• Published 12th Mar 2016
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Ponyville's Tiny Librarian - CommanderX5

Twilight has been a tiny, hard-working student for many years, willingly deciding to stay bite size after discovering a love for the adventures and challenges that came with it. Now it is time to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville.

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Ch8 - Luna’s Fun - Part 1

Ponyville’s Tiny Librarian


Chapter 8

Luna’s Fun
part 1

“So… what dost thou propose we do first, Twilight Sparkle? Hast thou any suggestions?” Luna asked while flying towards the train station, the small unicorn riding on her back. Saddlebags were present on both mares.

“We still have some time before the train from Ponyville arrives,” Twilight stated as she climbed closer to Luna’s ear. “Would you like to meet my parents?”

Luna smiled proudly. “We would be honoured to meet the parents of such a brave and powerful mare as thee. Cadence mentioned that the House of Sparkle has trained and researched magic for generations.”

“Oh, we do. Now that I think about it, it kind of makes sense for the Element of Magic to choose a pony from the most magical house in Equestria,” Twilight said with pride in her voice before thinking deeply, a curious expression on her face. “Still, our house has many powerful unicorns, some of them even teach in the school for gifted unicorns I tried to attend… not that they would give me any favours or anything.” She cleared her throat. “My brother is very powerful in defensive magic, so I was lucky that it chose me of all ponies.”

“Hush, Twilight,” Luna interrupted. “From what our sister told us, thou hast studied unceasingly and worked very hard. How far thou hast reached shows us that the Element of Magic made a wise decision indeed,” Luna praised, causing Twilight to blush. “Wouldst thou show us the way?”

Twilight nodded as she gave directions to her parents' home, and in a few minutes, the princess and her passenger arrived at their destination. As they landed, several nearby nobles gave them curious glances, as they most likely had never seen another alicorn other than Princess Celestia.

Luna closed her wings and approached the door until she felt as if something was trying to stop her hind leg from moving. Curious, she looked at her leg to see Twilight hanging onto it. “Is something the matter?”

Twilight nodded as she released the alicorn’s leg and ran towards the door before looking up into Luna’s eyes. “I think it will be best if I go first and... prepare my parents for your arrival, Princess. If it’s alright with you?” Twilight said hesitantly as she gave Luna an awkward smile.

“But of course.” Luna stood with confidence. “We shall wait until thou announcest us, Twilight Sparkle, as our presence and position is not yet well known.”

The little mare nodded and ran towards the door, only to jump and kick it with her rear hoof, and the moment she landed on the doormat, she repeated this action a few more times, sometimes using both rear hooves instead. Despite her attempts to remain fairly aloof, Luna's curiosity was piqued, and she had to ask, “Thou canst always use thy magic and levitate something to knock at the door, and though thy attempts to inform thine parents about our arrival amuses us, we wish to know why thou knockest with thy tiny hoof instead?”

Twilight gave the giant door another solid kick before answering cheerfully, “It would be far too easy. I prefer to use a harder solution. More fun that way.”

“I’m coming!” somepony said from other side of the door as Twilight started to wave her hooves towards Luna, asking her to hide.

The night princess grinned. “Thou didst indeed speak the truth when thou spoke with Nightmare Moon in Town Hall. If thou likest to make things difficult, we know a few spells that may be of assistance.”

Luna stepped into the shadow of a nearby wall and faded almost completely from view.


Twilight sat patiently as she looked up at the giant door, which opened and revealed her beloved dad. Since her father had not noticed her yet, Twilight crouched and prepared to surprise him. She jumped with all of her strength and tackled Night Light in the neck, causing him to take at least three steps back from the strength of the impact.

“Hello dad!” Twilight cheered and nuzzled Night Light’s neck. She scrambled up to his muzzle, now hanging on it with one of her forelegs while she waved at him with the other one. “I hope I’m not interrupting or anything.”

“T-Twilight, what are you doing here? I thought you moved to Ponyville.” Despite his obvious confusion, Night Light was wearing a delighted smile. “Of course you aren’t interrupting anything. Your mother and I will always have time for you.”

“Well, it’s a long story. Is mom home too?”

