• Published 9th Aug 2016
  • 839 Views, 38 Comments

80 Days: Under the Waves - Sharp Spark

The aristocratic and well-to-do unicorn Flash Fog has made a wager that she could circumnavigate the globe in only eighty days. With the assistance of her loyal valet, Porter Stout, Madame Fog is ready to face any adventures the journey may lead to.

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I tactfully asked about the fate of the ship’s crew, but Sawtooth assured me that they had allowed the vessel to continue, after divesting it of its cargo.

“We are smart and patient,” he said. “It is like the kelp weeds. You pull them up at the roots and you have kelp for today. But you leave the roots in place, and there will be kelp for next month.”

“If you are weak fish who eats kelp!” one of his friends called out. Sawtooth threw a punch that sent the other sharkpony reeling across the room, but he hopped up again, roaring with laughter.

“Then why capture my mistress and myself?” I asked.

Sawtooth sized me up, his piercing eyes causing me to look away. “You are important drypony. Brave, strong. I have nose for this.”

“Myself? Hardly. But indeed, Madame Fog is a known and respected personage.”

Sawtooth didn’t even seem to hear. He slung one foreleg over my withers and drew me close. “Important! Bartender, another round for important drypony friend!”

One drink turned into two, and before long I was standing arm in arm with Sawtooth and his pirate compatriots, shouting along to sea shanties despite not having the slightest clue about the words. I still don’t know how I managed to find my way back to the room that had been set aside for Madame Fog and myself.

I had scarcely recovered the next morning when Sawtooth showed up...