• Published 9th Aug 2016
  • 836 Views, 38 Comments

80 Days: Under the Waves - Sharp Spark

The aristocratic and well-to-do unicorn Flash Fog has made a wager that she could circumnavigate the globe in only eighty days. With the assistance of her loyal valet, Porter Stout, Madame Fog is ready to face any adventures the journey may lead to.

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“Wow, yeah!” a voice chirped from inside a locker.

I grimaced, and opened it up, Minnow tumbled out, tangled up in the diving suit within. She looked up at Madame Fog and cheerily waved. “Hi, I’m Minnow!”

“I thought I told you you couldn’t come,” Crankshaft growled.

“Oh did you?” she answered sweetly. “I guess it’s too late now though.”

While they argued, I caught sight of a light far below us. As we drew closer, I could see a metal structure with a concave, ridged top. Cables snaked out from its base, disappearing into the darkness of the crevasse.

As we settled onto the top of the structure, I heard a metallic clank and realized that it served as a docking station for the Hippocampus. Crankshaft pulled down a panel, revealing more gauges and dials.

“The extractors are located a short distance away,” he said distractedly. “I didn’t want them interfering with one another. But it looks like one is broken. They’re set up as drills, self-powering to slowly bore deeper into the bedrock. Something went wrong with one though. Or… it ran out of bedrock.”

“Then go check on it,” my mistress said...