• Published 9th Sep 2016
  • 7,553 Views, 187 Comments

Fool's Gold - Cardinal Dan Productions

When a patrol of Royal Guards finds an infant changling while exploring the Frozen North, one pony decides take the abandoned shapeshifter in and raise it as her own daughter.

  • ...

Finale: Glitter and Gold

Cicada wasn’t feeling great. The rope around her hooves was beginning to burn and itch, and hanging from her rear legs caused all of the blood in her body to fall to her head.

“Amber... Onyx... Emerald... Amethyst...” She spouted her friend’s names aimlessly as she drifted in the wind. With every shift of the clock’s second hand, the ledge shuddered, and the rope threatened to snap, but Cicada felt no fear at this point. She couldn’t feel anything, now.

Suddenly, the clock struck twelve, and the bell inside began to chime. The sound shook Cicada to her very core, both literally and figuratively. She looked up between her legs with wide eyes as she watched the minute hand slice through the rope.

It was over.

Cicada let out a horrified scream as she began to plummet towards Canterlot. Her one wing flapped helplessly, but it wasn’t enough to slow her down or stop the buildings and lights below from rushing up to meet her. The changeling’s life flashed before her eyes. She saw it all, from the moment she hatched in a dark cave in the Frozen North to the day Amethyst forgave her.

She then realized that she would soon die for the second time in the span of a few days and became very annoyed, despite the imminate crash. Her new friends were causing her more grief every day, but deep inside, she knew she still loved them.

The changeling had been falling for quite some time. Surely, she should have it the ground by now.

When Cicada opened her eyes and looked down, she was surprised to find two pink hooves holding her up. “What in the...” Then, she saw the pretty mare the hooves belonged to. “Whoa... Who are you?”

The pegasus’ wings were flapping furiously to keep them both in the air, but she managed a silly grin as she held Cicada against her chest. “My friends call me Azalea, but you may know me as Phasmid.”

Cicada peered at the mare, studying her closely before coming to the conclusion that the pegasus wasn’t telling the truth. “Nah... Phasmid would’ve dropped me.”

The pink mare rolled her eyes. “Well, that could be quickly arranged if you really feel that way...”

The changeling felt her grip begin to slip, and her eyes widened. “No! Please!” Her own sudden outburst surprised herself. “I... I mean... Can we go down now?”

Azalea chuckled softly and nodded her head, and the two began a slow decent towards the palace.


In the trashed ballroom, Amethyst paced the floor nervously. Her friends made sure to give her plenty of room. They knew that when their captain was upset, it was in their best interest to stay out of her way.

The princesses, who had been outside of the room during the attack, probably greeting new ponies to the party, had arrived to survey they damage. Twilight and Cadence approaches Sadri and her date, Gypsum.

At seeing the looks on their faces, the golden domina’s ears folded back, and she recoiled a little. Cadence opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Sadri blurted our first. “This wasn’t my fault...”

The princess of love was stunned, and she cocked her head to the side. She and Twilight shared a quick glance before returning her attention back to Sadri. “That... wasn’t what I was going to say. I only meant to ask if you two were alright.”

Sadri’s ears perked up, and she rose back to her full height. “Oh... Um, yeah... I suppose we’re fine. I can’t say the same for that unicorn the guards took away.”

Gypsum nodded her head in agreement. “I’ll say... That crystal guard pony kicked his butt. I’d certainly love to meet her. This has been the most exciting gala I have ever had the pleasure of attending.”

Cadence smiled kindly. “Well, the gala isn’t over. Despite the state of this room, I imagine everypony will find a way to make the most of the party.”

Sadri, utterly relieved that the pink princess wasn’t livid at her, began to completely relax for the first time in over a year. She turned to Gypsum and hit her flank against the unsuspecting mare’s. “What do you think, Gypsy? I think I still owe you a dance...”

The pony straightened her headdress as she looked at her with a baffled expression plastered across her face. “What in the world did you just call me?”

Sadri beamed at her. “Gypsy! Is that a problem?”

Gypsum tried to fight the red growing on her cheeks and the smile creeping across her lips, but it was pointless. “Um... No, not al all...” Then, she shook her head and cleared her throat. “... and about that dance, you owe me more than that.”

