• Published 19th Oct 2016
  • 3,657 Views, 54 Comments

Bite-Sized Spike - ShrunkenBro

During another stressful Grand Summit Twilight Sparkle while in her sleep accidently shrinks Spike down to size. Now at his tiny size the tiny dragon must find a way to get back to his normal size and survive the new gigantic world.

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Chapter 3. Magical Sneezes

The tiny dragon shook himself off, and then looked around at his situation. It was slightly better than it had been when Shining had come into the room, that was nice, but it still wasn’t great. With what had just happened, he knew he should probably try and get Twilight’s attention. He was at least somewhat confident in his survivability, and realized that he probably could have survived being stepped on, even if in the moment he’d been scared to death.

That still left him wanting some attention though, as he’d seen that even the steps of the ponies were able to move him around. They didn’t even have to step on him or anything, just stepping near him was bad at this size. Sighing, he began to shout as loudly as he could, crying out Twilight’s name over and over again from the top of her head, tangled amid the cord like hairs of her mane. As one might expect of Twilight, who was paradoxically both a light and heavy sleeper, depending on something in her dreams, she didn’t even twitch.

“Oh, come on!” he cried in frustration, and began the trek her forehead, making his way through the mass of her mane, and finally emerging from the tangled forest into the knee high grass of her typical fur on her face, with the large purple wall in front of him of her muzzle. On either side was her eyes, tightly shut, and slightly glowing with the power of her magic in the low afternoon light that was coming through the apartment windows nearby.

Idly, the dragon poked at one of the eyelids nearby, feeling the soft flesh and even softer eye behind bend under his weight. It didn’t wake her up, however, and the dragon just sighed, pounding his clawed hand into the soft flesh of the bridge of her muzzle between her eyes, and then began to walk towards the wall in front of him. Her ears might have been the best place to get her attention, if she were awake, but he knew that for Twilight, the best way to wake her up was to make her sneeze.

So thinking, the dragon began his march between her eyes, giggling at the tickle feeling of her fur as it got shorter and shorter until it was just small blades of purple grass beneath his feet. Once he’d made it to the side of her muzzle, he looked up from where he was standing, and sighed again as he realized the climb that was now in front of him. Still, he was used to Twilight leaving him with a lot of work to do, and so got to it, grasping a few strands of her fur in his claws, and pulling himself up.

Strangely, climbing her muzzle didn’t take nearly as much time as he thought it would, his body probably lighter, in proportion, to its old self. Like when the Power Ponies got shrunk by the Mad Professor in one issue. They had their powers lessened, but they could do more with them, especially Fillisecond, who seemed even faster at mouse sized. While not quite as good as her, her still made it to the top of Twilight Muzzle Mountain in only a few seconds, and looked around.

“Now then, time to tickle a nose,” he said, giggling at his superhero quip as he made his way towards her nostril. The hole was huge compared to him, as large across as he was tall at the moment, and with a huge gust of wind blowing out of it periodically. Considering for a few moments how best to go about it, Spike was startled when the muzzle beneath him shook, and suddenly the strong gust became a gale, the hole of Twilight’s nostril widening, even as the wind picked him up and dragged him towards it.

Spike grabbed the blades of Twilight's purple fur as the nostrils pulled at him just as that wind left the new one came and pushed Spike away making him lose his grip on the fur. Twilight then inhaled again causing a blast of air to pull Spike further and despite his effort to keep himself in one place, the two tunnels grew closer and closer then muzzle twitched and then a loud snore echoes the room making Spike cover his ears "Oops!" he shouted as the inhaled gust pulled Spike right into Twilight's left nostril the tiny dragon sunk his claws into the slippery edge of the cavern "This wasn't such a good idea." Spike said to himself as the air continued to try and suck him in Spike's grip became moist from the nose "Please no." Spike pleaded as his grip slipped and was inhaled into Twilight's nose.

Inside her nose it was warm, wet, and a lot of other words that meant overall icky. The place was full of goo, that quickly coated the small dragon’s scales, causing them to grow sticky, and this, getting him stuck in place, while the world around him shook violently. In her dreams, Twilight was sniffing at a vial of some rainbow concoction she’d been working on. The scent of it at first was just normal, but then something made her think of dragons, and she wondered, in the dream, if it there were dragon scales in the stuff.

The dragon in question was trying to pull at the stuff around him, the hairs and walls sticking to his body. It occurred to him, idly, that he was now a booger, and somehow, that made the small dragon laugh, despite the precarious situation he found himself in. Of course, his situation was one of always changing, and after a few grapples with the hairs that tried to tangle him, he found it changed again, and not in a good way, as he got himself loose, only to have no claw holds at all, and plummet again, landing hard on soft flesh below.

His landing was soft, but sticky, thanks to the flesh beneath him being at the back of the nose, however, before he could do much to improve his situation, the wind of Twilight’s breathing caught him again, and he was dragged down a passage of flesh that rippled and moved about him. Quick to react, he grabbed at the walls, thankful for the coating on his body that made him sticky, as the wind passed by, then pushed at him. His sticky coating wouldn’t let him move, however, and after a few breathes, he realized he was now stopped, for the moment, and he could take stock.

Looking around, not daring to breath fire for light considering where he was, he could still see via some light coming in through a large opening above him. What he saw was less than good, of course. Around him were the walls of Twilight’s body, fleshy things that rippled and moved with the muscles under them, like water, but more solid. Blowing past him was her breath, coming in regular, light gusts that blew at his body, but could not unseat him from where he was, leaving him stuck at the bottom...back of her throat, if the opening above was anything to go by, considering it was, wide, deep, and with many blunted bits silhouetted in the light from above.

