• Published 9th Sep 2016
  • 7,553 Views, 187 Comments

Fool's Gold - Cardinal Dan Productions

When a patrol of Royal Guards finds an infant changling while exploring the Frozen North, one pony decides take the abandoned shapeshifter in and raise it as her own daughter.

  • ...

Part 4: Green Fire

The sun was setting on the Crystal Empire, and what a day it had been. Shining Armor knew for a fact that he wasn't going to get any sleep that night, not when there was a potentially dangerous changeling on the loose. Looking out over the empire from his balcony, he breathed a deep and heavy sigh, sending a frosty breath out into the darkening sky. The wind shifted his mane and sent shivers down his spine.

Winter would be arriving in the empire, soon.

The weather ponies above had done all but release the intricate barriers that held back the cold temper of the Frozen North. When they did, snow would rain upon the entire Crystal Empire, coating the land in a carpet of white beauty. It was a sight to see, but Shining had more pressing matters on his mind. He looked out across the horizon, at the setting sun, one last time before retreating into the palace.

Inside, his senior officers waited for him, standing around a large, crystal table. All were eager to receive their assignments and missions to continue the ponyhunt for Silvershield. They talked quietly amongst themselves, their voices never rising above a murmur, but when Shining entered the room, they quickly fell silent. Shining took a brief look at all of the guards around the room.

“You all know what's at stake here, the very integrity of our honor as Royal Guards.” After closing the door to the balcony behind him, he approached the large table in the center of the room. On the surface of the table was a detailed map of the Crystal Empire. “That means ‘failure’ is not an option. Our goal is to locate and apprehend the changeling without creating a panic. Now, we have reports of sightings in the Spike District, but the scouts in the area have…”

Shining was distracted by the opening of a door behind him. He turned around and frowned. “Onyx, Amethyst… You're late.”

Several guards in the room shot them strange looks and snickered. One even whistled subtlety while others whispered amongst one another. It was obvious what was happening between them, but nopony said it aloud. Amethyst held her head low while Onyx glared at the other guards, quickly silencing them.

He opened his mouth, preparing to deliver an excuse as to why they were tardy, but Shining had already moved on, diverting his attention back to the map on the center table. The prince let out a long sigh as his eyes scanned over the detailed sketch of the empire. “These locations here, here, and… here. They are what could be this changeling’s most likely hideouts. Guards, it's important that we capture him before he has a chance to make it to the train station and flee the Crystal Empire.”

Every pony in the room was silent. Some avoided Shining’s gaze, and the room held a very somber tone. Shining could sense their uncertainty, but there wasn't much more he felt he could say. It had already been a hard day on all of them. “You all have your duties. You're dismissed.”

Onyx and Amethyst watched as the group of guards slowly exited the room, silently. One by one, they trailed out of the room until only Shining remained. Onyx was about to usher Amethyst out and follow after her when Shining stopped them.

“Not you two.” The prince had a grim look on his face. “There's something very important we need to discuss.”

That didn't sound uplifting, especially coming from Prince Armor. If he was going to grind them about being late to the briefing, then Amethyst didn't want to hear it. She looked at Onyx, silently hoping he would have a braver look than her own, but he looked just as nervous. Unlike Amethyst, Onyx wasn't one to go out of his way to break rules, like sleeping with another guard. With the lust fading and the passion gone, Onyx was left to wonder what had come over him to desire so strongly to climb into bed with Amethyst.

He cared for her, there was no doubt about that, but something about the situation had seemed unreal, almost as though it were a dream he couldn't control. Amethyst approached the table with Onyx by her side. Together, they faced off against Shining from across the table. Using the magic from his horn, Shining rolled the map and placed it to the side.

He stared across the table, his eyes darting back and forth between Amethyst and Onyx’s. He looked tired. Dark rings had formed under his eyes from the hours of work that had kept him locked in the palace. Shining opened his mouth at last, beginning with a sigh. “At ease, sergeants. You're not in trouble.” Then, he shot Amethyst a sly look. “Not this time, anyway…”

He cleared his throat and rubbed his baggy eyes. “This… isn't easy for me to explain to you, but it's time you knew the truth. The rest of the senior officers believe we are hunting a rogue changeling that broke into our barracks for unknown reasons. While this is partly true, I need it captured for a far more serious reason.”

Amethyst looked to her left, exchanging a brief glance with Onyx. “What… do you mean, sir?”

Shining’s horn ignited.

