• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Ch.12 - Bridle Gossip - Part 2

Celestia’s Tiny Student


Chapter 12

Bridle Gossip
part 2

“Please, little ponies, be calm and stay still! I'll answer your questions ‘til you've got your fill,” Zecora pleaded as Twilight and Apple Bloom were running and jumping all over the place, looking upon various items, herbs, and rare ingredients, asking questions one after another.

Twilight didn’t need to be asked twice as she ran towards Zecora and sat in front of her. Her eyes pleading her to be fed with knowledge and wisdom.

Zecora took a long stick and put it on the floor in front of the tiny mare. To Twilight’s surprise, she stood on it with just one of her hind legs, while taking a meditative position.

Twilight looked up upon the giant Zebra towering over her from even higher ground, impressed by her display of balance. Wasting no time she beamed. “Can I try that too?”

Zecora said, “It is not up to me to tell you what to do. Try it if you like, as long as you can manage it too,” while doing her best to maintain balance, not a single muscle in her body moved other than those on her face.

Wasting no time, Twilight looked around for anything she could stand on until she found something shiny. Without hesitation, she levitated it towards herself and exposed in front of Zecora, “How about this one?”

Zecora blinked twice before shaking her head, “That needle is for knitting, not standing, my dear, and besides that, it's too sharp to stand on, I fear.”

Twilight waved her hoof at her. “I was hoof-standing on sharper horns, and once even tried on a needle, I will be fine,” Twilight reassured as she slowly put the knitting needle on the floor, holding it with her two forehooves. She grimaced at the memory from when she was but a tiny filly one year after she was shrank. Back when she tried to sew, and the giant needle had pierced her tiny foreleg followed by a loud scream of pain.

She shook her head and banished the bad memories, easily defeating the fear from her youth. Following what she had learned from Fleur de Lis, she placed the edge of her forehoof on the sharp part of the needle, and slowly lifted herself onto it, her hind legs and other foreleg spread as she tried to maintain balance.

Zecora looked at Twilight in amazement, impressed by her display of balance as she lasted on a sharp needle way longer than she had expected. “Your balance is brighter than the stars at night, it rivals even mine in all of its might.”

Twilight who was now upside down opened her eyes, putting some efforts into looking upon the giant Zebra while noticing a warm smile. “You like stargazing?” she asked curiously, while Apple Bloom tried to hoof stand on a stick she found, falling off it several times over.

For the next hour, Twilight kept her balance on a needle, as its sharp point was unable to penetrate her hoof. Zecora maintained balance as well as she answered various of Twilight’s questions. The talk went on as Zecora gladly talked about zebra’s arts of potions making and natural medicine while Twilight told about her theories and discoveries about different types of inner magic.

Apple Bloom finally learned how to maintain balance, though the stick she stood on was far bigger than the one Zecora used. “Ah wish Ah knew what you two talk about. Makin’ potions, castin’ fancy spells, it all sounds so fun… but Ah’em just a simple farm earth pony, no fancy magic in me,” Apple Bloom said with saddened tone, her head hung low while she struggled to maintain balance.

Zecora wanted to say something, but Twilight was first, “Apple Bloom, you are full of magic.”

Apple Bloom eyes opened widely as she looked at the tiny mare standing on a needle, “What do ya mean?”

Twilight smiled, as she carefully changed the foreleg she stood on, giving the tired one a break. “Just because you do not have a horn to cast spells, it does not mean that you aren’t special. Your magic is focused in your legs, whenever you work on your farm. Your body is also full of earth pony magic that heals you whenever you are hurt or fills you with stamina whenever you are tired.”

“Yer just bein’ nice,” Apple Bloom replied.

Twilight sighed, wondering if she will manage to endure hoof standing on a needle long enough to convince Apple Bloom how amazing earth pony magic really is. She looked at Zecora curiously. I wonder how powerful zebra’s magic really is… but I am not going to give up hoof standing before she does, she thought as she started to lecture Applebloom.

