• Published 9th Aug 2016
  • 836 Views, 38 Comments

80 Days: Under the Waves - Sharp Spark

The aristocratic and well-to-do unicorn Flash Fog has made a wager that she could circumnavigate the globe in only eighty days. With the assistance of her loyal valet, Porter Stout, Madame Fog is ready to face any adventures the journey may lead to.

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Minnow was oddly quiet and still, staring out into the ocean.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“They really do say not to come down here,” she said. “And not like… ‘don’t go out to the reef on your own’ or ‘look both ways before you cross a current.’ The grownups always look a little scared when they talk about here.”

“I see,” I said. “Well, it can’t be that dangerous, right? Dr. Crankshaft can take care of himself.”

She shuffled her hooves. “I hope so.”

I occupied myself with familiarizing myself with the dials and readouts. One of them looked to be the submersible’s charge, and I could see it slowly tick up as we remained connected to the cradle below.

Then the line connected to Crankshaft jerked twice, twanging hard. I hesitated, and then moved to the lever, but Minnow had already jumped to pull it down. She was breathing heavily.

“I’m sure he’s fine,” I said…
“We… We should go,” I abruptly decided...