Using his magic, he closed the doors leading into the corridor and out onto the balcony, sealing them inside the room. “Princess Cadence and I are certain now that the changeling is a spy from the hive of Queen Chrysalis and is none other than Silvershield.”

Amethyst had been afraid of that, though it had been a while since she had seen the stallion. At the back of her mind, she knew it was true. “Right... What’s our next move then, sir?”

Shining turned his gaze, looking out the window leading to the balcony. “Silvershield has problably run by now, but we have more pressing issues. We have reason to believe there is another changeling living among us.”

The mare’s eyes narrowed. “Pyrite is different… My baby wouldn't-”

Her argument was silenced, cut off by Shining’s hoof. “I'm not talking about your filly, sergeant. My own spies have overheard conversations between Silvershield and another changeling inside these walls, another spy he calls ‘Cicada’.” The guards’ eyes widened. “We don't know who she is yet, but Silvershield and this Cicada are working together to undermine the empire. After Queen Chrysalis's failed attack on Canterlot, it wasn't hard to believe she might try to invade the Crystal Empire next.”

Shining lifted a thick book onto the table. It hit the surface with a loud ‘thud’, sending a small cloud of dust into the air. It was the barracks’ personal file, a ledger containing the physical and medical information on every guard in the barracks. “We have no tests yet to decide who is a pony and who is a changeling. When a changeling assumes the form of a pony, the change is not skin deep. Blood, bone, and everything that makes you into…. well, you, the changelings copy it flawlessly. Even cutie marks can be copied, as you very well know. That’s why your special assignment needs to be carried out with extreme discretion. Whoever these spies are, they cannot know you are onto them, or they might change forms again.”

It was a lot to take in all at once. Onyx pulled the ledger towards him and opened the cover, each page held the files for a single guard and a mugshot. He flipped through the many pages until he reached Silvershield’s information. “I… I've known him for too long… How could something like this even have happened? It should be impossible for changelings to enter the academy, even under a disguise.”

Shining shook his head. “We don't know. It's possible that after the changeling replaced Silvershield, he had help from inside the academy, his accomplice, perhaps, the one called Cicada.”

Onyx and Amethyst shared a brief glance. Then, Amethyst pointed to the rolled map at the edge of the table. “If you know Silvershield is really a changeling, why are you having every guard scouring the empire, looking for him? Why tell us and not them? They should know the truth.”

Shining shook his head. “It's not that simple, sergeant. This situation is very… difficult. The fewer of us that know what's really going on, the better off we’ll be. I'm telling you all of this because I trust you, Amethyst. You and Onyx have proven time and time again to be the greatest and most resourceful guards I have.”

Amethyst blushed slightly, turning her head to hide the dark hue coloring her cheeks. Such a compliment had never made her chest swell as much as it did just then, especially one coming from Prince Armor. “Plus, you have more experience with changelings than any guard in the barracks.”

Onyx grinned and softly hit Amethyst’s shoulder, a quiet ‘congratulations’. Earning the approval of Shining was an impressive accomplishment in itself. “So… What's the plan, sir?”

Shining cleared his throat and revealed a new map, a detailed outline of the barracks. Several rooms had been crossed off while others were circled. Short notes dotted the gridded sheet, telling the viewer where trails had been found and lost. “While most of the guards are searching the city for Silvershield, you two will be my agents here, in the barracks. Cadence and I believe these changeling spies are still here, keeping a low profile.” Shining looked them both in the eye, his expression told Amethyst just how dire the situation really was. “I'm counting on you two. If you find anything, report it to me, nopony else. Am I clear?”

The sergeants raised their hooves to their foreheads, saluting Shining. “Sir, yes sir!”

Shining smiled. It was a strange sight.

Amethyst was almost certain she had never seen the prince actually smile before. He always frightened her with his gruff exterior and distant attitude towards her. Now, for the first time, she was beginning to like the guy.

“Good. You're both dismissed.”

They lowered their hooves and turned to leave the room. Onyx reached the door first, opening it and stepping out into the corridor. Amethyst was about to follow him before Shining stopped her.

“Sergeant Amethyst…” She turned slightly, looking over her shoulder just in time to see Shining nod his head towards her, a respective bow. “I'm sorry about my behavior towards Pyrite. She's a good filly, and she's lucky to have a mother like you.”

Amethyst’s chest swelled to the point of bursting. She grinned, her smile stretching from ear to ear. “Thank you, sir. I won't let you down.”

