• Published 7th Jul 2016
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Sunset Shimmer - The Princess of Lordran - ratedoni

The Elements of Harmony didn't just purify Sunset Shimmer, they killed her and send her to the worse place any being would want to be, the world of Dark Souls. Will Sunset crumble or she will be the Chosen Undead?

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Jolly Co-Operation

The two women currently prone on the stone blinked several times at what they were seeing standing, half turned, in front of them. It wasn’t that the man - because the voice was a clear proof that he was a male soldier or knight - was armed and very well protected from head to toes; that was a given considering the world they lived in and the place in which they were traveling. The thing that made both warriors blink in astonishment was the jovial and elegant voice that emanated from the inside of the helmet.

Since Sunset had arrived at this world, there was a clear distinction between the living and the undead, or better said, hollows. The ones that had their minds always seemed polite, elegant, dignified even. It reminded Sunset of those nobles back in Canterlot that, even when they had everything, money, fame and power, they still maintained that aura of elegance, of royalty. Sunset had tried to replicate that, but with adverse effects. In the end Sunset had ended up showing only arrogance and pride, things that truly became synonymous with the little brat that terrorized everypony.

The redhead was sure that all these knights, which ironically, all came from the same kingdom, could maintain so much poise in adverse times. Even poor Oscar, on the gates of death and losing his sanity, spoke with such humbleness that Sunset could do nothing but try to emulate, once more with varied results.

Thankfully, even if Madeleine spoke with a little bit of an archaic accent, mannerisms and words, she was more laid back on occasion. It was in the way she walked and fought that you could truly see the elegance and poise. Heck, even in the way she ate, taking measured bites out of her own jerky and always holding her water cup as if it was a ceremony, you could see she was well mannered.

It was due to all of this that seeing the way the man with the sun emblem standing, as if there were no worries or dangers, let her see something important about this man. He didn’t have fear or anger. The man was at peace.

Solaire of Astora stood straight, proud and confident in himself. It was his pose and the way in which he didn’t turn around in their direction that led Sunset to the conclusion that the man was either really powerful or arrogant to the point of suicidal. In either case, he didn’t turn around. He simply looked at them before returning his sight to the sun facsimile behind the clouds.

In this part of the Burg, some rays of light could pierce the mass of clouds, illuminating the mountains beyond their reach. It was a beautiful sight.

“To find a compatriot at this point of the road, either we are lucky or destiny is truly fickle.” Madeleine was the first one to react, quickly standing up while helping Sunset do the same. Maybe her words didn’t show it, but Sunset hasn’t become a master manipulator and liar by sheer luck. She could see behind mere words strung and find a pattern, a meaning behind them. It had become so useful whenever she had been involved in a new scheme.

Maybe Madeleine was being courteous with Solaire, but the way in which she held her spear in one hand and the way in which her gaze never strayed from Solaire were enough indications that she was ready to act if they were attacked by this person. Solaire must have also realized this because he let out a rather jovial laughter before finally turning around to meet them and talk.

“No need to be so drastic, I am not here to become the enemy. In fact, I wouldn’t even dream of trying to fight either of you. I am here only to find my own sun,” It was at those words that Sunset’s eyebrows reached her hair line. What was that thing about finding his own sun? Even to someone that came from Equestria, that whole phrase sounded so bizarre. It wasn’t just that phrase that surprised Sunset and apparently Madeleine had the same opinion with the way she was looking at the redhead. Not five minutes ago they were talking about that same thing, about the strange sun suspended eternally in the sky, so hearing someone talking about it was more than just coincidence.

“Well, who would have thought so? That is not something that you hear every day, in Lordran or Astora.”

“Do you also find it strange? Don’t worry; you won’t insult me by thinking this is a weird endeavor. I know how crazy it sounds, but I love it. If only I could be so grossly incandescent,” he said looking once more in the direction of the hidden sun. “I won’t ask what you came to do to the land of Lord Gwyn, but I won’t stop you from sharing your stories.” And once more, he let out his polite but yet happy laughter. This man was truly bizarre, although considering this was only the second encounter with someone that hasn’t gone hollow, this was a nice change of pace.

“My name is Sunset of Equestria and I… I came here as a favor to a good man… he saved me, so I will ring the two Bells of Awakening in his name,” the redhead told Solaire, still mourning in a way. She haven’t known Oscar, but just the fact that he had searched for a way to save her, putting his life in danger said a lot about the kind of man Oscar of Astora had been.

“I see, so tell me Sunset of Equestria, what happened to this man?”

“He… he was afraid he was going hollow so in the end he took his own life.”

“It is a shame. I would have liked to meet this man. Sunset of Equestria, I have never heard of this kingdom of yours, but just listening to your reasons to be in these lands I can tell you are a good person and I am honored to meet you my friend.”

“No, I… I’ve never been good. I was sent here as a punishment for my sins.” Before she could continue her self-deprecation she felt her hood being removed before a gloved hand began to pat her head.

“Sunset, for what I have seen, you are a caring, courageous and honorable person. You may have sinned in your land, but you have done enough as penance. Now let’s look into the future and try to become a better person. That is all you have to do.” Madeleine’s words and show of affection made Sunset almost cry. To have someone have such strong confidence in her, it was touching, more than she could express.