Cadence and Twilight gave each other subtle nods and began to back away. As they walked towards the door, Twilight leaned towards her sister in law so as not to be overheard. “I saw what you did there, getting Sadri and her date to fall in love... That was sneaky, Cadence.”

The pink princess chuckled under her breath, and shook her head. “I agree that hey make a cute couple, but I had nothing to do with it, Twilight. They came together on their own.”

Twilight’s eyebrows rose, and she looked back at Sadri and Gypsum, who were happily talking next to the fallen chandelier. They were so immersed in each other that they hadn’t noticed the princesses were even gone.

Sadri looked cross. “Oh really? So, what would you say is the appropriate charge for what you’re due?”

It was obvious to Gypsum that the golden mare was leading her on, but the pony liked it. “Hmm... The dance is a good start, but I think I’d like...“ She leaned in close, brushing her lips against Sadri’s neck and ear. “... something gold and sweet for dessert.”

Sadri’s eyes widened, and she felt a spark at the tip of her horn. Gypsum laughed gently at her reaction. “Gypsy, you bad mare... I mean, are you sure?”

She nodded her head, confirming what Sadri had suspected and making her chest swell. “Yes... I’ve bought an apartment here in the city. We can meet there after the party, and-“

Sadri cut her off with a kiss, pressing her lips against Gypsum’s and moaning softly into her mouth. She didn’t care who saw. She didn’t care what anypony thought. Gypsum was a lovely mare, and Sadri vowed never to take her for granted. Several long seconds later, she pulled away, separating their lips and breaking the kiss.

The pony whistled softly as she looked into Sadri’s shimmering eyes. “Wow... That was great...”

Feeling unstoppable, the golden domina drew her tongue along Gypsum’s lower lip, causing her to gasp out of excitement. “Indeed... Now, why don’t we-“

“She’s back! She’s back!”

Sadri and Gypsum looked towards the other end of the ballroom. Emerald was jumping up and down like a colt on his birthday as he pointed towards the window. Together, they traveled across the floor and met the others just in time to see Azalea fly through the shattered window with a changeling in her hooves.

Amethyst was on the verge of tears as she stood over her fallen friend. “Cicada... Gem, please talk to me...”

The changeling’s eyes fluttered open. “Amethyst...”

Her voice broke, and she let out a pained groan. “Yes? Yes, Gem, what is it?”

Could it be her last breath? Could it be the last thing her friend would ever say to her?

“You’re standing on my hoof... Get off.”

Amethyst frowned and looked down. Sure enough, she was indeed pressing down on one of the changeling’s legs. “Oh, m-m-my apologies. Are you alright?”

Cicada looked at all of the ponies surrounding her, all looking down at her with concerned looks. Then, she saw the ballroom, half destroyed and in serious disarray. “I’m fine, thanks to...” Her eyes drifted towards Azalea. “... thanks to you.” Then, her gaze shifted back to the room around her. “What about you guys? What happened here? I feel like I missed out on one wild party...”

Amethyst’s eyes fell as she kicked her hoof nervously. “Nickel happened. He trashed the party and tried to kill us.”

Still on the floor, the changeling’s expression turned sour, and she bared her teeth. “That’s all my fault. I wronged him in a way that I can never amend. I put you all in danger. I... I’m so sorry...”

Amethyst extended her hoof, pressing it against Cicada’s lips. “Shhhh... It’s over, Gem. Nickel was insane, and he’s going to remain in prison for a long time. I don’t want you beating yourself up any more. You’re not the mare you were before.” The captain’s hoof grasped Cicada’s and she hoisted her up. “You and Emerald... I mean, Mantis... You are changelings who changed what no other changelings could, your hearts.”

Azalea ruffled her wings and stomped her hoof objectively. “Hey, what about me? I saved her, didn’t I?”

Amethyst cracked a silly smile and nodded towards the newest addition to their team. “Of course, you two, Phasmid. I’m proud to call each of you my friend.” Using the magic from her horn, she grabbed everypony and pulled them close, nearly crushing Cicada in the center. “I love you all...”


Sadri slipped away quietly with Gypsum. Together, they made their way to the garden outside. They weren’t the only ones, though. Everypony else who didn’t want to hang around in the ruined ballroom was also there, enjoying the cool air and starry night.