Then, she exited the room, closing the door behind her. With Onyx by her side and the support of Prince Armor, she felt like she could take on the entire frozen north, like nothing could stand against her and have a chance of winning. “Let's get going, Onyx. We've got changelings to find…”


With every pony Emerald passed by, the more hollow he felt. That was the best word he could come up with to describe himself, hollow. They looked at him. Some smiled and some waved. Some even approached him. Emerald didn't know them, though. They must have been friends with the pony he was pretending to be.

Maybe it was meant to be, to feel as hollow as he looked. The voice in his head was gone, now, leaving him in silence. What had once offered him clarity left him all alone. Emerald hated the silence. It allowed him to think, to reflect on all of the horrible things he had done, all in the name of his queen and the hive.

After all he had done, he had gained nothing. That was the way of the hive. The guards were completely different. They stood by each other, supported each other, and in some cases, they loved each other. Everything Emerald thought he had known about the ponies was completely wrong. They had something the changelings of the hive could never obtain, true love.

Emerald stopped. He had reached his destination.

Standing outside of Amethyst’s personal quarters, he contemplated on how he should proceed. Barging into her room and telling her about Cicada and the changeling’s plan to murder Pyrite wouldn't exactly be ‘subtle’.

No… Emerald needed a plan. He needed a way to earn her trust, to befriend her. Only then would she believe anything he said. At least, in Emerald’s mind, that was how friendship worked.

He raised his hoof a knocked on the door softly. There was no immediate response, but several moments later, the door swung open, revealing Amber.

Emerald blinked, bearing a confused look. “I'm sorry… Isn't… this Amethyst’s room?”

He was certain he was in the right place, but Amethyst was nowhere in sight, causing him to worry. Amber’s eyes narrowed at the stallion. “Amethyst is with Onyx. Last I heard, they were attending a briefing with the other officers. What do you want, Emerald?”

Her tone had a sharp edge to it. That, combined with the dangerous look in her eyes gave off a very unwelcoming feel. It dawned on Emerald that Amber knew him, and she obviously was not fond of him in the slightest bit.

“I… I, um…” He stuttered nervously as he tried to formulate his jumbled thoughts into clear and precise words. “I came to see Amethyst… I was hoping she'd be here.”

Then, he heard the delighted squeal of a little filly from inside the room. Amber looked over her shoulder and sighed. When she turned back around to face Emerald, her expression had changed. Now, she looked utterly worn out, like she had lost a fight several timberwolves. “I'm busy… Get lost, Emerald.”

Though her eyes had lost their razor-sharp edge, her voice cut into the stallion like a knife. With every second that passed, they cut deeper and deeper into him. Memories, happy ones, of the times he had once shared with Amber flooded back into his mind. He remembered the instant he had first met the young mare, in the academy.

That was years ago.

Silvershield, the stallion she fell in love with, was gone. He was ‘Emerald’, now. The door was closing, and Emerald’s chest was beating to the point of bursting. His body moved on its own, and his hoof lunged forward, stopping the door before it could close, locking him out.

Amber gasped and shot him a look of surprise and rekindled despise. “What are you doing? I said ‘get lost’, you ass.”

Emerald bit his lower lip, his eyes glancing back and forth between Amber’s and the floor. “You… You looked like you needed some… help… and… I just wanted to help…”

Amber looked beyond furious. She opened her mouth to let loose a barrage of words that were unfit for young foals to hear, but her voice fell silent as Pyrite ran underneath her, entering the corridor between her and Emerald. Clutched in the little changeling’s teeth was a winter scarf. She dragged it across the floor, the cloth trailing behind her. Running at full speed, she tripped on the scarf and fell on her face, sliding several inches across the smooth floor before coming to a stop at Emerald’s hooves.

Dazed, she stood shakily and looked up at the stallion. “Brrrrrah!” She wore a huge grin and pointed her tiny hoof towards him. “Brah!” Her wide smile was quickly replaced by a look of surprise when hoof grabbed a hold of her, pulling her back towards the room.

“Get back here, you.” Amber’s tone with the changeling filly was soft, but short, as though her levels of tolerance for the rowdy trickster were reaching their limits. She let out an exhausted sigh and returned her attention to Emerald. “Why are you really here?”

Emerald noticed a change in her voice. She spoke softer towards him than she had before, like she was too tired to put up a fight. He cracked a weak smile. “I want to help you.” He saw a definite change in her expression after that. “I mean… Watching Pyrite all by yourself must be… It must be difficult.”

Reluctantly, Amber nodded her head. “Yeah… You could say that again. I do it for Amethyst. She works too hard to have to worry about her job and Pyrite. Besides…” For the first time since she had opened the door, Amber smiled. Her grin was directed towards Pyrite, but the sight of it made Emerald’s chest flutter. “I love the little thing, even if she does drive me insane… She's a special filly.”

