• Published 14th Jan 2016
  • 3,323 Views, 94 Comments

Of Assassins and Tyrants - Little_Draco

A few years into her rule, an assassin comes for Nightmare Moon, but will she succeed?

  • ...

Rise of the Insurgency

In Everfree news now, Nightmare Moon's palace had been invaded by an Assassin who planned to kill Queen Nightmare Moon herself. Word has spread around that the attempted Assassination had nearly been successful with the pony managing to take out all of the Nightmare Guards before Nightmare herself had intervened and stopped the assassin. However, sources are saying that the pony managed to get away before they could be detained.

At least 40 Guards around the palace had been taken on by a single mare. Of the 40, 12 lie in the hospital with heavy but non-life threatening injuries and the rest only suffered minor injuries. What many ponies across the land are calling this, 'The closest Assassination attempt in years.' Many of the opposing ponies of Nightmare Moon are celebrating the Assassin as a hero. However, the Shadowbolts where quickly dispatched to detain any ponies who support the Assassin.

It is being determined that this is the same Assassin who had taken out the King of Shadows, Sombra, who after a thousand years returned. Many of the guards deny the accusation of the returning King of the Crystal Empire however, sources lead out that despite that Nightmare Moon had claimed to have defeated the Shadow King, the Assassin was the one who took on Sombra, using the Crystal Heart from the Empire against him. The Crystal Empire has been freed from the Shadow King but have locked their borders to the outside world due to Nightmare's rule.

Word has quickly spread out of this event and some are beginning to believe in an 'new age' where there is no more Nightmare Moon. Many believe that this Assassin will have started a revolution or has already started an “Insurgency' against Nightmare Moon.

“Bah!” cried out a pegasus. She crumbled up the newspaper before throwing it to the side. “What a lord of horseapples!” She slammed her hoof hard on the table, shaking the contents.

Around her sat four other guards, all calmly looking at their captain. They all sat around the table in the mess all with a few other guards on lunch as well.

“Jeeze, Cap, you don't sound so good.” mocked one of the stallion guards.

“Shove it, Thunderlane! I don't want to hear! I'm already annoyed as is!”

“Oh, by getting your tail kicked by a single mare?” asked the female guard, she asked oh so innocently. “It didn't look like much of a fight.”

“Hey, that mare had freckin high level magic.” countered another stallion guard. “She was powerful enough to take us all out, including you, and nearly killed Nightmare. Captain Dash here has the right to be pissed.”

“Stay off my side, Maelstrom. And Flitter, shut up. You were knocked unconscious before you even knew the mare was there so if I were you I would shut your trap. Even Derpy could take a harder hit from her and she would still be able to function.”

The other two guards laughed at Flitter's expense as she grumbled to herself.

Dash sighed.

“Now because of her, I will never be able to join the Shadowbolts. They're going to think I am weak sauce after losing to her.”

The other guards calmed down before the final one spoke out.

“Ah come on boss.” spoke out Lightning Dust. “You still wanna try out for that team? They are weak compared to the Nightmare Guard.”

“Hey, they aren't weak!” lashed out Rainbow Dash. “They took on the Wonderbolts… who I used to care for… and half the Solar Guard. They are as badass as the Guards, if not moreso because they actually do combat missions and stealth operations.”

“Um, so do we!” Flitter said in a snark. “We are Nightmare Guards, we can do the same they can.”

“Yeah, but they do it with speed, skill and...” she leaned in with a grin. “Without limitations.” She kept her grin and leaned out. “As guards, we have a duty to protect and serve Nightmare, as well as the population. We can send or throw 'neighsayers' of Nightmare Moon to jail or have them detained or whatever but a Shadowbolt, they could do a lot more and get away with it. Nightmare is not into bloodshed but that won't mean she will send others to do it. That is why Dash wants to join and that is why I'm going to join.”

“You just said there weak, now you want to join them?” commented Thunderlane.

