• Published 24th Sep 2016
  • 1,431 Views, 125 Comments


Superheroes, Samurais, Monsters, Dark Gods, and Fly Jockeys. When the heroes of one world are not enough, there must come a day when everypony must stand together and face a threat greater than their sum.

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Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye


“Rainbow! Rainbow!” The shouting did nothing to quicken her recovery as Rainbow moaned and rolled onto her side coughing slightly. “Oh, thank Faust, you’re ok!”

She felt a pair of hooves wrap around her and she coughed again making the hooves draw back. Her insides felt like they’d been through a blender. “Slightly injured over here,” she muttered.

She opened her eyes to be greeted by two familiar blue orbs and a shock of fluffy pink mane. Pinkie looked about ready to cry. “I didn’t *sniff* didn’t know what to think when the changelings disappeared! What was that giant monster? How did you get rid of it? That was you, right?” She hugged Rainbow’s head to her chest. “Oh, I’m just so glad you’re alright!”

Rainbow chuckled despite the feeling in her guts. “I’m fine, Pinkie. I’m…” she stopped as she peeked over Pinkie’s shoulder. “Uh, are we on Sky Glaive?”


“…wasn’t that falling?”

“Yup… oh.” Sure enough Rainbow could still feel the giant island tilting, buildings beginning to bend at the base as gravity shifted sideways. Pinkie pulled back and screamed. “AAAH! What are we going to do?”

Rainbow got up, still holding her stomach. Was this how Pinkie felt after vibrating them to other worlds? If so, the mare deserved a prize. “Wait!” She did a quick look around and breathed a sigh of relief as she found what she was looking for. Lightning still unconscious a few feet away. She rushed over and grabbed her before the mare could begin sliding down the tarmac. Pinkie was still panicking but Rainbow knew she had to remain calm. An idea occurred to her. “Pinkie, you got up here using that cyclone thingy you did before, right?”

Pinkie stopped moving and nodded. “Right.”

Rainbow looked at the sky and then to her. “Think you can aim it somewhere other than up?”

Pinkie frowned in confusion but seriously seemed to give it thought. “I don’t think so. It takes a lot of concentration just to make the twister, bending and aiming it would call for a move I don’t know.” She shrugged. “That or somepony else moves the funnel. But I don’t think anypony here is fast enough to keep up with it.” She blushed. “No offense.”

Rainbow grinned. “None taken, Pinkie. But really, make the funnel. Leave the rest to me.”

Pinkie stared art her for a moment but something in her eyes seemed to believe Rainbow’s words because she nodded with a smile. “Okay.”

Pinkie disappeared down the side of the descending island leaving Rainbow alone. She took a moment to check on Lightning, still unconscious, though she didn’t blame her. Rainbow just wanted to conk out right now too, but there was one last heroic deed to perform. “Sorry,” she said to Lightning as she propped the mare against a wall. “I guess I gotta go be the hero one more time.” None of this changed her decision though. These new powers were great but they would not make her abandon her resolution.

Pinkie’s funnel cloud erupted from below and swirled up in a vortex. Rainbow took a deep breath and readied herself. Then she shot into the sky, leaving behind a trail of burning multicolored flame. Rainbow completed six circuits around the giant funnel in a second, gradually arcing her circle and moving the top of the funnel towards the densely packed clouds nearby. The vacuum of the cyclone sucked the clouds the middle of the funnel growing larger and larger like a belly devouring more and more.

When she knew it was enough, Rainbow changed her trajectory forcing the funnel toward the bottom of Sky Glaive. It seemed like any moment it would touch ground and begin crushing the camp below. Suddenly a thought occurred to her. Damn! I forgot to tell Pinkie what to do next! She was in such a rush she forgot the most important part. The cyclone needed to be reversed if she wanted to expel the clouds, and only with Pinkie’s cooperation below she could do that. Please, understand what I’m trying to do, Pinkie.

Then she began to feel a strain on her wings. She looked below and sure enough the pink mare had reversed her running, going the opposite direction. They were in sync. Rainbow reciprocated and the clouds began to pour out from the funnel like cotton candy. They collided with the underside of Sky Glaive, gradually stopping its descent and lifting it into the sky once more. When it had finally ended Rainbow stopped spinning flying wobbily for a moment before regaining her balance. If her insides weren’t mixed up before that they certainly were now.

