• Published 9th Sep 2016
  • 7,555 Views, 187 Comments

Fool's Gold - Cardinal Dan Productions

When a patrol of Royal Guards finds an infant changling while exploring the Frozen North, one pony decides take the abandoned shapeshifter in and raise it as her own daughter.

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Untold Stories: 3

***The Grand Matriarch***

It had been many years since Amethyst had set hoof in the Frozen North. Ever since she rescued her little Pyrite from the clutches of the then evil Queen Chrysalis, she vowed to stay as far away from the icy hell as possible. However, the massive changeling hive that once dominated the uninhabitable landscape was now under new management, and Amethyst now stood at the entrance of the hive alongside Gemini at the request of its queen.

She was bundled up and completely covered but still shaking in her frost-walker boots, wonders of fashion and technology that kept her from sinking in the dozens of feet of snow that covered the ground. Through her chattering teeth, Amethyst turned to Gem and let out a groan. “I th-th-thought y-y-you said th-this was the F-F-Frozen No-North’s Spring season...”

Gem had no such problems. The Frozen North was once her birthplace, her home. Also, it helped greatly that changelings had a natural resistance to cold temperatures. “I did, Amethyst. Summer doesn’t get much warmer either.”

Amethyst wanted to say more. She had a snarky response that she’d been saving, but the opportunity was lost when two armored changelings emerged from the black cave in front of them.

One approached them, and the other readied his horn. “Outsiders, state your business here.”

Before Amethyst had the chance to say anything, Gem cleared her throat. “My name is Gemini. We’re here to see her highness, Queen Pyrite, at her request, so you better not keep her waiting.”

The first changeling looked back at the second and both shrugged. “Whatever you say, outsider. I have strict orders not to let anypony in. This is sovereign land under the protection of Queen Pyrite, and you are not welcome.”

Gem frowned and turned to look at the mare beside her. “Didn’t your daughter tell her subjects that she was expecting company, Amethyst?”

At hearing her name, both changeling guards looked wide-eyed at her and dropped to the ground, throwing their hooves out in front of her. “The All Mother! The Grand Matriarch! A thousand apologies, Lady Amethyst! We were unaware of your impending arrival!”

The second changeling guard looked equally as fearful as he too groveled at Amethyst’s hooves. “Please spare us of your wrath, oh great mother! You and your companion are most welcome anytime!”

Amethyst fired Gem a confused look and raised an eyebrow, but she just shook her head and chuckled. “Hey, don't look at me, All Mother... They’re your grandchildren.”

Together, they helped the changeling guards to their hooves before being escorted inside. In a way, it was almost like coming home for Gem, but at the same time, she couldn’t recognize the network of caves that was once her hive. So much had changed under the rule of Pyrite.

Caves had been expanded greatly to support a rapid rise in population. Judging by what little of the tunnels she could see, Gem estimated that the hive could support many times more changelings than Chrysalis’ ever could. It warmed her black heart to know that her people were not only surviving, but thriving, full of life and love.

For Amethyst, the experience was entirely new. It wasn’t every day that a pony got to be welcomed into a changeling nest as an honored guest. Everywhere she looked, changelings bowed in her direction, some whispering amongst themselves eagerly about the arrival of ‘the great one’. Not quite sure how to feel about this new reverence, Amethyst simply smiled and waved towards the changelings, which in turn caused them to explode with excitement and joy.

Their escort of changeling guards lead them through the network of tunnels that eventually opened up into a grand cavern, the throne room. The room was so magnificent that Amethyst wanted to look in every direction at once and get a closer look at the glittering rocks that protruded from the black, obsidian walls. What ultimately captured her attention, however, was the towering throne that protruded from the cave floor, made entirely from polished gems and obsidian.

A tall figure rose from the throne and spread out her majestic wings. “Mother!”

Amethyst almost screamed out of fear as the massive changeling charged down from her throne before hoisting her up into the air with her magic. “Pyrite, Amethyst can’t breathe. You’re squeezing her too tight.”

The changeling queen quickly set her down and brushed her mane out of her eyes. “Indeed... I’m sorry, mother. It’s just... It’s been so long since I’ve seen you. The letters you and dad have been sending me are great and all, but to actually see you again... oh, mom...”

Amethyst let out a yelp as her daughter threw her massive wings around her, holding her in a warm embrace. Pyrite’s chest was hot and comforting, and she actually felt at ease.

