• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Bonus Ch - Cadence’s Ballad - Part 1

Ponyville’s Tiny Librarian


Bonus chapter

Cadence’s Ballad
part 1

“Move, move, move! Just a few more rounds before the break!” The alicorn could hear a commanding voice which encouraged her to keep moving. She ran forward restlessly while feeling earth and dirt under her hooves.

Cadence looked to her left and saw armored hooves of a pegasus guard slamming against the ground next to her. On her right she could see the grey legs of a unicorn moving restlessly as well. Cadence’s own hooves moved quickly as she had to make ten steps for every step of the running guards to not be left behind, all because of her temporarily reduced size.

“Is that the best you can do? I’ve seen grannies with more stamina than you all!” Once again the authoritative voice spoke while Cadence looked towards its source. On the horizon in front of her stood none other than Shining Armor, a proud strong stallion in polished captain’s armor. Feeling a surge of determination to impress her very special somepony, Cadence sped up, getting ahead of the guards she ran alongside.

She passed Shining Armor, who just looked down at her with a neutral stare. Cadence could feel the sweat covering her body, weighted down by a miniature leaden armor that tripled her weight, a special training equipment customized for earth ponies, and in this case, for a miniature alicorn. Cadence felt a sense of deja-vu as if she was participating in a snowball war all over again. This time, however, instead of Auntie Celestia and little Twilight as captains of opposite teams, there was one.

Minutes passed as Cadence ran and jumped over obstacles, becoming more and more tired, but she was not expecting any mercy from Shining Armor as it would be playing favourites.

Once she finished the obstacle course for the second time, she noticed a few ponies entering the training area and approaching Shining Armor.

“Greetings, proud Captain of the Guards, and please forgive us for our untimely intrusion.”

“L-Luna?” Cadence whispered as she recognised the voice with ease.

“It seems your break will come faster today. Take a shower while you’re at it,” Shining Armor ordered before turning to face the guests. “It’s not an intrusion at all. We’re honored to welcome you here, Princess… and I see you brought guests.”

Curious, Cadence wiped the sweat from her head and ran towards her very special somepony, following him towards the guests while staying out of sight behind his hind-legs.


“How can I be of service, Your Highness?” Shining Armor bowed before looking back at the princess, only to notice a pony he knew all too well peeking from behind her right ear.


“Hello Shining, I know we have seen each other a few weeks ago, but I missed you,” Twilight said cheerfully before jumping from Luna’s head to hug his neck. “Ready to defeat me again?”

“I am not sure it is a good idea… we’re in the presence of royalty,” Shining replied as he looked at Luna while keeping his composure. A weak blush barely visible on his cheeks.

“By all means, entertain us,” Luna said encouragingly as she took a few steps back and sat down, observing the captain and his tiny little sister expectantly.

With his attention on Twilight once again, he whispered, “If this is the princess’ wish, then we don’t have much of a choice, though I’m curious about the progress you’ve made ever since you moved to Ponyville.”

“If that’s the case, how about we expand the wrestling time to two minutes for each round? I’m feeling lucky this time,” Twilight asked.

“Two minutes? But Twiny, I know that you are strong, but you are still a unicorn. Your stamina won’t last that long.”

“Try me,” Twilight challenged with confidence in her voice.


Cadence could hear a noise of armored horseshoe land against the ground. As she approached Shining’s not raised foreleg, she peeked from behind it and looked up at Twilight, who was holding the stallion's neck as his right massive hoof was pushing her off. As Cadence expected, the little mare held her ground.

Oh Twilight, you haven’t changed a bit.

She climbed up Shining Armor’s hind leg until she reached his back, not bothering to use her wings. You were climbing up your mentor regularly while tied to her massive regalia, calling it a morning exercise no less. I would be a pathetic excuse of an alicorn if I couldn’t do the same because of a little weighted vest.”

Once on Shining's back, Cadence could see Luna’s attention focused on Twilight, confusion apparent on her face.


“What art thou doing?”

“W-we are w-wrestling, L-Luna…” Twilight said, struggle clearly recognizable in her voice as a giant hoof was now pressing against her head.

“In the first round, my little sis holds my neck while I try to shake her off with just one hoof during the time we agreed on. During the second round, I will press Twiny against my neck while she tries to free herself. She always loses though, due to how unfair those rules are for her,” Shining Armor lectured before gritting his teeth as he put more strength into his hoof, his little sister finally budged.

