• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Ch.11 - Cadence's Vacation - Part 1

Ponyville’s Tiny Librarian


Chapter 11

Cadence's Vacation
Part 1 - Welcome of Apple Family

“Welcome to our humble farm, Yer Highness,” Applejack said, gesturing at hundreds of trees all over the horizon.

“For the third time, Applejack, I haven’t been ruling a country for more than a millennium, nor was I ever Princess of Equestria, so please, just call me Cadence,” the alicorn responded gently, though with a hint of annoyance she desperately tried to hide.

“Well shucks, Ah’m really sorry.” Applejack scuffed her hoof on the ground before she resumed her walk, the alicorn followed by her side. “It’s just that whenever Ah see both wings and horn, Ah can't stop thinkin’ of Princess Celestia.” The farm mare paused as she stood up to her hind legs and straightened her foreleg to reach above the alicorn's head. “And Ah must say, yer so much bigger than other mares.”

Cadence sighed before giving Applejack a smile of understanding, her horn lighting in a powerful blue aura as a tornado of magic enveloped her. Applejack blinked a few times at the scene in front of her, until the wall of magic vanished, revealing a pink earth pony, though much taller than Pinkie Pie.

“How about now? Less distracting?” Cadence asked before giggling. “If the size is also an issue, I can always use my age-altering spell and turn myself into a filly or average-sized mare.”

Applejack shook her head. “Ah would rather if ya don’t. Ah must admit, Miss Cadence, this illusion thin’ of yers really does the trick.” Applejack's happy tone vanished as she frowned. “Though Ah still find it unsettlin’.”

The farm mare once again stood in front of Cadence and gestured around. “Anyway, as Ah was sayin’, welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. Ah hope that hospitality on our humble farm will be to yer likin’.”

The alicorn looked around before rolling her eyes. “I wouldn’t exactly call it a humble farm. Trust me, Applejack, I have seen far smaller ones with more earth ponies running them. Your farm alone is enough to supply an entire town with food.”

Applejack blushed. “Yer just bein’ nice.”

Cadence approached the closest apple tree and examined it. “Can I?” she asked, giving her friend a quick glance.

Applejack followed and blinked a few times. “Oh, sure thin’ sugarcube.” She took off the baskets from her sides and placed them under the tree, Cadence did the same.

“The first thing ya need to do is–” Applejack paused as Cadence, under her earth pony disguise, turned around and flexed her forelegs, her hind legs aimed and bent as well. “Ah guess ya've bucked trees before.”

The alicorn glanced at Applejack and nodded while smiling cheerfully before her attention was once again focused on the tree. With one strong motion, she kicked it as nearly every apple fell into the basket. She picked up the overflowing baskets, attaching on her sides before turning towards her friend. “How did I do?”

Applejack was dumbfounded for a few seconds before answering, “How ya did? Ya kicked the tree far harder than Ah ever did without knockin’ it over. Where did ya learn that?

Cadence started walking towards the cart hauled by Big Mac that was in the distance as Applejack lifted the baskets full of apples and followed next to her. She looked back at the farm pony and explained enthusiastically, “I worked for the Apple family from time to time in past few centuries, and they were all really kind and dedicated to their work.”

“If ya worked for the Apple family, then why did Ah never see ya on any of the family reunions?”

“That’s because I was just a part-time worker under many different disguises. I prefer to avoid attracting attention to myself whenever I’m away from the castle. Of all the different jobs I’ve done, I think earth pony related jobs are my favorite. The most relaxing activity I had was gardening.”

Applejack took a closer look at the amount of apples Cadence had dropped with one kick and asked hesitantly, “Ah understand how ya know how to applebuck, but Ah don’t get how ya’re so strong. Ah worked on mah farm almost entire life, while ya only do from time to time… no offense.”

The alicorn pointed towards Big Mac, who was working nearby, and asked, “Is your brother stronger than you?”

Applejack nodded and raised her muzzle proudly. “He sure is. While Ah would withstand two- or even three-ton boulder fallin’ on me and held mah ground, Big Mac told me that he stopped ten-ton ones.”

Cadence smiled awkwardly as she remembered the avalanche which almost claimed many of her friends' lives, as she herself had been buried under several boulders, feeling part of one hundred tons of weight crushing her.