Overwatch walked up a small hill that Fluttershy pointed out, and as she expected, the zebra’s house was in her line of sight. Okay Overwatch. Twilight is inside with a zebra who, most likely, can expose changelings. You must play it smart and not look suspicious at all. What would Steel Blade do in this situation? Overwatch thought as images of the pegasus rushing into houses flashed in her mind.

The door broke open upon the contact with a dashing pegasus, who was now looking around the house, much to Twilight and zebra’s surprise. Not wasting a moment, he jumped in front of Twilight and spread his wings threateningly. “Twilight is under my protection so stand back!” Steel Blade shouted loudly, forcing a confused zebra to walk backward.

“Steelie, what do you think you are doing?” Twilight asked with disappointment in her voice, while her pegasus guard turn around and grab her in a strong hug.

“Do not worry Twilight, you are safe, I won’t let any evil enchantress hurt you!” Steel Blade released Twilight who was now dizzy and winded from enduring powerful hug. “Oh Twilight, I was sooo worried. You just ran off to a stranger and followed her into the Everfree Forest… you reckless mare, do you have any idea how much worried we all were?”

The scene of a hug and monologue how much he was worried about her put a smirking smile on her face. Overwatch shook her head and thought, Okay, it was a bad example, what would Princess Celestia do? Her mind gave her an image of a proud alicorn appearing in a bright light, demonstrating might and power in a grand entrance.

Zebra and Twilight looked upon her completely stunned, as Princess Celestia herself was standing in front of them, radiating like a sun itself. After the blinding lights from her grand entrance vanished, Celestia looked down upon her tiny student as she spread her wings and hooves into welcoming gesture.

Twilight shook her head and wasted no time before she jumped right onto alicorn belly, as the giant hooves and mighty wings of the powerful ruler embraced her gently.

“Twilight, my little faithful student. The moment I heard about you once again traveling into this dangerous forest, it got me really worried.” Celestia slowly released her student from the hug and lifted in front of her face.

Twilight looked back at her with guilt and sadness. “I am sorry, Princess. I didn’t want to worry anypony. I just wanted to befriend a zebra who everypony was afraid of for no reason.”

Celestia smiled. “I am glad you are alright, I would never forgive myself if something happened to you… especially after all you have done for me. You are an irreplaceable part of my life.” After nuzzling her student lightly, Celestia put her on the floor and turned towards still confused and silent zebra. “You must be the Evil Enchantress every pony spoke of...” She sighed and lowered her head in shame. “And to think that my little ponies would be so close minded and spread harmful rumours like that.”

After zebra accepted her apology, Celestia sat in front of a small table in the room, Twilight jumping upon it. “As Princess of Equestria, I welcome you to my kingdom and apologise for all disrespect my subjects showed you. I swear to take a direct action in this matter.”

Drinking cups of tea followed while the monarch and immigrant talked upon various topics and culture of each nation. Nah, too boring, what about Big Macintosh. Overwatch trembled upon seeing an image of big red stallion breaking tree after tree, only for the unstoppable force of nature to crash into the house.

Zebra and Twilight stared back at the big hole in the house in awe as huge red stallion stood in front of them.

“Big… Mac… what are you doing? Why did you? Twilight asked in confusion while zebra walked backward in fear.

Big Macintosh walked silently and firmly towards the zebra, while maintaining an intimidating posture. Twilight tried to get in the way, only to be gently pushed to the side by Big Mac’s humongous foreleg. Wasting no time, zebra grabbed the cauldron and threw it at the giant who didn’t even blinked when it made contact with his face. To zebra’s horror, with one strong swing of his hoof, the cauldron broke into several pieces, as the stallion in rage kept walking.

Zebra now trapped in the corner started to throw various objects with no result, until Big Mac, now standing in front of her turn around and flexed his foreleg and hind legs, and before zebra could speak her last wish, she was sent crashing into a tree, leaving another hole in a wall of her house.

Twilight jumped upon Big Mac and started to protest angrily, only for the giant to grab her. “Yer safe. Ah’m glad.” Big Mac nuzzled Twilight in rush of emotions. “Ah would never let anyone to harm you, mah love.”

Before Twilight could teleport away, Big Mac kissed her with his giant mouth.