Emerald knew she wasn't lying. He could feel her love for the young changeling. “You have no idea…”

Amber cocked her head, giving him a confused look. “What?”

Shaking his head dismissively, Emerald extended an open hoof towards Pyrite. “Nothing… I was only agreeing with you.”

The little changeling, her curiosity peaked, approached the open hoof. She sniffed it carefully. After determining that the hoof was safe, she began to nuzzle it affectionately. Amber and Emerald looked on with surprise and shock. “Huh… I guess she likes you…”

Emerald cracked a silly grin. “You don't sound too pleased. Are you… jealous?”

It was a friendly jab. He didn't expect any particular reaction from her, but Amber’s cheeks burned red, and her expression turned defensive. “Wh-What? No… No, of course not… She greets everypony like that apparently…” Amber’s words stumbled together, and she began to ramble on. “I just… I'm so tired, and…”

Her voice trailed away. Emerald leaned forward, wanting to hear the rest of what she had to say. “… And?”

Amber shook her head. “It's nothing… You just… For a moment, you remind me of…” She shook her head, ridding her mind of those thoughts.


Emerald’s heart thundered against his chest. She did still have feelings for him. A fire that he was certain had died out was rekindled in an instant. Emerald hadn't even noticed it himself. When he was around Amber, he just… became the pony she needed. He still had a chance, a way to make things right with her.

“Do you remember our days in the academy?” Emerald took a step forward, causing Amber to take a step back. “Do you remember the first time we met?”

Amber backed into the room with Emerald following her inside. “E-E-Emerald… What are you talking about?”

Emerald closed his eyes, and he began to concentrate. A green flame erupted under his hooves, and it began to consume him. Amber watched in awe and in horror as Emerald was replaced by Silvershield. The stallion towered over her.

Amber tried to back away once again, only to run into the wall behind her. “You… You're a… ch-”

Silvershield raised a gentle hoof to her lips, silencing her. “I love you, Amber… I always have, from that first moment when I met you. What we shared… I've never felt anything like it, and it's not something I want to lose. Instead of feeding on love, you showed me how to share it.” His heart was leading him, now. What was left of his melted brain followed along for the ride. “Please, Amber… I've already lost my friend today. I can't lose you too…”

Amber’s lower lip quivered as he caressed her cheek. “You're a changeling…”

Silvershield nodded his head. “I am, and I’ve changed, Amber, for you. I am the same pony you fell in love with. Please…” He leaned in closer until his lips brushed against hers. “Let me help…”

Amber sniffled back her tears and placed a firm hoof on his chest, pushing him back a little. “Show me… Show me who you really are…”

Silvershield winced at the sound of those words, but he'd do anything to convince Amber of his intentions at this point. Pyrite stood close by, watching the scene unfold. He closed his eyes again and began to concentrate. The green fire sparked beneath his hooves once again and consumed him. This time, however, instead of a transition, the fire burned away his skin.

It devoured the form he knew as Silvershield, and in seconds, the pony was no more. He stood in the center of the room as himself, his true self.

Amber observed him with wondering eyes, taking in his jet, black figure and the holes that riddled his legs. His sickly pale wings were torn and tattered, and his pale eyes stared at hers. For what seemed like an eternity, they stood in silence, staring at one another. It was Pyrite that broke that silence, and the awkwardness. “Brah! Brrrrrah!”

Excited by the larger changeling before her, Pyrite too lost her form, turning into the little changeling she truly was. She ran up to him, stopping just short of his hooves. “Brah!”

He looked down at her and managed a weak smile before returning his attention to the stunned Amber. “My name… is Mantis. I was sent here for her.” He nodded his head towards Pyrite. “Queen Chrysalis demands Pyrite’s extermination. She feels threatened by this little one’s very existence.”

Shaking away her surprise at last, Amber found her voice. “Threatened? How in Cadence’s name could Pyrite be a threat to Chrystalis, a queen?”

The towering changeling brushed the explorative Pyrite away, who had begun to climb the holds riddling his leg. “You said so yourself, Amber. She's a special filly, more so than you or Amethyst ever knew. Pyrite is no ordinary changeling… She's a queen too.” Mantis eyed the beaming filly before looking back at Amber. “Queens are born once in an era, and Queen Chrysalis doesn't want to take any chances in letting her grow up to compete with her own kingdom.”