Luna was also there, mingling with the guests and laughing heartily at everything she heard. Sadri figured the dark princess might have had a little too much to drink. Despite everything that had happened, no pony’s spirits were dampened.

“Hold on...” They stopped under a large willow tree, and Gypsum held up a hoof. “I’ll go grab us some drinks. Wait here for me.”

Sadri beamed at her and nodded her head. “Good thinking, but hurry back.”

Alone by the tree, she slumped to the ground and let out a long sigh, looking up at the stars. Looking up reminded her of home, her village, and tears began to form behind her eyes. Sadri’s thoughts turned to the village she was raised in, deep inside the Everfree Forest. It was called the Blackstar Tribe, a group of semi-civilized ponies that worshiped Princess Luna.

She wasn’t a Blackstar herself.

Sadri was a powerful domina and a descendent of domina royalty, but the village chief raised her as his own daughter after finding her as an infant, lost and abandoned. The golden mare realized just how closely her story sounded like Pyrite’s. If it weren’t for her father, the chief, she never would have become the mare she was today. In her heart, she knew Amethyst would do he same for her own adopted daughter and raise her to be a kind and wonderful mare, just like herself.

The longer Sadri looked at the stars, the more her heart longed for the Everfree, to see her family again and beg for them to accept her and take her back. Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Gypsum as she carried two tall glasses in her magical cloud.

“Here you go, darling... They didn’t have Chris Daniel’s, but I found this stuff called White Lightning. It’s supposed to be great.”

Sadri eyed the glass Gypsum passed to her with caution. A careful sniff sent her eyes to watering and nose to burning. “Lovely...”

They sat in silence for a while as the sipped from their glasses. Each shot that traveled down Sadri’s throat burned, but the pain didn’t last long, quickly being followed by a warm, fuzzy feeling. Then, there was the mare beside her. The pony tried her hardest to be subtle, but Sadri noticed Gypsum scooting ever so slightly to get closer to her.

The domina smirked before taking another sip of her drink. As she lowered the glass, a gentle laugh trickled from her mouth and floated through the still air. “Are you after another kiss?”

Gypsum blushed bright red, realizing she had been caught. She tried to play it off cool, but the effect fell short, and she ended up fumbling over her own words. “Well... I, uh... I enjoyed the last one. I had never kissed a mare before, but I was hoping you’d like to kiss me again...”

Sadri looked to her left, then to her right. Unlike before, when they were in the ballroom, she was suddenly aware of the hundreds of ponies around them. None paid them any attention, but she hated to think what would happen if they were caught kissing and moaning under the tree. At the same time, the idea seemed to turn her on.

Finally, Sadri gave in a offered Gypsum a quick smooch on the lips. “There... Are you satisfied?”

The pony nodded her head as she wiped the saliva from her mouth. “Very... To be honest, though, I’m quite interested to see what a domina can do in bed...”

Sadri’s ears perked up. “You know about that?”

Grypsum grinned wildly and fell against Sadri so her head rested in the golden mare’s lap. “Yeah... I overheard the princesses talking about you. I thought dominas were a myth, but you must be the real deal...” Sadri noticed the pony’s glass was now empty and figured it must be having an effect on her. “You’re just so... sexy. There’s no other way to say it.”

Looking down at the mare resting between her legs, Sadri pursed her lips. “So you like me only because of my looks?”

She was only teasing the pony, but Sadri wanted to see her reaction. Gypsum shook her head a raised a hoof to the golden mare’s cheek, caressing her gently. “No, of course not... I might have cheated on my fiancé, a mistake I will never forget, but I’m not shallow.”

Sadri leaned over her, allowing her silver mane to fall and surround the pony’s face. “You can forget... I now know the true meaning of forgiveness. If I can be forgiven for my crimes, then you can too for a mistake.”

Gypsum looked up at her with sparkles in her eyes. “Do... you really mean it?”

She nodded her head. “I do... I don’t know who you were, but I know who you are now. You’re Gypsum, a sweet, kind, and compassionate mare, and...” Sadri bit her lower lip and swallowed hard. “... and I love you.”

She sealed her words with a tender kiss, gently pressing her lips into Gypsum’s. After several seconds, their lips parted, and her tongue slipped into the pony’s mouth. The longer the kiss endured, the more excited both mare’s felt. As quickly as the kiss began, it ended.

