• Published 24th Sep 2016
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Superheroes, Samurais, Monsters, Dark Gods, and Fly Jockeys. When the heroes of one world are not enough, there must come a day when everypony must stand together and face a threat greater than their sum.

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Assault on Canterlot

Assault on Canterlot


Applejack, Mare Do-Well, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Luna all stood around the circular table in the center of the resistance base. In front of them in the middle was a round device that continued to blink red, displaying a gridded topographical map with a pulsing target. “So does this mean they found her?” Rainbow asked.

Mare Do-Well pulled out a map from a barrel of them in the corner and spread it out on the table. “I don’t like this.” She pointed to the coast. “From what it looks like, Fili-Second sent them here to Manehattan.” Her hoof trailed all the way down to the mountain where Canterlot was. “It’s been too short a time for them to get all the way there.”

“Ah agree,” AJ joined in. “This seems like a trap.”

Luna’s brow furrowed in thought. “No doubt my sister has been notified of your arrival. She may even know that you were saved by us and taken shelter. If this is a trap, then she’s goading not only you but the resistance out as well.”

“So maybe I can just speed in there and rescue them,” Pinkie suggested. “All in all it could take three… two minutes.”

AJ looked to Mare Do-Well. “It’s possible.”

“No, it isn’t.” Luna said. “You may be fast but my sister has incredible senses and reflexes. She’ll be able to see you coming. Not only that but they have developed a suit to match your speed since your last visit. Why do you think we wanted to study you?”

“It’s like giving a grenade to a cavemare,” Mare Do-Well whispered.

“Huh?” Rainbow asked.

“A book I’d read once. Introducing advanced weaponry to an unfamiliar populace will always result in catastrophe.” She turned to Pinkie. “By coming here, you and even we are damaging this world’s growth. I’m just thinking, are we doing more harm than good here?”

“Does that matter now?” AJ asked.

Mare Do-Well sighed. “No. I guess you’re right. Either way, we need to go. We also need support.” She looked to Luna.

The princess lowered her head and frowned. “I’m sorry, but I can’t allow my ponies to stage an attack on Canterlot just yet. It’s too heavily protected, they would be wiped out before we even left the forest.”

Applejack slammed her hooves on the table. “Ah know it’s risky but we need to save our friends!”

Luna’s frown deepened and she shot AJ a glare. “I understand, Applejack. But I will not risk the lives of my ponies.” They were all silent. Rainbow and Luna shared a glance before the alicorn let out a sigh. “That is why I will escort you there.”

“Boss!” Amethyst shouted in shock from the door. Luna held up a hoof to silence her.

“Let me finish. Right now, my sister and her soldiers are probably on the lookout for you four primarily.” She pointed to the side of the mountain opposite Canterlot. “There is a cave system in the mountain that I have been keeping secret for such an occasion. Amethyst, you and a squadron of others will take the tunnel and infiltrate Canterlot, but only after we have made our move.”

AJ looked over the map as the pieces fell into place. “Ah get it. Two pronged attack. We’re the diversion coming up from the road while they sneak in the back and rescue everypony.”

“That still leaves the problem of our exit strategy,” Mare Do-Well interjected.

Luna pointed to Pinkie. “Miss Pie, you will go with the rescue team from the back. With your speed you should be able to find your friends while we distract whoever is wearing the speed suit.”

Pinkie nodded and even Mare Do-Well seemed to approve of this plan. Applejack crossed her arms in thought. “You’re really willin’ to go this far for us? It’s possible you won’t come back.”

Luna clasped her hooves together and closed her eyes. “I have a lot to atone for. Also your mission is a worthy one that affects more than I alone. Finally, we cannot ensure my sister will enter the battle unless I’m there.”

“But she could kill you.”

There was a sad silence in the air. “That is a risk I am willing to take.”

Everypony moved to get up but Mare Do-Well held up a hoof to stop them. “Hold on! We may have a game plan, but there’s still time to polish it to perfection.”

