chief pony was taking this cake to a princess it could be Twilight Spike’s stomach growled louder again “Oh alright.” He growled back Spike quickly made a dash to the cart taking a leap from the table and landed safely on the cart “Yes made it.” Spike looked up at the cake it now stood over him like a delicious statue while the colossal ponies above him continued talking the miniscule dragon walked onto the plate and took a little chunk off of the chocolate giant “Just a taste.” He then shoved the piece of cake in his mouth.

“Mmmm that is so good.” Spike slowly chewed the cake chunk and then quickly ripped another chunk of cake out and put in his mouth and started eating and swallowed Spike smiled with an ear to ear grin Spike drilled his way inside of the cake creating a tunnel in the cake.

Spike relaxed in the tunnel he had made taking chunk by chunk of the chocolate cake and eating it Spike rubbed his belly happily Spike jumped when the tunnel of chocolate suddenly began to quake small and large pieces of chocolate fell from the sealing landing on the tiny drake.

“Ok see guys later.” The chief stallion said to the guard and cleaning ponies he placed the silver dome back down on the plate covering the cake and pushed the carte out of the lunch hall and pushed it down a hall waving ‘hello’ to other ponies he passed by the chief had reached a blue door with a moon symbol he knocked on the door twice and waited “Please come in.” the voice inside replied the stallion opened the door and pushed the cart inside “Hello here’s the cake you requested Princess.”

Spike pushed the cake chunks off him and eat a few pieces in the process “Oh man what was that?” Spike stood up and was displeased to see he was now covered in melted dark chocolate Spike felt another tremor.

“THANK YOU SIR CHIEF THE CAKE SHOULD BE SCRUMCHES WE ASSUME.” A familiar voice echoed another tremor shook Spike around the cake was obviously being moved.

“THANK YOU PRINCESS I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT.” The chief stallion said and then came a series of stomps and an echoing door opening then closing Spike clawed the sealing of the cake tunnel and started digging his way up till he reached the gooey surface that covered him in more melted chocolate Spike whipped it from his eyes and looked up to see a gigantic mass of blue and hovering over him was the face of a hungry Princess Luna that licked her lips in delight “Uh oh.” Spike could only say now wishing he wasn’t covered in chocolate.

The chief stallion left the room leaving Luna with her cake Luna leaned over the cake and sniffed it then lead back into her chair the princess smiled and licked her lips.

“Ah I’m so glad dear sister has given me a list of her most favorite cakes this cake smells and looks delicious.” Luna’s horn glowed and used her magic to open the window beside her letting in sounds of birds chirping and fresh air Luna’s magic grabbed a knife off of the table and sliced a perfect triangle Luna lifted the piece onto a hovering plate and placed it close to her on the table the alicorn smiled happily picking up a bottle of grape juice and poured herself a glass.

“I have a feeling I’m going to be very satisfied with this.” She said to herself then levitated a fork ready to eat.

To Be Continued.