• Published 9th Sep 2016
  • 7,553 Views, 187 Comments

Fool's Gold - Cardinal Dan Productions

When a patrol of Royal Guards finds an infant changling while exploring the Frozen North, one pony decides take the abandoned shapeshifter in and raise it as her own daughter.

  • ...

Part 7: New Beginnings

Author's Note:

The SAD ending has been perminantly erased from the story. Obviously, the HAPPY ending is much better and more popular.

To my favorite readers and fans, enjoy! :twilightsmile:

“Can you hear me, pony? I hope you can, because we have much to discuss…”

The voice echoed slightly, like the speaker was at the end of a long corridor. It sounded like it belonged to a mare.

“After recent events, I have come to realize something about you… Your love and compassion for each other forms bonds stronger than any other, and when you stand with your friends, united through a common love, you ponies can actually be a great threat. Because of this, I will do everything within my power…”

There was a slight pause as she drew on a deep breath.

“… to utterly wipe it out… You may think this is over… You may think you're safe in your empire, but let me make one thing clear… I will not stop until I have devoured every morsel of love… There is nowhere you can go, nowhere you can find peace, and when you are in my grasp, I will make your death slow and agonizing…”

The voice sounded sinister and menacing, like sharp nails against glass.

“For now, enjoy your little victory… You and your friends may have bested Cicada, but I have many more agents, more than you can imagine… Her failure has taught me that you aren't as weak as I once thought. That is a mistake I will not make a second time…”

The voice chuckled softly.

“Rest, my dear Amethyst, for when you awaken, I will be coming for you…”


Amethyst opened her eyes, at last, and what she saw spun her head in circles. The changeling hive… The Frozen North… It was all gone.

She was in an emergency room, one of many in the infirmary within the barracks. Her eyes glanced to her left and right, looking for anypony to talk to, but she was alone. Confused even more, Amethyst shifted on her side and tried to sit upright. She could have sworn she heard somepony talking a few moments ago, but there was no pony around to speak.

Her entire body felt numb, except her right side. She couldn't feel her right side at all. Amethyst groaned again as she opened her mouth. Her throat felt like it had been cut in a thousand places. She tried to form a word, any word, but all that came out was a painful sound. Amethyst tried again and again to speak, moaning as her throat burned like fire.

At the sound of her cries, a nurse from the corridor outside quickly rushed into the room. Seeing that Amethyst was up, a huge smile broke onto her face. “Doctor! Doctor, she’s awake! I'm going to find Prince Armor!”

The nurse bolted down the corridor, out of Amethyst’s field of view, but she was quickly replaced by the doctor that she had called. A stallion with a white coat entered the room. In his magical cloud were several sheets of paper and a glass of water. He approached her bedside and passed the glass along to Amethyst, prompting her to drink it. “You've been out for quite a while, Sergeant Amethyst… Drink this. It'll help.”

She eyed the glass carefully before taking several small sips of the what she thought was simply ‘water’. The clear liquid didn't taste like water at all. It tasted like a rich mixture of chocolate and honey. It was warm, too. The liquid slid down his throat, soothing her immensely.

After swallowing the smaller sips, Amethyst quickly gulped down the rest of the glass, letting out a satisfied sigh as he finished it all. She could feel it traveling through her body, warming every part of her being. “That's… good…”

The doctor chuckled. “Do you like it? That's a special elixir created by Princess Celestia herself. It's impossible to come by unless you have special permission from the princess. I don't know how, but Princess Twilight convinced her to give us some to aid in your treatment and recovery.”

Amethyst stared at the empty glass with disappointment. She was almost sad that there was none left. The doctor must have figured out what she was thinking, because he reached out to the nightstand beside her bed and revealed a large pitcher, showing Amethyst the clear elixir with a smile. “Don't worry, sergeant. We have more.” He poured her another glass, which she quickly began to drink. “Now, how do you feel?”

It was wonderful. Just like the first glass, the water-looking liquid soothed her throat the moment it made contact. With every gulp, she began to feel a little stronger. “Much better… Thank you…”

Amethyst unleashed a quiet ‘burp’ as she set the second glass down, but the warm feelings the elixir provided her subsided quickly, leaving her with the soreness she knew before. Using her magic carefully, Amethyst set the glass back down.