She tried to hold back the urge to puke however as a loud cheer came from below. She looked down and saw everypony, earth pony, unicorn, and pegasi clapping their hooves for her. Pinkie zipped into the crowd too, looking equally as disoriented as her before smiling broadly and giving a salute. Rainbow waved back at her.

“Hey twinkle toes!” Rainbow looked up at the source of the voice. Lightning hung her head off the side of Sky Glaive looking down on her. She looked completely exhausted but managed to give Rainbow a salute and a smile as well. Rainbow reciprocated.


It was hours later when they’d finally found all the replaced ponies. The changelings had stuck them in big green cocoons and hid them in restricted areas for most of the soldiers. Spitfire was trapped in her own bedroom and seemed very relieved to be free. It took a few more hours for them to all convene in Shining Armor’s quarters at Hoofenbach.

Spitfire shook her head in dismay. “I still don’t get it. So not only was most of the royal army replaced, but one of my star captains has not been missing in action but gallivanting around who knows where to stop a… what was it again?”

Rainbow, Lightning and Pinkie stood in a line in front of the two pony leaders looking at their hooves nervously. “A glitch, ma’am,” Rainbow replied trying to look her in the eye. “And I know, I had no reason to not give warning or anything. It was irresponsible and I accept any punishment that comes my way.”

Spitfire and Shining Armor looked at each other. “So you’re not going back?” Spitfire asked with a raised eyebrow.

“…No.” Pinkie and Lightning looked at her in surprise.

“But Rainbow, we need you! Mr. 4 is still out there and can you imagine what we could do now that you have my speed powers too?! We could find him lickety split!”

Lightning frowned. “Are you sure about this?”

Rainbow nodded. “Yes. I kept talking about loyalty and friendship to you and Fluttershy but one thing I forgot was duty.” She looked at her uniform. “This suit represents something. It means that I have to make decisions for the betterment of my team. That’s why I’m staying here to fulfill my promises.”

Pinkie looked dejected, turning away from her. Rainbow looked to Lightning to see how she would react but even her friend seemed a little torn up about it. Spitfire was the one to break the silence as she laughed. “Wow, did not expect that out of you, Captain Dash.” Rainbow blushed slightly. Spitfire and Shining shared another look and nodded. “However, if you really want to face the music for your actions, then we ask that you give us a moment to confer on your punishment.” She pointed to the door.

“Oh, right.” The three walked out of the room and onto the lawn. Ponies were still working together to rebuild the parts of camp that had been heavily damaged and she even saw some pegasi helping to carry the injured to hospital tents. Thankfully, there were only injuries and no casualties. Well, except for the changelings. She still didn’t know just what had happened to them.

Pinkie walked slightly apart from the two, her head held low. Rainbow was afraid of what to say to her so she turned to Lightning, but the yellow maned mare spoke first. “Is all of that stuff you talked about true?”

Rainbow nodded. “Yeah. We never really fought him, but his power’s something else. That’s kind of another reason I think I should stay. I didn’t want to say it in front of Pinkie but… I don’t think I can beat him.” Lightning simply stared at her, her face telling her to go on. “It’s just… well, in these other worlds we went to I was one of the ponies that defeated Nightmare Moon and became an Element of Harmony. So I get why someone like Pinkie’s boss would choose me, but I’m not the Rainbow they want. I didn’t make friends with Twilight Sparkle or Applejack or Rarity. Well, I mean, I consider the ones I met afterwards my friends but not these ones. It’s all just confusing.” She tried to force a playful grin. “I just don’t know if I’m the Rainbow that’s right for this.”

Lightning frowned and looked away in thought. “Does it really matter?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “I mean, you’re still Rainbow Dash. And the Rainbow Dash I know is ten times better than any other could be.”

Rainbow chuckled. “You don’t get it. There are literally millions of different-”

“That’s not important,” Lightning interrupted, placing a hoof on her shoulder. “None of those Rainbows are here, in your position. I know you want to stay here and find Fluttershy, and I want you to stay too, but…”


“…but like it or not you have a new duty to somepony else, right?” She nodded to Pinkie who feebly kicked a rock at her feet and sighed.