“What can I say, I am a bigot sometimes, but that don't mean I am wrong? Right boss?”

Flitter, Maelstrom and Thunderlane looked at one another before turning to their Captain.

“That true boss?”

Dash studied them and their facial expressions trying to read any of them. Determining that they were just asking a simple question, she shook her head.

“I am not in it to hurt ponies, I just want to join for the speed. Just like the Wonderbolts, I am only in it for the stunts, fame and the thrill of it, that is all.”

Lighting Dust scoffed.

“That's lame, you might as well try to bring back the Wonderbolts and join their prissy little team. That way you can do all your little tricks and shows with no real value to it.”

Dash snarled at Lightning Dust but was caught off when another guard cleared his throat.

“Captain Dash.”

Dash kept her face towards Lightning Dust before speaking.

“What is it?” she half snarled.

“Queen Nightmare Moon wishes to speak to you.”

Dash lost her snarl and sighed angrily.

“Now? Doesn’t she know I am on my lunch?”

“She said to come right away. As in now.”

Dash sighed again before grabbing her helmet and walking away.

“Fine. You four, get back to your posts!”

Flitter groaned.

“What? Why?”

“Because if I am to suffer so do you! Now, back at it!” With a flap of her wings she flew down the hall.

Nightmare Moon sat on her throne just like the day before and the day before that, all through the week. And what a slow week at that, though not unsettling. The week since the near attempt or near successful attempt on her life.

Guards had been tripled around her with a few unicorns with advanced magical combat and defensive magic. Wards were placed around the castle to prevent successful infiltration, Nightmare had two Shadow Guards, two guards that are invisible to the eye and only she could tell where they were through magical means. All courts and civilians were kept away from the castle and any news reporters were brushed aside.

Nightmare didn't want to deal with normal ponies. She needed to deal with just one and she believes she might know where to begin.

Captain Dash came flying in and landing at the bottom of the steps from her throne, bowing to the floor.

“I am here to serve, my Queen. What is your wish?”

Nightmare rose and walked down, brushing her wing past her to rise.

“Walk with me, we are going to do some investigating.”

Dash quickly rose and followed behind. Behind her, two shadows moved along with them.

Nightmare walked through her castle, passing many doors upon the few hallways that led anywhere and everywhere. Dash had a hunch where they were going but she rarely had passed through these hallways. They were lit with blue flames to slowly help guide their way as they passed through.

Approaching two large doors with two, just as large as Nightmare herself, sentries.

They quickly saluted and opened the doors for her. The sign above read 'Dungeons'.

“My queen?” she somewhat paused. “May I ask what are we doing here?”

Nightmare didn't respond and Dash didn't ask again. They walked down the flight of steps that carried them to the deepest part of the castle. No secret that Nightmare Moon had her own dungeon in the castle but this one was kept for the most… extreme cases.

The stairways almost went on forever and the fact that she was in closed spaces made Rainbow Dash a bit on edge. She had dealt with closed spaces before but knowing that she would have to continue underground was unnerving. Still she pushed through.

Nearing the end of the stairs, there was another sentry guarding the doors to the actual dungeon. He saw Nightmare and quickly opened the door before walking in first.

“Is there a prison you wished to see, my queen?” He let them through several empty cells before walking towards the back were the rest where.

Nightmare gave a shake of her head.

“No, but I will let you know when I see them. Are all the assassins that have tried before here?” she asked.

The sentry guard, a stallion by the name of Roadblock, nodded.

“All here, all have been tortured or have been broken down to answer any question you may have for them, my queen, though there are a few that refused to break.”

“Take me to them. Lets see if I can get them to… speak.” she hissed.

The guard nodded and led them on.

They passed several ponies already though these ones were common criminals, theft, arson, Sun Worshipers and so on. No, the dangerous ones where always in the back.