“And how do you suggest we do that?” Luna asked.

Mare Do-Well turned to Pinkie. “We need to make a quick stop first.”


Flutterbat finally felt the last bit of the metal link she’d been gnawing on all night give and it snapped. With her left hoof free she was finally able to stretch it. She turned to the other hoof and sighed as she began on chewing that one as well.

Suddenly a loud thunder clap echoed in the distance. Louder than she’d ever heard before. Her senses were sharp but she was still at least a hundred hooves underground. How could she still hear that?


High in the sky above Canterlot, above even the pegasi soldiers’ flight paths, Rainbow held aloft a small lightning shaped necklace in her mouth. Clouds and electricity continued to gather around her as the mother of all storms built up below. I hope Mare Do-Well knows what she’s doing, she thought.


Rarity lifted her head slightly as she first heard the thunder, then the rain began to pour pelting the window with enough ferocity to make it rattle like it was about to fall off. What was going on out there? Suddenly the door to the lab opened and Twilight walked in, soaking wet. Her horn glowed and the water immediately vaporized but she still looked disgruntled.

“This crazy weather,” she muttered. “It’s got to be them.” She looked at Rarity and her face seemed to falter. “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry it’s come to this.” She magically unlocked the chains and disconnected them from the wall before they wrapped around her legs once more. “Walk with me. Celestia wants you in the throne room.”


Luna, Applejack and Mare Do-Well stood side by side at the edge of the forest, Canterlot just up the mountain side. Mare Do-Well checked all her equipment while AJ stared at the new lasso in her hooves. “You sure I’ll be able to use this thing?”

Mare Do-Well looked up at the sky and the enormous storm congregating above. “That necklace seems to work for Dash. Should hold to reason Mistress Marevelous’ lasso works for you. I’m glad Fili-Second allowed us to use them.”

Applejack chuckled to herself as she wrapped the lariat around her side. “Yeah, well, Ah’m already pretty good with a rope. What makes you think this is gonna make me any better?”

Mare Do-Well let out a small laugh. “Never hurts to be prepared.” She turned to Luna. “You’re the centerpiece of this distraction. You’re going to have to make the biggest entrance possible.”

Luna nodded and smiled darkly. “I already have a few ideas.”


In the city above at the gates, tens of soldiers stood in wait for anything that should try to get in or attack. Black masks and helmets covered their faces but nervousness was still apparent in the air. The rain didn’t help either as most began to move their hooves back and forth to keep their soles from getting soaked.

A crack of lightning pierced the sky blinding the squadron and making the immediate area dark around them. As their sight began to acclimate, the thunder to accompany shook the air and with it a tall dark figure fell from the heavens and landed on the road before them with a heavy impact. The seismic wave slammed into the few at the front and they fell backward. Others by the back raised their weapons at the figure.

It stayed still, keeping its head low before two enormous hellish wings erupted from its sides. The figure lifted its head as blue magic began to cascade from its horn. All the soldiers muttered fearfully as they began to back away. Suddenly somepony from the back let an arrow loose. The figure didn’t need to move to dodge as the arrow whizzed past it. It tracked the arrow with its cat like eyes before looking back to them. A wicked grin spread across its face. “Move.” The soldiers all immediately retreated into the city where the cowardly could find shelter and the braver could find back up.

Mare Do-Well and Applejack walked up from the road behind the figure. Mare Do-Well looked at the completely open path for them now. “Nice work. I’d have added maybe a few broken bones though.”

AJ patted the figure on the back. “You ask me those wings were scary enough. You look like a bat out of hell.”

Luna dispelled some of the darkness she’d created around herself to look more menacing. “I am actually not entirely used to things like intimidation, but I must admit that was quite enjoyable.”

Applejack was the first to enter the city. Mare Do-Well followed after, already seeing a new group of armored thugs heading this way. “So Luna’ll go the direct route,” AJ said. “And you take the roads.”