“I prefer when… the rules... work ag-g-gainst me…” Twilight added before taking a quick breath. “It’s m-more challenging that w-way…” Twilight added.

Luna chuckled. “Quite an interesting competition. We must try it some time with our sister,” she said, briefly wondering which one of them should be the tiny one during their wrestling match.

Our sister was tiny that one time we punished her. Tis only fair we wrestle our sister’s hoof first, she thought while rubbing her chin, her eyes still on her struggling friend.

Not even one minute passed as Twilight fell onto the ground, quickly caught by Shining’s magic. Her breathing heavy and muscles tense while her fur was wet from sweat. Wasting no time, she teleported herself back onto Shining Armor’s neck as his hoof pinned her against it. Despite her exhaustion, Twilight fought against the hoof, trying to free herself during her two minute time limit while earth pony magic aided her in this endeavour.


Cadence walked closer until she climbed up and reached Shining Armor’s neck, now looking down at the fight between his hoof and his little sister from a much better point of view. If I remember correctly, Twilight had always lost, not that I can blame her. I wonder if today will be any different, she thought as she observed the duel.

Luna smiled upon noticing her, but kept silent as Cadence raised her forehoof up to her mouth, a gesture the night princess understood immediately.

Cadence could see Twilight pushing herself further little by little as her tiny hooves fought against the large one. One and half minutes passed and, to Shining’s surprise and amazement, with one strong swing, Twilight pushed his hoof away from herself and fell to the ground before he could stop her.

“I win, I win!” Twilight cheered as she started jumping on her trembling legs, before tripping and falling onto her face as she scowled, feeling as if her muscles burned. “My very first draw against you.”

Luna raised a hoof to her face and chuckled while looking down at the little mare in amusement.

Cadence quickly noticed a weak blush of embarrassment on Shining Armor’s cheek, alongside his prideful smile.

“Wow, Twiny, you have become so much stronger in the past couple of weeks. What have you been doing to accomplish that?” Shining Armor asked with worry in his voice as he found it hard to imagine what kind of training regime his sis had put herself through this time.

Cadence hid behind the opposite side of Shining’s neck the moment Twilight energetically climbed up his foreleg towards the head. How can she still have so much stamina after three minutes of wrestling? Cadence thought as she watched in disbelief as Twilight reached her B.B.B.F.F’s head, and started dancing on his horn.

Cadence giggled before jumping onto Shining’s head and looking at the dancing mare. “Twilight, you really beat your brother good.”

The little mare opened her closed eyes and her cheerful mood vanished the moment she looked down into the alicorn’s eyes. “C-Cadence?” she said in panic before losing her balance and falling on her back on her brother’s head. “How…?”

Twilight paused before sighing as she relaxed herself, the panic went away as fast as it came. She rolled and got back on her hooves as she asked, “Let me guess, you shrank yourself to see the world from my perspective just like my mentor did?”

Cadence nodded. “That’s right, I couldn’t let Auntie Celestia have all the fun.”

Twilight was about to reply, when the unique armor on the alicorn caught her attention. She pointed at it and asked, “Why are you wearing a guard's armor of such small size? And why it looks similar to the vests made of lead you wore during our snowball fight?"

Cadence laughed. “I wear it for my workout, or should I call it a training regimen?”

“You… don’t mean…”

“That’s right, Twiny. Cadence will work as a royal guard,” Shining Armor said, not daring to move his head as two mares were now sitting on it.

The tiny alicorn stood proudly and saluted. “Recruit Mi-Amore-Cadenza at your service,” Cadence said cheerfully, faking her seriousness while Luna and Twilight looked at her in confusion.

“But Cadence, why would you even take such a risky job? You were always so gentle, kind and careful. So why take a job that requires you to train hard and fight?” Twilight asked in disbelief, finding it impossible that the giant full of kindness with such a gentle nature was now a tiny pony in training armor.

“I have my reasons,” Cadence stated as Luna walked closer and exposed her ear. Twilight looked at Cadence with a ‘tell me, tell me, tell me,’ eyes. The little alicorn closed her eyes and shook her head, knowing full well that one can’t challenge Twilight’s curiosity. “First off, I wanted to work side by side with my very special somepony.”

