• Published 7th Jul 2016
  • 9,342 Views, 421 Comments

Sunset Shimmer - The Princess of Lordran - ratedoni

The Elements of Harmony didn't just purify Sunset Shimmer, they killed her and send her to the worse place any being would want to be, the world of Dark Souls. Will Sunset crumble or she will be the Chosen Undead?

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Grossly Incandescent

“The sun… it never moves?” The voice of Sunset Shimmer interrupted the other warrior from meditating. Opening her eyes, Madeleine looked up into the sky and beyond the eternal clouds, hiding the sky and the sun from view. Behind the masquerade, Madeleine simply sighed, understanding that the undead had the same questions that she had once upon a time. The world was strange, even more the closer they walked into the darkness that was Londo. Biting into a piece of jerky, Madeleine used the small pause to think of her answer. This will not be easy to explain.

“I think we talked a little bit about the sun when I was training you; good lord, that was only a few days ago, Lordran really does things to your perception of time.” Shaking her head at that thought, Madeleine’s hair ruffled slightly under her hood. “I think it would be easier if I tell you this. That thing up there? It’s not a sun, or at least not a real sun, like the one from your world, you know? The big ball of fire that gives heat to the whole planet. No, that thing over there is not that kind of sun.” Madeleine pointed in the direction of the few rays of light that could be seen through the dense conglomeration of clouds. “It is a power of some sorts.”

“A power? Do you mean like the original flame?”

“No, it’s just… something that stays there. I’m not sure what exactly Gwyn and the other lords did, but whatever that ball of light is, it is not a natural phenomenon. Some say that it is the physical body of the Sun god, whatever that is, others that it is nothing more than an old enchantment created by the lords to give the flame to everyone. If that were true, everyone would have the power to use flames.”

“Wait, you said flame, like some kind of power or magic?”

“Well, yeah, although the art of Pyromancy is not something that I am particularly knowledgeable myself. You have seen that my art is closer to the martial aspects of hand to hand combat. I leave the arcane to the experts. Who knows, maybe you have some power hidden that we could use.”

“Yeah, and with my luck I will end being destroyed with it or get corrupted, like every time I had power. No, I learned my lesson… probably that’s why I was sent here, maybe as my personal hell.”

“Oh, please, don’t be so melodramatic my dear. Besides, I think you are forgetting that this is not just your hell. Basically anyone living in this land will tell you it is everyone’s hell,”Madeleine answered back to her companion making Sunset give her a little smile. Since the moment they had become a duo - Sunset looking for the bells and Madeleine her sword - the dark haired warrior could count on one hand how many times the redhead had smiled. It was clear that the young undead had many problems even before she had arrived in Lordran and this was not a land known for making life easier or happier. The small flashes of white teeth that the girl gave to the world every time she smiled also made Madeleine’s burden seem less.

“Yeah, an everlasting one that’s for sure. What a nice way to spend my eternal life.”

“That’s the spirit, but, I was telling you about the sun; basically no one has ever truly discovered the whole power or the source behind the sun you see unmoving. I guess the true thinkers had already died or have more important things to look for, like a cure to the undead curse, not that I think they’ll find it.” As they left behind the open space, both warriors continued their travel into the abandoned city.

“Yeah, I don’t think they’ll be able to find a cure any day soon. It doesn’t seem like a normal curse, something about all this feels… weird, out of place maybe.”

“Well, you seem to be an expert in magic compared to me so I’ll bow to your knowledge, but, well, you know, the powers that be simply forgot all about this world, probably also forgot how to move or make the sun function again because since they all left Lordran, at least the physical plane, the sun has been stating in the sky, like a signal of destruction, the last nail in the coffin of this world.”

“And you accuse me of being melodramatic!”

“Well, sorry, but I haven’t had companionship in a long time, guess I really turn up the melodrama. No matter, let’s continue ahead and… I guess we found your red friend once more… run!” The heavy steps of armor and boots echoed across the bridge as the flames licked the edges of their clothes. The burning power of the drake roasted everything on its path and both women felt the heat attacking their bodies as the desperation of surviving the wall of flames pushed them into higher speeds than they normally be able to use.

Madeleine was very athletic, even when using her personal armor, but the fear of the flame and what it could do to them was enough to push both into the end of the bridge. As one they both jumped the division that marked the two staircases that ended on a small viewpoint. As the two warriors crashed into the ground, the massive wave of flames went over their heads.

“Well, that is one way to make an entrance.” As surprised as the two warriors were, the amount of adrenaline coursing through their bodies made them get up in an instant. For the first time since both had put a step into the Undead Burg, they were not alone. “It’s good to know that even in this land, a journey does not need to be done alone.” Looking at the guy in front of them, Sunset was really curious about the symbol in the chest of the other warrior, a sun. “I am Solaire of Astora, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Okay, this was interesting.