• Published 24th Sep 2016
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Superheroes, Samurais, Monsters, Dark Gods, and Fly Jockeys. When the heroes of one world are not enough, there must come a day when everypony must stand together and face a threat greater than their sum.

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Out of the Past (Part 2)

Out of the Past (Part 2)


Flutterbat watched in fascination as the years passed by for Applejack. It seemed the dream was now fast forwarding her to a new point in her life. She could see Applejack take up a sword.

“You think you can even lift a sword?” Kid Rainbow asked superiorly to her as they stood on a mat facing each other. They each held long wooden swords in their mouth and bowed to each other.

“Ah reckon Ah can do anythin’ you can do better,” Applejack snidely replied.

Rainbow sneered. “Oh, it’s on.” They both ran at each other and started hacking away like infants and yelling.

Memories flashed again and they were both sitting in front of the pony that appeared to be Rainbow’s father. Both were covered in cuts and bruises and looked shamefully at the ground. “But dad, I was just-”

The father held up a hoof to silence her. His face was unreadable. Applejack spoke up. “It’s not entirely her fault,” she muttered. “Ah shouldn’t have overreacted.”

He turned from the two and went to a long wooden case on the table. He brought it back to the two and set it before them, his face still unreadable. “You two are like fire and ice. Each with your sting, but also with your useful qualities. However, you can never seem to find harmony among yourselves.”

He put a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder and smiled at her. “Dashu, I know Applejack is not blood. But she is now family. We are bound by the house of Jimina. Someday, you both will serve together in protection of our lord.” He extended his other hoof to Applejack and looked at both of them. “And for that day you will need to become like sisters.”

He reached for the wooden case and opened it to reveal a set of three swords. He pulled the two shorter ones out and handed them to Rainbow, then handed the long sword to Applejack. “Let these blades remind you of your bond. Because now the bond between you two is stronger than blood. It is made of steel.”

Both fillies looked in awe at the weapons, Applejack especially amazed that the handle of the blade she was given was adorned with a trio of apples. She felt herself tear up a little and wiped it away quickly before anypony could see. Rainbow didn’t have the same fortitude. “Daddy!” she began to bawl and wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her close and then reached out for Applejack, the filly hesitated for a second but then obliged and joined the hug.

After that sentimental scene, the two fillies left the room with their new weapons. There was an awkward pause between the two as each didn’t seem to know what to say. As Rainbow was about to speak two younger fillies, Apple Bloom and an orange Pegasus, ran past them playing a game of tag. “Come on, sis!” Apple Bloom shouted as she passed.

Applejack gave Rainbow an expectant look and the previously cold filly’s demeanor faded. She smiled, put down her swords and began to follow them. “Wait for us!”

Time sped up again around her and a new scene played out. Applejack and Apple Bloom were older now and stood together in a long procession as rain poured down from the sky. Many other ponies around them were in black, including a sullen looking Rainbow Dash who carried a hoof drawn picture of her father. At the forefront of the procession was a lavish caravan carried by many stallions also in black. Through the thin curtains she could make out a unicorn stallion but she could not see the face.

A few ponies around them began to murmur and whisper and Flutterbat focused on them. “I heard it was an ambush.” “Lord Jimina and his vassal Captain Niji were both killed.” “How tragic!” “The child is alone now, correct?” “Better question is who will take Lord Jimina’s place.” “I hope it’s not his son.”

The procession stopped when they made it through a courtyard and into a large castle. The funeral goers, for Flutterbat was now sure this was one, all lined up on either side of a large hall. At the end was an enormous amount of flowers and a golden shrine with a picture of the deceased. Applejack and Apple Bloom sat down close to the door while Rainbow sat up at the front.

The caravan finally stopped at the head of the hall and the unicorn within pulled back the curtains to speak. Flutterbat felt herself draw back as she saw an all too familiar face. The pony that was Applejack’s Sombra cleared his throat to speak. “My father was a great pony. His charitable deeds for the surrounding villages have been spoken of all over Neighpon. It was not for this reason that my father was weak, for he was strong in many things. I will not speak ill of the dead, but more of the bravery and pride of the living. I will take up my father’s place as head of this house and with it I will make a Neighpon that can never die. His spirit will live on in my every action and I will do him proud.”

He took a moment for everypony to take in what he said and then they all clapped their hooves in prayer. Applejack was the only one giving Sombra a crooked eye.

After the service, Sombra even walked up to Rainbow who was standing with Applejack and Apple Bloom. He pulled Rainbow away and bowed his head to her. “I am sorry for your loss.”

Rainbow seemed flustered for a moment, her father’s picture still in her hooves. “No, I owe you my condolences, daimyo.”