She looked around the room, taking in more of her surroundings. There were several more beds lined along the wall, but they were all empty. “Where… Where’s Onyx? Where’s Mantis?” Amethyst felt hopelessly lost, having no recollection of her friends and their whereabouts. “Where is Pyr…”

Her voice fell silent. She almost said her name.

*Don't say her name… Don't even think her name… She's gone, and there's nothing you can do about it…*

The doctor made a concerned face as he shifted through his papers. “Uh… I don't know any ‘Mantis’, but Onyx was released from the emergency ward several days ago.”

Amethysts ears perked up at the sound of her lover’s name.

*He’s alive…*

The doctor noticed her interest and smiled. “Yes, Amethyst, Sergeant Onyx is alive and well. He did suffer severely from the cold, though. His prolonged exposure to the frozen north’s subzero temperatures damaged much of the muscle tissue in his legs. We've incorporated him into a physical therapy program to help him repair his muscles.” The doctor’s eyes never rose from the papers in his grasp. “Your friend, Emerald, volunteered to oversee his recovery.”

That last part peaked her curiosity. Amethyst had never once spoken to Emerald. She hardly knew the stallion. Why the doctor was referring to him as her ‘friend’ was beyond her. Then, the doctor cleared his throat as he prepared himself to continue. “As for Pyrite…”

Amethyst heart fell in her chest. She closed her eyes and looked away. She tried to raise her hooves to cover her ears, but she could only move her left hoof. She didn't want to hear it. She didn't want to hear anything.

It was just more bad news that would make her feel even worse than she already did, but the doctor continued anyway. “I'm a little embarrassed to admit that we don't know a lot about changeling anatomy, so operating in her was a real challenge. Pyrite, being so small and young, suffered catastrophic failures to most of her important bodily functions…”

Amethyst shut her eyes, blinking out the tears that had built up. She couldn't bare to listen, but she still couldn't move her right hoof to cover her other ear.

“The cold temperatures of the Frozen North completely shattered much of her nervous system, but it also slowed her heart rate to the point where she was suspended in a state of eternal rest.” The doctor lifted the papers to show Amethyst, despite her attempts to block him out. “Her nervous system will heal with time, but we needed changeling blood that was a match to hers in order to… restart her body.”

Amethyst heard that part, and she opened her eyes, meeting the doctor’s gaze at last. “Yo-You… What?”

The doctor was grinning like crazy. “We saved her, Amethyst. Emerald came through and delivered us the changeling blood we needed. I don't know how he could have possible gotten the blood, but we didn't care to ask at the time. We took the blood and transfused it into Pyrite, restarting her heart. That was… about six days ago. Pyrite is still recovering, but… it looks like she's going to be just fine.”

Amethyst couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe a thing she was hearing. Pyrite was alive. All of the emotions that had been building inside of her, everything she had been keeping to herself… They came out, all at once.

Amethyst sobbed as tears of joy flowed from her eyes like summer rain. Her mind was no longer in control, and Amethyst threw the covers off of her as she pulled the doctor towards her in an iron embrace. Her left hoof was wrapped around the laughing doctor's back, but she still couldn't feel her right hoof.

Then, she looked down and saw why.

Her joyful cries fell silent, and her tears dried in an instant. The doctor too stopped laughing as Amethyst pulled away, looking down at what remained of her right side. All of her fur was gone. What was left was an ugly patch of bloody and pink flesh. The blood had dried, forming discolored scabs surrounding gaping scars. Then, there was her front, right leg…

Almost nothing remained.

Only a small stump protruded from her body. Suddenly, Amethyst felt very sick. She couldn't stand the sight of her body, so she quickly turned her head. Her heart pounded against her chest, thundering in her ears as her breathing quickened.

The doctor set his papers down and placed a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “Easy, Amethyst… You need to calm down before you-”

“CALM?!” Amethyst’s swift outburst silenced him instantly, causing him to recoil. “MY LEG IS GONE! A PIECE OF ME IS MISSING! HOW IN EQUESTRIA DO YOU EXPECT ME TO STAY CALM?!”