Rainbow frowned, she wanted to help Pinkie but she also wanted to stay. She wanted it both ways and that was tearing her apart. “But out of all the worlds in… everywhere, I got thrown back home! Don’t you think that means something? Don’t you think that means somepony is telling me to go home?”

Lightning smiled fondly. “Or they’re giving you a chance to say goodbye.” They were both silent for a moment. Rainbow turned from her friend and bit her lip. She didn’t want to say goodbye. She couldn’t before and she didn’t want to now.

The door to Shining Armor’s quarters opened and the two leaders walked out. “Alright, Captain Dash!” Spitfire announced making rainbow straighten up. “We’ve decided on a proper punishment.” Rainbow prepared herself. Cleaning duty, ten thousand laps, whatever it was at least it would take her mind off of the decision she’d made. “You are hereby stripped of your rank and dismissed from the Wonderbolts.”

It took a moment for her to take in what had been said. Pinkie was the first to react. “What!?” she shouted angrily and zipped in Spitfire’s face. “Are you kidding me!? She saved your life! She saved everypony here! And you’re just going to toss her away like garbage?”

Rainbow had her mouth opened about to argue as well but Lightning put a hoof on her shoulder. She turned and saw the mare give her a small smile. Now it clicked. Pinkie still complained but Shining Armor cleared his throat and she stopped.

“While it’s a little hard to believe the story you gave, Miss Dash, there’s no denying all the strange events that have happened surrounding your return. Most importantly being you, Miss Pie.” Pinkie started and pointed to herself. “It’s recorded that Pinkamena Diane Pie died on the return of Nightmare Moon, but your appearance and powers bely that.”

Spitifire waved a dismissive hoof. “I’m no skeptic, but even I’m a little disbelieving of all this. Which is kind of why I think you should be relieved of duty.” She said this with a knowing smile and a wink.

Shining Armor walked forward and placed a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder. “Twilight Sparkle was actually my sister. It’s been hard coming to grips with her being gone, but this has given me a new perspective on it. It’s… nice to know somepony you love still exists in some way.” He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “I hope you keep on helping her.”

Both leaders pulled back and looked at Rainbow with smiles. Lightning and Pinkie looked at her as well, expectant faces on both of them. “I… I…” She sniffed and wiped her face as she felt her eyes growing wet.

“I’ll find Fluttershy,” Lightning promised her. “Just leave it to me. When you come back you can make up all you want.”

Rainbow took in a deep breath and straightened up again, clicking her hooves together and saluting. “Yes, sir! Yes, ma’am!”

Spitfire straightened up too and saluted as well. “Captain, you are relieved of duty.”

Rainbow slumped a little and with it felt a weight she didn’t know she’d been carrying lift. “Do you mind if I still keep the uniform,” she asked quickly. They all shared a long laugh.

When it finally came time to leave, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Lightning gathered on a grassy hill outside camp. Rainbow took one last look around her home, the light side and the dark. Somewhere out there was her friend. And she would be back for her, she knew that in her heart.

“I guess it’s time to go,” Pinkie said. “Do you want to do the honors or should I?”

Rainbow looked back at Lightning and held up her hoof. “Give me a sec.” She walked back to Lightning, both of them smiling. “You didn’t think I’d leave again without saying it?”

Lightning rolled her eyes and smirked. “Honestly, it wouldn’t have surprised me.”

They stared at each other for a long moment. “Goodbye,” Rainbow finally said.

Lightning smiled. “Not as hard as it seemed, eh?”

Rainbow bit her lip to hold back tears. “I… I wouldn’t say that.”

“Rainbow!” Pinkie called out waving her arms.

“I guess I gotta go,” she said and waved as she walked back to the hill. When she approached she noticed Pinkie holding something in her hooves. It was crumpled and wrinkled but recognizable. “Is that your suit?”

Pinkie nodded. “Yeah, I don’t really feel like wearing it now, but it’s a part of me. I didn’t want to leave it behind.”

Rainbow’s eyes widened with shock. “Oh my gosh! You’re necklace from Zapp! I lost it during the fight! Maybe we can-”

Pinkie put a hoof on her shoulder to stop her and smiled. “Zapp wanted me to have that so I’d feel safe. There’s nopony I feel safer with than you.” Rainbow smiled. “And besides, if we keep it here then we’re sure to be back for it.”