Out of the attempts on her life since her return, there have been a total of 22 assassins. 5 quickly took their lives when they had failed, 4 had been tortured to death and about 2 have been killed off before they could get close. 11 remained and of those, she only had interest in three of them.

Many of them were already broke and accepted their fates there as she passed by, some in fear of her while others didn't seem to notice. The last three cells held three ponies. Two unicorns and a pegasus.

She approached the unicorn, this one being the former Captain of the Guard, Shinning Armor. The pale unicorn had his horn in an inhibitor ring to prevent magic. His fur was matted and dirty while his mane was ruffled and unkempt.

Approaching the cell, Nightmare looked him over.

He was currently asleep, at least he looked that way, with his head down on the best thing close to a dirty mat. Seeing his Cutie Mark, it somewhat seethe Nightmare how close it was to the mare.

With her metal shoe, she kicked the cell loud enough to startle him awake, as well as the nearby prisoners. Shinning shook himself of his sleep and looked towards Nightmare, who was staring him with a stoic expression. Shinning rose up but didn't bother to speak only stretch himself and tried to look uninterested.

“Speak.” she said simply.

He didn't. He remained silent and didn't bother to face her.

A frown appeared before her. She didn't have time to waste so, she spoke for him.

“Another pony tried to kill me a week ago.”

Shinning turned towards her.

“Damn… and your still alive?”

Dash snarled.

“Hey you are no one to speak to the queen like that! You hear? You are nopony!”

Nightmare gently put a hoof on her to calm her down. Shinning stared at them and snorted.

“So what? There will always be somepony after you. Your a tyrant, a murder and a monster. As long as you control the night and Celestia is imprisoned, there will always be an assassin.” He paused as he read her. Her face remained calm yet he saw there was anger in her eyes. Yes, at him two but something else… somepony else. Realization struck him.

“They got close didn't they?” Nightmare remained silent but her frowned deepened. “They actually got close to you? Yeah, I many not get a lot of visitors but the guards around here do like to talk a lot.”

The sentry behind them gave an almost inaudible gulp and took a step back. Shinning snorted with a grin.

“Well, good to know that there is somepony out there that can touch you. Not so high and mighty, are we?”

With a snarl, she used her magic and grabbed hold of his head and rammed it hard against the cell next to her.

“IF you so much as speak like that to me again, I will make sure you know how high and mighty I really am!”

Despite the pain on his face, Shinning still grinned.

“They got you scarred.” he struggled to say. “You came down here looking for answers.” With a growl, Nightmare tossed Shinning to the opposite wall hard. Shinning plumed down to the floor, groaning in pain but still keeping his grin. “You want to know who they are?”

Nightmare kept her growl.

“I want to know how that mare got so close and became so powerful! Where did she learn? Where is she and where she got those blasted Sol Steel from!”

Shinning rubbed his side and struggled to get back up.

“Obviously she is well trained, she had some funds and she is being supported by Princess Celestia's former guards. Probably my old squad, any that got away from you.” He paused and gave a small grin. “Were we failed, she will succeed and Princess Celestia will return.

Another magical grab from her sent Armor up and down the ceiling and floor, hard enough to crack the floor and ceiling, several times. The final had the stallion wheezing and groaning as he struggled to move.

“If you so much as mention her name like that, I will make sure your last days are as painful and as dark than anything you can imgaine!” she said with a venomous rage.

Shinning didn't respond this time as he coughed up some blood trying to speak. He wasn't moving much and his breathing was labored.

“Now if you want medical attention, I suggest you speak up now before I slowly crush what is left of your ribs and you will drown in your blood!”

Now there is the monster we know and hate, allow a pony to slowly suffer and die. Though I think he will die before he would be able to speak to you!

The voice came from the next cell over belonging to the pegasus. Rainbow stared hard at her, knowing who she was. Before, she was her idol, her inspiration and somepony she used to look up to. She was on her bedroom poster, her action figures and more… but now she was another pony who tried to take her Queen's life and was considered scum.