Overwatch felt butterflies in her stomach. “Curse you emotion detectors! I just had to end up as a guard of such attractive pony like Twilight, just my luck.”

She signed. Okay, last try, Cadence maybe, Overwatch though as she tried to imagine a calm and mature pink alicorn knocking before entering Zebra’s house.

Cadence made a polite bow. “Thank you for your hospitality, my name is Cadence, what’s yours?”

After hearing zebra’s introduction, she continued, “First off, the reason why I have come here in the first place, is because all of Twilight’s friends are worried about her safety and blame you for cursing them.” Cadence looked around, only to notice Twilight now standing in front of her hooves.

“Hello Cadence… were you worried about me.”

Cadence smiled cheerfully. “Oh Twilight, I am always worried about you. You will always be a tiny young mare I used to foalsit, but I am sure that your new zebra friend kept you safe and entertained.”

Twilight nodded energetically. “She sure did.” She could see Cadence lowering herself and gently lift her off the floor, only to hug as gently as the giant alicorn could, pressing the tiny mare with sole of her hoof against her fluffy chest.

Overwatch face-hoofed, resisting the urge to puke. “Is there not a single pony in the entire world, mare or stallion, who wouldn’t want to hug Twilight?! Come on. That tiny mare is the most huggable pony I ever saw in my entire life. Like some sort of irresistible plush toy.”

Overwatch stomped her hoof on the ground before she jumped from the hill and walked towards the door, only to knock gently. I could just play an assassin or ninja and sneak into the house to get Twilight out unnoticed, but she would not like it, so let's do it the old-fashioned way.

“Who could be brave enough to knock on my door? You faced many dangers to get here, what are you here for?” a rhythmical voice called from the other side of the door before it opened slowly.

In front of Overwatch stood the zebra that Fluttershy told her about, a possible danger to all changelings. Zebra looked at Overwatch in surprise before smiling. “For many long years I have had not one guest, and today I have three, making this day my best.”

The female guard smiled and spoke professionally, “Greetings Ma’am, first off, let me introduce myself,” Overwatch paused as she took off her helmet and continued, “my name is Overwatch, and I am a royal guard assigned to ensure Twilight’s safely. My apologies for the intrusion, but it is my responsibility to be with that tiny mare and keep an eye on her.”

Zecora looked at Overwatch dumbfounded before she turned her head around, glancing down at the tiny mare who was now walking on hot coals, standing on the tips of her hooves to minimize the contact with burning fuel. “You're guarded full time by this mare, my new friend? I now wonder just when the surprises will end.”

“Hello Overwatch!” Twilight shouted to be heard from distance, though the guard mare could hear a hint of pain in her voice.

“Please fear not, dear Twilight is safe here with me, but I see why you worry, this is the Everfree,” Zecora said firmly as she gestured her hoof for Overwatch to enter.

She nodded and walked inside casually before she lowered herself to the floor level. In front of her she could see several stones separating hot burning coal from the floor, and upon the coal stood a tiny mare with barely noticeable burning marks on her legs. “Twilight, what did you get yourself into this time?” Overwatch asked calmly as if Twilight standing on burning coals inside a house in the middle of the most dangerous forest in Equestria was a normal occurrence.

Twilight smiled despite the annoying feelings in her hooves, “Z-Zecora told m-me about how by c-calming her m-mind, s-she can c-control her b-body and r-resist pain… I w-wanted to try to participate in h-her exercises.”

Overwatch looked back at the zebra and asked firmly, “And how well is she doing?”

Zecora spoke with a hint of admiration in her voice, ”Her willpower's impressive, she's determined and strong, no normal pony would have lasted this long. Since she lacks Zebra’s Magic and the calm that it gives, it's a show of her strength by the fact that she lives.”

“So… she is winning?” Overwatch asked curiously, noticing a blush on Zebra’s face.

“It's a shame to have lost at my own game, but she has beaten me fair and square.”

Overwatch look around and asked, “And what about Apple Bloom, where is she?”

Twilight shakily lifted her a bit burned hoof and pointed it towards the corner where the filly was reading a book, only to close it and look back at her. “Don’t look at me like that. Ah tried, but that coal is just so hoooot.

