• Published 14th Jan 2016
  • 3,322 Views, 94 Comments

Of Assassins and Tyrants - Little_Draco

A few years into her rule, an assassin comes for Nightmare Moon, but will she succeed?

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Nightmare's Night

The night held her gentle sway as the moon's light had pierced the center window above the throne. The cascade of the light landed upon the pony in which sat upon her throne, causing her eyes to open and look up. The light was beautiful yes, but what made the moon's light, in her personal opinion was the fact that it carried 3 distinct colors of red, blue and green. All the colors of what once was the proud Alicorn Princess, Celestia, whom was now banished to the moon, just like she was for a thousand years. Nightmare Moon gave a small satisfactory smile. She had done it. She had won. She beat her sister, removed any threats in her way and held her title now as Queen Nightmare Moon of Equestria.

Queen… no sisters to appose her titles, no other royalty to take over her. The other 's whom did have some royalty were either stripped of their status or kept their titles but always remained below her.

Cadance or Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, did keep her title but she remained a… advisor… with much limitations since she was the adopted niece of her once beloved sister. Though Nightmare knew she could find some practical uses for her later.

That left another Royalty to deal with but she wouldn't consider him royalty now, would she. Princess Amadius Blueblood the 20th.

Just saying his name caused her to gag. The low life of Prince was hardly worth his title let alone his name sake. The Blueblood's of her time were true stallion with honor and despite her distaste of her sister, they both shared some ground that Blueblood the 1st was a truly remarkable stallion.

Apparently when they where adopted by Celestia a few centuries earlier somewhere along the line, they either got really stupid or greedy or both. They became brash, arrogant, self-absorbed and considered themselves close to Alicorn status as possible.

Well Nightmare Moon made sure they were no longer close to anything of that. Word hit of Nightmare's return, he tried taking the throne in Celestia's absence and to make a long story short, his status was removed, much to the joy of many Canterlot nobles and was now considered a commoner as the person down the street.

After that, everything fell into place. Resistance formed but was quickly dealt with by her guards. Mass hysteria across Equestria rose only to quell when Nightmare herself came to deal with them and world leaders came to conquer, only to be easily vanquished or be threaten with exile, a place with less… breathable circumstances.

Any who held Celestia still in their hearts where thrown in jail or publicly outsized. Any assassination attempts have been useless and any loyal guards to Celestia were either seized or easily bribed for their services.

Her rule would have been absolute if not for the fact an Alicorn had appeared along side a baby dragon. Yes, she would have no fear if not for her. The fact that she mentioned Time Travel and got away irked her beyond anything. She said she would change the pass yet, everything remained the same. Her rule was still universal, her night never fade to light and her Rule remained unopposed. Maybe she had failed in her conquest and is now somewhere else in time or she is possibly dead to to the magic used to travel through time. Either way, she knew that she was the only thing stopping her, but something told her, that Alicorn won't be coming back.

“My queen!” Her throne doors flew upon as a guard flew by, disturbing her train of thought.

Her two base guards stood by waiting for any surprise if it arose as the guard flew to her. He quickly landed at the base of her throne.

“What is it?” she half snapped.

“Intruder my queen!” he spoke quick and loud. “An intruder has been spotted heading towards the castle!”

Nightmare snarled.

“So take care of it!”

“We tried but...” he gulped. “She is taking out our guards with powerful magic. We haven't been able to stop her and she is heading this way!”

Nightmare jerked back before her snarl turned to a growl.

“A single pony, a mare at that, is taking out your entire guard and you cannot stop her?!”

The guard's ears went flat and he lowered himself.

“I am sorry your majesty but she is… powerful.”

Nightmare was about to lash out when the doors flew open and 10 guards appeared.

“My queen!” One of them yelled. “The intruder is coming this way! We believe she is an assassin!”

An assassin? Again? And she is taking out her guards? Didn't she deal with these already? No matter.

“If she is coming then take her out!” Nightmare yelled. “Bring more guards but so help me she comes anywhere near me, I will use you all as a body shield and a bludgeon! Now form up! If she is powerful well then she will be no match for me!”

With that, at least either more guards came from the sides plus her two personal guards, made at least 21 guards this 'powerful assassin' will have to deal with, plus her. Nightmare had no worry, she had no beating heart and she remained calm. It was just going to be another day for her at work.

It was quite as all the guards around her remain vigilante and combat ready, waiting for anything to happen. Outside, the sounds of broken glass and screams of pain could be heard. Then it stopped when a single pound on the door had all the guards face forward, ready to attack.

“Foolish,” Nightmare commented. “Attack from the front. So foolish.”

Yet, that proved to be wrong, for the next second the glass above exploded to millions of pieces as a form, the assassin, who wore a cloak came through the ceiling and fell straight down. The guards were caught unaware and shielded themselves from the falling glass.

Nightmare quickly used a shield to protect herself from the glass. As the mare fell, Nightmare caught a glimpse and saw that she was purple. Eerily, the color was similar to another pony she had just encountered.