“There was nothing we could do…” The doctor spoke meekly as his gaze lowered. “The damage caused by the explosion was too great… Your leg was completely destroyed, so removing it entirely was the best option we had.”

Amethyst was beginning to feel dizzy and lightheaded. Her breathing slowed and became deeper. “Wha… What am I going… to do?”

The doctor filled the glass with Celestia’s elixir once more before prompting Amethyst to drink it. “It'll be a long and difficult road, but this is something you'll be able to overcome, Amethyst. With practice and time, you'll master walking, running, and doing all of the other things required of a Royal Guard in the field.”

Amethyst released a long sigh. That was the answer she was afraid of. “Prince Armor has barred you from any missions until you are back up to full strength. If it makes you feel any better, you'll be joining Sergeant Onyx in your physical therapy courses.”

Amethyst finished the glass a third time, and she let out a satisfied moan as the celestial drink sent waves of warmth, pleasure, and comfort throughout her entire body. She even managed a weak smile at the thought of seeing Onyx at a physical theory session. “When… When can I leave? I want to see Pyrite and my friends…” She made a face like a pouting foal. “Come on, doctor… I've feel like I've been in bed for weeks…”

The doctor shrugged. “You have, actually. Two weeks, to be precise.”

Just hearing that made her feel even more stiff. Amethyst groaned as she struggled to slide out of the bed. “I want out… now.”

The doctor didn't look too convinced, but he offered her a helping hoof. “Alright… but take caution. The elixir may make you feel stronger, but that's only an effect of the pain being dulled.”

As soon as her three remaining hooves hit the floor, Amethyst knew instantly what he was talking about. A sharp pain shot up through her hooves, like needles sticking in her legs.

*I can do this…*

Step by step, with the doctor standing very close by, Amethyst hobbled towards the door. First, she moved her rear legs, then, once she had the energy, she took in a deep breath and lunge forward, landing on her front leg.

*I can do this… I can-*

She stumbled at the door, hitting the wooden frame. The doctor rushed to her aid, but she waved him away. “No… No.. I can do this…”

“Can you?”

Amethyst shot him a mean look before turning her attention back to the door knob. Her horn ignited, and with her magic, she opened the door and stumbled into the corridor outside. Outside, an audience of guards and nurses waited for her, filling the entire corridor. At the sight of seeing Amethyst walking out of the emergency ward, they erupted into a hellstorm of cries and cheers.

Some had flowers and others stomped their hooves in celebration. “What… What is this?”

Amethyst looked to her left and right at the mob barraging her with joyful screams. All around her were faces she knew.

“I'll tell you what this is, Amethyst.”

Everypony fell silent in an instant. At the end of the corridor, standing before them was Princess Cadence, Princess Twilight, and Prince Armor.

Cadence stepped forward. “Everypony in the empire has heard about what you and Sergeant Onyx did in the frozen north… The two of you foiled a changeling plot to destroy the Crystal Empire, you destroyed a changeling nest, and you saved my husband’s life…”

Shining blushed slightly at that last part, looking a little meek and embarrassed. Then, she did something completely unexpected. Amethyst watched with wide eyes as the princess of love kneeled before her, bowing her head to the floor. “Thank you, Sergeant Amethyst, for your service to the empire…”

Shining shot her a subtle ‘wink’ before bowing like his wife, and Twilight bowed after him. Then, everypony in the corridor lowered their heads, bowing towards Amethyst. Her legs began to shake violently. The effects of the elixir must have been fading, because Amethyst wasn't sure how much longer she could stay standing. “Y-Y-You're welcome, your majesty…”

Then, she collapsed, causing everypony to gasp, but she never hit the floor. Onyx arrived as if from out of nowhere and caught her at the last possible second, hoisting her up. Amethyst beamed at him before cleared her throat and rose to her full height once again. “Falling for me again, are you?”

Amethyst had no time to react as he pulled her into a deep kiss. Everypony in the corridor cheered and whistled as the two guards shared a loving kiss. Then…

“Mama! Ma-Ma-Mama!!!”

The crowd of guards shouted in celebration at the top of their lungs as Pyrite galloped towards Amethyst, effectively evading the team of nurses that were in charge of her care. “Pyrite!”