Gypsum let out a sharp cry as her head hit the grass beneath her. When she came to, she saw that Sadri had stood up abruptly and was walking back towards the city. “Wh-What? That’s it? Where are you going?”

The mare in gold looked back at her and made a ‘Come with me.’ motion with her head. “To your apartment, Gypsy. Didn’t you say you wanted to see what a domina can do in bed? If we hurry...” She swished her silver tail, allowing Gypsum a quick glimpse of her rear beneath her dress. “... I’ll show you what a domina can really do...”


Amethyst had finally gotten what she wanted, a nice, gentle slow dance with the love of her life. They looked inseparable as they circled around one another, swaying from side to side. The aroma was so strong, it made every hidden changeling in the room long for some themselves.

Emerald held Amber tightly, nuzzling her neck, and the mare reciprocated his affections. Pyrite sat at their hooves, watching her mom and dad dance across the ballroom. Then, there was Azalea and Gem. They sat together in silence, watching the dancers as lovely music played overhead.

Gem stared around the room, watching everypony and smiling, but no matter where she looked, her eyes always came back to the mare beside her. “You know...” Gem cleared her throat, getting Azalea’s attention. “I don’t think I ever got to formally thank you... You know, for saving my life.”

Azalea’s gaze fell to the floor, and she let out a low grunt. “Don’t push it, Cicada... Gem, whatever... Amethyst is a kind and smart mare. I trust her judgment, but I still don’t know how I feel about you. I...” She choked up a little. “I miss my friends.”

Gem’s ears folded back, but she didn’t shy away. “I know, and I’d do anything to get them back. I died on that train, Azalea, and when I did, I met the princess of death.” The pink pegasus raised her eyebrows at her. “She was such a kind mare, full of joy and passion. I’m certain that they are with her, enjoying the paradises they so desperately deserved.”

It was an unusual sentiment, but Azalea let out a long sigh and sniffled softly. “Will they accept me?”

It took Gem a moment to realize that she was talking about the crystal ponies, Amethyst, Onyx, and Amber. “Of course they will. You heard Amethyst earlier. You’re one of us now, a friend. You’ll never worry about starving of love again, because these ponies will love you every waking moment of the day.”

At last, Azalea cracked a smile. “Love... I think I could get used to this...”

Gem chuckled as she stood up from the bench and faced her. The pegasus has a surprised look on her face as she extended a hoof towards her. “Come on, Azalea. We look kinda silly over here by ourselves. How about a dance?”

Azalea looked at the extended hoof before her, then up at Gem, then back at the hoof. “Dance... with you?”

Gem shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t see why we can’t. Everypony else is.” Azalea looked hesitant, like part of her wanted to, but the other half wanted to refuse. “Come on...” Gem urged her with a sweet smile, batting her eyes. “It’ll be fun...”

At last, she nodded her head and took her new friend’s hoof. Together, they walked out onto the floor and made their way to the center of the ballroom. With her hoof in Gem’s, Azalea found herself giddy with excitement as her chest fluttered.

Her mind tuned in sync with the flow of the music, and they too began to sway. “Is... Is this all there is to it?”

Gem look a quick look around, and shrugged. “I’m not sure, but it’s what everypony else is doing.”

Azalea leaned in a little closer so her cheek brushed against Gem’s. “Well don’t stop. I think I’m starting to like this...”

Even though she wasn’t dressed properly for the gala, Gem still couldn’t help staring at her. Under the moonlight shining through the broken windows, she looked stunning. Drunk on the love that surrounded them, she couldn’t stop herself from leaning in.

“If you like that, then you’re going to love this...”

Then, Gem kissed Azalea full on the lips.

The passionate act surprised the pink pegasus, but she didn’t fight it. Five seconds went by, then ten. After nearly a minute passed, Gem finally pulled away, breathing heavily and unsure of what she had just done.

Azalea looked equally confused, but neither mare let go of the other. “That... was unexpected.”

Gem’s gaze fell. “I’m sorry. I just don’t know what came over me, I-“

Azalea tapped her shoulder gently, stopping her. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it. You were right, Gem, I did love it... Is this what ponies do with their friends, kiss and things like that?”

Gem, relieved that she wasn’t upset with her, let out a hearty laugh. “Only with special friends.”