“Does that go for the same for you… Spitfire?” Dash all but snarled.

The orange pegasus with fiery mane all but scoffed at her.

“I think anyone of us in here will die before you can make us speak, Dash.”

Nightmare gave her a small smirk.

“I think that the others will say otherwise. They spoke and ratted you out as the second assassin send after me. I am pretty sure that I can you to speak, just as easily.”

“I got nothing to hide, Nightmare monster,” she snarked. “I already said everything. I tried to kill you, I failed, my fellow pony betrayed me and that is it.”

“So you have no idea who this mare is that tried to kill me recently?”

“Other than that your guards are worthless, they couldn't defend a single pony and that you nearly got your head cut off… pretty sure whoever she is, she is a better unicorn and pony than you'll ever be.” she paused, hearing Dash snarl at her. “Besides… I was here only last year, so I honestly wouldn't know a damn thing about that mare.”

“We shall see.” Nightmare said coolly. “Oh and as for my worthless guards, you might want to tell them that.” she said pointing behind Spitfire.

“Huh?” Spitfire turned and saw two shadows on the wall before pouncing at her.

She screamed as they jumped her and all but held her down.

“What the buck is this?!” she struggled, only for darkness to enclose her.

“These are your Nightmares.” Nightmare said simply.

Nightmare heard Spitfire cry out but was muffled. This all but left one prisoner to examine, though she was silent.

She turned to the final cell and saw the unicorn sitting in the corner. Her back was towards her. An orange coat covered her features with a mane that actually looked like fire. Her body was just as bad as the other prisoners whoever, this one was special. This mare was once the prized pupil of her sister.

“And now we come to you.” she spoke loud enough. The mare heard her but didn't look to her. Nightmare sighed angrily. “And we have another silent type do we?”

The mare's shoulder's gave a small rise and fall, indicating she sighed softly.

“You know, for a pony once considered my sister's prized pupil, your not putting much of a resistance, are you? You came through a magic mirror, in which you claim was another world. Yet, the mirror already closed by the time I got to it. Not sure how it works but I am more than willing to hope that you will tell me how… or this will not end kindly for you.” warned Nightmare.

The mare turned her head over her shoulders. Her green eyes looked to Nightmare.

“Every 30 moons, it opens.” she said softly. “It opens to another world, way different then ours.”

Nightmare gave a grin.

“A new world you say? That means a whole new world to conquer! Another world to cast an eternal night!”

The mare gave a light scoff.

“No magic.” she said softly.

“Hmm?”Nightmare inquired. “What was that?”

“That world carries no magic. Its a stupid little world. No magic, the sun and moon move on their own and the beings that rule there are just as worthless as the ponies here. You would pose no threat over there, especially with your lack of knowledge from there.”

Nightmare would have called her a liar but then again, she didn't have to. If a world where the sun and moon on their own existed and there was no magic over there, then she would be in fact powerless.

“Well then, I hope for your sake, you better be right about that. If what my sources are telling is true, that you ran away from your 'teacher' and hopped into another world. You have been gone for years and now returned. Tell me, would you prefer my world or that one?”

The mare shook her head.

“One has stupid hairless monkeys ruling it while this one has a tyrannical monster ruling it. Either way, its not like you would let me go back.”

Nightmare gave a small grin.

“You are correct. Can't have a 'monkey army' marching through my front door now, can we?”

The mare sighed and kept to herself.

“Well, that was helpful.” commented Dash.

“Indeed it was.” Nightmare said. “We know that Shinning armor may have an idea who the assassin is and that Sunset here, might have magical potential that could be used against me. She may have not like my sister when she left but that still won't stop her from trying something stupid, I pray.”

“And Spitfire?” asked Dash.

“...Well I can't really say much. She is the only one who has no real information She was indeed locked up and has little to any contact to the outside world. As far as they know, she is just another pony waiting for her time… oh well. Kill her…” she said simply. “There is not much you can do with that one. Just like Shinning Armor, she'll die defying me and I hate being denied.”