Night Light nodded, almost causing his daughter to fall from his nose. Not wasting a moment, he walked inside and closed the door with his magic. “Honey, come quick, our daughter is visiting us!” Night Light shouted, much to Twilight’s displeasure. The little mare had already positioned herself next to her father’s horn, sitting on his head with her hooves on her ears in order to protect herself from the loud noise.

“Twilight, is that you?” Velvet asked as she ran into the room and looked upon her daughter. “Oh Twilight, it’s so good to see you again. The last time we were together was during your birthday, and now you're living in Ponyville. We have a lot of questions,” she said hastily between her quick breaths, obviously resisting the urge to grab her daughter from her husband’s head into a warm and somewhat crushing hug.

“I understand, and to be honest, I have a lot to tell as well. Incredibly much has happened in the past few weeks,” Twilight said in excitement. “However, first I would like to introduce you to my new friend.”

“Friend?” Velvet and Night Light said in union as Twilight nodded.

“Yes! She’s currently hiding near the entrance as first I wanted to…” Twilight failed to finish as her mother passed her and opened the door. “Mom, first I need to…”


Luna waited patiently until the house's door opened and a young unicorn mare looked outside. She resembled her daughter, with the same piercing alert eyes and perked-up ears as she called out, "Please, don't be shy. Come on inside. Twilight's friends are always welcome in our humble home."

It was her cue.

The announcing went faster than we expected. If House Sparkle is composed of powerful and wise unicorns, we had better make an impressive entrance.

With a brief flare of magic, Luna lit her horn and sank into a void of darkness.

Night Light took a few steps back as a pool of dark magic appeared in the middle of the living room, and a dark shape slowly emerged from it. “H-honey, we may have a p-problem…” he said in panic and grabbed Twilight with one trembling hoof, holding her protectively against his chest. Velvet turned around, only for her tail and mane to straighten and shoot into air from surprise and fear.

Luna opened her eyes and with one flap of her wings, the black aura surrounding her vanished in a flash of light and the distant peal of thunder. Now that she had both unicorns' attention, she took a deep breath and spoke.


"AUGH! THE REAPER OF THE PONIES HAS COME!" Velvet and Night Light both gave out a piercing scream and fainted with a thump.

Twilight slid from under her father's hoof and jumped onto the floor, now poking his motionless body.

“Perhaps… we overdid it a little bit?” Luna said hesitantly.

Twilight facehooved.

Luna smiled awkwardly. “We take that as a yes?”


“Reaper!” Night Light shouted in panic as he slowly opened his eyes, only to see Twilight sitting in front of his face, looking at him in worry. “Twilight, what happened? The last time AAAA!” he screamed, knocking his daughter on her back with the strength of his voice as he noticed the larger alicorn looming over them both.

Twilight Velvet blinked several times before finally seeming to focus on Princess Luna. "Oh, it's you."

"Pardon?" Luna said, tilting her head to one side.

"Cadence, you can drop your illusion spell now that you've scared us half to death." Velvet seemed unaware that the other three ponies in the room were all staring at her. She rubbed her eyes and continued, "Don't act so surprised, Nighty. You know Cadence is an expert at illusion magic. She's been hiding under that disguise for centuries."

Twilight Velvet looked up and examined Luna with a skeptical frown. "Your new disguise is quite original, Cadence. You might want to tone it down a little before you walk through Canterlot, though."

"What...?" Luna cast a cautious glance at Twilight, who merely shrugged. Turning back to Velvet, she added in a hesitant voice, "Thou thinkest we are... Cadence?"

Twilight Velvet nodded, although her frown deepened as her husband came over to stand by her side. "You can quit now. You really got us with that entrance. Did you and Twiny plan this out ahead of time? Because if so, somepony very small isn't getting any extra cookies today." Her daughter giggle turned into a frown of disappointment.

Luna shook her head. “We are not the former Princess Cadence. Our name is Luna. We are Princess Celestia’s sister and Guardian of the Night.”

Twilight’s parents laughed.

“Sure you are,” Night Light said between laughter. “You can drop the act, Cadence, we know it is you.”

The princess wanted to say something, but she felt somepony hanging onto her ear.

“I... may had failed to tell them about you and what happened in Ponyville. Remember, Celestia is the only alicorn Equestria have known about for centuries.” Twilight whispered.

Luna smirked. “We see that thou have not yet heard about our glorious return after our thousand years of exile. Have thou not heard about thy daughter’s heroic deeds?”