“This just hasn’t been a good day for me,” complained the drake as he stretched his body a bit, trying to loosen some muscles, and then moved without losing his connection to Twilight’s throat, just in case he got sucked into Twilight’s lungs or something. Luckily, he was able to, using his sticky body, climb the nearby wall of flesh, moving slowly with a great deal of effort, pulling his body free one second after another. Then a trickle of liquid moved over his claw, and he was made aware, when reaching for another hand hold, that he wasn’t sticky there anymore.

“What the?” he asked curiously, and then cried out in fear as the world shifted, his body catapulting from where it had been, and landing on something soft, slimy, and moving. It took him only a second to realize it was the tongue of Twilight, writing like some kind of massive worm. Said worm in this case was flowing with saliva, that was breaking up his sticky coating, and making it hard for him to get traction as the world shifted with Twilight rising in bed, her lips smacking together dryly.

“SPIKE! CAN YOU GET ME A GLASS OF WATER!?” came a deafening thunder of her voice from everywhere around the drake, who didn’t bother to cover his ringing ears, as he knew what would happen if he stopped scrambling to get a hold on her tongue, his feet already dangling rather precariously over the precipice that was her throat. When he realized that he was sliding backwards regardless, he quickly leapt away from the tongue, grasping wildly for anything that could help him, and finding it in the form of her uvula, that he quickly wrapped every limb around, desperately clinging to it.

“TWILIGHT!!!” he cried out as loudly as he could, but outside, the Princess of Friendship heard nothing more than a tiny squeaking sound, which she missed entirely as she felt something start itching the back of her throat. Rising from her bed, she looked towards Spike’s at the foot of her’s, wondering why he hadn’t gotten up to get her water, when she realized his bed was empty. That was...odd, to say the least. He should have been tired as all Tartarus considering their day, and she considered looking for him, when she suddenly gagged on something.

Inside her mouth, Spike got to watch as her tongue rippled, and the view of the world outside shifted wildly with the way Twilight was standing. Worse, of course, was that everything shook with every cough she had, nearly dumping him down her throat. He wasn’t afraid of her digestive juices below, knowing that a pony didn’t eat meat, and beside, he could take lava easy, no way a pony’s stomach could top that, but knowing that such a ride tended to be one way, even if he was somehow found within her.

Outside, Twilight coughed a few times, and walked her way towards the sink of her apartment, running a small tap and then opening her mouth wide. Rather than waste time on a glass, she just created a small tube from the facet to her muzzle, and let the flow of liquid drain. Inside, Spike got to watch as the maw opened, making him hope for a moment that he had been found, only to eep as a flood of water came tumbled over Twilight’s lips, spilling between her teeth, and then flowing over the edge of her tongue, pouring into her throat a series of hard gulping sounds, as the walls rippled and moved with the liquid, cupping around it to gather it in, and then sending it downwards as tiny bubbles of water that bulged out her throat.

“Twilight, you really shouldn’t drink so much,” chided the dragon, remembering her incidents some nights where she’d had to get up to pee like a racehorse, and they only did that cause those guys had to keep hydrated. After a few swallows though, everything violently shook, and the flow stopped. The wind increased sharply, and Spike, despite his best efforts, tumbled off the uvula, the soft flesh slipping from his grasp. Rather than fall towards her throat, however, Spike was held in place by the air rushing past him.

“Ah,” went Twilight around him, making him wonder just what was going on, as a gust of powerful air nearly dragging him down into her lungs.

“Ah,” she said again, and this time the air pushed him back towards the front of her mouth.

“Ah!” this was accompanied by the wind blowing in every direction at once, setting Spike to spinning like a carnival ride, just as he realized what was happening.

“Good grief,” he said to himself, before the world was sent into a blur. Twilight’s body passed by him quickly, his head smacking hard into the soft uvula as he passed it, and then sailing over her tongue, and between her teeth.

“CHOO!” she went, as she sneezed, her lips puckering, but not enough to stop him from flying away from them. Sadly, rather than towards a solid surface, something he might grab onto, Spike’s path took him towards an open window in the wall, and the miniscule dragon flew out into the open air, the wind rushing past him too quickly for him to take a breath, even as he tried to scream, and was blinded by the light outside.

"AHHHHHH!" Spike managed to scream as he span threw the air then started facing downward he felt the forces of air rushing past him making corners of his mouth stretch back Spike kept falling faster and faster the little dragon closed his eyes as tears streamed rapidly out of his eyes he wondered if the fall would kill him or if he'd land in something that would put him in even more danger then he already was.

Spike free fell for what felt like hours but to his surprise he finally landed but to on what? The dragon opened his eyes to see he was laying face down on green leaf Spike sighed and gave small laugh he was never more happy to see a leaf Spike carefully clawed his way up to the middle center of the leaf Spike gave a big inhale and exhale "Feeeeeew." Spike took a few more long breaths the sound of bird chirping alarmed him and made him look around in his new surroundings. Spike could see that he had fallen into a bush Spike was almost mesmerized seeing the silver and white orbs dripping from the tips of all the leaves the gardeners must have just watered it Spike gave a "Wow." as the sun rays shined threw the spaces of the surrounding leaves and glimmered in the water drops Spike felt a cold drop hit the top of his head and dripped down his back giving him a chill up his spine "Well at least I'm safe." Spike said then peeked over the leaf the ground looked like it was miles down but if Spike was going to get anyponies attention he needed to move.

To Be Continued.