• Published 14th Jan 2016
  • 3,322 Views, 94 Comments

Of Assassins and Tyrants - Little_Draco

A few years into her rule, an assassin comes for Nightmare Moon, but will she succeed?

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Infiltration or Annihilation

Infiltration or Annihilation

What comes to a mare's mind as she stares down the belly of the beast? Would it be the sharp pointy teeth, in this case; blades, arrows and beating she may receive ? Is it the way down where the walls around you come closer, the magical grasps around her and slowly choking the life out of her? Or is it the fact that in the belly, lies the true suffering, where you are surrounded by black and are slowly digested painfully; the brutal and utter torment that would be Nightmare Moon?

In this case, she was looking directly towards the monster before her. Nightmare in all of her horrifying glory, has just about every guard, Archmage, Shadowbolt and Shadows surrounding her, all ready to attack.

The moment she left the ground, the Shadowbolts would tackle her to the ground and crush her. The moment she took any movements to the sides, her guards would stab or launch every arrow at their disposal. When she would barely light her horn, either the Archmages or Shadows would come at full strength and attack her with anything and everything imaginable.

All this and Nightmare wouldn't bat an eye. She was at her mercy… or so she lead her to believe.

“Is this some sort of trick?” asked Nightmare. Her voice was anything but menacing. “Did you come here to gloat, attack my guards before removing my head?”

Sparkle didn't answer right away. If anything, she was thinking of multiple scenarios if her surrender didn't work. With a calm and collected voice, she spoke.

“I didn't hear to kill you, Nightmare Moon. If I did… I would have done it already.”

“Really?” asked Nightmare, tautly.

Sparkle gave her a firm nod.

“I would have done it the second you materialized. I could have done it during my raids in the castle.” She inhaled and exhaled softly. “Your predictable.”

Nightmare snorted.

“I told you before, you know nothing of me, Sparkle.”

Sparkle gave a raised eyebrow.

“Your bedroom is on the second tower to the left of the castle. You sleep only for three hours to restore your energy with four pegasi guards on top, two at the door with your two shadows in the room. You also like cold tea instead of hot and your guards have shifts that make predictable patterns, even your own shadows.”

If Nightmare hadn't practice years of stoic expressions, she would be gaping in shock and some fear at this mare. She knew everything on how she worked. She knew everything and she hadn't been spotted once in the castle. With a dry mouth, Nightmare spoke.

“I see you have spare time besides sabotaging my soldiers and making my life a lot more complicated. You seem to remember a lot.”

“And you seem to forget that you castle has many secret chambers. The ones behind walls, the ones that lead in and out of your castle… including your room.” she paused and saw Nightmare's stoic expression disappear showed signs of fear.
“Where I also could have attacked you in your three hour sleep. Your shadows wouldn't be quick enough to stop the blades and before your guards would even hear the alarm, you would be blissfully dead.” Her tone was cold, colder than Nightmare had ever heard from anypony. She was just as cold as herself and that sent an all to Equine chill down her spine.

“So yes, if I wanted you dead, I would have done it already. None of the guards here would be able to stop me if I tried.”

A pregnant silent filled the throne room and every guard there was either a nervous rack or trying to remain calm as they desperately wanted to attack this mare. Nightmare stared down at her, trying her best not to show interest in this mare by either fear or envy at her magical and knowledgeable prowess. With a small click of her tongue she spoke loudly.

“All guards...” They all tensed. “Leave us. Return to your posts, all of you” She paused. “Now.” Many guards stared at her in disbelieve at her orders. Some wanted to protest especially her captains. “Now.” she said in a much stronger voice. The guards slowly but surely began dispersing with some walking backwards to see if the mare would do anything as soon as they left.

All her guard disappeared though Sparkle saw the two shadows that lingered in the corners of her eyes. Nightmare followed her gaze and gave a slight incline of her head, indicating them to leave. The shadows then disappeared, leaving the two mare alone.

Sparkle then slowly sat on her haunches and let out a small sigh.

“Well that was better than I expected.” she said all too calmly. Her voice went from cold to casual and that unnerved Nightmare.

“So, now that my guards have left, what are you going to do?”

Sparkle shrugged.

“I said would surrender to you and I did. I honestly didn't expect you to let me surrender so easily so I didn't plan this far.”

Nightmare growled.

“You speak so calmly for a mare who walked in on a death sentence.”

“You speak like you would kill but you never spilled another pony's blood.” she gave her a hard gaze. “I know you hate me but… I still think that you would at least try to blast me… or something.” She gave a wave of her hoof. “Being the whole tyrannical-monster-nightmare that you are.”

“Says the Assassin who stocks me.” Not bothering trying to hide her taunt, Nightmare pressed on. “I figured you want revenge for your brother after all.”

Sparkle gave her a hard look.