“I understand all too well what it is like to lose a father,” Sombra replied solemnly. “Make no mistake, there will always be a place for you in my court.”

“Thank you.” She bowed respectfully.

Sombra nodded his head at her and looked up, his eyes meeting Applejack’s for a brief moment. Flutterbat couldn’t be sure but for the smallest second she thought she saw disgust in his eyes. He turned from them and walked out of the hall.

Time sped up once more and landed on a scene in a large meeting room. Sombra and other ponies that appeared to be nobles sat around drinking wine from small cups and discussing things. Suddenly an older Applejack burst into the room, Rainbow on her tail. “Applejack, stop!” she pleaded but the mare was too riled up.

“Why?!” she shouted at Sombra. The unicorn stood from the table and glared at her.

“You dare interrupt this meeting?” he asked.

“I’m sorry, daimyo!” Rainbow apologized to him. “She’s just confused right now.”

Applejack stopped in front of the table and stood defiantly. “Why did you convince the shogun to ban Maneland apples?”

Several ponies at the table looked between themselves confused before Sombra burst into laughter. “That is what troubles you? Apples are one of the most largely consumed products in Neighpon. However, we have grown too reliant on the apples of ponies overseas.” He stood straight and at his full height seemed to look down on her. “In order for Neighpon to return to its former greatness, we must embrace our home customs and that includes homegrown fruits. Fuji apples are just as delicious as any foreign apple.”

“Here, here!” a pony at the table agreed. “The shogun’s court has even given you the nickname Lord Fuji, isn’t that something?”

Applejack scoffed. “That’s a load of hogwash!” The ponies at the table began to murmur as Applejack spoke up. “Cuttin’ yourself off from the world doesn’t help progress! In fact, it pushes it back!”

Rainbow looked between Applejack and Sombra in desperation. Sombra seemed ready to blow as he ground his teeth together. “You speak fondly of those countries, gaijin. Maybe you’d like to return to your own,” he sneered.

Applejack took a step forward and narrowed her eyes at him. “Ah’ve adopted this place as mah own. Ah owe too much to the ponies here to ever abandon it. But Ah’ll be a monkey’s uncle before Ah betray mah roots!”

The ponies whispered to each other, snide comments and questions about Sombra’s leadership. The unicorn’s face turned red with rage, an expression Flutterbat had never seen on him before. He turned to Rainbow. “Captain Niji, remove your subordinate at once!”

Rainbow bowed deeply. “Yes, daimyo. I am so sorry about this.”

She grabbed Applejack and the two went to the door. Applejack turned and gave Sombra one last shout. “This isn’t over!”

When the doors closed the whispering continued but Sombra shot all the guests a glance. Immediately they all shut up.

The memory faded and Flutterbat felt a chill run up her spine. That face. Just what was this Sombra capable of, and why was he so different from the one she knew?


The next scene in Flutterbat’s life played out. Applejack saw the young batmare sitting in the corner of her cave, a lamp illuminating her adoptive father next to her. Sombra sat by the cave wall, his head slumped to the side and his mouth slightly open. He snored lightly as the book in his lap lay open to the last page he was reading to her. Despite the fact that they had lived together, that didn’t change the fact that Flutterbat was nocturnal and Sombra wasn’t, so Applejack imagined there were lots of nights like this.

Flutterbat looked up at Sombra and then at the lamp with a slightly bored expression. She turned to the cave entrance and glanced outside at the dark night. Above her she heard the screech of a bat as it rushed outside no doubt on its way to eat. Already Applejack knew what was coming as Flutterbat looked between the cave entrance and Sombra. She carefully disentangled herself from him, careful not to wake him up and walked out of the cave.

Outside, the moon shone brightly. She glanced up and let out a sound of awe at the thousands of stars in the sky. Applejack walked over to the filly and smiled as she sat down beside her and looked up as well. Perhaps this was a happy memory.

Suddenly, a sound came from close by. Flutterbat noticed it first and turned. Applejack could hear the sounds of children playing in the forest below. Odd, these kids were out late and pretty far from any village. Vagabonds? Runaways, maybe?

She got up to investigate and Flutterbat did the same. They both made their way to the forest edge and sneakily stepped inside. After searching through the trees for a little bit they finally found them. Walking through the trees was a small band of performers, their wagon set up between two trees and a campfire in the center of a small clearing. Flutterbat peeked her head out of a bush to spy on the ponies but Applejack was unnoticed so she simply walked right in. The performers seemed to have decided that this wood was a good place to camp the night and for all intents and purposes they seemed perfectly satisfied with their safety. A stallion played a small string instrument to a tune she’d never heard of while others danced around the fire. A trio of children played by running around the camp.