“Take it from someone that has barely got to know you my dear, to focus on the past only will not allow you to see the chances that the future will bring you.”

“Well put, but I guess it is time for my introduction. I am Madeleine of Astora and I came to Lordran in search of an ancient sword, part of my family history, and I have confidence that I will find it soon,” the white armored knight said bowing slightly to the other man, a bow that was returned with the same level of elegance.

“You said that you are looking for your sun. What did you mean by that?”

“Oh yes, I believe that could be confusing, but I truly believe there is a sun, a true sun in this place, one that could bring back life to this dead land,” he said with enough conviction to make Sunset truly believe he was actually looking for the sun. “I do not know if it is an object or a soul, but something tells me that in this place, Lord Gwyn’s birthplace, I will be able to find it.”

“I’m not sure if that will be possible, but I guess there are all kinds of strange things happening in this land. After all, if the gods once walked these cities, who am I to say what’s possible or not?” Madeleine said adjusting her masquerade, probably starting to think in the way they could take care of the drake still blocking the path.

The creature was like a nightmare to Sunset, who had knowledge of the creature from back in Equestria. There, the fire breathers were dangerous, but were content with only passing through Equestria and its inhabited places, never really stopping to create chaos. They were content with their caves and volcanoes, so watching the drake attack so suddenly and without provocation, it was dangerous indeed.

“I see by your expression that you are thinking about our scaled friend at the other side of the bridge.” Solaire’s jovial voice took the two warriors from their respective lines of thought. “I have a proposition you see. The way I see it, our fates seem to be intertwined. In a land brimming with hollows, could that really be mere chance?” His words echoed Sunset’s thoughts from before.

“I first met Oscar, who saved my life, then Madeleine, who taught me what I know about fighting, now you. This is too much to be mere coincidence; back home, the idea of destiny is truly important and I can say that we are all in the same place is no mere coincidence.”

“Indeed my friend, so I have a proposition for you Sunset of Equestria. Why not help one another in this lonely journey?”

“I suppose we don’t have much to lose, are you sure you want to help us with the drake?” Madeleine pointed at the bridge with her spear while Solaire nodded.

“That’s right. After all, the drake is not only affecting you, and I too want to continue traveling, maybe even find a way into Londo. So what do you say, shall we engage in jolly co-operation?” The way in which he said those words made Sunset smile. It was truly hard not to like Solaire; he was so charismatic and optimistic.

After checking their weapons and armor, the three warriors stood at the end of the bridge, looking at the array of hollows still up and the red monster blocking the path. As one the three began to run across the bridge, calling the attention of two of the hollows that were holding crossbows. Just as the red dragon also prepared to let loose a sea of fire, Madeleine held up her spear and with a mighty throw, the glittering weapon flew through the air, striking the drake underneath its snout, making the creature scream in pain and make it tumble from its perch on top of the bridge’s door.

As the drake fell, both Sunset and Solaire drew their weapons, covering Madeleine as she let her spear go. The sound of the bolts hitting metal was being dwarfed by the roar of the dragon, but the group was focused on their opponents. First one and then another, hollow after hollow was slain as Solaire and Sunset moved across the wide bridge with sword and axe, the light making their weapons shine as if they were heroes of an epic poem.

Sunset jumped and with a strike, practically split in half one of the hollows holding the crossbow while Solaire swiftly decapitated the other. Meanwhile, Madeleine used Solaire’s back as a step stone to jump high and in the direction of the stunned dragon, who was still trying to recover from its fall. Madeleine never gave it time as she took hold of her spear, still lodged in the drake’s snout and with a pull, blood and scales were ripped alongside the steel weapon.

The drake roared in rage and pain, using its claws and tail as its weapons, wanting to rip apart the tiny creatures that dared to defy its power. Those tiny creatures quickly avoided its attacks as Madeleine and Solaire quickly struck each leg from the drake, their weapons slicing even the strong scales of the red creature.

As the battle raged on, Sunset was hit by its tail, fortunately on the shield, but with enough strength that send her sent across the bridge. Rolling to minimize the damage, Sunset groaned in pain at the impact, but quickly recovered, only slightly chuckling at what her life had become.

To think that only a couple of days ago she was getting ready to once again win a high school prom and here she was, more than used to the pain of battle with monsters. Standing up she tried to get her axe, but instead she made contact with an unfamiliar handle. Looking at her hand, she found out that she had taken hold of a long sword, a glittering and powerful weapon that she knew was a Claymore. The grin present in her face would have sent lesser men running away in fright.

Standing up and holding the weapon with both hands, Sunset let out a battle roar calling the attention of all combatants. The drake was ready to let loose another flame attack, but quickly, both Madeleine and Solaire got into position and as one, hit the dragon’s maw from underneath it with their weapons, sending the head of the drake upwards with the impact as it released the flame. With the opening, Sunset used all of her strength and impaled the dragon’s head with the long weapon, piercing the creature completely.

The drake’s head flopped into the bridge followed by its body, the claymore stuck inside with part of it visible coming out from the top of its head. The mighty creature was no more.