Mare Do-Well raised an eyebrow at her. “And what way were you thinking of going?”

Applejack removed her katana from her sheath before pulling back her hakama to reveal a familiar metal framework strapped to her chest. “Somewhere in between.” A metal rope shot out from the 3-D device and she catapulted forward past the advancing mob. A few stray armored pegasi followed her with their eyes. “YEEHAW!”

Luna looked to Mare Do-Well and then the mob approaching. “Do you want me to assist you?”

Mare Do-Well cracked her neck and began to walk toward the soldiers. “You kidding? Why do you think she left? Besides,” she splayed her feet in a battle stance, “it’s been too long since I’ve had a workout like this.” Luna smiled and flapped her makeshift wings, flying her way toward Canterlot Castle. The mob all stopped in front of Mare Do-Well and raised their weapons at her. “So, who’s first?”


Rarity trudged behind Twilight as the storm raged on outside. Every time thunder struck it made her think that her friends were out there fighting for their lives. Imagine if they die trying to save you, the voice in her head said. Wouldn’t that just be awful?

“Shut up,” she muttered to herself.

“What was that?” Twilight asked.

Rarity glowered at the yellow uniformed unicorn. “The Twilight I know would never do something like this.”

Twilight frowned and put her face in Rarity’s. “Well, I’m not the Twilight you know. And you? You don’t know anything about me.” Suddenly a clang came from behind her and Twilight’s eyes went wide. Her magic aura faded and she fell to the floor unconscious. Standing behind her with a frying pan was somepony Rarity had not expected to see.

“Come on,” Fluttershy said to her, hurriedly waving her frying pan. “We need to go!” She was not the Fluttershy she knew, that was for sure. This one wore a red and white dress with a black cloak around her face. Still, that look in her eyes was the same.

“Fluttershy?” Rarity asked. She looked between Twilight and the Pegasus. “What are you-”

Fluttershy bit her lip before rushing over and pulling out a set of keys. She unchained her and waved again. “Just please trust me, we don’t have much time.”

Rarity rubbed her wrists before nodding. “Alright. Lead the way.” They stepped over Twilight and ran down the hall.


Celestia stood in her throne room looking out at the balcony. The storm only picked up force as she glared into the ever encroaching dark clouds.

“Um, princess?” Rainbow Dash asked from beside her. “What do you want us to do?”

A lightning strike lit up the sky and for a moment the fearful princess saw what she had been looking for in the sky. A small grin crept up her side. “Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkamena will go to the gates. Hold off the intruders for as long as you can.”

“You don’t want us to help yo-…” Rarity began but stopped hesitating to finish her thought.

Celestia frowned. “Only if you can. But I will be with you momentarily.” Her wings began to flap and she floated off the ground into the rain.

“Where will you be?” Pinkie asked.

Celestia didn’t answer as she shot off into the sky. The three ponies were left alone now, looking between each other. “Well, you heard her!” Rainbow shouted authoritatively before flying off to the gates. Rarity followed but stopped when Pinkie didn’t go.

“Are you coming, darling?”

Pinkie looked around frantically. “Where did Applejack go?”


Flutterbat was right in the middle of chewing through her other chain before an explosion rocked the dungeon. She could hear the sounds of ponies screaming and shouting as arrows whizzed through the air. A rush of something incredibly fast caused a series of bodies to fall and then the only sounds were some ponies shouting orders while one shouted in rapid fire succession.

“NOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENOPENO-” the voice stopped before her door and Flutterbat recognized the ocean blue eyes behind the slit. “Found her!” The door slid open easily to reveal Pinkie Pie in her Fili-Second outfit. She looked at the door confused. “Huh, that’s weird. It was already open.”

“Pinkie!” Flutterbat cheered.

“Flutterbat!” Pinkie rushed up and hugged her before hearing the rattle of chains on her legs. She pulled back. “Hang on a second.” Pinkie placed a hoof on the chains and it began to vibrate at an amazing rate before shattering.