After several seconds, Amethyst needed to breathe again, so she pushed herself away and out of the queen’s grasp. “It’s good to see you too, Pyrite. You’re clearly doing better out here than I ever could have imagined. I’m proud to be your mother.”

Pyrite beamed at her. “You’re approval is all I ever wanted, mother. I’ve told my children stories of your heroic deeds, about all those times you saved the Crystal Empire, Equestria, and befriended your enemies. That’s why I’m modeling my government off of you.”

Gem whistled in agreement. “She’s right, Amethyst. Pyrite’s way of ruling things has done wonders for the place.”

The changeling queen looked so excited that she could hardly contain herself. “That’s not even the best part! Aunt Gemini, do you recall capturing Chrysalis and bringing her to me?”

Amethyst’s ears perked up. She hadn’t heard of his. “Gem, you did ‘what’?”

The mercenary made a dismissive motion with her hoof towards Amethyst, keeping her attention on Pyrite. “Yes... Why do you ask?”

Pyrite was grinning wildly, completely unaware of her mother’s baffled expression. “Well, I didn’t execute her. Instead, I asked myself what my mother would do if she were in a similar situation, and I-“

Amethyst gasped as a shadow fell over them. She spun around and came face to face with a second tall changeling, a second queen.

Gem looked just as stunned as the pony. “Pyrite, you didn’t...”

“Gem, get back!”

The second queen looked puzzled at them. “Amethyst and Gemini, I mean you no harm.”

Amethyst looked at Pyrite with disbelief. “Sweetie, is this really-“

Pyrite nodded her head. “Yes, mother. Chrysalis has changed for the better and is now a valued member of my hive. I learned from you to forgive my enemies. Isn’t that what happened between you and Aunt Gemini after she tried numerous times to kill you?”

Amethyst and Gem exchanged awkward glances. “Yes, but...” Her eyes finally fell on Chrysalis again, and she let out a sigh. “I guess I really don’t have much to say. Is it really possible you’ve changed?”

Pyrite narrowed her eyes towards Amethyst. “Mother...”

Chrysalis held up a hoof to calm the queen. “It’s alright, mistress. Amethyst is right to not trust me. I have caused her more harm than anypony should have to endure, and I can never earn her forgiveness, but please listen and understand that I am a changed mare.” The former queen let out a long, shaky sigh. “I have had many years to reflect on my past mistakes, and I now see the power in sharing love rather than devouring it. I am no queen, not anymore, and I have sworn absolute loyalty to your daughter, a wonderful, kind, and strong leader.”

Pyrite stepped forward. “Chrysalis is telling the truth, mom. I trust her.”

Gem shrugged casually and hit her flank against Amethyst’s. “Come on, Amethyst... Pyrite is the most powerful changeling who ever lived. If anypony could convince Chrysalis to metamorphosize, it’s her.”

The throne room was silent, and all eyes were on her. After a few moments, Amethyst let out a chuckle and looked up at Pyrite. “I never thought you’d take after me and do something like this... You continue to surprise me, Pyrite, but I’m proud of you.” Then, she turned to Chrysalis. “I lost a leg because of you. That can’t be replaced, and I don’t think I can ever forgive you for that...” Chrysalis winced with every word, but her eyes closed in on Amethyst’s prosthetic hoof, outstretched and waiting. “... however, you have my thanks. For supporting my daughter and sticking by her side.”

Chrysalis seemed to pause for a moment, but she quickly took Amethyst’s hoof in her own and shook. “I should be thanking you as well, pony. We’re it not for you and the actions you took to stop me when I was in the wrong, the world would be a darker place.”

Pyrite beamed with pride, obviously happy with her work. “I guess that’s as good of a ‘make up’ as we are going to get. Come, mother, you and Aunt Gemini must be tired from your journey through the snow. Hot baths are waiting, and a great meal is being prepared in your honor.”

Gem looked genuinely excited. “Awesome! Azalea is going to be pissed when she hears what we did today. I can’t wait to rub this in her face.”

Amaethyst chuckled as they followed Pyrite and Chrysalis our of the throne room. “I dunno... Onyx isn’t the jealous type, and he hates the cold. Now, where are these hot baths? Mama needs to get out of these clothes and unwind...”

***The End***

Comments ( 5 )

love this chapter it fits the hole story amazing ending.

Great stories. I really enjoyed them.

Nice story.

One of the better stories we've read in terms of the actual story, but one of the weirder ones we've read in terms of how it is written.
And we somehow read the prequel.

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