That logic seemed to pass with Azalea. “Understandable. Does this mean we are... special friends?”

Gem looked her in her eyes. She looked like she was longing for another kiss, to feel a pair of lips against her own. “It could just be the love talking, but... I think we could be, if you want...”

Azalea looked happy with that answer. “I do... I like kissing you.”

Gem’s heart was racing in her chest. Her feelings had taken control, leaving her mind and rational thoughts in the backseat. “I have a room, if you want to do more than just kiss...”

Azalea beamed. “I’d like that a lot.”

Hoof in hoof, they quickly slipped away, exiting the ballroom.


Amber and Emerald watched from the dance floor as Gem and Azalea left the ballroom, both with jaws dropped. “Did you see that, Emerald?”

“How could I have missed it?”

Amber licked her lips hungrily as her mind replayed the image of the two mares kissing. Emerald shrugged and scratched his head. “Stranger things have happened, I suppose. Where do you suppose they’re going?” Suddenly, he was swept off his hooves as Amber yanked him towards the door. “Ah! Amber, what’s-“

“The same place we’re going. Let’s hurry back to my room. That’s an order, private.”

As he realized what her intentions were, shock and surprise turned into interest and eagerness, and Emerald gladly trotted after her. “Ye-Yes, ma’am! Lead the way, ma’am!”


Far away from the party and happy ponies enjoying the company of their friends, families, and loved ones, one stallion was dragged by his hooves down a dark hole. Further down he went into the darkest depths of Canterlot, deep inside the mountain. His armored escorts said nothing and kept their faces hidden behind the helmets that masked them. All the while, he muttered incoherently to himself.

By now, the only source of light in the dark tunnel came from dim touches mounted on the rock walls. With every step they took, the air grew colder and heavier with darkness. On either side, rows of cells passed them by as they walked. They were empty cages made from the same stone that made up the rest of the tunnel. Some had occupents. They looked and cast hard glares at the Royal Guards, but they never stopped in front of any cell.

Instead, they walked on.

After a while, the rows of cells ended, and the walls became stone again. Eventually, the guards came to a stop as the tunnel opened up into a wide, circular room. Unlike the walls before, these were completely smooth to the touch, and the floor fell into a great pit. Nickel stared into the pit, and the darkness looked back.

“Get in there, you maniac!”

When he didn’t comply immediately, one of the guards shoved him in. Nickel cried out as he fell into the pit and slid to the bottom. Several meters above him, the guards looked down with disgust. “Get comfortable, Nickel! These walls are made of polished obsidian, so don’t get any ideas of climbing out. You get two meals, one in the morning and one at night. You’ll stay here until Princess Celestia figures out what to do with your despicable hide.”

Nickel smirked and fell on his rear as the guards turned and began the long walk back up to the palace. “You haven’t seen the last of me, Amethyst...” He began scrapping the edge of his hoof against the hard surface of the obsidian, getting a feel for his surroundings in the absolute darkness. “I’ll be out of here, one day, and when I am, I’ll make you pay for what you did to me...”

A low chuckle erupted out of the black shadow that surrounded him, startling the stallion. “Well, isn’t this interesting... The ponies on the surface treat their own kind with the same respect as they treat mine...”

Nickel rose to his hooves and spun in circles, but the voice seemed to echo and come from every direction. Then, he saw them, a pair of glowing green eyes, followed white, jagged teeth as the creature of darkness emerged from the shadows, towering over the stallion. “Do not fear me, my little pony... I am not here to harm you.”

Nickel flared his nostrils and narrowed his eyes at the tall mare. “Wh-Who are you? What do you want from me?”

She was as black as night, except for her tattered, green mane and crystal-like shell that covered her back. “I am Chrystalis, but you are to address me as your queen.” Nickel’s heart raced in his chest, threatening to burst out, and his eyes widened tremendously at the sight of the changeling queen. “I saw your little display at the gala and have come to the conclusion that you are an enemy of a pony called Amethyst.”

The stallion found a sliver of courage and stood his ground against the queen. “Yeah? What does any of that mean to you? What she and her friends did to me was personal!”