Dash gulped. She turned to Spitfire who's cried became full screams as the shadows began to slowly swarmed her body and crushing it. Despite her loyalty to Nightmare, Dash couldn't bare to let a pony die, let alone someone she once worshiped. She quickly thought of a plan.

“Wait! If you kill her, she could become a martyr. This would surely get a rise out of the ponies!”

“And tell me, Captain Dash.” she spoke in a harsh manner and her voice full of warning. “Who will know of this? They know she is in a cell, waiting for the day her life comes to a miserable end. What is but me killing her now vs the 40 some years she rots in this prison?”

Dash gulped trying to quickly find something.

“The public will want to know if the once leader of the Wonderbolts is still alive. Not to mention you already told the public that you won't kill anypony if not by your own hooves then by your guards. If this got out, somehow, they might actually come to… fear you, moreso… and the assassin could gain leverage of this. She could use this death against you and then… you'll have a harder time dealing with the ponies.”

Nightmare hummed to herself. The screams of Spitfire continued though they turned to cries of pain as the shadows increased their pressure on her body. Nightmare continued to think while Dash was becoming frantic at each second. She tried not to let it show but she was getting agitated. There was several sickening cracks that echoed through out the room before Nightmare spoke.

“Let her live.” The shadows stopped immediately from killing Spitfire. They slowly retreated from the mare. When they left her body, Spitfire was shaking terribly with blood running from her mouth. Dash instantly knew that at least a few ribs were crushed and her wings were bent in wrong angles.

Dash stared a bit in horror at what remained of her idol. She actually showed it and Nightmare saw. She leaned down to her and spoke softly to her ear.

“Don't let your feelings get in the way or you'll take her place. Now, no word is to get out of what has happened here? Understood?” she asked, though the threat was high in her voice.

Dash gave a shaky salute.

“Yes ma'am!”

“Good, now go and get the medical staff. I at least want them to understand that they will rot here for the rest of their lives before they die.”

With that, she turned and walked away. Dash stared at the form of Spitfire. The mare's breathing was labored but didn't sound like she had any punctured lungs or anything. She would heal… in time. Not being able to look at her again, she turned and quickly followed Nightmare Moon out and to retrieve the doctors.

The rest of the time, Nightmare Moon contemplated her next action, though her thoughts were all but unorganized. She wasn't sure of herself anymore or of anything. Before the mare arrived, she never second guessed herself nor hesitated when it came to her actions.

Yes, she has never killed a pony with her own hooves or magic, but… her guards had. Was it still their blood on her hooves? That mare put a sour note in her mind and the tune was now playing over and over.

She didn't consider herself a monster. She gave ponies their freedom still, she gave them light, with the moon of course. The plants were still growing… if a bit slower and so far, any threat that has come to past has been dealt with.

Discord nearly broke free from the chaos that had spilled over the months she had returned. If not the fact that her guards noticed the cracking statue, she wouldn't have been able to stop him. It took her, her sister and the Elements of Harmony to stop him. Nightmare was indeed powerful but Discord was a literal god. She put every ounce of her magic into the statue making sure that it remained a statue. After that, she locked it away in the deepest part of the old Canterlot castle. There, no chaos would arise.

The next was Chrysalis though the problem was quickly dealt with. She seeked love for her hive and children. She had planned an invasion to secretly invade the pony lands and take their love. However… with Nightmare's take over, love was but a slow thing. Fear ruled and sorrow was consuming the lands. This left a bad taste in their mouths and Chrysalis all but retreated… for now

Sombra was instantly taken care of thanks to a mysterious pony who managed to find the Crystal Heart and use it against the King of Shadows before he did. How she found it or used it was a mystery but she did and wiped the King away. However, the Crystal Empire, powered by love and hope through the Kings death, had locked its borders up when they saw the Eternal Night. A shield was cast over the Empire and closed off any outsiders. What made her more angry about it was the shield held its own natural light, so it was the only lit place in Equestria. The borders may have been closed but that didn't stop ponies from trying to enter.