“Should you have killed him, you wouldn't be alive but in a worst state then him. Luckily, I saved him and the fact that you are somewhat above killing, I relented. I am not here to kill you, I just wish to try and change your mind.”

“About what?” snarked Nightmare. “Returning Equestria back to normal?” she mocked. “Or are you gonna convince me to try to raise the sun, set my sister free and live happily ever after?” Her voice was dripping in sarcasm and this irked Sparkle.

“I am trying to be serious! I have trained my whole life to take yours, but once I saw that you are just as forgiving as just as kind as you were to your banishment, maybe I can get through to you.”

Nightmare scoffed.

“And how exactly do you plan on doing that? I for one am not just going to let an assassin, let alone one that tried to--”

“I could have!”

“… could have killed me. I don't know anything about you, you say you are unarmed and yet… the smell of my sister's Sol Steel lingers around you, so that leads me to believe that you aren't completely defenseless or fully surrendering yourself.” She leered at her. “So again, what exactly are you trying to pull here, Sparkle?”

The mare gave a hard glare to counter Nightmare's but lost and sighed.

“I told you, I am not trying anything. I just came here to try to work with you. My Insurgency believe that I should just end your life, here and now, but I know that there is still good in you. And if you were kind enough to let Mi Amore Cadenza in here, then you can be changed.”

“How did you...” Nightmare Moon was about to ask, but then again, she knew everything about her. Some panic rose in her but she held it down. “How are you aware of Cadance's whereabouts?”

“Just that she arrived here. I thought you were going to harm her or something. I came in after, hoping that if I let you capture me, I can look for her and save her.” She paused. “I hope she is in your care and isn't being harmed… right?” The end sounded like a threat but even Nightmare couldn't tell.

With a small scoff, she coolly replied.

“Cadance is completely fine. Though last I checked, you were aware of everything here?” She prayed that she wasn't aware of her personal interest in Cadance, let alone what would happen if she found out about it.

“I just know that as soon as she went in, I came up with this plan to come and rescue her. However, I've come to realize that she is fine.”

“Yes, as I said, she is well under my care. No harm shall come to her.”

Sparkle gave a small smile.

“I know it. Which is why you call her Cadance instead of her title.”

Nightmare baulked knowing that she had used Cadance's name so casually. It is not even a few hours and already she treats her like a friend… if not more.

Sparkle kept her smile.

“And that is what I want. I want to know that you can be a caring pony. That you can make friends with anyone and that if you tried, the world will no longer have to fear you.”

Nightmare looked at her, seeking any ill or hidden agenda that lingered that hid behind her eyes but saw none. Reluctantly, she responded with a much calmer tone.

“For an assassin, you are not much for having cold personality.” A bit of a frown approached and disappointment filled her voice. “Even after what I did to you and your brother, I still don't see how you can believe I am worth redemption.”

“Because the path of redemption begins with kindness, then forgiveness. The rest follows through honesty, generosity, then we become loyal with one another and maybe in the future, we may all smile together. Its like magic, it makes it all complete.” She paused and groaned. “That sounded really corny.”

Nightmare hid it really well but a quick rise of her lips rose for a brief second before returning to a frown.

“Yes, I am quite sure that your phrasing will unleash Rainbows of Magic and purity me this instant.” She snorted. “I am pretty sure that is something my sister would have said, 'My little pony',” she said in a mock tone.

Sparkle gave her a look.

“You really hated her don't you?” she asked softly. “Your sister.”

Nightmare didn't respond right away. She slowly rose from her throne and walked down the stairs to Sparkle.

Approaching her, she a good head taller than her but the height didn't scare Sparkle, nor was she intimidated by her.

“I loathed my sister.” she said harshly. “While ponies around us worshiped her, I was left to the shadows and treated as the outcast. It's because of her, I was alone for a thousand years.” Her voice dripped with venom and sorrow. She then turned from her and began walking towards a hallway. “If you truly wish to change me, believe that I am worth redeeming, then you must know my true origins. And this is something I take not lightly, for no others know of my past.”

Before she continued on, she stopped and turned to Sparkle, giving her a serious look.

“I know nothing of you, I have no reason to trust you but so far, I feel that despite all this, you have no intentions to harm me. You wish to change me, earn my trust and restore balance, I will let you know that the task will not be easy once you understand where I came from. From here on out, you will seek the truth and in return, I want your oath that you should never use this against me and that you must answer all my questions, truthfully if you want to learn my history. Should you do, your magic will work against you.”

Twilight hesitated. A unicorn oath was as sacred as their magic. Should one try to go against it, it will cause them harm or risk losing their magic. Not only that but should another unicorn decide to place their own ward on the unicorn, then it doubles the feedback. She really didn't want to do this.

“Well?” asked Nightmare.