Amethyst shook herself free from Onyx’s hooves and lurched forward, meeting her daughter in the center of the corridor. She lifted the little changeling into the air with her magic and spun in circles until they both collapsed on the floor, laughing and grinning wildly. Amethyst nuzzled her little changeling at last, showering Pyrite with dozens of kisses, extracting shrieks of laughter from her as she tried to squirm free.

Onyx smiled, watching from a distance before Amethyst looked over her shoulder at him and motioned with her head for him to join them. “Get over here, you…”

He hesitated for a brief second, but he succumbed under the deafening cheers from the ponies around him that were demanding him to join Amethyst. Onyx knelt beside her on the floor, tucking his hooves under his body. Amethyst smiled up at him as she wrapped her hoof around his neck, pulling him closer so her lips grazed against his ear.

Expecting her to say something sweet or romantic, Onyx was surprised when she said: “Help me up, moron.”

He grinned at her and shook his head. “No… I think I'm fine right here…”

Then, he pulled her into another kiss, this one lasting much longer than the first. Amethyst was surprised, at first, but she melted in his hooves, and her eyes quickly closed as kiss enveloped her. Everypony, especially Princess Cadence, lost it completely. They were cheering so loudly, neither sergeant could hear themselves think. Pyrite, trapped between the kissing guards, squirmed to free herself.

“Woo! Go Amethyst! Get some! You go, mare!”

That was enough to distract her. She broke the kiss with Onyx and looked up. Amber stood over them, wearing the biggest smile possible on her lips. She looked a thousand times better than she had the last time Amethyst had seen her. “So, when are you two gonna get married or somethin’?”

Amethyst’s cheeks turned bright red, and she looked at the floor to avoid Onyx’s gaze. “Well… we…”

It was a little early for such talk. Onyx and Amethyst both stumbled over each other as they tried desperately to stand back up. No longer being squeezed between them, Pyrite saw her opportunity to escape and jumped to freedom.

“Amber, you can't just ask couples when they are going to pledge themselves to each other.” Emerald appeared by her side, bumping his flank against hers. “You have to be a little more subtle than that.” Then, he turned to face Onyx. “You need a ring, right? Isn't that how you ponies do it?”

That time, it was Amber who hit Emerald, jabbing her hoof into his shoulder. Emerald rubbed the sore spot while grinning mischievously.

By now, the crowd of ponies watching them had begun to disperse. Some came by to congratulate and thank the sergeants for their valor and bravery. Others delivered flowers until Amethyst had a full arrangement in her magical grasp. Onyx stood by her right side, allowing Amethyst to lean on him for support. Amethyst let out a long breath as she watched Pyrite nuzzle against her front leg.

“Well… Neither of us are going to be seeing active duty anytime soon…” She looked back up to face Onyx. “I could really use an extra pair of hooves to... move into my quarters and help me with Pyrite…”

Onyx’s cheeks flushed red. She was asking him to move in with her. It was only across the hall, but still… That was a big step for the time they have been together, which is not that long. Both of them knew that, but after what they had been through together, neither cared. They loved each other, and they loved Pyrite, and that was what really mattered.

“I… I'd be honored, Sergeant Amethyst…”

They smiled before sharing another kiss. Emerald leaned in closer to Amber so he could whisper. “Can they do that?”

Amber shook her head and laughed. “Who’s going to stop them? Come on… Let's leave them alone for a little while.”

Emerald didn't want to. He was enjoying the taste of all of the love in the air, but he was no match for his new fillyfriend. She grabbed onto his hoof and pulled him down the corridor, disputed his silent protests.


They stopped and turned around. Amethyst was hobbling towards them. “Mantis, wait…” She stopped in front of them, out of breath. “I… I mean… Emerald… I know what you did, Emerald…” Amethyst leaned forward and planted a small kiss on his cheek. “You saved Pyrite, and you saved me… Don't think I'll forget that anytime soon…”

Emerald blushed and smiled. “Hey… We’re friends, right? I'd do anything to protect my friends…” Then, he eyed Pyrite. “… and my new queen…”

Amethyst laughed as he bowed to Pyrite, who thought it was some sort of game, so she hit him on the nose. They said their ‘goodbyes’ and went their separate ways. Amber and Emerald went to the commissary while Onyx and Amethyst began the long walk to their quarters with Pyrite at their hooves, and they didn't look back once.