Night Light and Twilight Velvet blinked in confusion and said in union hesitantly, “H-heroic… deeds?”

Twilight, who was still hanging on Luna’s left ear, sighed deeply. “Mom, Dad, do you both remember how I swore not to hide any secrets from you, no matter how terrifying?” she asked calmly as her giant parents looked at her and nodded.

The little mare pointed towards the sofa right behind them. “Please take a seat, it’s going to be a looooong story.”

"Ah!" Luna said with a bright smile. "I shall make the popped corn!"


For the next several minutes, Twilight told her parents the short version of what happened in the past few weeks. The short version still turned out to be fairly long, leaving her parents wavering between shivering in fear and trying to be properly supportive at times during the story. More than a few tears were shed.

Twilight followed her story with a few events from her life; like when she played a game of tag with the entire town because of tickets to the ‘Grand Galloping Gala’, how she spent sleepless nights researching something that didn’t need research to begin with, and finally how her friend Applejack caused huge troubles for Ponyville and even kicked her so hard that she ended up in hospital in coma for three days.

She paused her story to give her shaking parents a break as Velvet considered using a spell or a quick drink to calm their nerves.

Finally, Twilight told about a griffon named Gilda she befriended, the performance of ‘the Great and Powerful Trixie’ she participated in, and how she had to dispel the effect of the shrinking spell from herself to save the town, and then repair it after an Ursa Minor rampage.

“...when I had returned back to my original size, I decided to run all the way to Canterlot up the mountain road while racing a train." She turned and looked at the living room clock. "If it's on time, it should be pulling into the station any minute now." She turned back to her parents who were shivering in fear on the sofa in front of her. The little mare herself was sitting on the table in the middle of the room with Luna perched on a pillow right behind it.

“Is… is this the end of your s-story?” Velvet asked hesitantly.

Twilight lowered her head. “Yes it is, though I must say that I’m sorry, I owe you an apology.”

“W-whatever for, dear?”

“Well, do you remember my last visit a few years ago? You asked me to….” Twilight reminded her parents of what they did in the rush of insanity at the end of that eventful day.


“I know I didn’t save the world or anything, but I still should have written about what happened. I was so distracted after that day and I forgot about my promise. I am sorry…” Twilight apologised as Night Light and Twilight Velvet blushed from embarrassment while Luna laughed deeply.

“They really said that?” Luna asked, laughing. Twilight looked back at her and nodded. “‘Be a dear and do not let other ponies squash you more than ten times a day…’ ‘write to us about your adventure if you save the world…’” Luna wiped a tear of mirth from her eye as she attempted to contain her laughter. “Whatever happened during that day, Twilight? Thou must tell us the entire story.”

Velvet lowered her head and blushed. “Twilight, dear. First off, we weren’t in our best state of mind back then, and second, you really shouldn’t take everything we say so literally.”

Night Light sighed. “Come on, Twilight. Just because we accidentally mentioned that you’re not fighting a millennium-old forces of evil, doesn’t mean you have to prove us wrong.” He facehoofed. “It is like… if I mention that you won’t have to deal with a giant dragon or guardian of the gates of Tartarus or…”

The worried father put his hooves over his mouth as his eyes widened. As he slowly lowered his forelegs, Night Light commanded, “Listen Twilight, no dragon slaying or Cerberus hunting! Do you understand?”

“But daaad…” Twilight said in disappointment, a pout on her face. Both of her parents’ attention focused on Luna, who seemed very amused for some reason.

“So… you’re not Cadence, right?” Velvet asked in search for confirmation.

“That is correct; thy daughter’s story is truthful and explains who we really are,” Luna stated as Twilight’s mother smiled.

“And to think that we always thought that Princess Celestia was the only alicorn in Equestria… if not in the entire world,” Velvet remarked before pointing towards her tiny daughter. “A few years ago our little Twilight introduced us to another alicorn who was a princess at some point, and today we meet you.”

Night Light laughed. “Twilight, first we had one Princess and now we have two and a half. How are you doing this?” he asked before sealing his daughter’s mouth with tip of his hoof. “Rhetorical question.” He reasserted himself on the couch to sit more comfortably. “Still, I must say, you really have something that attracts princesses and alicorns like a magnet.”