“But why a guard? Isn’t it going against your nature? What’s more, you may hurt yourself, especially when you’re so small…“

“To be fair, the most dangerous and tiring part is the training all recruits go through,” Shining Armor commented. “Once they graduate, it becomes the calmest and safest job. Maybe even boring at times.” He paused before adding hesitantly, “The only exception being if you’re sent to patrol the borders. Only the most hardened veterans don’t beg to be relocated after one year of facing dangers and fighting monsters.”

Cadence rolled her eyes at her memory of patrolling the borders herself in the past. She shot the pony she was foalsitting for years a serious glance and said firmly, “Twilight, I may hate violence, but I would be lying if I said that I had never hurt anypony or living creature. I worked as a guard during the war against the griffons.”

“War?” Luna asked in confusion. “Would thou share what had transpired during such dire events after our banishment?”

Cadence nodded. “It all started over one hundred years after…”

“We need reinforcements!” yelled the sergeant as he and the pegasi that fought by his side tried to slow down the griffons’ advance. “We need to buy more time for the town to evacuate, but we won’t last for long without reinforcements!”

Cadence, disguised as a pegasus, ended up in a direct confrontation with a griffon soldier as her halberd went into a stalemate against the enemy soldier’s steel claws. The stalemate was broken when the griffon struck her belly with his talons, in response, Cadence hit the griffon with the halberd into his claw, causing him to scream in pain.

“S-surender,” Cadence said as she moved her halberd towards the griffon’s neck as the big half-bird was trying to stop the bleeding, still in pain. “Surrender and I won’t harm you any more,” she ordered with more authority, but the griffon could easily notice the hesitation which he used to his advantage. He attacked fiercely with claws on his legs while Cadence didn’t fight back for fear of killing him.

The alicorn in disguise flew backward as she deflected the griffon’s attack with her halberd, only to see the griffin's head fall off. She closed her eyes to avoid looking at the stream of blood, her breathing became heavy while her heart tried to escape her chest. Without a moment to calm down, she was grabbed by the sergeant, who now glared at her in anger.

“Listen rookie, I know that you were drafted recently and killing goes against your nature, but for Celestia’s sake, hesitation will get you killed,” the sergeant lectured as he placed a scroll in Cadence’s hooves. “I have no use for a soldier like you on the battlefield, so make yourself useful and fly towards the barracks to deliver this message.”

“Y-yes s-sir,” Cadence said hesitantly as she grabbed the scroll and flew away from the battlefield as fast as possible. I just had to disguise myself as a pegasus in a town that had to be the first target for the invasion. In desperation, the militia gathered every pony capable of fighting, mares and stallions alike, Cadence thought as she flew towards her goal, already getting away from the battlefield. To Cadence’s surprise, a group of griffons flew from behind the clouds and surrounded her.

“What we have here, a lone messenger trying to warn your petty princess? How cute,” one griffon mocked.

“Yeah, it would be very bad if something happened to you and your precious little scroll,” another griffon mocked as he aimed his metallic claw at Cadence. “Now be a nice meat and give us the scroll, and we will finish you off quickly and painlessly.”

“Yes..., it is much better to eat an entire pony without wasting time and effort to search for his or her cut-off body parts,” another griffon added as they prepared to attack.

Cadence shook her head. “Why are you doing this? Equestria and the Griffanese Empire had a peace treaty.”

The griffons laughed. “That’s simple. You ponies have become weak, we couldn’t resist an open feast and a huge amount of territory that is now for the taking.”

“Weak?” Cadence asked hesitantly as a griffon soldier forcefully took away her halberd and was now aiming his claw under her neck.

“Yeah, that dark princess of yours who rebelled and was banished one hundred years ago, from stories we heard, she was a force to be reckoned with.”

“And after the petty princess got rid of her while part of her army fell during the fight against the rebels, you ponies became weak and easy prey.” The griffon in front added, “Our ancestors were spineless cowards who followed the peaceful pact, but our new emperor ignored this useless paper and seized this opportunity.”

“Why are we even talking with a dead meat like her? Finish it already,” another griffon soldier said after losing his patience and struck Cadence in the neck with his metallic claw, failing to pierce it. “What?!? But it was a direct strike!”

Cadence smirked. “Sorry to disappoint you, but you all have no idea who you’re dealing with.” In an instant, she dropped her disguise, using the griffons’ confusion to capture them in a levitation field.