Rainbow smiled broadly. “Yeah.” She looked back at Lightning. “Yeah, we will.” She placed her hoof on Pinkie’s shoulder and the mare began to vibrate. A moment later came the sonic boom and they were both gone leaving Lightning alone on the hill. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath then let it out. Feeling good to not have an aching pain in her head but equally painful was the one in her chest.


Marekham Asylum. To the public it’s a place of healing. But to the patients and staff, it is a prison. The howls of the mad echo off the walls as patients slam on the barred windows like prisoners desperate for release. The hallways stink of antiseptic and rot. Rodents and mold are a common sight in this gothic deathtrap. The only thing that suggests professionalism is the front desk, on which a secretarial mare now sleeps soundly, the orderlies and visitors around her fallen asleep where they stand as well.

Mr. 4 took his first few steps into Marekham and looked around. “For such a desolate place it certainly has a lot of security.” He kicked a security guard snoring on the floor lightly. “Not very good security but a lot of it.” He grumbled as he walked to the elevator, trying to comb back his frazzled mane. He didn’t need to sleep anymore but his mood was beginning to degrade due to it. “So much negativity in the ether around here. Can’t believe I had to use the front door.” His ears twitched. “Then you should just come here yourself. Oh, that’s right, you can’t.”

He scoffed as he stepped in and pressed the down button, his quarry a couple floors below. The doors slid closed and the elevator began to move. Suddenly the elevator shook and stopped in its tracks. Mr. 4 didn’t have to look around to know what was responsible though. “Why are you here?” he sneered.

The gray alicorn now stood next to him. A look of anger and fear on her face. “Noteworthy, what are YOU doing here? I search high and low for any sign of you and I sense you here? What have you been doing?”

“None of your business.”

“You’re my friend! Of course it’s my business.” She looked at him but he simply avoided eye contact. “Come back with me. Whatever’s going on, I can help you.”

He grit his teeth in frustration. “That’s your problem. You’re always so perfect. A disaster happens and you get thrown into the one world that would make you an alicorn. Do you know what happened to me? I got thrown into limbo! I was a ghost, walking through worlds invisible to everything. And still unable to go home! Nopony to pay attention to me or ask for help. It was like there’s a spotlight on some grand stage and I was always off center. Completely and utterly alone.” He reeled on her. “I don’t want your help! I want to go home! I want to feel something again!”

She lowered her head guiltily. “I’m trying everything I can to get back home, but its complicated.”

“I know it is,” he replied, a fiendish grin spreading across his face. “But that’s why I have a plan.” His ears twitched. “We have a plan.”


He grabbed her hooves and pulled her close, his eyes wide and pleading. “Don’t you see, Ditzy? We can go home right now if we just destroy the altar. I can take us home. I have the power now.”

She frowned. “Where did you get that power?”

He pulled away from her and blinked looking off to the side. His ears twitched and he groaned as he swatted at them. “Shut up!”

Ditzy stepped back form him hesitantly. “What are you talking to? Tell me you’re not talking to it.”

He noticed what he was doing and rubbed his cheeks. “You’re not going to listen to me, are you?”


“Just go!” His voice boomed, a slight echo with something else that made her shiver and back away. She looked at him with sad wide eyes before turning away and disappearing in a flash. Mr. 4 put his forehead to the wall and began to rub it in frustration. “She is not an obstacle. She’ll accept it. She won’t have a choice when we destroy the altar, right?” His ears twitched. “Then let’s just do this.”

The elevator started again and it reached its destination. More ponies lay on the ground asleep as he stepped past them down the hall. To his surprise some of the patients in their rooms were still awake and banged on the bars. Odd, they must be too far gone for even his powers of manipulation to reach them. He came to the end of the hall to a room labeled “0801” He didn’t even knock as a face pressed itself against the small grill in the door. A pink face with a matted pink mane with green frosted highlights that hung around her eyes. They were ocean blue and drew whoever looked into them like whirlpools. She smiled from ear to ear as her eyes darted around him. “Oh, are we going on a field trip?” the Pinkster asked excitedly. “Hang on, I’ll pack my toothbrush. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!” Her laughter echoed across the hall and all over the still awake inmates reverberated her amusement.

Mr. 4 smiled to himself. “You’ll do just fine.”

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