Gradually the laughter and merriment increased as the musician played his instrument a little faster. The dancing increased and even the children seemed to join in. Applejack turned to Flutterbat and saw her now poking her head out at the scene. The fire danced in her eyes and Applejack saw her smile as her head bobbed up and down to the music. Applejack found herself smiling as well. Then it all went wrong.

The children playing had begun to spin each other around and one let go only to let their friend fly off and tumble into the bushes that Flutterbat hid in. The filly let out a scream that made the music stop and Flutterbat shot out of the bushes and into sight. It was only for the briefest of moments but everypony at the camp saw her. Her wings were outstretched and her fangs were visible. Her eyes darted between them all and she sprinted off into the forest.

Applejack followed after her, hearing the sounds of shouts and some more screams from behind them. She distinctly heard the words, “monster,” and “vampire.” After a minute or two, Flutterbat shot out of the forest and back up the hill to her cave. She was panting and pushing herself to the limit when she ran straight into Sombra.

The unicorn was now awake and looked down at her with enormous worried eyes. “Where did you go? What…” he didn’t finish his question as his ears perked up. In the distance were voices. And not just that, but the glow of lanterns illuminated the tops of the trees in the forest below. He pulled Flutterbat into the cave and pushed her to a small hole in the back. “Come on.” The two went in and he grabbed an enormous round stone from the side, pulling it into place in front of the hole. The room they were in went dark immediately. Flutterbat made her own way to Sombra’s side and hugged him close, her breath still shallow. He sat down and began to pet her mane gently. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “Everything is going to be alright.” He continued muttering that even when the voices in the night seemed to pass right by their cave. “Everything is going to be alright.”


A new scene appeared and Flutterbat saw Applejack scrambling around her home a panicked look on her face. Rainbow walked in to see Applejack in disarray. “She hasn’t come back yet.”

“Who?” Rainbow asked as she walked over to the sink to wash her face.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack replied insistently. “She said the exchange would only take half a week.”


“She told me she’d been chosen out of her squad for the Gakusei Kokan. The Student Exchange. Said it was some big honor or somethin’.”

Rainbow frowned at her and wiped her face. “As head of security on the estate I’m supposed to be in charge of the Kokan. I didn’t send anypony away this month.”

Applejack cocked an eyebrow. “Well, what do you mean? You sayin’ she lied?”

Rainbow held up a hoof to settle her. “Calm down. This could just be a big misunderstanding. Apple Bloom could have gotten wrong information or one of the squad was setting a simple prank. Or…” she trailed off as it seemed like she didn’t want to say her last thought.

Applejack pulled away from her in disgust. “You think she might have deserted?”

“Apple Bloom is not like that,” Rainbow said. “You and I both agree on that. Let’s just do a few inquiries. I’m sure she’s just staying somewhere in town or the next province.” She patted her on the shoulder. “We’ll find her.”

Time sped up and Flutterbat could tell that much time had passed. Applejack seemed haggard now and her eyes were red with sleep deprivation. She sat at a desk with many papers strewn about her. With each new page she read, her expression became more grim.

Rainbow knocked at the door and Applejack failed to look up. She simply let herself in. “I’ve received word from the edge of the Canto province. No sign of her. I’m sorry, Applejack, I’m doing everything within my power to-”

“How long?” Applejack asked bluntly.


Applejack bared her teeth and scooped up the letters and pages on the desk before throwing them at her. “How long has this been going on!?” Rainbow picked up a paper and perused it.

“What’s this?”

“Letters of correspondence between various ponies of high society. They specifically mention illicit trade of ponies between houses as slaves using the Gakusei Kokan as a front!” Her face fell and she hung her head in shame.

“Where did you get these?”

“I sent away to the library in Hay-an Kyo! The postal workers keep copies of important documents between high houses!” she shouted. “Have you been doin’ this?”

“Sometimes… in the past the Kokan would be used for such things like this,” Rainbow muttered shamefully. “Even my father was forced to make concessions that he was not proud of in the name of unity. But I can say with pride that our Daimyo has not ordered me to perform such heinous trades.”

Applejack stepped from behind the desk and walked up to Rainbow’s face. “You swear on your life that you did not have anythin’ to do with Apple Bloom?”

Rainbow stared resolutely at her. “I swear.”

They were silent for a moment before Applejack pulled back. “Then it just leaves him.”


“Jimina is the only one that could go above your head.” She grabbed her katana from the wall and slid it into her belt.

“Applejack, think about what you’re saying! You’re accusing your lord! Lesser ponies have hung for that.”