Amber looked at Pyrite, then back at the changeling that used to be Silvershield. “Alright… Let's say I believe you… What now? What are we going to do?”

The changeling let out a long sigh. “Pyrite doesn't have to be the queen she's meant to be. We can hid her from Queen Chrysalis, but we have to move quickly. The empire isn't safe anymore. She'll be coming…”

Amber looked into the changeling’s eyes, and she saw fear, true fear. He was terrified. She could see it in his eyes and hear it on the edge of his voice. “Who? Who’s coming, Mantis? Queen Chrysalis?”

Then, it all went wrong.

Amber gasped as a green cloud of magic closed around her neck. Mantis stumbled backwards, caught completely off guard. He watched in horror as Amber was lifted off of the ground, her hooves kicking wildly. Pyrite screamed and cried, running under the nightstand nearby.

Gem appeared in the doorway, baring her teeth. A green flame ignited under her hooves, revealing her changeling form. She let out a beast-like snarl as she entered the room. “You…” She glared towards Mantis. “You traitor… You're a disgrace to the hive!” Her horn flared, glowing brightly as she threw Amber against the wall, knocking the mare unconscious. “You've betrayed us all… for love?!”

She let out a sinister laugh as Mantis rushed towards Amber’s motionless body. The pony’s chest rose and fell slowly. She was breathing, not dead.

“You think the ‘love’ you feel for her is real, Mantis? She's a pony! She'd never fall for a monster like you!”

Mantis breathed heavily, fuming with anger as he got to his hooves. “I… I'm not the monster… You are!”

Letting out a furious cry, he lunged for Cicada, but she was ready. In one swift motion, she sidestepped his attack and tripped him, causing him to fall to the floor. Mantis hit the ground with a hard ‘thud’. He tried to stand up again, only to be forced back down by Cicada’s hoof. She pressed down, putting her weight on Mantis’ neck. “I'm going to kill you, Mantis. You will die here, just like that pathetic whelp you called ‘friend’. He tasted delicious, you know. I enjoyed every bite.”

Mantis groaned and struggled under her hoof, gargling saliva and blood as she pressed down even harder. His vision was darkening. All he could see was Amber’s body in the corner, slowly fading to black. “Amber!”

Cicada’s hoof fell away from Mantis’ neck, allowing him to breath. He gasped for air and looked up just in time to see the arrival of Amethyst and Onyx. The mare eyed both changelings and lowered her horn. Onyx took his place beside her and lowered his horn as well, preparing to fight.

Cicada backed away, taking a fighting stance, but she knew she was outmatched. Then, she looked behind her and saw Pyrite cowering under the nightstand, and a menacing smile crossed her face. “You lose, ponies…”

She kicked the nightstand over and grabbed Pyrite.

The little changeling howled and cried. “Mama! Mama! Mamaaaaa!”

Cicada’s horn flared to life, and in a blinding flash of light, she was gone.

Amethyst opened her mouth, but when she tried to scream, no sound came out. First, Pyrite was there, right in front of her. Then, Pyrite was gone. She had vanished into thin air. Amethyst stared at the empty space where Pyrite once stood, next to the fallen nightstand. Tears began to build behind her eyes, and her legs began to buckle. As the tears came out, dripping down her cheeks, she found her voice.

Amethyst began to scream.

Crying out, she rushed to the spot where she last saw her daughter, her little trickster. “PYRITE!!! PYRITE, MY BABY!!!” But she was gone. Her baby was gone. Then, she turned on the changeling and let out a blood-curdling yell. “YOU DID THIS!!!”

Mantis groaned and looked up just in time to see her horn ignite. Paralyzed by fear, he found himself unable to move or even attempt to shield himself. Just as she was preparing herself to fire the lethal bolt of magic at the changeling, Onyx threw his hooves around her, bringing her down. Amethyst hit the floor, Onyx falling on top of her. The magic that had built in her horn discharged as her head made contact with the floor. The bolt fired to the other side of the room, scorching the wall it hit.

Then, she broke down completely, wailing as tears flooded her eyes like storm clouds. “M-M-My baby’s gone… My baby’s g-g-gone…”

She cried again and again as Onyx stroked her mane in a vain attempt to soothe her. When Shining arrived, Mantis didn't have the will to fight back as he was tied, blindfolded, and gagged. He could hear the guards’ voices, but they sounded muffled and distant.

“What should we do with this one, sir?”

Amethyst was right… He did this. It was his fault, all of it.

“Take it to the detention block and lock it in a secure cell. Everypony else, secure the area.”