The distraction was all that was needed as the mare launched a spell at the floor. When she landed, it caused a shock wave that sent the grounded guards, the unicorns and earth ponies to either go flying back or knocked off their hooves. The pegasi remained unaffected.

Nightmare growled as the mare adjusted herself and stood before Nightmare. Her face was concealed in her black cloak but her legs and horn weren't and she saw that oh familiar color returning to her. It couldn't be…

Instantly, the pegasi flew after her but with a single blast from her horn, she created a magical repel that blasted away the pegasi, stunning them or knocking them out. The guards that managed to get back up, shock off the blast and quickly charged towards the Assassin.

Just as they got close, she teleported away in a purple flash causing a few to crash into each other while the others stopped and looked for her; just in time for her to deliver a mid-air buck to two guards in the face and blasting the rest away with her magic.

Nightmare was now angry and in a bit of a panic. This assassin not only took out her guard like they were foals but her magic was strong, incredibly strong and that made her nervous. But seeing enough of the display, Nightmare got up from her throne and fired a spell towards the mare.

The mare saw it coming and quickly ducked it before facing Nightmare. Nightmare glared at the mare, the feeling knowing she knew who she was. But this time, she was prepared.

“All your tricks and you have yet to attack me directly.” Taunted Nightmare. “Are we going to have a duel or is this for show, little mare.”

The mare spoke out and despite Nightmare knowing who she was, the voice was different somehow. Harsh, cold and with an edge.

“No duel.” she spoke. “Only your death! Your death just like what you are doing to the ponies and this planet.”

Nightmare gave a snort.

“I have yet to kill a pony, Assassin. I never once shed a drop of pony blood, but for you will make an exception, seeing as how you made quick work of my guards. Other assassin's have tried and failed to kill me before. They may not be dead but they are being tortured. That is my doing. But you, I will make a demonstration out of you and show the world what happens when you mess with me.”

“And here I thought you weren't a monster.” quipped the Assassin. “You took out Celestia and banished her. You say you never killed anypony but you did and you are slowly killing us all by letting the food and plant life die!” she spat on the ground. “You considered yourself a merciful tyrant because you don't kill but in the end when the life dies out by the cold, then you are no different then the worst monster in history! You might as well stayed on the moon if you want everything cold and dead!”

“YOU DARE!” roared Nightmare. “I am no monster! I am a Queen! I have saved these ponies from my sister's idiotic rule! She wanted peace between us yet she never knew when to fight back! It was I who fought most of the battles! I defeated Kings, conquers and the monsters themselves! Yet, where was my light? History knew me as the monster of the night, as nothing more than a foal's nightmare when I fought. When they all went to sleep, they forgot I was the one who protected their dreams. I was the one who protected them from the dark.

“And now you covered the world in darkness.” spoke out the mare, harsh and cruel. “You fought the monster and you let yourself become the one thing you fought! Not only that but you let your jealousy get you! Jealousy that your sister was in the light while you were in the back, letting your personal emotions get the best of you.”

“And what would you know, Mare!” lashed Nightmare. “You know nothing! You were not there when I was cast as the shadow of my sister. You were not stood aside as someone your equal was seen as the savior and yourself as the lesser! You, an assassin! Or better yet, the mare who tried to change the past! The mare whom traveled through time and tried to change the future! Do not hide your face from me no more! I know who you are!”

The assassin in question, didn't speak. In fact all she did was tilt her head before slowly pulling her hood back to reveal her face.

Nightmare would have been smug if not for the fact that despite this looking exactly like the Alicorn that traveled through time, there was something way different from her. The lack of wings showed that she was no alicorn, just a regular unicorn. Along with that was the number of scars that encompassed her body with a few patches of fur missing. And was most notably was this mare had a different expression. Confusion was on it for now, but Nightmare saw through her eyes and saw that this mare experienced hardship, anger, loss and most importantly no hope to vacate them.

The Alicorn that had come by was confused, saddness and a bit anger but there was not malice, hatred or anything that this mare had on her. Its as if these to ponies where to completely different ponies.

With a steady voice, she spoke out. “Who are you?”

She blinked, before seeing Nightmare lower her guard. “Your death!” she cried!

Her cloak exploded as sliver blades flew towards her at blinding speed.

Out of reflex, Nightmare Moon flinched and raised a shield to protect her as the projectiles came for her. However, something caused her pain as backlash from her magic.

When she opened her eyes, she looked towards the mare who had her horn lit. Nightmare saw that her shield… her own shield have been pierced, which explained the pain and that now, the blades surrounded her neck, slowly circling around.

Nightmare gasped. How? How could they go through her shield? She was the most powerful caster and she put up the strongest shield. Yet, the blades had easily sliced right through and now, now they were less than an inch away from her neck. She could be dead and by all rights she should be dead.