Twilight Velvet added, “First an alicorn became your mentor, next one is your foal-sitter and now another is your friend.”

“Thy daughter deserves the best, if we may add. For all her hard work to reunite us with our sister, it is only just for her to be blessed with such mighty friends." Luna's proud smile faded somewhat as Night Light and Twilight Velvet gave her an angry glare. “Have we said something wrong?”

“No disrespect, Princess, but weren’t you the monster our daughter faced not long ago?” Velvet asked before her mouth was sealed in a purple aura.

“Nightmare Moon was not a monster!” Twilight shouted with an angered stomp, much to her mother’s surprise. “Please, don’t call her that!”

“But Twilight…” Velvet responded as she looked between her daughter and the princess. “From what you told us, Nightmare Moon almost killed you. How can you forgive something like that so easily?”

Twilight shook her head. “And afterwards she blessed me so that the moon would restore my vigour and stamina, and she apologised.”

“So let me get this straight." Night Light swallowed and tried unsuccessfully to project an air of calm over the obvious worry in his voice. "Princess Celestia tried to manipulate you into saving her sister, then she changed her mind, yet, you ended up in Ponyville anyway, am I right?” Twilight and Luna nodded. “You tried to sacrifice yourself to save everypony…?”

“I’m truly sorry for breaking my promise. I couldn’t stand by and let others suffer.”

Luna gave a nod of agreement and said, “Thou should be proud of thy daughter. She bested her fears and faced us under Nightmare Moon’s influence to help her fellow ponies.” The princess raised her armored forehoof and added with a respectful tone, “It was a brave and noble thing to do.”

“Easy for you to say! It wasn’t your daughter that risked her life.” Velvet frowned at Luna, who lowered her head in guilt.

“As I was saying,” Night Light interrupted, attracting everypony’s attention. “You were healed by Princess Celestia and foal-sitter, next you ran into a dangerous forest and almost died facing a manticore. Later, you faced Nightmare Moon for a second time and used the Elements against her. And now not only can you and your friends use the most powerful artifacts known to ponykind, but you’ve also acquired earth pony and pegasus magic." Night Light put a hoof against his forehead and took a deep breath. "Next thing, you'll turn into an alicorn yourself."

“Now that you say it that way, it does sound kind of extreme…”

Velvet sighed and turned a compassionate gaze towards her diminutive daughter. "Extreme? Twilight, I can't believe you put your life at risk this many times! Don't get me wrong, because I'm proud of you, but I'm terrified at the same time."

"And so am I," said Night Light. "You may have defeated an Ursa Minor and climbed Canterlot Mount to race a train, but you're still our sweet little filly." He lowered his head in defeat. "It's just hard for us to admit you've grown so much when you're so small. Your mother and I understand that you really love to challenge yourself, but please... Don't end up in a grave before us. That's all we ask."

“I… I‘ll try,” Twilight responded hesitantly.

Night Light and Velvet nodded to each other, then turned simultaneously to look directly at Princess Luna while wearing matching frowns.

The princess took an abrupt step backwards at the sudden attention and blinked in confusion before speaking in a very calm voice. "Does this mean we are still... in your bad graces?"

“Yes, you are. First off, as much as I’m thankful that you didn’t kill our daughter when you were Nightmare Moon, you still did hurt her,” Night Light stated before his face softened. “However, since our dear Twilight forgave you, we'll try to find it in ourselves to do as well.”

Velvet smiled and said calmly, “We’re glad Twilight helped you return to us, Princess Luna. I sincerely hope that you both will become good friends without any more drama.” She looked at Luna with desperation in her eyes. “I know it’s an odd request, but please, would you try to keep Twilight safe when she is in your presence, please?”

Luna smiled and raised her head and foreleg proudly while her wings spread in a display of strength and determination. “We owe our life to thine daughter, and so we shall protect her with it. This we swear!”

Twilight’s parents took a step back and gasped, surprised by the level of commitment Luna had towards their daughter. Once they recovered, they bowed in respect.


The carefree chat between Luna, Twilight and her parents lasted for a few more minutes before the princess and her little friend had to say their farewells. However, just as the duo were making their way towards the door and Twilight was still climbing the princess’ foreleg, Night Light and Velvet suddenly stepped in and stopped them from reaching the door.