Tirek was the last problem and to no end, was he the worst. Before her and her sister's reign and even before Discord, he was there. He was the literal translation of 'Devil'; the monster that even made her shudder. As soon as word got out the hell hound 'Cerberus' got loose, she knew that meant that something else was loose. Tarturas held many evils and his evil was the top of it.

Not only did she managed to catch up before he fully escaped and train a single pony's magic, she made sure that his chains had chains. She made sure that he was going to stay there for all of time. Another shudder ran through her. Compared to him, she was a harmless kitten… a kitten with claws.

And that was just the three years into her rule. Now, she had to deal with a unicorn that not only near successfully kill her, but that she might created a resistance that could rally against her. She needed to make something of her and do it quick. She may not want to kill anypony but that won't stop her from trying against somepony that nearly killed her.

This assassin did have training like Shinning Armor said. Both magical and combat, but the spells were a bit more advanced than her average guard, so she was either a high caster or maybe an Archmage, something she would really hate to be true.

If anything from her time traveling counter part has told her something was the mare was indeed powerful, if Nightmare Moon hadn't interfered, she would have become an Alicorn, though there was only one way to do that. Her sister…

She snarled. Her sister had planned to replace her with another alicorn! The process to do so was not easy and the fact that Cadance was one without her sister's help, goes to show that she indeed might still be able to become an alicorn.

Still, if her sister had planned for her to become an alicorn, maybe speed up the process, there might be a book or something that might have helped her. She would have to revisit the old Canterlot castle and see what secrets her sister still has to hide.

As she was to call for a guard, one immediately showed up. The expression on his face told her all she needed to know. She had come back.

“Where?” she simply asked.

The guard was caught up by the question but quickly responded.

“We are not sure where she is at ma'am but we know it is her. The fire was started by magic and its at one of our quarters.”

“Any guards come to harm?” If this mare was serious then the numbers would slowly but surely begin to rise.

“No ma'am.” Nightmare sighed internally. “Few injuries but the fire started slow and when we were aware, we quickly evacuated. Once we made sure all guards were gone, it quickly grew out of control and spread among the other dorms.

Arson wasn't a typical Assassin move unless it was to attack a certain group… or to cause a distraction. But why? To distract her from what? A quick spell and she turned her head to the sides to see her two shadows by her. Then, at least 20 unicorn guards ran in right away. Outside, she saw the shadows of a few more guards fly over head and land on the roof for vigilance.

They were all prepared this time and were ready for anything. She was ready for anything. So she waited.

Waiting was not her strong suite and after ten minutes with nothing happening, she let an annoyed huff.

“Where is she?” she said to herself.

Another guards flew in.

“My queen! The fire has been dealt with and all guards are accounted for. Other than a few burns and some injuries from the damaged building, there are no casualties to report. We lost one whole dorm and another one is a bit burned from the crossing fire but it is mostly intact.”

“As for our Arsonist?” she questioned.

“I am sorry ma'am but we have not found a trace of her. Its like… she caused this for a distraction. We assumed she was after our weapons or supplies but both remain untouched. Though a few maps were taken.”

“Which ones?”

“Nothing important. A few of the dorms, small layouts across the lands, the dungeons, the..”

“The dungeons?” she dared ask.

“Uh… yes my queen.” he paused. “The one below your castle?”

Nightmare then realized all to late what had happened. With a growl, her horn glowed bright. “Shades! To me! All guards, down at the dungeons, NOW!” She roared.

Her two shades instantly latched on her before she disappeared in a flash. Her guards then quickly took off and headed to the dungeons below.

Nightmare landed right in front of the first door. Though she expected to see the sentry, he was there but to the side and unconscious. With a snarl she blasted the door open. Instantly, she saw that a lot of the cells were already empty. She charged forward towards the end with her two shadows right by her side.