Flutterbat walked out of the tiny cell and stretched her hoof out and shook her shoulders. She saw that there were more ponies with her in strange scarves and clothes. They were beginning to open the cell doors to release the other prisoners. “Thank you.”

“What are friends for?” Pinkie asked with a smile. “Where’s Rarity?”

“Not here?”

Pinkie rubbed her chin. “She must be somewhere in the castle. Hold on, this’ll take a minute.” She was about to speed away when a red blur passed her. Within a blink it shut all the prison doors once more and corralled the other ponies Pinkie had come with into the cells as well. Flutterbat got low in a defensive stance and hissed. The blur stopped before them. It was a pony in a red and gold suit with a mask over their face. They pulled it back to reveal an orange coat and blonde mane. “Applejack?”

“Hello, Pinkie,” Applejack replied. “Ah’m afraid Ah can’t let you leave.”


Applejack soared through the sky on her metal rope, rain pelting her face. She landed on a rooftop just outside the open square for the castle gates. All the soldiers she expected to find were gone with only one pony left in their place. She squinted through the dark and rain to see. They wore some kind of gray armor but the pink mane and tail were unmistakable. “Is that Pinkie?”

Suddenly the armored Pinkie turned her way and pointed to her. Applejack almost didn’t move fast enough as what appeared to be a giant fork sailed through the air and buried itself in the bit of roof she was just standing on. She lay on the ground in confusion for a moment. “Was that a trident?”

A whoosh of air behind her and she reflexively swung her katana. It caught another piece of metal with a clang and she saw she had intercepted a strike from Rainbow Dash. The blue Pegasus was wearing golden armor in some kind of gladiator style and her wide sword reflected that. She grinned with the sword between her teeth. “You know, I’ve been looking for a good sparring partner.”

Applejack pushed and sent her back before jumping from the roof. She landed in the street and directly into the square facing off against the other Pinkie on the other side. The other Rainbow flew down next to her and chuckled. “You’ve got nowhere to run!”

Applejack turned but the trident from before swung at her and she jumped back. The other Rarity stepped forth from the alley behind her, her light blue magic holding the weapon aloft. “Ah have to admit, never seen anypony use a trident before,” she joked.

The other Rarity merely smiled cruelly. “It’s a rather overlooked weapon, yes. But quite beautiful in it’s simplicity.” She spun it in the air for emphasis before pointing it at her.

Applejack was now surrounded on all sides. The buildings above were too far for her device to reach. She was backed into a corner. She gritted her teeth against the hilt of her blade and spread her legs. She would just have to believe in a miracle.

A flash of lightning lit up the sky accompanied by a loud scream. Everypony looked up to see a glowing figure falling from the sky and landing with an explosion of electricity and force. Rainbow stood up from the crater she had made and wearily rubbing her head as she looked around. “Well, looks like I made it in time.”

Applejack smiled. “Glad you could make it.”

“It’s still two on three!” The other Rarity shouted. “You don’t stand a chance!”

As if to answer her a figure in the shadows of the alley behind her reached its arms out and grabbed her from behind, pulling her in. She struggled and tried to maneuver her trident but there came a loud thud and the magic around it dissipated, clattering to the ground. Mare Do-Well stepped from the alley a moment later, her outfit a mess with cuts and scratches but still quite menacing. “Well, she was phonetically right at least.” Mare Do-Well joked. “Just was talking to the wrong ponies.”

Rainbow and Applejack grinned ear to ear then turned their attention to the other two. “So how are we going to do this?” Rainbow asked the other Rainbow.

The other Pinkie rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t expect to get out of this so easily. If those two are anything alike then-” Both Rainbows shouted and charged at each other before flying and zipping through the air. “They’re pretty stubborn.”


High above the castle, two figures flew in silence staring at each other. Despite the rain, Celestia’s mane still flowed like there was a gentle breeze. While Luna’s hung limply from her shoulders, blackened by the rain.