Twilight giggled and commented, “Applebloom got so excited about art of potions making, that Zecora gave her a book to read about it.”

The filly nodded. “Eeyup. Twilight said that just like she has became athletic unicorn, Ah can become a smart earth pony, and Zecora promised to teach me.”

Zecora clopped her hooves, capturing everyone’s attention. “Although it's a shame to end our fun, we must leave at once if we're to beat the sun.”

“Awww…” Twilight looked at Zecora with a pout on her face, “but I can last longer than that.”

“We must go outside now, we need to act fast, the Poison Joke will act soon and its power is vast.”

Twilight lowered her head in defeat before jumping onto her guard, feeling a huge relief as her hooves were no longer being heated up. The moment Twilight’s hot hooves made contact with her guard’s fur however, they left a few small burned marks in it. “S-sorry.”

Overwatch rolled her eyes as she followed Zecora outside, her tiny passager now sitting on her back while Apple Bloom was trotting right behind her. “Where are we going?” she asked curiously as Zecora stopped to gesture upon an empty space in front of her house. “So let me get this straight, you wanted us to stay outside… and here I thought you will lead us to some sort of a secret dungeon or something.”

Zecora frowned. “I think that I know what the poison will do, and it's one that's best borne outside too.”

Twilight walked closer to guard's ear and asked, “Overwatch, can you be so kind and bring the hot coal outside? I want to break Zecora’s record.”

The guard mare sighed as she did what was asked of her, and Twilight once again tried to endure the heat, while Applebloom walked towards Zecora and poked her in the foreleg.

Zecora focused her attention on farm filly who was pointing her trembling foreleg towards the trees. “Ah, I see that you fear the might of Everfree, but you're safe for the moment while you're here with me.”

“How can ya live here with all those dangerous monsters? This forest is scary.”

Zecora lowered herself to Apple Bloom level and spoke, while Overwatch listened, “Dangerous this place is, but my jungle also have its hiss.”

“What?” Apple Bloom asked cluelessly. Overwatch walked closer and added.

“She meant that jungle where zebras live is almost if not more dangerous than the Everfree Forest.” Overwatch paused before looking at Zecora curiously. “Should I assume that you know many ways to keep the animals and monsters at bay?”

Zecora nodded, proud expression on her face. “From my tribe I was the wisest, so I was chosen to travel farthest.”

“W-wait a m-moment!” Twilight shouted. She gulped and concentrated all her willpower to ignore the pain. “So you're like the Zebra’s ambassador? Why have you never visited Canterlot and talked with the Princess?”

Zecora shook her head. “We live in tribes, not as a country, I was…” Zecora was cut off.

“Now it makes sense why Zebria never started any relationship with Equestria… much less trade agreements. You’ve never chosen a representative,” Twilight said, beaming as a realisation struck her. “To make matters worse, the welcome that ponies here gave you in Ponyville didn’t leave the best of impression.”

Zecora growled. “Twilight Sparkle, you are wise but have much to learn. You should let others speak their turn.”

Twilight blushed and hid face behind her mane nervously. “S-sorry.”

Zecora’s annoyance for her rhythm being cut for the second time vanished as her usual smile returned. “Even though I am old and wise, the knowledge does not come just from the age and size.” Zecora lowered herself to Twilight's level as she looked in the eyes of the struggling mare. “I never knew about differences in magic that lies inside us all, a knowledge that you are sharing with me I am grateful, my friend so small.”

Twilight made few steps closer and spoke cheerfully, “You're welcome. Though most of what I know I learned from my mentor as there is very little knowledge about zebra’s in books in general, much less about their inner magic or culture.”

Their pleasant discussion was interrupted the moment Twilight‘s legs trembled, and not just out of pain. “W-what is happening to me?” Twilight asked in panic as Zecora made a few steps back, Overwatch and Apple Bloom sat right next to her and observed.

Twilight collapsed and closed her eyes as zebra, young pony and changeling in disguise looked at her curiously, only for their eyes to open widely, outside of Zecora who didn’t seems surprised. Overwatch and Applebloom walked backwards to make more space for what was happening in front of them, not blinking even once.