At the end, she saw the mare there, grabbing Shinning Armor. Spitfire was on top of Sunset Shimmer and was next to Twilight. She lifted him with his right hoof over her body and carried some of his weight. She turned and saw Nightmare Moon standing there, not looking a bit happy.

“So, the fire was just a distraction? To get my prisoners out.”

Twilight gave her a hard glare.

“I knew that you were evil, but my brother is dying right now! You said you wouldn't kill anypony!”

“Well, your brother did force my hoof, though that did explain how he had some knowledge about you. Maybe I should have hurt him a bit more to get him to tell me you were his blood.”

Sunset saw the two shadows slowly approaching the sides.

“We have got to get out of here. Those things will get us!” she spoke to Twilight.

Twilight saw the approaching shadows.

“Dark magic? Turning your ponies to shadows? You took a page right out of Sombra's book?”

Nightmare gave a grin.

“For all intended purposes, I needed better security in case you came back. I have them and you are not going anywhere.” Her two shadows instantly rushed towards Twilight.

Twilight instantly lit up her horn, though her horn glowed brighter and brighter until it became sudden daylight. The shadows were instantly blown away and the magic that came with it.

Two ponies appeared from the shadows and were knocked to the sides. One being a mare with light blue coat and a near white mane with a wand for a cutie mark while the other mare had a smooth light gray coat with dark purple mane and tail with a heart with arrows pointing towards it, cutie mark.

Her guards were immediately knocked out by the spell and Nightmare growled at the mare.

“Some security.” Commented Twilight, looking a bit sorry for the guards. Her focus then turned to Nightmare who was all but fuming.

“I told you before you can change this. You can change all of this for the better and no pony would have to suffer for it.”

“No pony is suffering because of me!” Snarled Nightmare. “My night is perfect, there is enough light to keep the plants alive and to keep the nights lit.”

“Just enough.” said the mare. “Just enough, but not enough. Soon enough though, the plants will die out because of the heat and you could change them all with magic but you couldn't do that with all of Equestria.”

“And that will not be my problem.” Nightmare said harshly. “If my ponies really depend on it then they will appreciate my light as is.”

The sound of approaching guards was heard and Twilight knew she couldn't take them all on in this environment.

“But it will be and soon, it will be all our problem. You may not see it now, but you will.” She paused then gave her a somber look over. “Is this really what you want to become? Your legacy to be? A mare with jealous intentions who never grew out of her tantrum?”

Nightmare hissed.

“You know nothing of me!”

“I know enough.” she said softly. “I know that you once went by the name of Luna and that you are the younger sister of Celestia. I know that you helped united the 3 pony tribes and helped build Equestria into a better place.”

“And I still do so know.”

The mare shook her head.

“But a better place for who? You or us? It was once your responsibility to help us. To guide us and lead us to a happier life. Before, I get that ponies didn't appreciate your nights but should you have actually payed attention to it all, we really changed to appreciate it all. Your night, your stars, the darkness you bring which is good. We appreciate it now and if you really care for us, then you would see that even now, some of us love your work, even if you did cast eternal night.”

The guards were now right behind Nightmare. She didn't make a move nor did she speak. The mare gave a glance at them before focusing on Nightmare.

“You can change this soon, but if you can't, expect my Insurgency to rise up.”

With that, she tapped Sunset and both unicorns lit their horns. In a flash of purple and orange they both disappeared along with all the prisoners. The guards quickly ran past Nightmare seeing where the mare escaped and checked their fallen comrades.

Nightmare had never felt so tired before and for once in her life, she had felt cold.

Author's Note:

Felt the juices flowing so i kept going, despite not reaching an all time high, i manged to hit 30 likes and more favs in 24 hours! Thanks and expect more.
Oh last second thing, obviously first of shadow guard is Trixie just to clarify, second is goth pony from S5 E14