“Ya there?”

Cadence shook her head and smiled cheerfully. “Yes, I am… As for being stronger, I guess it’s just like with Big Macintosh, being bigger let me store and develop more earth pony magic in myself.” Noticing a grimace forming on Applejack’s face, she added, “Cheer up. I may be stronger than you, and Big Macintosh is without a doubt stronger than me, but I bet we’re nowhere near your speed and agility.”

Applejack smiled in an instant. “Ya’ betcha. Ah can win a rodeo before mah brother can catch a single sheep with a lasso.” Her attention focused on a not tiny unicorn and pointed towards her. “Though both mah strength and agility may not be a match for mah hard worker. Ah was always impressed by how much work Twilight can do on mah farm when shrunk, but when she returned to normal, she withstood mah buck and pushed me away as if it were nothin’.”

Both mares looked upon Twilight, who promptly mimicked Applejack’s technique and accidentally kicked the tree over. Meanwhile, instead of falling to the baskets, the apples rained over the farm. Much to Twilight’s surprise, both her rear hooves were now stuck in the wooden surface, making her yelp when she ended up pulled alongside the falling tree.

Twilight’s horn lit as her levitation field pulled the tree back into the hole in the ground… before tilting it in the opposite direction. Cadence giggled at the unicorn’s awkward position; the mare’s hind legs now stuck in a tree that was falling on her, while her forelegs pushed against the ground, shaking and struggling to keep her body from being crushed. With another burst of magic, Twilight pushed the tree away, freeing her forelegs and sending the tree crashing into another one, at which point both trees fell to the ground with a loud thump and a rain of apples. “I can fix this!” Twilight shouted in panic as Cadence fell onto her belly, hitting at the ground while laughing hysterically.

Applejack massaged her forehead and resisted an urge to chuckle. She couldn’t deny that the performance itself was hilarious, but the damage caused to her precious trees wasn’t.

After glancing at Big Mac’s more gentle kick with one hind leg, Cadence said, “I think I know the reason.”

“Ya do?”

Cadence nodded. “It’s quite simple, actually. Since you always kick trees with your hind legs, they have become far harder and stronger as more magic focuses in them, not to mention how regularly working on the farm has improved your stamina. Twilight, on the other hoof…” She pointed at the panicking mare and chuckled again. “Her entire life she had to endure crushing pressures and weights pressing on her entire body, and recently gained access to earth pony magic on her own. If you do extra exercise for your forelegs alongside some solid endurance training, you should one day meet Twilight on an equal ground.”

With her attention once again on Applejack, Cadence continued, “In terms of strength and power, Twilight is nearly unmatched, but her stamina can never keep up with her strength, so if she’s pushed to her limits, she gets tired fast.” She pointed at the farm mare and added, “Your strength focuses in your legs, and it’s balanced with your stamina. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Applejack rubbed her chin and said, “So if Ah get it right. Twilight’s like a close distance runner, runs out of steam faster than me.”

“Exactly.” Cadence nodded. “She still has a long way to go before she’ll match up your stamina. There’s no need to be jealous.” She looked to the side, thinking, Maybe it’s best not to mention Twilight’s stubbornness when it comes to improving herself. I fear before AJ would reach her current strength, that little pony would already be far ahead.

Applejack shook her forehoof dismissively. “Well, Ah’m not the one to complain. Despite her small size, Twilight’s been a great worker. Ah’m ahead of schedule thanks to her ideas.” She paused before looking at her brother, who had placed his hoof on Twilight’s shoulder and was quietly saying something, clearly trying to calm her down as both damaged apple trees were levitated back to their original location. “Ah must add, Twilight and Big Mac make a great team.”

Cadence didn’t bother to use her magic as she dumped the apples into the cart with her hooves, Applejack following her example. “So she really likes to work side by side with him?”

“Eeyup, she sure do, sugarcube. They both have been sticking together for most of the time. Twi with levitating baskets and Big Mac with kicking the trees. Why do ya ask?”

Cadence took a closer look, noticing a small blush on the cheek of the muscular stallion as he smiled upon his no-longer-so-little helper, while Twilight waved cheerfully at him. The alicorn turned towards Applejack and said innocently, “No reason, really.”