Twilight slowly opened her eyes, only to see how once the humongous trees were now reaching her head level. Now no longer a tiny mare, she looked around in panic, only to hear someone calling her name from next to her hooves. She quickly looked down and what she saw caused her big heart to beat much faster. “Am I dreaming?” Twilight asked in confusion as she moved her forelegs to wipe her eyes, not believing what she saw, only for her giant hooves to move slower than ever before, This cannot be happening, this cannot be happening!

Noticing that the world was smaller than ever before and that it was not a dream, Twilight collapsed and lost consciousness. The coal she was standing on now crushed into dust under her massive body while quake nearly knocked others off their hooves.

Overwatch wondering if she is dreaming as well, also wiped her eyes before she spoke in panic, “Sweet Celestia! We have a big problem.”

Apple Bloom who sit next to her smiled widely and released one firm word, “Coooool.”

Tiny Cadence sat on the floor in the middle of the library next to the giant table with a big horse shaped wooden head. In front of her sat a giant blue pegasus with rainbow like mane and a giant griffon that Twilight befriended more than month ago. Cadence's attention focused then on the giant bottle in front of her, as it spun rapidly. She could feel sweat falling from her head as the bottle slowed down and was about to point out the poor soul who was about to suffer. Her fears proved true as she saw the bottle stop, its’ drinking side pointing at her, sealing her fate. Cadence gulped as she looked up at the smirk on the face of Rainbow Dash, her giant eyes observing her like a predator ready to strike its’ prey.

“Truth… or… dare?” Rainbow Dash asked with excitement and a glimmer of anticipation in her eyes.

Cadence gulped again and smiled awkwardly as she said calmly, nervousness in her voice, “T-t-truth.”

“I cannot hear youuuuu…” Rainbow Dash mocked as she lowered herself and exposed her ear.

Cadence sighed and took a deep breath, I really don’t envy Twilight, shouting loudly her entire life, Cadence though before she shouted, “Truth!”

Rainbow Dash nodded satisfied as she put her foreleg under her head and though deeply, not taking attention from nervous tiny alicorn even for a moment. To Cadence’s displeasure, she saw a huge smirk on pegasus giant face, “I want you to tell me…” Rainbow Dash paused and lowered herself again, now looking Cadence in her tiny eyes from almost no distance between them, causing her to sweat even more. “How many ponies have you kissed or have kissed you during your time in Equestria?”

Cadence blushed and blinked a few times, but in mere seconds, her nervousness vanished, as she smirked devilishly. You asked for it, she thought before walking forward proudly and put both of her forelegs on the muzzle of Dash’s lowered face, looking deeply into her big eyes. “Nine-thousands-three-hundred-seventy-three. Majority of them were hoof and cheek kisses. And before you ask, I counted and made a mental list of them.”

Rainbow Dash eyes opened widely before she laughed nervously, causing Cadence to take her forelegs off her nose. “I g-get it, it was a j-joke… g-good one, but the rules are rules, you have to tell the truth.”

Cadence hopped onto Dash's muzzle and added, “Oh, it is the truth.”

Dash lifted her head from the floor level, tiny alicorn still on her nose. Rainbow Dash mouth opened agape as she asked in disbelief, “B-but… how?”

Cadence giggled. “Oh silly Dash. I am not an over a millennium old alicorn with talent in spreading love for nothing,” she joked before jumping off her nose and landing on the floor. The Dumbfounded expression on Dash’s face causing Gildia and Cadence to laugh. “What can I say. Even under a disguise, every pony still finds me attractive, and over centuries those really adds up.”

The cheerful atmosphere maintained, until Cadence walked towards the bottle and turned around, flexing her forelegs with her hind-legs ready to strike. “If Twilight can challenge herself despite her tiny size, so can I,” the alicorn said firmly as she kicked the drinking side of the giant bottle, causing it to spin.

Cadence jumped forward to not be hit by spinning bottle as she looked at it curiously. The moment the bottle slowed down and finally stopped, Cadence turned to her right and look up upon the giant proud griffon, as Gilda look back at her curiously. Not wanting to embarrass herself again, Cadence took a deep breath and shouted cheerfully, almost as if singing, “Truth or daaaaare!”