***Weeks Later***

Amethyst frowned and blew her mane out of her face for the third time. It still wasn't right. Balancing on her hooves carefully, she placed her front leg on the rim of the sink in order to lean closer towards the mirror before her. She had gotten much better, balancing on three hooves. It was something she had to be good at, after all. In situations like hers, ponies would either learn and adapt, or they would be left behind.

Onyx was beside her the whole way, though. He always was there to support her, physically or in spirit. Frankly, Amethyst wondered where she would be without him.

A knock on the door startled her. “Are you almost done in there, Amy? Amber is here, and we need to get Pyrite dressed.”

There it was… his new nickname for her. To tell the truth, hearing him call her ‘Amy’ made her heart soar and her stomach fill with butterflies, but she didn't dare let him know that. There was a pause as she looked towards the door. A grin formed along her lips as she dropped down from the sink. “I'm coming out, Onyx. Hold on.”

She levitated the comb by the sink into her pack and turned to open the door. With her magic, she pushed the door open and stepped into the living area where she was met by a small audience. Onyx, Pyrite, Amber, Emerald, and Shining all stood around a coffee table in the center of the room, talking amongst themselves.

As Amethyst approached them, their conversation fell silent, and all eyes fell on her. Emerald was the first to acknowledge her. He bowed his head towards her. “Good morning, captain.”

Amethyst winced at the sound of her new title.

Sure, it was an honor and all, being the new captain of the Crystal Empire’s guards, but with that title came more responsibility than she had ever had to deal with before. Not only was she re-learning how to walk, she also had a daughter to raise, a fiancé to marry in less than a year, and an empire to protect. Needless to say, her plate was pretty full.

“There's no need for that, Emerald… I'm still the same ‘Amethyst’” Then, her attention shifted to Shining Armor. “Prince Armor, you're in my quarters… on a weekday…”

Shining smiled and rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, I know my visit isn't normal, but I have some great news I thought you'd want to hear right away.”

Amethyst gasped, and a huge grin came over her face. “You don't mean…”

Shining nodded his head. “It's here and ready for you to try on, Amethyst. Come by the armory when practice is over, and you can give it a proper test run.”

It wasn't good news. It was awesome news. Amethyst had been waiting on her prosthetic leg for weeks. It was supposed to be a beautiful combination of mechanical genius and magic, the very latest in imperial technology. Supposedly, it would feel just like her old leg.

Amethyst could hardly contain her excitement. “Oh, thank you! Thank you, Prince Armor!”

Shining wasn't ready when she lunged for him, throwing her one hoof around his neck and locking him in an embrace. After a second, he hugged her back. “Hey, you've more than earned it. You're a hero, Amethyst, remember?” Then, he looked around the room. “You all are.”

Emerald shuffled his hooves. “I didn't get a cool leg…”

Amber smacked the back of his head, causing him to recoil and rub the sore spot with his hoof. “You didn't lose a leg. We should be going. Practice is going to be starting soon.”

Shining nodded his head in agreement with the new sergeant. “Amber’s right. Let's get going, guards.”

Pyrite let out a delighted squeal as she followed Amethyst towards the door. Amethyst smiled at her. “Yes… You too, my little trickster.”

But before she could reach the door, Emerald stopped her. “Hold on, Amethyst. We need to talk quickly. Can you stay for a second?”

Onyx and Amber cocked their heads, but Amethyst waved them along. “It's alright. I'll be there soon.”

Onyx didn't look reassured, but he didn't object. Soon the entire room was emptied except for the two of them, Amethyst and Emerald.

When he was certain that the others were out of earshot, Emerald walked to the door and motioned for her to follow. “Come on. There's someplace we need to go.”

Amethyst cocked her head as she followed him out. “Go? Go where? What's this about, Emerald?”

She looked over her shoulder, down the corridor the others had went. “Practice starts in a few minutes.”

“We won't be long, I promise.”

Amethyst became less and less sure of that as they headed for the main doors. The two guards exited the barracks, entering the chilly wonderland that was the Crystal Empire. Despite the cold, no snow fell from the grey clouds above this time. Only a frigid breeze ruffled the plumage of their helmets. Together, they traveled down the steps and across the street.