“A unicorn with wings… you look just like the sun princess… how?”

“It is not of your concern,” Cadence said before disarming the griffons while her powerful levitation field kept them immobile. “Now I better ensure that you three won't be a threat to anypony.”

“And what happened next? Did you really take a life?” Twilight asked Cadence in disbelief, while Luna lowered her head in guilt upon hearing about a war that happened because of her rebellion and absence.

“I tried… but killing just goes against my nature. I just knocked them out and used both of my wings and magic to fly and teleport towards the barracks as fast as possible. All I had to do was to hide my horn under an illusion before anypony or guard noticed me in my true form. I was lucky nopony believed the prisoners when they called me an alicorn.”

Twilight asked, "You know you could still use magic even in a disguise. Why did you drop it?"

"Now that I think about it, it was kind of silly for me to do." Cadence shrugged. "I suppose I wanted to intimidate them or something."

“So let me get this straight,” Shining Armor said firmly. “You captured three prisoners and delivered a message at the same time, warning Equestria about the invasion and that way saving the lives of many if not thousands of ponies?”

He studied tactics the griffons often used in the past: swift merciless raids with overwhelming numbers against populated areas and barracks, while several small hunting parties flanked to the rear of the battlefield, killing anypony who tried to escape. The very idea of how messengers would be ambushed and killed before they could warn the princess about the invasion if not for Cadence made him feel proud of his special somepony.

“What next, what next?” Twilight asked hastily as a tiny notepad levitated by her side.

Cadence sighed. “I became a messenger during the war… until several ponies saw me dying in action. So I faked my death and started to take the forms of many different ponies who died as well one by one. During the war, no pony kept track, so no pony even checked if the ponies I disguised myself as ever existed in the first place.”

“I see…” Twilight said satisfied as she levitated her notepad back to her tiny saddlebag. “I’m really sorry. It had to be hard for you.”

“It was, but enough about my past.” Cadence smiled and asked curiously, “What about you, Twilight? What brings you to Canterlot?”

“Well, it’s a long story.”

“If we’re going for a reunion with stories, how about we do it in my office?” Shining Armor suggested.

“That’s a great idea!” Twilight said from spot behind her brother’s horn while patting his head.

“Certainly,” Cadence said, perching herself next to Twilight.

“By the way, where are your guards and Spike? Shining asked.

She pointed at the entrance to the training ground and added, “They’re taking a walk through the barracks, sharing advice and having a little fun with the new recruits, I believe. I know Overwatch wanted to go back to her old apartment for a visit, but they’re probably just reliving some nostalgia.”

“...and then Fancy Pants invited us to come to his residence tomorrow. After saying our farewells, we picked up Overwatch, Steel Blade, and Spike at the train station and came here.”

Cadence looked at Twilight as if she saw a ghost, her face was pale and right eye was twitching.

Shining Armor massaged his forehead, sitting in front of his officer desk. He glanced at Twilight’s guards who nodded in confirmation before looking at the two tiny ponies on his desk talking with each other.

Luna was sitting on a nearby table with an open saddlebag and with glee like a small child who had just found a hidden cookie jar, writing intensively in a notepad of her own, which seemed like a diary of some sort. It wasn’t difficult for Shining to figure out that she was writing down Twilight’s adventures.

Spike was peeking from behind Luna’s neck while pointing at her literature. “This is the part where Twilight beat the Ursa Minor and saved the entire town, it needs to be more dramatic. Add a cape flapping against the wind, and maybe even chest armor with a big letter ‘T’ described on it.”

“Letter ‘T’, whatever for?”

“Twilight, Tiny, Twiny, you name it,” Spike commented as the captain raised his eyebrow.

“Maybe ‘ST’ as Super Twiny, or ‘TT’ as Tiny Twi… nah, that’s too cheesy.”

Shining lowered his head, listening to the little mares instead.

“I hope it’s alright with you for me to have a griffon as a friend. Despite the war that took place many hundreds of years ago?” Twilight asked while twiddling with her hooves nervously.

“Twilight… did you really let her eat you?!? Just because she challenged you?!?” Cadence shouted, finding it hard to believe. It was like the Twilight-inside-a-cake-eaten-by-Celestia incident all over again.

“Well… in the end she said that she was just joking, so I kind of... forced myself into her stomach against her will, but it was alright, no bite marks and I just teleported outside quickly,” Twilight said as Cadence looked at her with her mouth agape.