Meanwhile, Overwatch and Steel Blade were also keeping an eye on Twilight to ensure that she wouldn’t destroy the farm while trying to adapt to her normal size. Overwatch was using both her levitation and strength to move a cart full of apples towards the barn, while Steel Blade flew back with an empty one before hitching it to Big Mac, but unnoticed both by the unicorn and the large stallion, he gave Big Mac a glare full of jealousy.

A long day of hard work passed as the Apple family gathered around the wooden dining table. Twilight, now tiny again, sat on the table near the large stallion, while Cadence sat next to Applejack on the opposite side. The guards took their example as Overwatch sat next to Cadence, while Steel Blade sat next to Big Macintosh, occasionally giving him an odd glance. The pegasus guard did his best to hide his jealousy whenever Twilight looked at him, while Overwatch sensed the mixture of emotions in the air in amusement.

After a moment of waiting, Granny Smith and Apple Bloom entered with apple pies and other delicacies made of apples on their heads and backs. Cadence and Twilight wasted no time before they stood and asked in unison, “Can we help?”

Granny Smith nodded, causing one pie on her head to fall off as the little unicorn jumped from the table towards her hooves, her horn lit with power just in time to save the falling pie.

Twilight levitated few more towards the table and placed each one in rightful locations in front of everypony, a service that she repeated whenever she worked for Applejack’s family while eating with them.

Cadence, forgetting that she’s still under an illusion, levitated over the rest of the food in her magical aura, much to Apple Bloom’s shock.

“How did ya do that?”

Twilight jumped to the left, barely evading the filly who passed her and jumped onto the table.

Apple Bloom sat in front of Cadence, looking her deeply in the eyes as she asked, “Did ya just use magic?”

The disguised alicorn smiled awkwardly. “Well… you see…” Her words were stuck in her throat, when suddenly Twilight ran between her and Apple Bloom and stood up to her rear hooves.

“I completely forgot to introduce you all my former foalsitter.” Wasting no time, the tiny mare jumped onto Cadence’s head with ease and balanced herself on her invisible horn. Her action was met with a few gasps as she was hoofstanding on air before their eyes. “Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, I would like you all to meet my former foalsitter and one of my best friends, Cadence.”

The disguised alicorn smiled and waved. “It is a pleasure to meet you. I heard and experienced nothing but best from the Apple family.”

Granny walked towards a haystack to sit on.

Twilight jumped from Cadence’s horn and ran to the edge of the table, her horn lit up with magic once again. “Allow me.”

Granny Smith gave Twilight an odd glance as she shook her head. “Oh, no no no, it’s not…” the elderly mare failed to finish as she felt something lifting her. She looked over herself, noticing that she was enveloped in a purple aura that slowly and gently placed her on the square of hay.

Before Granny could say a word, Twilight had already levitated a knife to cut the pie into several parts. She lifted one piece with her tiny hooves and presented it to the old mare. “Bon appetit.” Granny took the piece of pie and bit it as Twilight looked at her expectantly and asked, “Can I help with anything else?”

The elderly mare slowly chewed and swallowed before smiling. “Yer mighty kind little seed, but mah old bones can still handle themselves.”

Twilight nodded before bowing in respect and sitting once again close to Big Mac.

Applejack whispered to Cadence, “Ah’m unsure what surprises me more. A tiny mare like Twilight showing Granny respect as if she was Princess Celestia herself. Or the fact that Granny Smith lets Twilight act as her personal butler. Usually she’s very stubborn about not being treated as elderly.”

Cadence whispered back,while attempting to ignore the soul-piercing stare of Apple Bloom, who didn’t break eye contact with her even for a second, “Twilight may be prideful, but she’s also very respectful towards the elderly and authority… as long as she doesn't try to sacrifice herself for the greater good.”

Applejack rolled her eyes at the memory of them heading to face Nightmare Moon.

Cadence continued, “Twilight sees your granny as a wise pony who deserves respect and servitude. Maybe Granny Smith likes this kind of respect and...” She was cut off by Smith’s annoyed glare.