She shot Rainbow a glare as she headed for the doorway. “That pony is a snake and you know it! All he’s done in an effort to revitalize this nation is simply let it rot in its own shit!”

Rainbow’s face contorted in anger and she stepped in front of her. “Do not speak ill of him! Have you considered for one second that maybe Apple Bloom simply wanted to leave? The only friend she ever had was Sukutaru! Maybe she just wanted to spare your feelings! She never truly fit in here!”

Applejack froze, her eyes widened revealing their reddened state. For a moment it looked like she was ready to cry before her eyes narrowed in disdain. “What about me?” she asked. “Have Ah never truly fit in here?”

Rainbow’s mouth fell open and she was at a loss for words. “Don’t do that.”

“What was Ah to you?”

“Don’t do that!”

“Just some foreign oddity your father brought in, right?”

“DON’T DO THAT!” Both were silent for a long moment staring into each other’s eyes. “You know you’re more to me than that. Don’t go. Please.” Applejack was silent. “I know where you’ll go and if you leave I will stop you.” Applejack silently stepped past her and out the door. “If you-”

“Ah’m not goin’ to him!” she shouted back. “Ah don’t need revenge. Ah just need mah sister back.” She walked off toward the road.

Rainbow’s face contorted in sadness and she shot her head out the door. “If you go, you’ll be deserting! I’ll follow you! Wherever you go! And if you try to harm a hair on the daimyo I’ll be the one to end you!”

Applejack stopped only briefly to turn her head back to her. “Do what you need to do, and Ah’ll do mine.” And with that she took her first steps on the road and began to walk. Immediately the memory cut out and Flutterbat found herself in the blankness she had started in.

She didn’t understand all of it. But she knew one thing. Sombra had wronged her. That hatred she saw in Applejack’s eyes when she nearly killed Boss Sombra, she could feel the reason behind it now. It made her feel sadness the likes of which she’d never felt before. Was this the same sadness that Applejack felt everyday?


Applejack felt another skip and found herself in what appeared to be the same scene from before. Sombra held Flutterbat tightly to his chest as she looked prepared to cry. It was still very dark inside the cave but a single lantern illuminated the two. Outside Applejack could now hear the sounds of more than a few pairs of hooves. By all accounts it sounded like a mob out there. She could hear shouts and yells and the smell of fire accentuated the air.

This wasn’t just after the scene she had just seen but it was close, too close for comfort. Sombra turned his head to the sealed door of the cave, a now more haggard appearance than previously seen. He was tired from something. Running? Hiding? Had they been on the run now and unable to find a place to settle down before somepony found them and routed them out. If so, this situation now looked desperate. They were trapped. The crackling sound of wood piling up outside the cave made Applejack’s ears tic. She didn’t want to see what came next.

Sombra slowly closed his eyes as he held Flutterbat close. He gave her mane one final brush before pushing her away to look into her eyes. “They’re not going to stop this time,” he said lamentably.

Flutterbat’s eyes began to fill with tears. “I… I…”

He gave her a small smile and brushed her again. “Shh, it’s okay. They won’t do anything to you, I promise you.” He looked to the cave entrance. Already smoke was beginning to seep in from the top. He gave a shuddering sigh and closed his eyes again, this time as if he was considering something. When he opened them again his expression was resolute. “Come here.” He guided her to the carved stone box he had kept his armor. As quietly as he could he opened it and ushered her inside. “Get in and stay quiet.”

“But… I…”

“Go!” his voice was more firm now, but his eyes were filled with regret. Flutterbat solemnly nodded and got inside. Just as she was about to ask him if he was coming, Sombra shut the lid on her.

“Papa! Papa!!” she shouted from inside the box. Applejack could hear her banging on the lid trying to pry it open but it was too heavy. Slowly, Sombra took a step back, a stricken look on his face.

“Are you finally showing your spots, you jackal?” she whispered angrily. Then he did something she didn’t expect. Sombra turned from the box and grabbed a stone. He braced his back against the wall of the cave and held the stone up to his mouth. Taking heavy labored breaths brought the stone to his canine teeth and scratched at them. Every time letting out a cry of pain. When he had finished this strange behavior he let the stone drop to the floor. His teeth were sharp now, like fangs, and blood spilled from his mouth.

Wearily, finding it hard to balance due to blood loss, he made his way back to the box and slumped on top of it. Flutterbat’s voice could still be heard banging at the lid but now the voices of the mob outside were even louder. Sombra breathed heavily as he leaned on top of the box and spoke down to it. “I know your scared. I know this isn’t what you want. But I made a promise to you and I will keep it.” His horn glowed weakly and began to carve out a message on the stone lid. “Don’t let anything scare you, you can accomplish miracles with just a little bravery.” He stopped and leaned weakly against the box. Flutterbat had silenced herself. “That’s my girl,” he grinned. “They want a vampire, I’ll give it to them.”