Her disbelief quickly shifting into anger as Cadence narrowed her eyes and poked Twilight’s chest with her hoof. “Twilight! I officially forbid you to let anypony or living creature eat you. If you ever force yourself into my stomach, I will never forgive you. Is that clear?”

Twilight nodded, though feeling it odd to hear such a request from an alicorn who was no longer a mighty giant that could eat her, but instead a tiny pony who herself would more likely end up as a snack for a hungry predator.

“So you beat an Ursa Minor, saved the town and raced the train… no wonder you defeated me in our little wrestle. Even if your earth pony magic is still weak, it made you slightly stronger and recovered some of your stamina.”

“Yes, I’m amazed myself by how much earth pony magic can make a difference. I asked for two minutes time specifically in hope I would have enough stamina left to beat you in round two. It worked,” Twilight said firmly before stomping hard on her brother’s desk. “Would you stomp on me? I would like to see if I’m strong enough to resist it.”

Shining Armor shook his head. “Maybe another time. Anyway, since you are tiny again while spending time in Princess Luna’s company, what do you wish to do now?”

Twilight jumped onto his muzzle and looked into his eyes in excitement. “How about we all go watch a Wonderbolt show and meet with Spitfire and Soarin?”

Shining Armor nodded. “Sounds good, sadly, I cannot join you, I have work to do…”

Luna cut him off with a firm commanding tone, “We, as co-ruler and Princess of Equestria, give thee an order to accompany us as an escort. Wilt thou heed us?”

Shining Armor smiled and saluted. “I would be honored.” He lowered his forehoof and levitated Twilight from his nose back onto his desk. “I’ll call for Lieutenant Iron Blade to cover for me right away.”

Overwatch poked Steel Blade’s wing. “Iron’s been promoted to lieutenant rank already? Took him long enough. How old is he anyways?”

Steel Blade tapped a hoof to his chin. “If I remember correctly, he’s a good five or six years younger than me. Probably late twenties, I imagine.”

Overwatch smirked. “So what, that makes you the only child in your family without an officer position now?”

Steel Blade rolled his eyes and let out a groan.

Twilight stood up to her rear hooves and asked, “You’ve rarely talked about your family, Steelie. How big is it?”

Overwatch wrapped a hoof around Steelie’s shoulders, hugging him close as she put on a smug grin. “Oh, it’s pretty big. There’s Iron Blade, Diamond Blade, Sharp Blade—all high ranking officers—with Brave Blade as the former captain. Just like how the House of Sparkle is known for their magically talented researchers and teachers,” she said with a wink at Twilight, “the Blade house is famous for their strategists.”

Steel Blade covered his face with a hoof. “Can we not?”

“Oh, don’t worry about it, Steelie,” Overwatch said, removing her foreleg and bumping her partner with an elbow. “Being an officer is boring, and you’d never be able to follow Twilight around to see what she’s doing!”

“Right. Sure. Let’s just leave it at that and go to the stadium already,” he said tersely, his muzzle scrunched up a bit.

Twilight and Spike took a comfortable sitting position on Luna’s back and head as the group left for the Wonderbolt show at the stadium, occasionally giving Steel Blade a few side glances to see if his mood had improved.

Shining Armor’s head accommodated Cadence, but the tiny alicorn was anything but cheerful as she thought deeply, Earth pony and pegasus pony magic… just like Auntie Celestia and Luna… can the Elements really turn her into…?

Author's Note:

I know it may be surpricing to see a bonus chapter in between part 1 and part 2 of a normal chapter, but I thought that since Cadence and Shining Armor will participate in upcoming adventure of Twiny's Canterlot friends, this would be a good spot to show some of her backstory. (I know writting Cadence is hard since everyone have their own interpretation of her, but I'm going to give it a try regardless).
Also, if we would compare Twiny Ponyville's friends with Canterlot ones, it would end up as:

Pinkie Pie - Cadence/Soarin
Fluttershy - Soarin/Cadence
Rainbow Dash - Spitfire
Rarity - Blueblood or Fancy Pants
Applejack - Fleur de Lis

Now that I think about it, Twiny's Canterlot cast may actually be main 8 or main 9 (if we include Luna and White Path into the mix).

Anyway, I hope I didn't screw up Cadence's character here.

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