Everything moved slowly around him as he was dragged out of the sergeant’s quarters and into the corridor. Numerous guards watched him, some whispering to each other while others yelled insults at him, some of which are too foul to repeat… Once he had been dragged a considerable distance, his blindfold was torn away.

Mantis squinted as his eyes were once again met with light, but when he saw what awaited him, he wished he was still blindfolded. Several guards surrounded him. All had angry glares on their faces.

One stepped forward, looking Mantis in the eyes. “This must be the one that killed Emerald… Let’s show it what happens to changeling scum that mess with the empire.”

Then, they began to beat him, all at once. In the middle of the corridor, they hit, kicked, and mocked the tied changeling. As they were attacking him, one of the guard’s hooves caught Mantis in the head, and he was out like a light.


Onyx nearly had to carry Amethyst out of her room.In the corridor, she began to support herself mostly, but still leaned heavily on Onyx as he walked her over to his own room. “You're doing great, Amethyst…”

It was all he could do, say things that would encourage her to keep moving. Onyx didn't dare say things like ‘It'll be alright.’ or ‘Don't worry.’. Amethyst had every right to worry. He saw the way she turned on the changeling, the murderous look in her eyes. She would have killed him, there was no doubt about it.

At the door, Onyx ushered her inside. “Go sit on the bed.”

Amethyst did as she was told and shuffled inside, sniffling back her tears. She looked over her shoulder, back at her room, just in time to see several medical ponies carry Amber away on a stretcher.

Seeing that only made Amethyst feel worse. Her heart ached in her chest, like it was being crushed. Pyrite was her whole world, and some changeling had stolen her. She felt as thought somepony had torn her heart out of her chest, leaving a gaping void. Her mind was a whirlwind of scenario a showing how it all could have played out differently. Maybe, if she had been quick enough, she could have grabbed Pyrite before the changeling did. Maybe, she could have leaped onto the changeling before she teleported away. Maybe, she-

Amethyst’s thoughts were interrupted by Onyx, who sat on the bed and put his hooves around her. At his touch, Amethyst began to cry. It began softly, but it quickly grew louder and more powerful until she was sobbing into Onyx’s neck. “I… I could h-h-have saved he-her…”

Onyx had no response. As a Royal Guard, he had been trained for every possible contingency, but comforting a mother who just lost her child was beyond him. All he could do was hold her, tightly. He held onto Amethyst, stroking her mane and rubbing her back.

Then, Onyx remembered Amber, and he got an idea. “Hey, Amethyst, we should go see Amber… You know, make sure she's alright.”

It was a long shot, but wanting to see her best friend might give Amethyst the will to live again. To Onyx’s relief, she agreed. Amethyst slid off of the bed, out of his embrace, and she stood shakily on her hooves. Onyx offered her a hoof to hold, which she took graciously.

Amethyst grasped onto Onyx as they walked together out of his room and into the corridor. She tried to look away from her own open door and the wrecked room that awaited her inside. She had to keep her eyes forward and her thoughts on Amber. Amethyst had to believe that Pyrite, her one chance at being a mother, was gone.

Her thoughts inevitably shifted back to the moment the little changeling infant vanished. It had all happened so quickly, Amethyst wasn't even sure if it had really happened. She hoped, deep down, that she would return to her room later to find Pyrite jumping on the bed.

Onyx must have been reading her thoughts, because he cleared his throat. “If there's a chance we can find her, Prince Armor will let us know.” Amethyst looked up at him with teary eyes, and he smiled back to the best of his ability. “We’ll do our best, Amethyst, I promise…”

It wasn't much at all, but it was all she had, and Amethyst wasn't even sure she wanted it, the hope that Pyrite could be found and retrieved safely. Such thinking would likely end with her heart shattering again. Amethyst didn't want to hope, but she could stop herself either. All she could do to combat this was keep her thoughts on Amber, and think about what to say if her friend ever woke up.


“Are you awake?”

Mantis let out a painful groan and stretched his hooves. It took him a few moments to realize they weren't bound anymore. Then, it hit him. He was in a cell.

He sat up quickly, only to regret doing so seconds later. His head throbbed and ached something awful, and his vision was blurred and disorientated. Now that he was up, Mantis began taking in his surroundings. The ground, walls, and ceiling seemed to be made out of the same, dark stone. All but one of the walls was solid.

The last one looked like glass, but much thicker, only boasting a few small holes for air and sound. He couldn't see much outside of his cell. Everything was dark. The only light came from outside of the cell, from a candle on a table at the end of the corridor. Mantis wasn't sure if what he saw was real.