“Please, don’t leave just yet, Twilight. We have a gift for you,” Velvet said as she held a packet in her hooves.

“Gift?” Twilight asked as she looked up at her mother from her spot on Luna's raised foreleg.

“We planned to send this to your home in Ponyville, but since you’re here, we might as well give it to you now,” Velvet said cheerfully and smiled as she levitated the package over her daughter. Twilight just raised her forelegs and held it above her head, its size covering her entire vision.

“What is inside, mom?” Twilight asked curiously as she found the gift surprisingly heavy, but her legs held their ground without the help of a levitation spell.

“It’s a surprise, Twilight. I’m sure you don’t have much time before the train with your guards and Spike arrives, so take care." Night Light opened the door with his magic and let them pass. Velvet moving to the side as well. Twilight levitated her present into Luna’s saddlebag while she herself climbed up onto the alicorn’s back, and soon the princess flew towards the train station.

While on the way to the train station, Twilight looked around from her position on the princess's neck as she noticed a group of nobles surrounding a friend she recognised. Not wasting a moment, she asked Luna to land.

Many nobles sighed in relief at the sight of Twilight once again reduced to a more manageable size. Upon seeing a gesture from Fancy Pants, they walked away, leaving him to have his private talk with the newest princess.

“I say, this is such a charming encounter.” Fancy Pants gently kissed Luna's upraised foreleg as per custom, adding a warm smile with the smallest eyebrow wiggle. “It’s an honor to finally meet you in person, Your Highness.”

Despite her best efforts, Luna blushed with the attention. Even before her banishment, it had been ages since a stallion had given her such a warm welcome.

Pushing away a drift of Luna's floating mane, Twilight peeked out and announced, "Princess Luna, I would like you to meet Fancy Pants. He is the most reliable and kind noble in all of the land, and one who I respect a lot."

The stallion raised his head, only now noticing Twilight peeking from behind the alicorn’s neck.

“Fancy Pants, this is Princess Luna. She’s Princess Celestia’s sister who returned from her unjust banishment. She’s very honest and honorable. I’m sure you both will get along.”

“I am certain I will. Princess Celestia already shared the news of your return with my family and waited for you to get more comfortable before organizing a meeting between us,” Fancy Pants said with a smile before looking at the little mare. “Greetings, Miss Sparkle. It is always a pleasure. I heard you accomplished quite a lot lately.” He glanced between Luna and her passenger before asking, “Would you both care for a chat with me with some tea? Or maybe a peaceful stroll through the museum.”

“I would be honored, however, I need to pick up my guards and Spike from the train station first,” Twilight said as her ears drooped. “Furthermore, I was hoping to introduce Luna to my brother.”

“I understand.” He looked back at Luna and asked. “Princess Luna, I would be honoured if you would accept invitation to my humble residence tomorrow.”

“The honor will be on our side,” Luna said pridefully.

“I wish I could accompany you, but my time is too limited for a trip to train station and the barracks. I truly hope we will make up for it tomorrow.” Fancy Pants half-bowed and added, “I shall inform my family and prepare for your arrival. Farewell.”

“We must say, Twilight Sparkle, thou choosest thy friends wisely. Mr. Fancy Pants is a very respectful gentle-stallion,” Luna said firmly and walked towards the train station.

“Yes, he is the best, but just wait until you meet his family. Fleur de Lis is very kind and adventurous while their son White Path is so enthusiastic.”

Luna smiled. She had been with Twilight for only an hour, and the time they had together was already enjoyable and meaningful, and the day had just started.

Overwatch yawned, stretching out her limbs after a quick nap in the comfort of the train car. A glance at a nearby clock confirmed that she’d only been asleep for a little over an hour and a half, and she looked at the other occupants sitting with her. Steel Blade was staring out the window, leaning to the side and propping up his head with his foreleg. Spike was still passed out next to a small piece of luggage containing the group’s smaller necessities, curled up into a little scaley ball on the seat opposite her and Steel Blade and snoring gently.

The unicorn guard grumbled, burying her head back into her scarf. It would be at most half an hour before the train pulled into Canterlot, not nearly enough for another good long nap. She wriggled around, stretching out her back as she tried to find another comfortable position to rest in for the rest of the trip.