“Yer Twilight’s friend, heh?” Granny asked with a weary voice as she gave Cadence a judging look. “Ah cannot shake the feelin’ in mah bones that somethin’ isn’t right.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Me too. She levitated somethin’, Ah saw it with mah own eyes.”

“That’s because Cadence is under a disguise.” Apple Bloom and Granny Smith’s attention focused on Twilight who smiled at them cluelessly. “Did I say something wrong?”

Cadence whispered to Applejack, “Oh no, I know where this is going.”

The farm mare whispered back sternly, “Yep, yer gonna drop the disguise.”

The disguised alicorn started to sweat as she was once again the center of attention.

“Yer hidin’ under a disguise, show me, show me!” Apple Bloom pleaded with excitement as she started to bounce on the table, almost landing in a pie that Overwatch quickly moved out of the way.

“I think it may be a bad idea,” Cadence responded.

“And why not? Mah family folks are trustworthy, they won’t tell anypony,” Applejack said pridefully.

The disguised alicorn grabbed Applejack with a hoof and pulled closer to the corner as she whispered, “Applejack. I’ve dropped my disguise many times, but most of the time it ends up as just a mere rumor that no pony believes anyway.” She paused before adding, “However, it always ends up with a pony fainting or being stunned. Every. single. time.

“And?” Applejack asked cluelessly.

Cadence said in a growing panic, “Now is the first time I drop my disguise in front of an elder. I don’t want to cause a heart attack, much less in the family of a friend of my friend.”

Applejack grinned before bursting into laughter, much to Cadence’s confusion. She wiped tears of laughter away before answering in a firm tone, “Granny Smith and a heart attack? That stern mare’s heart is still strong. Ya need more than wings and a horn to surprise her.” She pulled Cadence towards the eating table and patted her on the back. “Ya do be surprised. Now drop that disguise. There’s nothing to be worried about.”

Cadence sighed before closing her eyes as her ears drooped. Her body radiated with magic a moment later. Apple Bloom’s eyes opened widely at the light show in front of her, only for her mouth to open agape the moment it vanished, revealing a pink alicorn.

Please don’t be dead, please be okay… Cadence thought as her eyes were still closed, afraid of what was about to happen and of the hate she would receive from ponies who were like a family to her.

The alicorn slowly opened her eyes, and as she’d expected, Apple Bloom was stunned, while Twilight was poking her with to no avail. Cadence’s fears increased as she slowly turned towards Granny Smith who looked at her emotionlessly.

“Are… you alright?” Cadence asked hesitantly, already charging her horn with a weak electric spell, ready to give Granny Smith first aid. To her surprise, the old mare just smiled at her.

“Ya youngsters and yer flashy magic. Hidin’ yer horn and wings from yer fellow pony as if ya were ashamed of them.”

Cadence was stunned by the calm reaction from the old mare but was shocked even more by Twilight’s next words.

“Excuse me my boldness, Miss Smith, but calling her a youngster is a large understatement; Cadence is far older than you!”

Granny Smith blinked a few times and looked at the little mare in disbelief. “Whaaaat?”

Twilight grinned. “Cadence is more than a thousand years old… at least, I think so.”

“She is…?” Granny Smith didn’t dare to move a muscle as she examined the pink alicorn, feeling the awkwardness in the air. “Ah thought she’s the princess’s daughter.”

“Why does everypony always think that?” Cadence asked, rolling her eyes before smiling with relief. “I’m just glad you’re taking this so well. I was afraid I would be giving you a heart attack with my revelation.”

Granny Smith laughed and slapped the table. “Me, a heart attack? Nah, Ah ain’t kickin’ the bucket until Ah get me some great grandkids. Ah’ve been suggestin’ Applejack get closer to that pegasus guard, Steel somethin’.”

“Granny!” shouted Applejack, blushing in embarrassment to the point where she hid behind her hat. “Why do ya have ta go and embarrass me like that? Why not Big Mac for once?”

“Cause at least yer brother’s got an eye on Twilight, even if he’s too shy to ask her out already,” Granny responded with a chuckle.

“We’re just friends!” shouted the now embarrassed duo.

“Anyway, if ya ain’t related to Celesta, how are ya an alicorn?” asked Apple Bloom.

Cadence sighed, releasing a breath she didn’t know was holding. “It’s a long story.”

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