If anypony told him this is what the prisons of the Crystal Empire were like, he wouldn't have believed a word of it. The dark, coarse stone was so drastically different from the bright and colorful crystals and gems that made up the empire. Then, Mantis saw a brief glimpse of his own reflection in the glass, and his memory slowly began to return. He remembered being surrounded and beaten. The guards had called him ‘changeling scum’.

Mantis knew they were right, and he hated it. He hated that they were right. He was scum. He was the reason ponies and changelings had been at war for so long, him and other changelings like himself, servants of Queen Chrysalis… Then, he remembered Amber… He was talking to Amber, and… Cicada.

Horrific images flashed through his mind of Cicada strangling Amber. He saw her throwing Amber against the wall and stepping on his neck.

*I'm going to kill you, Mantis…* Her sinister voice echoed in his mind. *You lose, ponies…*

Mantis cried out and charged the glass, hitting it head-on. “DAMNIT!” He screamed as loudly as his lungs would allow. “DAMNIT! DAMNIT! DAMN HER!” He stood on his rear legs and began beating the glass again and again.

“I'd settle down, if I were you. The guards down here are a lot more… rough than the ones on the surface…”

Mantis was still fuming with unchecked anger and rage, but he bit his lip and backed away from glass. “Who…” He panted heavily as he recovered his breath. “Who are you?”

His question echoed throughout the cell and the corridor outside, but there was no reply. Mantis wondered if he really had heard anypony, or if the voice in his head had returned. After several moments of silence, he thought it safe to presume the latter. There was nopony else around. He was all alone.

“You're not alone, friend. I'm here…”

Mantis’ ears twitched as he peered into the dark corridor. He was certain he had heard a voice that time. It sounded clear and coherent. It was a mare’s voice, sweet and soothing to the ear.

“You must really be something special. These cells aren't for common criminals. You have to mess up quite a lot to get thrown down here with me…”

Her voice sounded close, but it echoed. It could have been coming from any direction. Then, he caught a glimpse of her. There was a pony in the cell across from his. It was too dark to see her entirely, but he caught bits and pieces of her shadowy form. She appeared to have, despite the lack of natural light, a silver mane and a shimmering, golden coat. She had a powerful, dangerous feel surrounding her and a shining look in her eyes.

Her words echoed in his mind.

This was no place for common criminals. It was a high-security dungeon. Mantis understood why he was locked away, but the mare across the corridor… What did she do that was so horrible?

Mantis didn't want to know, but at the same time, he did. Being so close to her, he felt his own safety was at risk. “Wh-Who are you?”

The golden mare raised an innocent hoof to her chest and batted her eyes. “Me? Oh, I'm nopony important… What about you, though? I should be asking you the same thing, changeling, a creature of infinite shapes. Who might you be?”

Mantis frowned. She was dodging his question, but there was something about her voice he found relaxing. It sounded so sweet and persuasive that he couldn't help but go along with her. “I… I'm, um… I’m Mantis…”

The golden mare stood up from her cot and approached the glass. “Mantis… Now, that is an interesting name. I haven't met a lot of changelings, you see. Why don't you tell me about yourself, Mantis? Tell me what you did to get yourself in such a rancid place such as this. It’s been so dull around here… You can imagine how exciting it must be to have somepony to talk to.”

Mantis didn't know why, but felt more than compelled to respond to her. It was something about her voice, the way her words sweetly enveloped him. Then, there was her shimmering eyes. He could see them clearly through the glass, and they looked beautiful. “I… I just…” His cheeks felt hot. “Well, changelings aren't very welcome in the Crystal Empire…”

Then, his chest felt heavy, and his eyes drifted away from the mare as his rotten past spilled out of his mouth. “I… I lied… I killed… and I helped steal a young, innocent filly… all in service to my queen…”

The mare in the other cell frowned. “You… foalnapped somepony’s filly?” The honey in her voice seemed to have disappeared. “I never knew you changelings could do something so monstrous. That's low, Mantis, even by my standards…”

Mantis glared at her and pounded his hoof against the glass. “Well, if the world is gonna see and treat us as monsters, then that's how we’ll act, like monsters!”

The dam burst, and tears began flooding down his cheeks. Mantis sat next to the glass and buried his head in his hooves. “I didn't mean to lose her… I wanted… I wanted to tell Amethyst that I was sorry, but she…”

He could see her standing over him, the look of rage in her eyes. She wanted blood, his blood. At this point, Mantis was almost ready to willingly give it to her. He was locked away, and he had no hope of ever seeing the sun or breathing fresh air again. Mantis wondered briefly if he would be fed at all, or just left to starve to death.