Steel Blade raised an eyebrow at her, an amused smirk on his face. “I see you’re back in the land of the living,” he said, sitting up and away from the window. “Think Twilight won?”

Overwatch rolled her eyes. “Of course she won. The only question at this point is by how much. If I have a hard time chasing after her when she was barely larger than my hoof, there’s no way I could catch her now that she’s my own size.” She cracked her neck, rubbing at it with a hoof. “At least all this running around’ll keep me going strong now that I’m entering middle age.”

Steel Blade snorted. “We’ve been middle age for a while now. I’d say stressing out over Twilight’s silly shenanigans has cut a few years off my life.”

The charcoal mare stuck her tongue out at him. “That’s why I refuse to worry so much. No point when Twilight can take care of herself so easily.”

The stallion let out a sigh at that. “I think that’s part of the problem though,” Steel Blade said, slouching back into the seat. “What’s our purpose now that Twilight’s so… Twilight? After the Ursa, I don’t think there’s anything that could keep her down, and with her at our size, it feels like she’s more of a hazard to others than others are to her. At this point, we’re a misstep away from a natural disaster.”

Spike let out a yawn, sitting up and blinking blearily at the guards as he entered the conversation. “I suppose I know what you’re talking about,” he said, rubbing out his sleepy eyes. “Have you ever heard of the ‘world of hay’ speech?”

Steel Blade’s brow furrowed together. “No, I don’t think so. Might have been mentioned in passing, but I can’t remember what it was off the top of my head.”

“Well, Supermare makes it. It was in the middle of this huge fight between her and a really big bad guy, and the villain makes a big deal out of being godlike and tossing the good guys around until Supermare finally cuts loose.”

“Oh, and you’re relating her to Twilight?” Overwatch asked.

“Kinda,” Spike continued. “See, in the whole ‘world of hay’ speech, Supermare says that she was never able to use her full power because doing so could destroy something or hurt somepony, even accidentally. She lived in a world made of hay, where even a slight loss of control could lead to terrible consequences.”

“That’s… actually pretty close to what Twilight’s going through now,” Steel Blade said, turning to Overwatch. “Remember how she destroyed the door to the library from just trying to go outside?”

“Yeah, it’s the whole reason she’s going to Canterlot.” Overwatch said as if it were obvious. “Makes sense to me. Last thing I want is for Twi to sneeze and take out half the building.”

Steel Blade face twisted into a grimace. “But doesn’t living so close to such a powerhouse worry either of you?”

Spike shrugged. “Not really.”

Overwatch nodded in agreement. “What he said. We’ve lived next to Celestia for at least a decade and a half by now. Twilight might be able to stop an Ursa, but after working with the alicorn responsible for the day-night cycle for so long, I’ve gotten a little jaded in regards to what Twilight does. It’s just super impressive because Twilight isn’t an alicorn.”

“Pretty close though,” Spike interjected. “Twilight has more than just unicorn magic now.”

Steel Blade sighed. “I don’t even know what’s happening anymore. We’ve been Twilight’s guards for so long and now it feels like we don’t have a purpose anymore. What can we do when we can’t even keep up with the one we’re supposed to protect?”

Overwatch shrugged with a hint of a smile. “We just keep doing what we can,” she said simply. “I don’t mind being behind Twilight. She’s rocketed past all of us, but you can miss a lot of scenery when you go that fast.”

The guard mare sat back in her seat and continued, “I’m not the greatest by any stretch of the imagination. I can’t go as fast or as hard as Twilight can, but I’ll always put my best hoof forward,” she said, before her mouth curled up into a smirk. “And besides Twilight, all of my friends are back here. Twilight’s… in a class all her own. The fact that she’s running to Canterlot by herself is a perfect demonstration of that. I know she tries to stay in contact with everypony else, but I can’t help but wonder if she feels lonely at the top sometimes.

“There’s something to be said about being the best you could be, but for the average pony like me, I… I would hate trying to put so much effort into being who I’m not, especially if it means I have to leave everypony I love behind.”

Steel Blade blinked, before reaching out with a wing and pulling Overwatch into his chest fluff, eliciting a surprised yelp from the charcoal mare. “When did you get so sappy?”

“When did you get so depressing?” Overwatch retorted, punching the pegasus in the shoulder.

Spike simply rolled his eyes before curling up to get more sleep.

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