He stood up and righted himself, standing as tall as he could. “Let all else see a monster, but I never will again.” He patted the box affectionately one last non-contact pet. “Stay hidden for as long as you can. They won’t come in here. Stay brave, my little pony.”

With one last deep breath his horn lit up and the stone seal to the cave rolled away to reveal a wall of flame. Sombra let out the air he took in as a hiss and jumped through the flames. “It’s the beast!” a pony shouted. “Vampire! Kill it!” “It’s getting away!” “Chase it!”

The sound of many hooves stampeded away leaving Applejack alone with Flutterbat. She looked despairingly at the entrance to which Sombra had run through and the stone lid that Flutterbat was trapped under. “Ah’m sorry,” she said as she knelt down beside her. “Ah can’t help you. But Ah wish…”

She paused as she heard a sound like water dripping. A moment later she realized it was the muffled sobs from the box. Unable to hold it back anymore, Flutterbat burst into tears, her cries reverberating into the stone box. Applejack hung her head and held back her own sadness.

An hour later when the fire had died out, a couple of bats flew down and aided Flutterbat in her escape from the box. She jumped from the box as soon as she could and sprinted to the entrance of the cave. She was about to run out into the hill but she stopped hard as the sun peeked over the mountains. Already the ray of light was rolling over the horizon and quickly making its way toward her. Applejack saw her stop and tremble at the sight of it and then slowly and painfully back up into the cave once more. When safely back inside she sat down and stared blankly at the entrance.

The world faded away and Applejack was left alone. Their lives were so different, yet in a way they were both orphans. She took a long breath and exhaled. She was ready to wake up now.


“So?” Shadow asked impatiently. “Is it ready?”

Yearling glared at her while trying to finish the ritual circle she was drawing in the center of the Detective Office. “In case you don’t remember, I don’t particularly believe in a lot of this stuff myself so much of this is me winging it.” She finished off the circle and lit the last candle. “Okay, I think that’s the last thing needed to wake them up.”

“You’re sure about this?” Shadow asked.

“We tried everything to wake them up! Unless yelling for the hundredth time helps I don’t think we have a choice!”

“Choice about what?” Both mares turned in surprise to see both Applejack and Flutterbat awake at approximately the same time. Applejack rubbed her head forlornly and glanced around them at the circle. “Uh, did we miss somethin’?”

“No!” Yearling shouted quickly and rubbed her hoof on the chalk circle to break it. “Nothing.”

Shadow smirked at her. “Remind me again what all these circles were going to do?”

“That doesn’t matter!” The look on her face told them it totally would’ve mattered in a minute. “We need to stop Sombra and Ahuizotl.”

“Ahuizotl?” Applejack muttered. “Is that the blue cat monkey guy?”

Yearling nodded. “Afraid so. He’s a ruthless collector of ancient antiquities and fancies himself a mystic.”

“She’s had a few run ins with him before,” Shadow added.

Yearling rolled her eyes. “Yeah, well, how are you two?”

Applejack glanced over at Flutterbat only to find that the mare was already staring at her. “Ah…” She couldn’t finish as Flutterbat embraced her in a tight hug. Slowly Applejack returned the hug, finding a strange sort of comfort in it.

“Ahem,” Shadow cleared her throat getting the two’s attention. “Do you two need the room?”

“Cause we have a couple badguys to trash,” Yearling said as she pounded her hooves together.

Applejack disengaged from the hug and raised an eyebrow at her. “Ah thought you weren’t into this kind of stuff?”

Yearling rolled her eyes again. “Screw it. Just when I think I’m out they pull me back in.”

Applejack and Flutterbat nodded and smiled. “Just one thing Ah need you two to help us with?”

“What’s that?” Shadow asked.

“When we get these idols back, you let her and me use ‘em. There’s… someplace we need to be.”

Yearling frowned then let things click together in her mind. “Wait, are you two saying that you’re from another world?”

“Worlds, darling,” Shadow smiled. “I’d surmise they’re from two separate ones.”

Applejack looked baffled at her. “How do you know that?”

Shadow shrugged. “Considering the nature of this case, your reactions to everything around you and your interest in the idols, it was a simple deduction.” She paused for the mares to bask in her ingenuity. “Well, that and the bat winged dear over there has owned the pet shop below me for five years and I’m pretty sure she’s not a bat.”

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