Chrysalis raised her hoof to strike him, and Nickel flinched, but instead of hitting the pony, she lowered her hoof and caressed his cheek, bringing his eyes upwards to meet hers. “Amethyst has been the source of many of my problems as well, my dear. She destroyed my nest in the Frozen North and turned my own children against me.”

Nickel shivered at the queen’s touch. Her hoof continued to rub his cheek, but he felt powerless to stop her. “Wh-Why are you telling me this? What do you want from me?”

She leaned in until her face was right in his. Every hot breath from her mouth hit his, and her lips curled into a big, toothy grin. “That’s very simple, Nickel. I want revenge, and so do you. Together, I think we can both get what we want. I get Amethyst’s head on a plate, and you avenge your brother’s murder...”

The stallion shook his head. “No deal, Chry-“ Her eyes narrowed. “I... I mean, my queen... It was a changeling who killed my brother, Cicada. Killing Amethyst isn’t good enough.”

Chrystalis’ cold stare bore into Nickel, making him regret his outburst, but the queen’s expression quickly changed, and she began to laugh. “Is that all? My dear, I plan on killing them all. Cicada, the one you speak of, is a wretched traitor who chose to love Amethyst over remaining loyal to me. I long to see her and Mantis suffer before I feast on their flesh.” Her hysterical laughter continued, echoing throughout the cavern. “Then, I can at last finish off that brat that has eluded me for so long. So...” The laugher faded, and she turned on Nickel, extending her hoof. “Do we have a deal?”

Nickel felt himself being drawn closer her. The shadows that surrounded them were closing in, pushing him towards the changeling. He couldn’t even feel his hoof as it raised to meet hers, but as they touched, he nodded his head. “Ye-Yes, my queen... Are you going to get me out?”

Chrystalis beamed at him and licked her lips. “I will, in time... First, you must prove your loyalty to me.” Nickel watched as she retreated to the far end of the pit and faced the wall, presenting herself from behind. “Come, my loyal subject... Serve your queen.”


The morning after the Grand Galloping Gala was brutal. Amethyst was sore from top to bottom, and she had a splitting headache. Behind her in bed, she felt a pair of hooves pressing against her back, and a smile curled along her lips. “Mmmmm... Are you ready to go for another few rounds Onyx? How about some breakfast and coffee first?” She rolled over onto her other side and came face to face with her little changeling. “Pyrite?!”

On the other side of her daughter, Onyx was sound asleep. Amethyst groaned and shook her head as she sat up. She figured Pyrite must have crawled into bed with them in the middle of the night. A gentle knock at the door got her attention.

As quickly and quietly as she could, she slid out of bed and stumbled out of the bedroom, making her way down the short hall to the door. There was another knock as she reached for the handle with her magic. When Amethyst opened the door, Emerald was standing in the corridor with his hoof raised. “Oh! Good morning, captain.”

Amber was with him. The both of them were clean and dressed. “We’re all packed, captain. How are you and Onyx doing?”

Amethyst was still a little dazed. “Doing? Uh... I’ve only just woken up. If you’re already good to go, find Gem and Azalea. I haven’t seen them since last night.”

Amber and her coltfriend exchanged quick glances. “Oh, they’re here too. You slept in, captain.”

Sure enough, the other mare’s were in the hall too, just out of sight. Amethyst poked her head out into the corridor and saw them, prompting Gem and Azalea to wave. Amber leaned in to Amethyst, lowing her voice to a whisper. “Confidentially, ma’am, did you and Onyx go... four to the floor?”

Amethyst smirked and shook her head. “No... We were too tired after the party. Plus, Pyrite was in the room. What about you and Emerald?”

The sergeant blushed and nodded her head. “Yeah, he was something special...”

Back inside the room, Onyx and Pyrite were up and about, and the little changeling made her way to the door with her mother. “Well, I’m glad at least one of us got lucky.”

Her words were sincere. Amethyst was truly happy for her friend.

“Between us...” Amber nodded towards Gem and Azalea. “... I think Gem and the new mare had something going on last night too...”

Her eyes widened. “That’s incredible... I mean, I knew I was good at bringing ponies together, but not that good.”

They shared a laugh as Amethyst welcomed everypony inside. “Onyx, let’s get ready. We have a train to catch.”

The stallion looked worried for a second, but hesitantly agreed. “Yeah. Forgive me for not being so eager to ride another train...”


