• Published 24th Sep 2016
  • 1,431 Views, 125 Comments


Superheroes, Samurais, Monsters, Dark Gods, and Fly Jockeys. When the heroes of one world are not enough, there must come a day when everypony must stand together and face a threat greater than their sum.

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Sunset Shimmer and the Chekhov's Gun

Sunset Shimmer and the Chekhov’s Gun


“Chekhov’s what now?”

“Huh? You say something?” She looked at Flash who had looked up from the book he was intently reading. Sunset looked out the window and saw that the sun had already set hours ago, they had been in the library all day.

“Wow, really? That long?” Flash still gave her a crooked look. “It’s nothing. It just came back and caught me off guard.”

“The narration?”

She nodded. “Yeah. Though its been pretty dark for a while. Stuff about hellscapes and evil gods.”

Flash set his book down in concern. “That doesn’t sound good. Let’s get it all down before you forget.” He pulled out a notebook he had been using to record everything she could remember. They had been hard at work on this for quite a while now, researching and writing and coming up with theories. She still felt like she was going crazy but it felt good to be going crazy next to the boy she liked.

“Shut up!” She blushed profusely and sunk down into her chair as she cursed the heavens. Flash merely chuckled and set his notebook down.

“It is getting pretty late. We don’t need to finish this right now if you don’t want to or if the voice is starting to get annoying.”

Sunset shook her head and smiled wearily. “No, let’s keep going.” She proceeded to tell him all about the story and how it was playing out. From the ponies reuniting to Rarity’s reforming with Nightmare all the way to the mysterious gray alicorn that appeared out of nowhere. Flash finished writing and set down his quill to turn back a few pages to scan everything they had learned.

“Well, I can say one thing. This is definitely some story. Monsters, gods, heroes, parallel worlds. Sounds like something out of a science fiction novel.”

Sunset put her head in her hands exasperatedly. “So why the ponies?”

Flash flipped a few pages and frowned as if he was looking for something. “Hey, did you say you were a part of all this?”

“I am right now,” she replied. “Ugh.”

“No I mean, they mentioned you in the story right?”

Sunset perked up. “Say what now?”

He put the notebook on the table and scooted closer to her to show her. Sunset froze slightly at their proximity but he tapped the page and she looked down. “Yeah, you said that Pinkie Pie girl mentioned you by name before they went to fight that evil princess.”

Sunset scratched her head as she picked up the notebook to study it. Did she really convey that? But the more she remembered, it seemed to be true. “It is?” She had been mentioned by name. A pony with a fiery red mane. “But I’m not a pony.”

“Sorry?” Flash had been staring at her for a while now while she mumbled to herself.

Sunset blushed again and put the notebook down. “I just… um… Gah, why does this have to be so confusing!”

To her surprise Flash put his hand on hers and set it down on the table. “Hey, it’s okay. I know I’m not much help but-”

“No! No! You’re all the help I need!” They stared into each other’s eyes for a brief moment before turning away in embarrassment. “Ahem, what I mean is… I’m glad you’re here.”

Flash smiled warmly at her. “I’m… glad I’m here too.”

They stared at each other again then in sync began to lean toward each other. And just when their lips were about to meet she-

“STOP TALKING!!” The library echoed with Sunset’s words leaving them both slightly frazzled at the angry explosion. “I… I should just go.” She gathered her things really quick and tried to run away, too embarrassed to even look him in the face. But before she could go he grabbed her by the arm.

“Wait, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”

Sunset paused but didn’t looked him in the eye. “What?”

“There’s… the Magical Night Under the Stars Ball tomorrow in the commons. Should be a lot of music and dancing. I was hoping that you and I could… go together?” Sunset went red and she shrunk nervously trying to hid her face. But the smile didn’t seem to go away. “I guess that’s a no?”

“No!” she shouted, turning to look at him. Flash looked at her wide eyed. “I mean no. I mean YES! Yes, I would love to go.”

“Great,” he replied with a wide smile that he too tried to hide. “It is getting kind of late, we should probably get to bed.”

“Yeah,” she muttered half listening, lost in her own world of fantasies. “Oh, be quiet.”

Flash laughed again at her impromptu comments. Suddenly a thought occurred to her. “Hey, so do you know what Chekhov’s Gun is?”

Flash stopped packing and paused. “Oh, yeah, you were saying something about that before. I think I remember reading about it somewhere.” He reached back into his pack and pulled out a book on screenwriting. “Here it is. Dr. Wolf was right about these books, they were pretty helpful. Chekhov’s Gun. A term deriving from stage plays that refers to an object or character seen throughout the story but holds no true purpose or function until the very end. That help?”

Sunset nodded slowly but her face looked far away. “I guess.”

“Did the voice say it?”

She looked at him and smiled. “It’s nothing important, really.”

Flash tucked the book back in his pack and gave her a wave. “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow night then. Meet in front of the school?”

“I’ll be there.”

He left the library leaving her alone to her thoughts. “Yeah, not entirely alone. You’re still here. So tell me what that whole Chekhov’s Gun thing means anyway.” She waited for a response but none came. Finally, she let out a sigh and gathered her things to leave. “An object or character, huh?” She shook her head to clear it. She had more important things to be worrying about. What was she going to wear tomorrow? Did she even have a dress? “Of course I have a dress!” But was it pretty enough? “ARGH!”

Author's Note:

Really short chapter, I know. But now we're entering the final arc. Brace yourselves people!

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