Something snapped and Nightmare felt cress fallen. Sadness and anger encompassed her as she realized that her rule would have ended. She could have lost her life and that would be it. She wanted to scream, to shout, to cry… knowing how close to death she could have been. She maybe an alicorn and could survive a number of injuries but these blades, they went through her magic like nothing and could have taken her head right off.

There is no coming back from that. Not even for her. Tears threaten to swell at the edge of her eyes but she growled and held back as she looked towards the mare. She held her magic but her demeanor was calm.

“Sol Steel,” she simply said.

Nightmare's eyes went wide. Of course. Her sister's infused magic with metal. Only that was rare and was only used for weapons by her to kill monsters unworthy of Tarturas. She had her Lunar steel but… only had one blade made from it.

Her sister, despite being on the moon, still would come back to haunt her. A mare no less, had gain her precious metal and was just about to end her life. So, she should be dead by all accounts. Yet she wasn't… why?

She gazed at the mare, her burning question through her eyes.

She stared back at her though the anger had remained, their was a calmness around her.

“My job was to kill you. I was supposed to end your life and your reign of terror would be over!”

Nightmare was literally staring death in the face but, she knew this mare wouldn't kill her.

“So why don't you?” she almost taunted. The gulp she made was almost audible. “I am no match for Sol Steel and you can end me here and now. I wouldn't be able to make a move before those blades enter my neck.”

The mare stared at her, trying to find any deception in her words.

“You may not have killed a pony before but neither have I. I was trained for 3 years, ever since you came back from your exile, to be the one to kill you. I figured in that time, others would succeed so I didn't have too. When they all failed, I realized my time was coming up.” She paused. “There was chaos, violence and all that when you came back. You couldn't quickly solve all the problems of crime so that left my family vulnerable. My brother was in the guard and I was still in school...” Her voice faded, sadness taking over. “My parents got robbed in our house and they were attack by some crazy stallion who believed that this was the end of times. He barged into my home, quickly attacking my family, killing my dad and hurting my mom before stealing all the food and supplies so he could survive.” No tears came from her face, almost as she had no more tears to shed. She growled and stared hard at Nightmare. “By all accounts its your fault!” She yelled.

The blades moved close and where pushing hard against her neck, barely pushing the skin. Nightmare's neck stiffened and she held her breath.

“If you hadn't come back, my parents would still be here! My dad wouldn't be dead and my mother wouldn't be in the hospital! My brother and I could have protected them! I could have protected them! I could have...”

Her voice dropped and she softly wept. The blades still pressed on Nightmare's neck so she dared not moved nor plan anything. Yet she couldn't, the mare's story somewhat affected her.

She unintentionally killed a pony. A pony that didn't deserve it. A pony who would probably worked night or day to get his daughter to school. How many more ponies died unintentionally because of her? How many suffered, while her jealousy got the better of her?

Why did this mare, this single mare make her question her motives or goals? Why did she suddenly care? Was it the knifes inching at her neck? The lack of knowledge of what really happened upon her sudden reign?

For the first time in a long time, she let out a equine sigh.

“I am sorry.” she said softly.

The mare's ear twitched when she heard it. She slowly raised her head and looked towards Nightmare. Her eyes held anger but also wanted to make sure her ears didn't deceive her.

“I am sorry… for what has happened.” She repeated. She gazed upon the mare. “I never meant to get anypony killed. Just like my sister, I loved my fellow ponies. I would do anything for them.”

The mare looked for any deception, any trick to her words, yet found none. The words were generic and true.

The blades slowly retreated from Nightmare's neck and flew back towards the mare. She latched them all to her body before looking at Nightmare.

At any moment she could be attacked by Nightmare and really have a reason to throw them back at her. But she didn't. Either because she knew that or she was really regretting her choices.

The mare saw that her guards were slowly rising. Releasing this is her cue to leave, she charged her horn to teleport. However, she gave Nightmare a once over.

“You can start by making sure no more ponies die… we won't survive without the sun for very long. You and I both know that.” And with that, she disappeared in a flash.

Her guards rose up and surveyed their surroundings before quickly looking to Nightmare.

“My queen? Are you well?” one asked. She remained silent only staring blankly where the mare once stood. “My queen?”

The others looked at her worried, before the leader, quickly looked towards the others.

“All of you! Scout around for the Assassin! Find any traces of her and bring her back! She clearly has affected her Majesty! Get patrols on around the clock. Move it!”

“Sir yes sir!” They all saluted before scattering to different locations. Nightmare remained stoic and unresponsive. Even as the guards scrambled around her, she didn't hear them. Her mind was a million miles away yet she has never felt so confused or troubled.

With a small sigh, she lifted her head towards the moon. She saw the Mare on the Moon that was her sister. A touch of sadness entered her heart. Her horn glowed… the moon began to shine and move.

Author's Note:

So this was bugging me for years with no start up poit. S5E26 kinda pushed it forward and during my 'hibernation' this let me bring into to life along with another story. Not sure if this is one shot or if this will continue on just gonna wait and see.