• Published 7th Jul 2016
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Sunset Shimmer - The Princess of Lordran - ratedoni

The Elements of Harmony didn't just purify Sunset Shimmer, they killed her and send her to the worse place any being would want to be, the world of Dark Souls. Will Sunset crumble or she will be the Chosen Undead?

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Farewells and the Church of the Undead

Watching the gleaming spear cut through the air was a spectacle in and of itself for Sunset now that she had become used to weapons in general. So long ago, the only thing she ever used were her horn and, years later, a single sledgehammer.

The last one mostly due to how effective it was when she needed to open something, no matter how small or weak it was. It was something like killing a fly with a cannon; it had the same results, but the destruction was greater. Now, here she was, sitting down in front of a burning bonfire, reflecting on life while checking her own weapons.

Across Sunset, using the open space of the Firelink Shrine was Madeleine, twirling her gleaming spear around, making the blade shine even in the dimmed sunlight. It was a dance that was as elegant as it was deadly.

She has seen her use it time and time again with clear results; capable of going through most armored undead as if it were nothing. As she continued to train and relax at the same time - how the woman could use her spear as some sort of relaxation and meditation was anyone’s guess - Sunset thought about her own situation.

Spread on the dry grass were her spoils of their adventure across the Undead Burg, the first being her battle axe, dirtied and showing wear and tear after being used constantly. It was still in working condition, but one could see now that the weapon was not for decoration or as some sort of status tool. It was the weapon of a warrior and even among the darkness and melancholy of the land, Sunset was proud of that.

Alongside it, Sunset had the shield that was given to her by Oscar, as radiant as it was that first day, probably maintained due to strong magic, like the one Madeleine had with her. Also, the old crossbow, whose wood showed signs of decay, almost rotten in several parts, making it very hard to rely upon in a world that could eat you at any minute.

At its side, the one blade that surprised her for finding something of that quality. The claymore was made of great steel, but its handle was simple and unadorned, something that didn’t bother Sunset. Since arriving at Lordran, Sunset had found out that there were many things that didn’t make her mad, like the years she lived in Canterlot. Back then, anything could make her snap, but here, under the unmoving sun of Lordran, she felt almost empty, as if the world was sucking all emotions from her.

The way she was now, it was probably due to everything that happened in the few days since she had been exiled to this reality. All the death, the loneliness, it just made everything look even worse and sucked all hope she could ever have to survive in Lordran. If it weren’t for Madeleine, Sunset would have already lost her sanity, spiraled into hollowness. That was not a thought that Sunset wanted to focus on right now; she saw the results of what happened and it pained her in another way.

The redhead owed her survival and sanity to two… well, three people and all of them were from Astora; Oscar, with desire to protect her and his fear of becoming hollow; Solaire, who was jovial and a true joy to meet and most importantly, Madeleine. She was her companion, her friend, her teacher. In a way, it was a little bit like Celestia, but there were no barriers between them, no etiquette and no over the top expectations from her. It felt nice to finally have someone at her side like that… if only.

Before she could go even deeper into her mind to think about the way things were in Lordran, Madeleine put the lance over her shoulder and ruffled the redhead’s hair. At this action, Sunset looked up to see the eyes of her friend behind the masquerade.

Instead of their usual twinkle, this time they were melancholic. They have been like that since Sunset had seen the woman trapped downstairs. Madeleine pointed at the other side of the Firelink and Sunset went up, understanding what the other warrior was doing.

Alongside her guards, Rhea of Thorolund was walking, her feet slowly moving across the stone field in the direction of the catacombs, a place Sunset hasn’t been nor did she want to. Her clothes, as white as when she saw her the first time, with her head held up high and with the bearing of a noble, but with the silent doom of a woman that knows she is going to the execution block. The air around her was not of peace and camaraderie that she shared with Sunset, but melancholy and darkness.

As if sensing the eyes upon her, Rhea stopped for a second and her guards did the same thing. From beneath the white cowl, a pair of deep blue eyes peeked and met the cyan ones of Sunset. At that moment it was as if time stood still and there was no need for words. With a bright smile, Rhea bid her farewells to the Equestrian undead and a deep sadness took hold of Sunset’s heart. As the group disappeared in the direction of the catacombs, Sunset and Madeleine could only watch, immobile on the Firelink Shrine.

In one swift moment, Sunset took hold of her claymore and bean to hit the stone like roots of the dead tree. Her screams of rage and impotence echoed on the now empty walls of the shrine as Madeleine remained silent.

Lordran was truly a land of sadness, farewells and hopelessness, and this was the last proof of that for Sunset Shimmer.

Placing a hand on Sunset’s shoulder, Madeleine quietly offered her companionship to the younger girl, as she finally relaxed after venting her rage. As the silence continued, the two warriors put everything in order - weapons, rings and armor - and began to ascend back into the Undead Church. Their thoughts focused on one thing, and that was the bell that was present on top of the church.

From the foot of the church, it seemed almost insignificant, but Sunset was there for a reason, and she was not going to back on her word, but just as Sunset was ready to begin walking up the stairs, Madeleine’s hand stopped her from walking. With one finger, Madeleine pointed at a figure that was looking at them from its vantage point.

“What is that thing?”

“A Channeler, a minion of Seath the Scaleless.”

“Wait, you mean that dragon that betrayed his species? Wouldn’t that dragon be older than dirt by now?”

“Well, considering that dragons were only eternal due to their scales, I think it safe to say he has extended his life with some very dark magic. After all, he is a being with enormous powers and way too dangerous by itself. What I don’t understand is, what is that thing doing here? Is Seath doing something or searching for some particular thing?”

“Whatever the case may be, that thing is going down. I’m too close to the bell to let a thing with such a stupid helmet stop me.” That was such a Sunset response that lifted both women’s spirits and made them ascend the church, quickly finding a veritable army of hollows guarding the Channeler. Sadly for them all, Sunset and Madeleine used the narrow corridor to their advantage.

Thanks to the way it was built and the general stupidity of average hollows, they all began to walk across the bottleneck, being easy prey for Madeleine’s spear, which stood behind a kneeling Sunset who, wearing her shield and holding up her claymore horizontally, they created something of a phalanx, quickly dispatching the whole group.

The channeler didn’t fare well either, with a jumping Madeleine piercing him in the head at the same time Sunset took off one of his legs. It was messy, but the strategy between the two women proved very effective, and lo and behold, they now had unfettered access to a long steel ladder that put them a step closer to the bell.

Their steps echoed across the empty lands, rebounding across the old and decrepit walls of the church before both stood across another fog door. So far, Sunset hasn’t found another place like this and found it quite bizarre. Apparently, neither Madeleine knew why they were created, but she had a theory. Due to the concentration of magic and demon energy present on Lordran, the excess of it turned into a kind of lock, a warning to others to leave the place be.

Whatever the case, it was clear that the place meant danger, but just as she was about to cross it, a certain light began to call her attention and in this case, it was a very familiar fog wave.

Almost as if she had been dropped in the middle of a fogged road, the world turned grey and featureless, before the warriors stood once more on top of the tower, but instead of two, this time it was three.

“Well, I must say this is fascinating and also fortuitous. Apparently we were both at the correct place, at the correct moment, don’t you think so Lady Shimmer?” The jubilant voice of the sun garbed knight was like a ray of sunlight, which was quite fitting for one Solaire of Astora.

Author's Note:

Guess who's back?