Clad in full armor, nopony paid them any mind as they strolled down the sidewalk, but several ponies did glance towards the three-legged captain. They walked for several minutes. Just when Amethyst was about to ask again where they were going, Emerald came to a stop in front of a dark building. “We’re here.”

Amethyst looked up at the sign and frowned. It was a bar. “Emerald, my promotion was last week. There's no need for more celebrations…”

By the street, Amethyst could still hear the thundering music. Flashing lights pulsed, changing hues through the windows, and Amethyst could see a crowd of ponies inside, likely having a good time.

“We’re not here to drink.” Emerald didn't meet her eyes as he walked towards the bar. “We need to meet somepony.”

Amethyst was even more confused. She had no clue of what was happening, and her hooves stayed put. When Emerald realized she wasn't following him inside, he looked towards her and sighed. “I know you have questions, and I'll do my best to answer them, but you have to trust me, Amethyst.”

She frowned at him. “Tell me who were meeting.”

Emerald shook his head. “I can't. If I do, you won't agree to come inside, but you must.” Amethyst held her ground, extracting a frustrated snark from the stallion. “I'm serious, Amethyst!” Emerald hissed as he approached her. “Your life is in danger. Pyrite’s life is in danger. Even Onyx is a target. You're all being hunted by the hive.”

That got her attention. Amethyst had already lost Pyrite once. She wasn't about to lose her baby a second time. “You really pissed Chrysalis off when you destroyed her nest in the frozen north. She's coming for you, Amethyst, and you won't be able to stop her this time.”

He stormed into the bar with Amethyst trailing close behind. The loud music was deafening, but Amethyst kept a level head, eyeing the floor as she navigated through the crowd of ponies after Emerald. She finally caught him by a door, a private room. “How do you know this? What's Chrysalis planning? What are we-”

Emerald held up a hoof and shook his head, cutting Amethyst off. “I said I'd answer what I could. She'll have to tell you the rest…”


Before Amethyst could ask him what he was talking about, Emerald opened the door, and she looked inside. Her jaw dropped.

“Hello, captain. Congratulations on your promotion. It was well deserved…” Cicada grinned as she stepped forward, showing off her fangs. “You're looking pretty good for a dead mare.”

Amethyst looked back towards Emerald. Her heart felt heavy with disbelief. When he said nothing, she looked back towards the changeling. “Don't worry, my dear. I'm not here to kill you. At least… not this time, anyway.”

Amethyst bared her teeth and prepared herself to battle the changeling. Cicada smiled at her, like it was what she wanted. “Yes, little pony, attack me. Exact your revenge! Kill me, and there will be nothing to stop Queen Chrysalis from devouring you all alive.”

Emerald placed a firm hoof on her back. “Listen to her, Amethyst. Cicada is with us now. We’ll need her help.”

He sounded like he wasn't happy about it either. That counted for something, at least. Amethyst complied and raised her horn, but she kept her glare trained Cicada. “What do you want? Why would you help us, and why should I listen to a thing you say?”

The changeling sighed. “That is a good question, pony. After what you did to me, I should let you die by the queen’s wrath, but…” She took a deep breath. “… you're my only means of getting my life back.”

Amethyst didn't care. She wanted nothing to do with Cicada. “Why should I trust you? You stole my baby. You tried to kill me!”

Cicada winced as she rubbed her bruised leg. “Yeah… I did, but things have changed. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right? A wise pony once said that, I think. After I failed to defeat you and kill the brat, Chrysalis tossed me away. She discarded me like trash. After all I had done for her, she abandoned me…”

Amethyst didn't know what to think. Trust was far from what she would give Cicada, but the threat was real. She could understand that much. Then, Amethyst saw something she thought she'd never see. Tears began to form in Cicada’s eyes.

The look on her face was one of pain, sorrow, and regret. “Chrysalis ruined my life… I have no loyalty to her anymore.” She looked Amethyst dead in the eyes. “The target on your head is just as big as the one on mine. If you want to make it through the next year alive and take her down, you're going to need my help.”

***Amethyst Will Return***

***The End: Volume 1***