“I knew you were behind the resistance,” Celestia scoffed. “I knew you couldn’t just leave well enough alone. I gave you a chance, Luna! I spared you when I knew this is what would happen! I’m not making the same mistake twice!”

Luna stared pleadingly at her sister. “Tia, I know your anger and its deserved, but all of Equestria shouldn’t suffer for something that’s my fault.”

Celestia pointed an accusing hoof at her, fire in her eyes. “Yes! Your fault! You gave birth to that cretinous monster! Your absent minded jealousy and pride created Nightmare!” She flew forward and grabbed Luna by the shoulders. She could see the anger in her eyes, but also deep pain she had never seen in her sister before. “Damn it, Luna! Why did you let her do this to me!?”

Luna had no answer. “I can’t… begin to atone for the sins I’ve committed.” She raised her arms in surrender. “Just accept my life and leave. Leave this place alone. It’s suffered enough from both of our mistakes.”

“Mistakes?” Celestia asked in shock, pulling away from her. “I’ve made no mistakes. My mind has never been clearer. I have unified this world! There’s no war! No famine! No struggle!”

“And all you ask in return is their free will,” Luna cut in. The two sisters stared at each other for the longest moment.

Celestia finally let out a sigh. “We can never go back, can we?” Luna lowered her head. “So be it.”

Lightning flashed against the sky illuminating the two gods as their horns began to glow with ethereal light and they charged.


Rarity and Fluttershy ran through the halls, trying to get to the exit as quickly as they could. “Your friends are trying to rescue you,” Fluttershy said as they ran. “I’m guessing they’re at the front gate, but so are the others. You need to help them.”

Rarity stopped in her tracks. “Wait! I still need to go back. Suntrix is back there.”

Fluttershy stopped and turned to her. “Just go. I’ll go back for her.”

A deafening sound louder than any thunder clap shook the earth and both mares were knocked off their hooves. Fluttershy scrambled to the nearest window and looked out, aghast. “What is it?”

Outside in the sky two familiar figures battled it out. Every time they clashed a tremendous shock wave would push out and the same deafening sound was heard. Fluttershy paled. “No. They’re going to destroy everything. Everypony here. I… I need to do something.” She crawled up onto the ledge of the window and opened it up.

Rarity looked at her with wide eyes. “Are you insane!” She put a hoof in front of her. “You won’t even get close to those two!”

Fluttershy looked at Rarity and for a moment she thought she saw the exact same smile she’d come to see so many times before from her own friend. “I still need to try.” She pointed down the hall. “Suntrix is back the way you came. Take her from here and go.”

Fluttershy squeezed past Rarity’s hoof and flew out the window. “Wait!!” she tried to use her magic to stop her but the stopper on her horn was still there and nothing would come out. She pulled back from the window with trepidation. “Please, be safe.” Then she took off running back to the lab.


Pinkie and the other Applejack in the red suit stood face to face as they squared off against each other. “I see you picked up some new tricks, AJ,” Pinkie chuckled nervously.

“Just come with me and maybe Ah can convince Celestia to let all these ponies go,” Applejack stated. Her eyes were not cruel, but rather pleading. She didn’t seem to give off a bad vibe, at least to Flutterbat. Pinkie didn’t seem to think so either.

“Applejack, you really don’t want to do this,” she pleaded. “I’ve seen other worlds. You can believe me when I say there’s a better way than what Celestia is doing.”

Applejack only frowned. “You think Ah don’t know that? But this isn’t about what’s right. Celestia is powerful. Too powerful! Ah… Ah can’t go against her.” There was fear in her voice.

Flutterbat still stayed alert but Pinkie removed her cowl and held out a hoof. “Please, we can help you.”

Applejack looked at the outstretched hoof and closed her eyes. “Ah’m sorry but-” The loudest thunder she had ever heard hit Flutterbat’s ears and everypony in the dungeon had to hold the sides of their heads as they screamed. Applejack looked at the ceiling in confusion and terror. “What in the world?”