They all met at the station with the rest of the ponies that would be making the long journey back to the Crystal Empire. Without a doubt, there would be mountains of snow and ice waiting for them, and after everything they had been through since they left, Amethyst was looking forward to it. As the others boarded the train, Emerald saw a shimmer out of the corner of his eyes.

“Sadri! Hey, Sadri!” He waved at her as the golden mare approached.

Sadri beamed and galloped towards him with another mare following close behind. “Mantis!” She came to a stop in front of him and flipped her mane out of her eyes. “I, uh... I saw you last night, at the party, but I didn’t really get a chance to say ‘hello’.” Then, she gestured towards the mare beside her. “Oh, and this is my fillyfriend, Gypsum.”

The other mare smiled politely and offered the guard a short bow. “Greetings, sir...” She then turned to Sadri. “Remind me, darling... How do you two know each other?”

The domina waved her hoof dismissively. “Ah... We were cell mates in prison for a short time. Nothing serious happened between us.”

Emerald looked towards the train and began to back away. “Yeah... Please, never bring that up again. I’ve got to get to my car, Sadri. Are you and your fillyfriend coming back to the empire with us?”

Sadri shook her head and smiled sadly. “No, Mantis. I’m afraid our paths end here. I’m going to stay with Gypsum. We... We talked a lot last night and decided to move to Ponyville.”

Emerald’s eyes widened. “Really?”

Gypsum shook giddily. “Yeah! Just as soon as I find somepony to buy my apartment, we’re going to try and find Sadri’s village in the Everfree Forest.”

The two mares held each other tightly and shared a quick kiss. Emerald could feel the love between them. It was real, and he couldn’t feel happier for them. “Right... Well, I wish the both of you good luck, but I must report to Captain Amethyst and find my car.” He turned and dashed towards the train as the mares waved.

Sadri and Gypsum both waved. “Goodbye, Mantis! Farewell!”

With everypony onboard, the majestic machine whistled and lurched forward. Inside, Amethyst had hardly gotten a chance to sit down before the moving train forced her down, causing her to fall onto Onyx. The stallion looked surprised, but he quickly overcame his shock and wrapped his hooves around her.

Azalea saw them and cringed. “Gross! Are you two going to mate here out in the open, or are you going to find a room?”

The train they were on now was the same that took them to Canterlot from the empire. It had the same luxurious cars and bed suites, so finding someplace secluded was certainly an option. Amethyst chuckled as she rose to her hooves and helped Onyx up. “We just might take you up on that, Azalea...”

She turned to her fiancé and grinned. “What do you say, stud? Want to get busy?”

Onyx smirked and raised an eyebrow. “Is that an order, captain?”

Amethyst nodded her head and shoved the stallion to the end of the car to find a bed. “You bet your ass it is. Move it, sergeant!”

Pyrite watched them with wide eyes as the stormed past her. “Mama?”

She took a step to follow after them, but Gem stopped her. “No, little one... Your mommy needs some well deserved ‘alone time’ with daddy. Why don’t you sit with Amber and me?”

The train hummed gentle as it raced across the tracks suspended overlooking Equestria. Outside the windows, the stunning landscape flew by. The guards could see everything the light touched, and it was beautiful. In the distance, the sun was rising higher into the sky, givIng the heavens a bright, yellow glow as they raced north, back to where their journey began.

“Just wait until you grow up, my little Pyrite...” Gem stroked the filly’s head as they looked out the window together. “When you’re older, you can see the world for yourself.”

Pyrite wasn’t ready to see the world just yet. In fact, she was already tired, and her eyes began to close as a desire to sleep took her. Within no time at all, she was sound asleep in Gem’s hooves.

The mare smiled down at her, and Azalea joined them. “Precious, isn’t she?”

Gem nodded her head. “Indeed... The impact Amethyst had on this little filly is something to be admired.”

Azalea scooted a little closer, closing the distance between them. “The impact she’s had on all of us is something to be admired. We owe everything to her...”

Gem blushed and turned her cheek to hide it. She found herself looking at the rising sun. For the first time since she was hatched, the changeling felt like she had a real future. She had friends by her side, a lovesick crush for Azalea, and a new queen to watch grow and flourish under her care. “I agree... Now, we’re fools, just like her, and I couldn’t be happier.”

***The End***