• Published 7th Jul 2016
  • 9,342 Views, 421 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - The Princess of Lordran - ratedoni

The Elements of Harmony didn't just purify Sunset Shimmer, they killed her and send her to the worse place any being would want to be, the world of Dark Souls. Will Sunset crumble or she will be the Chosen Undead?

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The Undead Burg Part 2

Sunset winced at the pain that the open injury brought to her body as she climbed the stairs up to the aqueduct. It was intense, the worst that she had felt, or at least the longest pain, remembering the first time she had ‘died’ in the Undead Asylum. It was slowing her down and knew that it would be a problem later on, but she had no intention of just turning back and resting by the bonfire back at the Shrine at the foot of the mountain.

The knowledge that Madeleine had about Sunset’s current predicament - mainly being an undead - had come from a lot of studying that the girl had done back at her home kingdom and since she arrived at Lordran. The redheaded girl took out the small jar that now was glowing brightly and decided against using it for now, not knowing when will be the next chance she will have to refill it.

How could a flame be able to heal? Sunset had no idea, but maybe the fire was not a physical energy, but instead it could have been created by pure magic like those used sometimes back at Equestria. Whatever the case, Madeleine had taught her how to fill and use the strange flame to heal and reinvigorate her. According to the white armored woman, most undead afflicted people had gotten their hands on those types of jars a long time ago and had become something necessary for adventures or researchers looking for the cure of the dark mark.

Looking at the vase once more, Sunset shook her head and put it back inside her robes before ascending to the top of the aqueduct. The view was breathtaking in a way, almost surreal and serene, considering all the pain and suffering that seemed to permeate the kingdom. With one last sigh Sunset then noticed the hole made on the rock that was obviously man made. She had no idea of who had made it, but it was probably good fortune as she then walked inside and took a look.

She expected the air inside to be humid and thick, to be oppressive in a way. Seems that she was right as the smell of stank water filled her nostrils and for the first time Sunset wished that as an undead maybe she wouldn’t have to breathe. Alas, it seemed that luck was not on her side this time and took a step inside the dimly lit, narrow passage. It was obviously never designed for people to transit through it because Sunset felt herself be even more slow with her feet being dragged by the water. It was obvious that the aqueduct was still working, even if most of the population had turned hollow.

The ripples of her feet moving along the water and the sound that they made were… relaxing, in a sort of way. Probably due to being a new sound that had nothing to do with screaming or hissing, nor the sound of fire burning. Sunset began to walk in the direction of distant light before turning around to see the other way. Immediately she began to walk towards the light after watching the rat of huge proportions that had been feasting on a decayed corpse at the end of the aqueduct. The girls back at Canterlot High made faces of disgust after seeing that grotesque monster.

Watching the journey of Sunset in the middle of lunch hour was a bad idea considering the strange and disturbing things that they had to see so far. Lyra and Bon-Bon had asked the six friends if there was a problem with Twilight still living in the human world and while Pinkie was explaining things, Twilight continued watching, her lower lip between her teeth due to worry at Sunset’s injury.

She knew that even if she died due to blood loss, Sunset would simply rise once again, but that didn’t stop her from getting worried. In fact, it just made things worst. Now that she had time to process the strange things happening to the redheaded girl, Twilight felt a deep sense of shame and guilt due to her part in the whole situation.

It felt wrong to think that the power of the elements could do something like this to another denizen of Equestria, but there was something more. There was a little voice on the back of Twilight’s head asking the ‘what ifs.’ What if Sunset was supposed to be there? What if Sunset was thrown into Lordran for a specific reason? What if… it was her destiny? These thoughts were only in her subconscious, while her mind worked more on trying to understand the strange events surrounding the kingdom of Lordran.

Just as Sunset reached the end of the aqueduct she found that steel bars barred Sunset form the other side of the aqueduct. The only other place Sunset had access to right now was a hallway that continued on stone stairs. Looking at the door that made it impossible for Sunset to get deeper into the Burg, she noticed that the lock seemed to be on the other side, making it even harder for her to open the door. With a shrug - which brought another pang of pain - Sunset ascended the stairs, ending up almost face to face with two more hollows who snarled in her direction. Simply smirking Sunset raised her shield and guarding against the attacks of both hollows. She was capable of sending the two reeling back due to hitting the strong steel of Oscar’s shield.

Sunset then did a horizontal arc with her new shiny battle axe; she broke both hollows in half, sending the pieces flying around the open space. The redhead knew better than lowering her guard and quickly saw that her paranoia was correct as she was the target of one more fire bomb that exploded harmlessly on her shield and did short work of two more hollows. If that was the worst the world could throw at her, then things would be easier from now on.

Passing through another mist filled gate Sunset was then thrown to the floor by both the shock of what just landed on top of the open hallway and the way it shook due to its weight. In front of her was a red, big, winged lizard.

“You gotta be fucking kidding me, a dragon! I just had to tempt fate!”