Gilda smirked and said proudly, “Dare! Bring it on.”

Cadence nodded and thought for a moment, before she remembered how Twilight told her about Gilda’s challenge she passed. Smirking, she flew above the floor in front of Gilda’s face. “I challenge you to eat me!”

Gilda rolled her eyes, “Suuureee, really original.” Gilda paused and raised her tallon in front of her face as Cadence looked at her in confusion. “How about you bring everypony from Ponyville and shrink them so we can make a pony barbeque where I will feast like never before.”

The griffon facehoofed and gave now embarrassed Cadence a serious glare. “What’s wrong with everypony. First Twilight forcefully pushes herself into my stomach, and now you. Yeah, the big mean Gilda just cannot wait to eat meat… uh, it is so annoying.”

Dash gave GIlda curious glare. “But when you met Twilight, you kept babbling about how she is just like a rat that you eat for breakfast. Until she proved to you how cool she is, you didn’t have anything against eating her.”

Gilda sighed. “So I like to show off and talk trash, big deal, that’s who I am. I hunt rats and fish, sure, but do you think I would ever eat a pony and break the peace treaty between our nations? Do you think that I would eat a pony while my best friend is a cool pegasus like you?”

“I‘m sorry,” Cadence apologised, capturing Gilda's attention, “I was so inconsiderate of your feelings. It is just… just like auntie Celestia, I also wish to experience life from Twilight‘s perspective. She has been eaten three times so far, and I foolishly hoped that you can let me experience it. I am really sorry.” Cadence held her forelegs together and bowed her head, while still flying in mid-air.

Gilda gave Cadence relaxed smile. “No sweat. Though I would prefer if you changed your ‘dare’. I don’t feel comfortable eating a friend again.”

Cadence raised her head and nodded, but before she spoke, Rainbow Dash advised with excitement in her voice, “Make her fly around Ponyville and yell how she has a giant butt.”

Gilda frowned and looked at her friend. “In your dreams, Dash.”

Cadence laughed lightly before an idea struck her. “I got it.” The moment the giant Eagle face focused on her, she cheered, “I dare you to help Fluttershy with the animals for one day.”

“Help with the animals, what for?” Dash asked, as Cadence turned towards her and lectured loudly enough to be heard.

“It’s simple! Not only it will let Gilda and Fluttershy learn more about one another and get into better terms as friends, but taking care of animals will help GIlda become more open to others!” Cadence turned her attention back at the relaxed Griffon and asked, “What do you think? Are you up for the challenge?”

Gilda smiled and nodded. “I accept, it may even be fun.” She turned her head away from the alicorn, a more mischievous smile replaced her cheerful one as she murmured, “There is one certain bunny on my hit list I would love to take care off."

“That’s wonderful, I am sure you and Fluttershy will enjoy spending time together,” Cadence spoke cluelessly while Rainbow Dash facehoofed.

The alicorn landed on the floor as Gilda moved her talons towards the bottle and caused it to spin. To Gilda's pleasure, the bottle stopped on Rainbow Dash, while the blue pegasus gave her a ‘bring it on’ glare.

Gilda opened her mouth and was about to give the challenge, only for a loud knocking on the doors to interrupt her. “Oh, and it just started getting good.” She frowned in annoyance before walking towards the door with Dash by her side. Cadence flew above her head.

Before Dash could open the door, the alicorn flew in front of her, covering Dash’s vision. “Allow me. I’ve always wanted to try it,” Cadence plead as she landed on the floor, and mimicked the way Twilight always opened closed doors without the help of her magic.

After a little effort and without help from her wings, little Cadence jumped onto the handle, wrapping it with her forelegs. After a moment of wrestling, she pushed the unlocked doors open, just in time for Spike to come out from the basement, only for him and everyone in the room to jump back in surprise, not believing what they saw.

“Zebras’ don’t cast curses, ya said. She ain’t an Evil Enchantress, ya said. Well, buck what ya said!” Applejack yelled in annoyance as everyone in library glared at her tiny form standing on the top of Fluttershy’s head.