Suddenly another clap came and this time the hole in the wall where Pinkie and the others had come through began to crack along the ceiling. The castle above them was beginning to buckle. Pinkie looked to Applejack. “You have to help me get everypony out of here!”

Applejack looked at her hesitantly but nodded. “Y-Yeah.”

In a matter of moments everypony in the cells was let out and rushed up and out of the dark dungeon just as it collapsed. Everypony, including the unconscious guards, were led out of the area.

Pinkie stopped next to Applejack who was breathing heavily after moving that fast. “Thank you.”

AJ nodded and smiled slightly. “No, Thank you.” The sound of the dungeon collapsing was dwarfed by another clap and they all looked out the window. Applejack stared in wide eyed horror at the sight.


Rainbow felt herself get slammed in the stomach as her golden armored double flew into her. She only barely moved in time to dampen the blow with a block from her hooves. Still she felt the breath leave her body and she glared at her opponent. “That was some fast reaction time,” The other Rainbow muttered. “But only expected by somepony as awesome as me.”

Rainbow crooked an eyebrow at her. “Are you seriously congratulating yourself for blocking an attack from yourself? I don’t know if that’s delusional or narstatistical.”

The other Rainbow growled. “The word is narcissistic! Am I seriously this annoying?” She drew her sword and swung in an arc at her. Rainbow expertly dodged it in the air but her double’s attack continued, swinging repeatedly at her with frightening precision. She felt a swing cut into the suit covering her right leg and she let out a cry. “Had enough?”

Rainbow grimaced as she checked the wound, not as deep as she thought, but she couldn’t let this go on much longer. She was good, but the rain was a factor here. It was throwing her off her game. But rain wasn’t the only inhibiting factor. She smiled as an idea came to her. “Not even. Hey! Bet you can’t catch me!” She flew off into the sky high above the castle.

The other Rainbow groaned at the sky. “Seriously!? Running?” With an abnormal burst of speed, she was quickly catching pace with Rainbow. She swung at her legs from right behind her, Rainbow narrowly tucking them in to avoid it.

“Woah!” she cried as she spun back around to face her. The other Rainbow simply continued her assault slashing mindlessly as Rainbow flew steadily back with each swing. “You *whoosh* really haven’t *swing* had a lot *shing* of practice with that thing *swoosh* have you?”

The other Rainbow yelled and swung again, Rainbow this time dodging and landing on a nearby cloud. Other Rainbow landed across from her and snarled. “Just what was your plan here? You haven’t even tried fighting! You just gonna dodge me all day?”

Rainbow grinned. “No. Just thought I’d show you how different we are and use my head to be beat you.”

Other Rainbow laughed. “You’re gonna headbutt me from there?” Then a flash of light came from the clouds above and crashed down on her. The speed at which it’d been done was too fast for even the armored Pegasus to notice. The thunder clap followed a moment after, as did the mare’s scream. She stood there for a brief moment, her body singed and her armor clearly in shambles. She opened her mouth to say something but the sword in her grip fell and her body with it into an unconscious pile on the cloud.

“No,” Rainbow replied victoriously. “Metal attracts lightning, dummy!” She flew from the cloud and back to the square where the other two were. She slapped herself as an idea occurred to her. “Aw, I could have used this weather necklace to just do that!” She shrugged. Something to try next time.

Then the sky shook. Rainbow felt the shockwave even in the air as the storm around her seemed to get pushed aside. She righted herself and looked at the scene close by. It was Luna and Celestia. She had never seen the princess like this before. So angry. The fire in her eyes literally being fire. They were a red and blue blaze in the sky that clashed and sent shockwaves out in all directions. It made her tremble slightly to see such raw power. Then something small streaked across the sky from the castle. It was yellow and pink wearing a black hooded cape that trailed behind it. The outfit was unfamiliar but the mane and coat were anything but.

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