With a strained nod, she spoke.“I understand. 'I, Twilight Aurora Sparkle, swear upon my name and magic that I will not under any circumstances share any information nor use this information against you and I will be truthful as the light is bright. This I swear.” A glow from her horn lit in front of them, insuring that the deal was set before it disappeared.

Nightmare gave a small nod before responding.

“I didn't think you would do that so willingly.” She paused, giving her a once over. “Since the spell is set and you have to answer truthfully, are you really unarmed?”

Twilight sighed and lifted her front right hoof, indicating a small Sol Steel Knife in between her shoe. With a shake of her hoof, it dropped to the floor with a light 'ping' on the floor. Nightmare snorted.

“'Unarmed' you had said?”

Twilight gave a shrug.

“Up until now, I wasn't sure if I would be killed by you and I would only have a quick second to throw it at you or in case you decided to betray me later.”

Nightmare was now impressed and gave her a grin for being a cunning enemy.

“Keep it. There may be a time where I feel the need to harm you and that may be your only defense. I didn't swear on my oath I would kill you or harm you, but I will… try my best to warn you of my intent.” She turned around and continued down the hallway. Twilight pushed her hoof down on the Steel tip, ensuring its comfort before catching up to her. Her words rang clearly, but she believed she needn’t worry… much.

Nightmare led them to the west wing of the castle, where the library was at. Despite being an assassin and standing right next to Tyrannical Nightmare, Twilight couldn't help but issue a large 'squee' as she saw the vast amounts of books that filled the walls.

She instantly ran to the nearest section, explaining loudly on each book or section.

“History, science, math, literature, fundamentals, magic!” she continued. Once again, Nightmare was bewildered by the mare's sudden change in attitude. First, she acted like a cold blooded murder, then she acted with compassion; during her month long run, she destroyed supplies and all like a common vigilante, then she was cold and now… she acts like a filly in a candy store.

This action once again nearly brought Nightmare to a small smile, seeing a mare so easily pleased despite the cold world around her. She then saw towards the corner the librarian who looked very displeased with all the noise as well as two other ponies in the library

Clearing her throat, Nightmare spoke loud enough for Twilight to here.

“Sparkle dear.” Twilight heard her and immediately stopped, turning towards her. “I am aware of your… fascinations with books but we are still in a library and you are making quite a bit of noise, especially with the librarian here.” She motioned to the violent mare with gold hair, going by the name of Whispers Grace.

Twilight felt her cheeks reddened and her ears drop down.

“Sorry.” she whispered. The mare gave a huff before returning to her previous task and the others ignored her, continuing to read on.

Twilight slowly walked back towards Nightmare, whom still carried a bemused look.

“A little bit of a librarian yourself?”

Twilight gave a small nod, with a sheepish grin.

“Yeah, growing up, I loved reading books of every kind. I excelled in all my classes, could perform spells beyond what most foals could never do beyond simple levitation.”

“Teleportation, magic repulse and more?” asked Nightmare, clearly referring to her first initial attack as well as the other attacks on her.

“Yes… well no. I learned teleportation when I was young and the rest followed when the Guild recruited me.”

“Teleportation so young?” asked Nightmare. “It took me decades to even learn to know where I was going before I could fully teleport.” Though she was reluctant to admit it, this mare was indeed powerful, how did her sister not notice her? “My sister would have had a great student if she had searched for you.” she commented.

Twilight gave a shrug. “Probably.” she answered. She pulled a book from the shelf with her magic, without really having to see it. The book's covering held a three clawed paw. The pages quickly flipped before landing on a picture of a purple egg. “I needed to pass the entrance exam. Try to see what my magic would do to the egg they brought in. The exam wasn't really meant to be passed, I didn't know it then. The point of the egg was to see any reactions the participant would have on it or find some ways of making the egg alive with magic. For all I know, it could have been a dummy in there and it was just a stupid test. Either way, I failed and Celestia never noticed me. However, that didn't stop me from pursuing magic.” She closed the book before magically putting it back.

“Yes, I am aware of your powerful gift in magic, which is why it is your Cutie Mark.”

Twilight couldn't resist. Despite the evilness in Nightmare Moon, despite all wrongdoings around, it had to have been to easy.

“So… you stared at my flank and called me powerful. If I didn't know any better, I'd sat those were 'flirting' words?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and trying her best to remain stoic.

Nightmare nearly baulked at the words and sputtered to say something. The librarian, despite not carring that Nightmare Moon was her Queen and overlord, loudly but firmly gave her a 'Shh!' to keep her voice down. The other two ponies, whom where a guard and civilian, also seem to baulk, quietly at the librarian's brass bones to hush their queen.

Nightmare seemed even more embarrassed at the fact that she was told to be quiet by a librarian no less. With a snort, she walked on towards one of the private reading rooms to the back, with Twilight trailing her.

As they entered the room, Nightmare slowly put up a silencing spell through the room, cutting them off from the rest of the library.