“Applejack!” everyone shouted at the same time.

“And who else in the bucked would I be?!” Applejack answered before she stomped her tiny hoof on Fluttershy’s head repeatedly. “When we wasted our time, that evil witch cursed us. And who knows what she did to Twilight and Apple Bloom,” she yelled with worry in her voice as she pointed her hoof at the pony who she stood on, “and look what she did to Fluttershy’s sweet voice.”

Everyone’s attention focused on Fluttershy, looking for anything odd about her. Fluttershy sighed and spoke in a strong voice, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Everyone except Cadence fell on the floor and laughed deeply, while Rainbow Dash wiped tears of joy from her face and spoke, laughing in between words, “Flutters… I knew… that you changed… that you wanted to be more assertive.” Rainbow Dash started to hit the floor with her hoof out of her laughed. “But this… it is a completely new level.”

Fluttershy blushed, What I don’t do for the safety of the hive, Fluttershy thought before adding, “We should hurry and save Twilight.”

Everyone, especially Gilda laughed even more, while tiny Cadence flew closer and sat on Fluttershy’s head in front of tiny Applejack, who at this point was the same size she was. Applejack pointed her tiny hoof accusingly, “It is all yer’ fault. Ah listened to ya’ and look what happened!”

Cadence lit her horn and sent a wave of her magic into surprised a Applejack, “What in tarnation are ya doing?”

Cadence opened her eyes and said firmly, “I tried to reverse the effects of the shrinking spell cast upon you, but it didn’t work.” Fluttershy smiled proudly. “See, it is not a curse, or else I could reverse it with ease. Whatever happened to you must come from other sources.”

Fluttershy feeling panic, added, “And what if you’re wrong? What if she just used magic that cannot be reversed?”

Before Cadence could reply, she felt Fluttershy’s head tremble, as she and Applejack grabbed her ears in attempt not to fall of. The moment they recovered, their attention focused on Spike who just a moment ago pushed Fluttershy out of the way, as he was now in his battle armor that Rarity made for him, spear in hand. “What are you waiting for. Twilight is in trouble and we have to save her.”

“You got it right, Spike,” Rainbow Dash said firmly before she focused on Applejack again. “How sad that you’re too small to wear armor what Rarity made for you, Apple…tiny,” Rainbow Dash paused as her eyes opened widely. Not wasting a moment, she dashed towards Fluttershy and raised hoof above her head, now poking the tiny farm mare. “Oh… for Celestia’s sake!”

Cadence sat right next to Applejack and looked at Dash curiously, easy noticing irritation on her face.

Applejack grabbed Rainbow Dash’s hoof and held it tightly, as she spoke with annoyance in her voice, “What’s gives Dash. Ah may be small, but Ah won't stand to be toyed with.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and said angrily, “This is so unfair!” Everyone looked at Dash who started to gesture her hoof around while Applejack held it firmly like if she was riding on a bull. “Twilight was tiny for so many years and had tons of awesome adventures while she became stronger and more cool everyday. “

Dash paused and took a deep breath before she continued, “Just yesterday Cadence shrunk herself to Twilight’s size. And now this!”

Cadence alarmed about what was about to happen, lit her horn, and forcefully pushed Applejack away from Dash’s hoof, before the angered pegasus got an opportunity to smash her into the floor like Nightmare Moon once did to Twilight. “When will be my turn, when!?

The alicorn put Applejack on Fluttershy’s head as the farm mare thanked her, only to be caught off guard as Dash grabbed her and held her in front of her face.

“Cadence, I beg you. When this Evil Enchantress business is over, please, shrink me.”

The alicorn looked at Dash dumbfounded before she nodded as the pegasus put her back on Fluttershy’s head.

Fluttershy turned around and was about to follow Spike, only for Gilda to land in front of her, “Now hold just a moment.” Everypony stopped and looked at the Griffon curiously. “What about my turn in ‘truth or dare’, I was about to ‘dare’ Dash.”

“Gilda, we really don’t have time for this,” Rainbow Dash said with a serious tone in her voice, only for Gilda to start a chicken dance. “Call me chicken if you want, my friends takes priority.”

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