• Published 9th Aug 2016
  • 839 Views, 38 Comments

80 Days: Under the Waves - Sharp Spark

The aristocratic and well-to-do unicorn Flash Fog has made a wager that she could circumnavigate the globe in only eighty days. With the assistance of her loyal valet, Porter Stout, Madame Fog is ready to face any adventures the journey may lead to.

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I protested the exorbitant cost, noting that our funds were rapidly dwindling, but my mistress assured me that we would be able to wire for more once we had reached our destination. She retired to our meagre quarters to rest, leaving me pacing the deck.

The crew took to the change of course without any argument, but I thought I could sense fear in their dark and piercing eyes. I cornered one of the marsupials and pressed him for details. In a surprisingly deep voice for a creature of his size, he gave me further cause for concern.

“Pirates,” he said. “This is not a fast ship, but we’re prepared to fight any who would seize our cargo. And we are small enough that we may yet slip through undetected.”

For the next few days, I spent most of my time on deck, watching the horizon for any sign of approaching vessels.

It was near noon when we came under attack…