As if she were reading his thoughts, the golden mare chimed in. “Well, monster or not, you're stuck in here. Meals come by twice a day, eight o'clock in the morning and eight at night, and tonight is the night of the pasta!”

She laughed with excitement in anticipation of her next meal, earning a strange look from Mantis. Then, she looked at the glass and began fixing her mane like she was looking in a mirror. “Mantis, if you wouldn't mind, I was wondering… Since you're a changinging, maybe you could help me with something… Just a small favor…”

Mantis wasn't in any mood to do anything for anypony, but she had asked so politely that he couldn't deny her what she wanted. “Yeah? What's that?”

She grinned, her smile stretching wide. “Oh, it's been so long since I’ve seen her… Do you know Princess Twilight? I, uh… I used to know the princess… personally. It's been far too long, and… Well, I’d very much like to see her again.”

Mantis cocked his head. “You… want me to turn into Princess Twilight?”

It was an odd request, but a simple one. He knew what the princess looked like, at least. The golden mare laughed giddily, stroking her own mane with an unprecedented eagerness. “Yes, please… I miss her so much…”

Mantis stood up and faced the mirror, and he closed his eyes. He thought about the princess, her purple fur, dark mane, and bright eyes. Vigorous concentration was required to get every detail right. It was an art, really, copying the look of a pony. Once he’d gotten a perfect mental picture of Twilight Sparkle, sparks appeared beneath his hooves. The sparks flew in every direction, but there was no green flame.

He couldn't change.

Mantis sighed and sat back down, defeated. “I… I can't… This cell… It's blocking my ability to use magic… I'm sorry.”

The mare deflated like a popped balloon. “Oh… I guess I should have seen that coming…” She sniffled as though she was trying to hold back a wall of tears. “Th-Thank you for trying…” She swallows her tears, and her cheeky grin returned, but Mantis could still see a pained look on her face. “Tell me, Mantis, do you like games?”

The changeling shook his head and turned away from the glass and his new friend, falling on his side. He felt too tired to keep talking. He just wanted to rest. Maybe, he could forget about everything that had happened up until that point. Maybe, he could just accept his new life in prison and get to know the crazy, golden mare better. She seemed nice, after all.


He wasn't in the mood to talk anymore. Resting his head on the cold, stone floor, Mantis closed his eyes and began to drift away.


Amethyst wasn't sure how many times she had fallen asleep at Amber’s side. She must have sat beside her for at least an hour. It was as if every time her eyes closed, an alarm in her mind would sound, waking her up from a power nap. Onyx sat in a chair nearby, watching the door to the infirmary.

For the most part, nothing changed.

Nurses came and went, and Amber stayed asleep. Her chest rose and fell steadily, but that hardly put Amethyst at ease. “I'm worried for her, Onyx… What if she's hurt in more ways than the doctors can tell, and…”

Onyx placed a reassuring hoof on hers. “Amethyst, relax. The doctors here are medical professionals, and they say that Amber is going to be alright. She's taken a beating, but she's a strong, stubborn mare. She kinda reminds me of you…”

Amethyst tried to smile, but it just wasn't in her. Her gaze shifted to Amber, and she lifted her free hoof to the sleeping mare’s cheek, caressing it affectionately. “She's always been like a little sister to me. Maybe you're right, Onyx… Maybe I am seeing too much of myself in her.” She closed her eyes, blinking out the tears that had been building up behind her eyes. “It's my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone with Pyrite. I should have been there…”


It was a weak, scratchy voice. Amethyst opened her eyes and gasped softly. “Amber… You're awake… Oh, Amber!” She threw her hooves around the younger mare, embracing her tightly. “I'm so happy you're alright…”

Onyx rolled his eyes. “I told you she’d be fine.”

Amber groaned as she sat upright in her bed. With a little help from Onyx and Amethyst, she was able to rest against the headboard. “Wh-Where…”

She coughed furiously, bringing the sheets up to her mouth so as not to cough in anypony’s face. When the fit was over, she fell back against the headboard. Onyx quickly brought her a glass of water, and she accepted it, taking the glass from his magical cloud. It was a tall glass, but Amber emptied the thing in a matter of seconds, exhausting a long sigh before setting it down.

With her wounded throat wetted, she groaned and found the strength to speak. Amethyst and Onyx leaned in, both eager to listen to what she had to say. Then, she stunned them both, asking only a single question.

“Where is Mantis?”

***Up Next: The Fools***