“You have some nerve to even dare insinuate that, especially to me!” she hissed.

Twilight had a small smug of a smile.

“Yes, well, a mare or stallion doesn’t look at another mare's cutie mark without also looking around or beyond. Besides, I told you, if I am to try and change you, it all begins with trust, then the rest follows.”

“And yet laughter was your first choice.”

“I never said anything was supposed to be in order.”


“… well I didn't!”

“I believe that we are getting off point here. Now, you wish to know of my history but now, I need to know of yours.”

“What is there to know?” she asked. “Before… before all this, I was just an ordinary pony.”

Nightmare wanted to comment how that was a lie but then again, her oath hadn't taken affect.

“And then, I came along and changed your life for the worst?”

Twilight didn't answer right away.

“… I can't say where my life would be with or without you. I failed Celestia's entrance exam but stayed in school. I had no friends… to speak of and most of my time was on books. When you did come, my brother hid me away with his guard and my parents...” she stopped.

Nightmare didn't say anything nor did she give her any emotional response. Instead, she used her magic and materialized a book in front of her. She began to idly slowly turn the pages of the book. It was a gray book, a large one at that with a sun and in on the front cover with.

“And now that you are here,” she finally spoke. “What is your mission?”

“Infiltration.” Twilight said evenly, though in her mind she mentally cursed. Her magic working against her already. Before she responded openly now, this went against her.

Nightmare didn't respond as she continued to flip the pages.

“What are you trying to look for?”

The magic burned her horn and Twilight tried to resist the small pain that began at the base of her horn.

“Gather more information about you, find any weaknesses, expose you to the public, and find anyway to reset the world back to it prior state.”

“Am I to assume that this 'Regime' of yours plan to take over if I am out of the picture.”

“Yes,” she strained. Her head was pounding now, she really didn't want to reveal more. “We have contingency plans in case you wouldn't revert back or change your ways.”

“Did these plans evolve you or 'Mi Amore Cadanza' to take over the sun and moon?”

“Yes.” A pained grunt came through her. She really should have thought this part through. She could dispel the affect, though that would make Nightmare cautious. As if to reinforce it, Nightmare casted a small spell on Twilight's horn in her own magic. She stopped looking through the book and looked towards her with a stoic expression.

“Your hurting yourself with the oath. I keep asking proper question and you try to resist. You do not want me to ask these questions but you know I will. Now, as much as I know you can dispel it, I am making sure you don't. I am also going to put my magic on yours to make sure you give me what I want.” Her tone now was cold and her gaze was hard on her.

“Now, I want to know if you had failed to kill me, would there be another assassin after me?”

Twilight grunted as the pain in her horn doubled, her head pounded as she struggled to reply.



“Sunset Shimmer! Agh!” She struggled on her hooves, Nightmare's magic making it feel like a huge weight was on her head. “If I failed, s-she would be next, but, she won't hesitate to kill you. She wouldn't stop for nothing.” She looked. “Please no more!”

Nightmare's eyes continued to bare down on her, her form becoming more menacing.

“If I were to ask you, where your 'Regime' is located, would you tell me? Would you tell me where your brother, or Sunset or where the resistance lies? Would you tell me how I can continue to rule forever if I asked?”

Twilight strained more, tears running down her face as the overwhelming pain continued to wrack her mind and body. Slowly the pressure forced her legs to bend, almost as a huge weight had settled on her, making her drop to her knees.

“P-Please!” she begged.

Nightmare growled.

“Tell me! Would… you… give… them… UP?”

With a final grunt, Twilight resisted her magic long enough to speak.

“NO!” With that, a magical burst came from her horn, causing Nightmare to stand back as the light grew until the magic from her horn grew bright enough until it became to much and blasted right in front of Twilight, though from it, the backlash sent Twilight flying back and instantly slamming her to the wall.

She blacked out before she hit the floor and her magic seized.

Nightmare glanced at the fallen unicorn, before her eyes turned to see the guard, the civilian and the librarian had all looked towards her. At this point, she wasn't sure what to do with the mare before her. Kill her right out and be over this whole ordeal or find some use of her, maybe break or mold her to something of interest.

Turning to the guard, she barked. “You! Guard, go and fetch the medics. Quickly!”

The stallion threshal hesitated before quickly saluting and responding.

“Yes, my queen!” He immediately turned and ran out the doors. Meanwhile the other two looked at their queen, expecting orders or to resume their tasks.

Nightmare just gazed upon the unconscious mare before her. She felt a twinge of sympathy for her, amongst something else. Almost.

Author's Note:

I will be totally honest, i felt that this chapter lagged something but i needed to throw this one out there before the more interesting part of the story can really begin. This will get better, at least in my understanding, and will hopefully entertain you all.
Also, sorry for the delay, i blame video games and their awesome nature.:pinkiehappy: