> Of Assassins and Tyrants > by Little_Draco > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Nightmare's Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night held her gentle sway as the moon's light had pierced the center window above the throne. The cascade of the light landed upon the pony in which sat upon her throne, causing her eyes to open and look up. The light was beautiful yes, but what made the moon's light, in her personal opinion was the fact that it carried 3 distinct colors of red, blue and green. All the colors of what once was the proud Alicorn Princess, Celestia, whom was now banished to the moon, just like she was for a thousand years. Nightmare Moon gave a small satisfactory smile. She had done it. She had won. She beat her sister, removed any threats in her way and held her title now as Queen Nightmare Moon of Equestria. Queen… no sisters to appose her titles, no other royalty to take over her. The other 's whom did have some royalty were either stripped of their status or kept their titles but always remained below her. Cadance or Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, did keep her title but she remained a… advisor… with much limitations since she was the adopted niece of her once beloved sister. Though Nightmare knew she could find some practical uses for her later. That left another Royalty to deal with but she wouldn't consider him royalty now, would she. Princess Amadius Blueblood the 20th. Just saying his name caused her to gag. The low life of Prince was hardly worth his title let alone his name sake. The Blueblood's of her time were true stallion with honor and despite her distaste of her sister, they both shared some ground that Blueblood the 1st was a truly remarkable stallion. Apparently when they where adopted by Celestia a few centuries earlier somewhere along the line, they either got really stupid or greedy or both. They became brash, arrogant, self-absorbed and considered themselves close to Alicorn status as possible. Well Nightmare Moon made sure they were no longer close to anything of that. Word hit of Nightmare's return, he tried taking the throne in Celestia's absence and to make a long story short, his status was removed, much to the joy of many Canterlot nobles and was now considered a commoner as the person down the street. After that, everything fell into place. Resistance formed but was quickly dealt with by her guards. Mass hysteria across Equestria rose only to quell when Nightmare herself came to deal with them and world leaders came to conquer, only to be easily vanquished or be threaten with exile, a place with less… breathable circumstances. Any who held Celestia still in their hearts where thrown in jail or publicly outsized. Any assassination attempts have been useless and any loyal guards to Celestia were either seized or easily bribed for their services. Her rule would have been absolute if not for the fact an Alicorn had appeared along side a baby dragon. Yes, she would have no fear if not for her. The fact that she mentioned Time Travel and got away irked her beyond anything. She said she would change the pass yet, everything remained the same. Her rule was still universal, her night never fade to light and her Rule remained unopposed. Maybe she had failed in her conquest and is now somewhere else in time or she is possibly dead to to the magic used to travel through time. Either way, she knew that she was the only thing stopping her, but something told her, that Alicorn won't be coming back. “My queen!” Her throne doors flew upon as a guard flew by, disturbing her train of thought. Her two base guards stood by waiting for any surprise if it arose as the guard flew to her. He quickly landed at the base of her throne. “What is it?” she half snapped. “Intruder my queen!” he spoke quick and loud. “An intruder has been spotted heading towards the castle!” Nightmare snarled. “So take care of it!” “We tried but...” he gulped. “She is taking out our guards with powerful magic. We haven't been able to stop her and she is heading this way!” Nightmare jerked back before her snarl turned to a growl. “A single pony, a mare at that, is taking out your entire guard and you cannot stop her?!” The guard's ears went flat and he lowered himself. “I am sorry your majesty but she is… powerful.” Nightmare was about to lash out when the doors flew open and 10 guards appeared. “My queen!” One of them yelled. “The intruder is coming this way! We believe she is an assassin!” An assassin? Again? And she is taking out her guards? Didn't she deal with these already? No matter. “If she is coming then take her out!” Nightmare yelled. “Bring more guards but so help me she comes anywhere near me, I will use you all as a body shield and a bludgeon! Now form up! If she is powerful well then she will be no match for me!” With that, at least either more guards came from the sides plus her two personal guards, made at least 21 guards this 'powerful assassin' will have to deal with, plus her. Nightmare had no worry, she had no beating heart and she remained calm. It was just going to be another day for her at work. It was quite as all the guards around her remain vigilante and combat ready, waiting for anything to happen. Outside, the sounds of broken glass and screams of pain could be heard. Then it stopped when a single pound on the door had all the guards face forward, ready to attack. “Foolish,” Nightmare commented. “Attack from the front. So foolish.” Yet, that proved to be wrong, for the next second the glass above exploded to millions of pieces as a form, the assassin, who wore a cloak came through the ceiling and fell straight down. The guards were caught unaware and shielded themselves from the falling glass. Nightmare quickly used a shield to protect herself from the glass. As the mare fell, Nightmare caught a glimpse and saw that she was purple. Eerily, the color was similar to another pony she had just encountered. The distraction was all that was needed as the mare launched a spell at the floor. When she landed, it caused a shock wave that sent the grounded guards, the unicorns and earth ponies to either go flying back or knocked off their hooves. The pegasi remained unaffected. Nightmare growled as the mare adjusted herself and stood before Nightmare. Her face was concealed in her black cloak but her legs and horn weren't and she saw that oh familiar color returning to her. It couldn't be… Instantly, the pegasi flew after her but with a single blast from her horn, she created a magical repel that blasted away the pegasi, stunning them or knocking them out. The guards that managed to get back up, shock off the blast and quickly charged towards the Assassin. Just as they got close, she teleported away in a purple flash causing a few to crash into each other while the others stopped and looked for her; just in time for her to deliver a mid-air buck to two guards in the face and blasting the rest away with her magic. Nightmare was now angry and in a bit of a panic. This assassin not only took out her guard like they were foals but her magic was strong, incredibly strong and that made her nervous. But seeing enough of the display, Nightmare got up from her throne and fired a spell towards the mare. The mare saw it coming and quickly ducked it before facing Nightmare. Nightmare glared at the mare, the feeling knowing she knew who she was. But this time, she was prepared. “All your tricks and you have yet to attack me directly.” Taunted Nightmare. “Are we going to have a duel or is this for show, little mare.” The mare spoke out and despite Nightmare knowing who she was, the voice was different somehow. Harsh, cold and with an edge. “No duel.” she spoke. “Only your death! Your death just like what you are doing to the ponies and this planet.” Nightmare gave a snort. “I have yet to kill a pony, Assassin. I never once shed a drop of pony blood, but for you will make an exception, seeing as how you made quick work of my guards. Other assassin's have tried and failed to kill me before. They may not be dead but they are being tortured. That is my doing. But you, I will make a demonstration out of you and show the world what happens when you mess with me.” “And here I thought you weren't a monster.” quipped the Assassin. “You took out Celestia and banished her. You say you never killed anypony but you did and you are slowly killing us all by letting the food and plant life die!” she spat on the ground. “You considered yourself a merciful tyrant because you don't kill but in the end when the life dies out by the cold, then you are no different then the worst monster in history! You might as well stayed on the moon if you want everything cold and dead!” “YOU DARE!” roared Nightmare. “I am no monster! I am a Queen! I have saved these ponies from my sister's idiotic rule! She wanted peace between us yet she never knew when to fight back! It was I who fought most of the battles! I defeated Kings, conquers and the monsters themselves! Yet, where was my light? History knew me as the monster of the night, as nothing more than a foal's nightmare when I fought. When they all went to sleep, they forgot I was the one who protected their dreams. I was the one who protected them from the dark. “And now you covered the world in darkness.” spoke out the mare, harsh and cruel. “You fought the monster and you let yourself become the one thing you fought! Not only that but you let your jealousy get you! Jealousy that your sister was in the light while you were in the back, letting your personal emotions get the best of you.” “And what would you know, Mare!” lashed Nightmare. “You know nothing! You were not there when I was cast as the shadow of my sister. You were not stood aside as someone your equal was seen as the savior and yourself as the lesser! You, an assassin! Or better yet, the mare who tried to change the past! The mare whom traveled through time and tried to change the future! Do not hide your face from me no more! I know who you are!” The assassin in question, didn't speak. In fact all she did was tilt her head before slowly pulling her hood back to reveal her face. Nightmare would have been smug if not for the fact that despite this looking exactly like the Alicorn that traveled through time, there was something way different from her. The lack of wings showed that she was no alicorn, just a regular unicorn. Along with that was the number of scars that encompassed her body with a few patches of fur missing. And was most notably was this mare had a different expression. Confusion was on it for now, but Nightmare saw through her eyes and saw that this mare experienced hardship, anger, loss and most importantly no hope to vacate them. The Alicorn that had come by was confused, saddness and a bit anger but there was not malice, hatred or anything that this mare had on her. Its as if these to ponies where to completely different ponies. With a steady voice, she spoke out. “Who are you?” She blinked, before seeing Nightmare lower her guard. “Your death!” she cried! Her cloak exploded as sliver blades flew towards her at blinding speed. Out of reflex, Nightmare Moon flinched and raised a shield to protect her as the projectiles came for her. However, something caused her pain as backlash from her magic. When she opened her eyes, she looked towards the mare who had her horn lit. Nightmare saw that her shield… her own shield have been pierced, which explained the pain and that now, the blades surrounded her neck, slowly circling around. Nightmare gasped. How? How could they go through her shield? She was the most powerful caster and she put up the strongest shield. Yet, the blades had easily sliced right through and now, now they were less than an inch away from her neck. She could be dead and by all rights she should be dead. Something snapped and Nightmare felt cress fallen. Sadness and anger encompassed her as she realized that her rule would have ended. She could have lost her life and that would be it. She wanted to scream, to shout, to cry… knowing how close to death she could have been. She maybe an alicorn and could survive a number of injuries but these blades, they went through her magic like nothing and could have taken her head right off. There is no coming back from that. Not even for her. Tears threaten to swell at the edge of her eyes but she growled and held back as she looked towards the mare. She held her magic but her demeanor was calm. “Sol Steel,” she simply said. Nightmare's eyes went wide. Of course. Her sister's infused magic with metal. Only that was rare and was only used for weapons by her to kill monsters unworthy of Tarturas. She had her Lunar steel but… only had one blade made from it. Her sister, despite being on the moon, still would come back to haunt her. A mare no less, had gain her precious metal and was just about to end her life. So, she should be dead by all accounts. Yet she wasn't… why? She gazed at the mare, her burning question through her eyes. She stared back at her though the anger had remained, their was a calmness around her. “My job was to kill you. I was supposed to end your life and your reign of terror would be over!” Nightmare was literally staring death in the face but, she knew this mare wouldn't kill her. “So why don't you?” she almost taunted. The gulp she made was almost audible. “I am no match for Sol Steel and you can end me here and now. I wouldn't be able to make a move before those blades enter my neck.” The mare stared at her, trying to find any deception in her words. “You may not have killed a pony before but neither have I. I was trained for 3 years, ever since you came back from your exile, to be the one to kill you. I figured in that time, others would succeed so I didn't have too. When they all failed, I realized my time was coming up.” She paused. “There was chaos, violence and all that when you came back. You couldn't quickly solve all the problems of crime so that left my family vulnerable. My brother was in the guard and I was still in school...” Her voice faded, sadness taking over. “My parents got robbed in our house and they were attack by some crazy stallion who believed that this was the end of times. He barged into my home, quickly attacking my family, killing my dad and hurting my mom before stealing all the food and supplies so he could survive.” No tears came from her face, almost as she had no more tears to shed. She growled and stared hard at Nightmare. “By all accounts its your fault!” She yelled. The blades moved close and where pushing hard against her neck, barely pushing the skin. Nightmare's neck stiffened and she held her breath. “If you hadn't come back, my parents would still be here! My dad wouldn't be dead and my mother wouldn't be in the hospital! My brother and I could have protected them! I could have protected them! I could have...” Her voice dropped and she softly wept. The blades still pressed on Nightmare's neck so she dared not moved nor plan anything. Yet she couldn't, the mare's story somewhat affected her. She unintentionally killed a pony. A pony that didn't deserve it. A pony who would probably worked night or day to get his daughter to school. How many more ponies died unintentionally because of her? How many suffered, while her jealousy got the better of her? Why did this mare, this single mare make her question her motives or goals? Why did she suddenly care? Was it the knifes inching at her neck? The lack of knowledge of what really happened upon her sudden reign? For the first time in a long time, she let out a equine sigh. “I am sorry.” she said softly. The mare's ear twitched when she heard it. She slowly raised her head and looked towards Nightmare. Her eyes held anger but also wanted to make sure her ears didn't deceive her. “I am sorry… for what has happened.” She repeated. She gazed upon the mare. “I never meant to get anypony killed. Just like my sister, I loved my fellow ponies. I would do anything for them.” The mare looked for any deception, any trick to her words, yet found none. The words were generic and true. The blades slowly retreated from Nightmare's neck and flew back towards the mare. She latched them all to her body before looking at Nightmare. At any moment she could be attacked by Nightmare and really have a reason to throw them back at her. But she didn't. Either because she knew that or she was really regretting her choices. The mare saw that her guards were slowly rising. Releasing this is her cue to leave, she charged her horn to teleport. However, she gave Nightmare a once over. “You can start by making sure no more ponies die… we won't survive without the sun for very long. You and I both know that.” And with that, she disappeared in a flash. Her guards rose up and surveyed their surroundings before quickly looking to Nightmare. “My queen? Are you well?” one asked. She remained silent only staring blankly where the mare once stood. “My queen?” The others looked at her worried, before the leader, quickly looked towards the others. “All of you! Scout around for the Assassin! Find any traces of her and bring her back! She clearly has affected her Majesty! Get patrols on around the clock. Move it!” “Sir yes sir!” They all saluted before scattering to different locations. Nightmare remained stoic and unresponsive. Even as the guards scrambled around her, she didn't hear them. Her mind was a million miles away yet she has never felt so confused or troubled. With a small sigh, she lifted her head towards the moon. She saw the Mare on the Moon that was her sister. A touch of sadness entered her heart. Her horn glowed… the moon began to shine and move. > Rise of the Insurgency > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Everfree news now, Nightmare Moon's palace had been invaded by an Assassin who planned to kill Queen Nightmare Moon herself. Word has spread around that the attempted Assassination had nearly been successful with the pony managing to take out all of the Nightmare Guards before Nightmare herself had intervened and stopped the assassin. However, sources are saying that the pony managed to get away before they could be detained. At least 40 Guards around the palace had been taken on by a single mare. Of the 40, 12 lie in the hospital with heavy but non-life threatening injuries and the rest only suffered minor injuries. What many ponies across the land are calling this, 'The closest Assassination attempt in years.' Many of the opposing ponies of Nightmare Moon are celebrating the Assassin as a hero. However, the Shadowbolts where quickly dispatched to detain any ponies who support the Assassin. It is being determined that this is the same Assassin who had taken out the King of Shadows, Sombra, who after a thousand years returned. Many of the guards deny the accusation of the returning King of the Crystal Empire however, sources lead out that despite that Nightmare Moon had claimed to have defeated the Shadow King, the Assassin was the one who took on Sombra, using the Crystal Heart from the Empire against him. The Crystal Empire has been freed from the Shadow King but have locked their borders to the outside world due to Nightmare's rule. Word has quickly spread out of this event and some are beginning to believe in an 'new age' where there is no more Nightmare Moon. Many believe that this Assassin will have started a revolution or has already started an “Insurgency' against Nightmare Moon. “Bah!” cried out a pegasus. She crumbled up the newspaper before throwing it to the side. “What a lord of horseapples!” She slammed her hoof hard on the table, shaking the contents. Around her sat four other guards, all calmly looking at their captain. They all sat around the table in the mess all with a few other guards on lunch as well. “Jeeze, Cap, you don't sound so good.” mocked one of the stallion guards. “Shove it, Thunderlane! I don't want to hear! I'm already annoyed as is!” “Oh, by getting your tail kicked by a single mare?” asked the female guard, she asked oh so innocently. “It didn't look like much of a fight.” “Hey, that mare had freckin high level magic.” countered another stallion guard. “She was powerful enough to take us all out, including you, and nearly killed Nightmare. Captain Dash here has the right to be pissed.” “Stay off my side, Maelstrom. And Flitter, shut up. You were knocked unconscious before you even knew the mare was there so if I were you I would shut your trap. Even Derpy could take a harder hit from her and she would still be able to function.” The other two guards laughed at Flitter's expense as she grumbled to herself. Dash sighed. “Now because of her, I will never be able to join the Shadowbolts. They're going to think I am weak sauce after losing to her.” The other guards calmed down before the final one spoke out. “Ah come on boss.” spoke out Lightning Dust. “You still wanna try out for that team? They are weak compared to the Nightmare Guard.” “Hey, they aren't weak!” lashed out Rainbow Dash. “They took on the Wonderbolts… who I used to care for… and half the Solar Guard. They are as badass as the Guards, if not moreso because they actually do combat missions and stealth operations.” “Um, so do we!” Flitter said in a snark. “We are Nightmare Guards, we can do the same they can.” “Yeah, but they do it with speed, skill and...” she leaned in with a grin. “Without limitations.” She kept her grin and leaned out. “As guards, we have a duty to protect and serve Nightmare, as well as the population. We can send or throw 'neighsayers' of Nightmare Moon to jail or have them detained or whatever but a Shadowbolt, they could do a lot more and get away with it. Nightmare is not into bloodshed but that won't mean she will send others to do it. That is why Dash wants to join and that is why I'm going to join.” “You just said there weak, now you want to join them?” commented Thunderlane. “What can I say, I am a bigot sometimes, but that don't mean I am wrong? Right boss?” Flitter, Maelstrom and Thunderlane looked at one another before turning to their Captain. “That true boss?” Dash studied them and their facial expressions trying to read any of them. Determining that they were just asking a simple question, she shook her head. “I am not in it to hurt ponies, I just want to join for the speed. Just like the Wonderbolts, I am only in it for the stunts, fame and the thrill of it, that is all.” Lighting Dust scoffed. “That's lame, you might as well try to bring back the Wonderbolts and join their prissy little team. That way you can do all your little tricks and shows with no real value to it.” Dash snarled at Lightning Dust but was caught off when another guard cleared his throat. “Captain Dash.” Dash kept her face towards Lightning Dust before speaking. “What is it?” she half snarled. “Queen Nightmare Moon wishes to speak to you.” Dash lost her snarl and sighed angrily. “Now? Doesn’t she know I am on my lunch?” “She said to come right away. As in now.” Dash sighed again before grabbing her helmet and walking away. “Fine. You four, get back to your posts!” Flitter groaned. “What? Why?” “Because if I am to suffer so do you! Now, back at it!” With a flap of her wings she flew down the hall. Nightmare Moon sat on her throne just like the day before and the day before that, all through the week. And what a slow week at that, though not unsettling. The week since the near attempt or near successful attempt on her life. Guards had been tripled around her with a few unicorns with advanced magical combat and defensive magic. Wards were placed around the castle to prevent successful infiltration, Nightmare had two Shadow Guards, two guards that are invisible to the eye and only she could tell where they were through magical means. All courts and civilians were kept away from the castle and any news reporters were brushed aside. Nightmare didn't want to deal with normal ponies. She needed to deal with just one and she believes she might know where to begin. Captain Dash came flying in and landing at the bottom of the steps from her throne, bowing to the floor. “I am here to serve, my Queen. What is your wish?” Nightmare rose and walked down, brushing her wing past her to rise. “Walk with me, we are going to do some investigating.” Dash quickly rose and followed behind. Behind her, two shadows moved along with them. Nightmare walked through her castle, passing many doors upon the few hallways that led anywhere and everywhere. Dash had a hunch where they were going but she rarely had passed through these hallways. They were lit with blue flames to slowly help guide their way as they passed through. Approaching two large doors with two, just as large as Nightmare herself, sentries. They quickly saluted and opened the doors for her. The sign above read 'Dungeons'. “My queen?” she somewhat paused. “May I ask what are we doing here?” Nightmare didn't respond and Dash didn't ask again. They walked down the flight of steps that carried them to the deepest part of the castle. No secret that Nightmare Moon had her own dungeon in the castle but this one was kept for the most… extreme cases. The stairways almost went on forever and the fact that she was in closed spaces made Rainbow Dash a bit on edge. She had dealt with closed spaces before but knowing that she would have to continue underground was unnerving. Still she pushed through. Nearing the end of the stairs, there was another sentry guarding the doors to the actual dungeon. He saw Nightmare and quickly opened the door before walking in first. “Is there a prison you wished to see, my queen?” He let them through several empty cells before walking towards the back were the rest where. Nightmare gave a shake of her head. “No, but I will let you know when I see them. Are all the assassins that have tried before here?” she asked. The sentry guard, a stallion by the name of Roadblock, nodded. “All here, all have been tortured or have been broken down to answer any question you may have for them, my queen, though there are a few that refused to break.” “Take me to them. Lets see if I can get them to… speak.” she hissed. The guard nodded and led them on. They passed several ponies already though these ones were common criminals, theft, arson, Sun Worshipers and so on. No, the dangerous ones where always in the back. Out of the attempts on her life since her return, there have been a total of 22 assassins. 5 quickly took their lives when they had failed, 4 had been tortured to death and about 2 have been killed off before they could get close. 11 remained and of those, she only had interest in three of them. Many of them were already broke and accepted their fates there as she passed by, some in fear of her while others didn't seem to notice. The last three cells held three ponies. Two unicorns and a pegasus. She approached the unicorn, this one being the former Captain of the Guard, Shinning Armor. The pale unicorn had his horn in an inhibitor ring to prevent magic. His fur was matted and dirty while his mane was ruffled and unkempt. Approaching the cell, Nightmare looked him over. He was currently asleep, at least he looked that way, with his head down on the best thing close to a dirty mat. Seeing his Cutie Mark, it somewhat seethe Nightmare how close it was to the mare. With her metal shoe, she kicked the cell loud enough to startle him awake, as well as the nearby prisoners. Shinning shook himself of his sleep and looked towards Nightmare, who was staring him with a stoic expression. Shinning rose up but didn't bother to speak only stretch himself and tried to look uninterested. “Speak.” she said simply. He didn't. He remained silent and didn't bother to face her. A frown appeared before her. She didn't have time to waste so, she spoke for him. “Another pony tried to kill me a week ago.” Shinning turned towards her. “Damn… and your still alive?” Dash snarled. “Hey you are no one to speak to the queen like that! You hear? You are nopony!” Nightmare gently put a hoof on her to calm her down. Shinning stared at them and snorted. “So what? There will always be somepony after you. Your a tyrant, a murder and a monster. As long as you control the night and Celestia is imprisoned, there will always be an assassin.” He paused as he read her. Her face remained calm yet he saw there was anger in her eyes. Yes, at him two but something else… somepony else. Realization struck him. “They got close didn't they?” Nightmare remained silent but her frowned deepened. “They actually got close to you? Yeah, I many not get a lot of visitors but the guards around here do like to talk a lot.” The sentry behind them gave an almost inaudible gulp and took a step back. Shinning snorted with a grin. “Well, good to know that there is somepony out there that can touch you. Not so high and mighty, are we?” With a snarl, she used her magic and grabbed hold of his head and rammed it hard against the cell next to her. “IF you so much as speak like that to me again, I will make sure you know how high and mighty I really am!” Despite the pain on his face, Shinning still grinned. “They got you scarred.” he struggled to say. “You came down here looking for answers.” With a growl, Nightmare tossed Shinning to the opposite wall hard. Shinning plumed down to the floor, groaning in pain but still keeping his grin. “You want to know who they are?” Nightmare kept her growl. “I want to know how that mare got so close and became so powerful! Where did she learn? Where is she and where she got those blasted Sol Steel from!” Shinning rubbed his side and struggled to get back up. “Obviously she is well trained, she had some funds and she is being supported by Princess Celestia's former guards. Probably my old squad, any that got away from you.” He paused and gave a small grin. “Were we failed, she will succeed and Princess Celestia will return. Another magical grab from her sent Armor up and down the ceiling and floor, hard enough to crack the floor and ceiling, several times. The final had the stallion wheezing and groaning as he struggled to move. “If you so much as mention her name like that, I will make sure your last days are as painful and as dark than anything you can imgaine!” she said with a venomous rage. Shinning didn't respond this time as he coughed up some blood trying to speak. He wasn't moving much and his breathing was labored. “Now if you want medical attention, I suggest you speak up now before I slowly crush what is left of your ribs and you will drown in your blood!” “Now there is the monster we know and hate, allow a pony to slowly suffer and die. Though I think he will die before he would be able to speak to you!” The voice came from the next cell over belonging to the pegasus. Rainbow stared hard at her, knowing who she was. Before, she was her idol, her inspiration and somepony she used to look up to. She was on her bedroom poster, her action figures and more… but now she was another pony who tried to take her Queen's life and was considered scum. “Does that go for the same for you… Spitfire?” Dash all but snarled. The orange pegasus with fiery mane all but scoffed at her. “I think anyone of us in here will die before you can make us speak, Dash.” Nightmare gave her a small smirk. “I think that the others will say otherwise. They spoke and ratted you out as the second assassin send after me. I am pretty sure that I can you to speak, just as easily.” “I got nothing to hide, Nightmare monster,” she snarked. “I already said everything. I tried to kill you, I failed, my fellow pony betrayed me and that is it.” “So you have no idea who this mare is that tried to kill me recently?” “Other than that your guards are worthless, they couldn't defend a single pony and that you nearly got your head cut off… pretty sure whoever she is, she is a better unicorn and pony than you'll ever be.” she paused, hearing Dash snarl at her. “Besides… I was here only last year, so I honestly wouldn't know a damn thing about that mare.” “We shall see.” Nightmare said coolly. “Oh and as for my worthless guards, you might want to tell them that.” she said pointing behind Spitfire. “Huh?” Spitfire turned and saw two shadows on the wall before pouncing at her. She screamed as they jumped her and all but held her down. “What the buck is this?!” she struggled, only for darkness to enclose her. “These are your Nightmares.” Nightmare said simply. Nightmare heard Spitfire cry out but was muffled. This all but left one prisoner to examine, though she was silent. She turned to the final cell and saw the unicorn sitting in the corner. Her back was towards her. An orange coat covered her features with a mane that actually looked like fire. Her body was just as bad as the other prisoners whoever, this one was special. This mare was once the prized pupil of her sister. “And now we come to you.” she spoke loud enough. The mare heard her but didn't look to her. Nightmare sighed angrily. “And we have another silent type do we?” The mare's shoulder's gave a small rise and fall, indicating she sighed softly. “You know, for a pony once considered my sister's prized pupil, your not putting much of a resistance, are you? You came through a magic mirror, in which you claim was another world. Yet, the mirror already closed by the time I got to it. Not sure how it works but I am more than willing to hope that you will tell me how… or this will not end kindly for you.” warned Nightmare. The mare turned her head over her shoulders. Her green eyes looked to Nightmare. “Every 30 moons, it opens.” she said softly. “It opens to another world, way different then ours.” Nightmare gave a grin. “A new world you say? That means a whole new world to conquer! Another world to cast an eternal night!” The mare gave a light scoff. “No magic.” she said softly. “Hmm?”Nightmare inquired. “What was that?” “That world carries no magic. Its a stupid little world. No magic, the sun and moon move on their own and the beings that rule there are just as worthless as the ponies here. You would pose no threat over there, especially with your lack of knowledge from there.” Nightmare would have called her a liar but then again, she didn't have to. If a world where the sun and moon on their own existed and there was no magic over there, then she would be in fact powerless. “Well then, I hope for your sake, you better be right about that. If what my sources are telling is true, that you ran away from your 'teacher' and hopped into another world. You have been gone for years and now returned. Tell me, would you prefer my world or that one?” The mare shook her head. “One has stupid hairless monkeys ruling it while this one has a tyrannical monster ruling it. Either way, its not like you would let me go back.” Nightmare gave a small grin. “You are correct. Can't have a 'monkey army' marching through my front door now, can we?” The mare sighed and kept to herself. “Well, that was helpful.” commented Dash. “Indeed it was.” Nightmare said. “We know that Shinning armor may have an idea who the assassin is and that Sunset here, might have magical potential that could be used against me. She may have not like my sister when she left but that still won't stop her from trying something stupid, I pray.” “And Spitfire?” asked Dash. “...Well I can't really say much. She is the only one who has no real information She was indeed locked up and has little to any contact to the outside world. As far as they know, she is just another pony waiting for her time… oh well. Kill her…” she said simply. “There is not much you can do with that one. Just like Shinning Armor, she'll die defying me and I hate being denied.” Dash gulped. She turned to Spitfire who's cried became full screams as the shadows began to slowly swarmed her body and crushing it. Despite her loyalty to Nightmare, Dash couldn't bare to let a pony die, let alone someone she once worshiped. She quickly thought of a plan. “Wait! If you kill her, she could become a martyr. This would surely get a rise out of the ponies!” “And tell me, Captain Dash.” she spoke in a harsh manner and her voice full of warning. “Who will know of this? They know she is in a cell, waiting for the day her life comes to a miserable end. What is but me killing her now vs the 40 some years she rots in this prison?” Dash gulped trying to quickly find something. “The public will want to know if the once leader of the Wonderbolts is still alive. Not to mention you already told the public that you won't kill anypony if not by your own hooves then by your guards. If this got out, somehow, they might actually come to… fear you, moreso… and the assassin could gain leverage of this. She could use this death against you and then… you'll have a harder time dealing with the ponies.” Nightmare hummed to herself. The screams of Spitfire continued though they turned to cries of pain as the shadows increased their pressure on her body. Nightmare continued to think while Dash was becoming frantic at each second. She tried not to let it show but she was getting agitated. There was several sickening cracks that echoed through out the room before Nightmare spoke. “Let her live.” The shadows stopped immediately from killing Spitfire. They slowly retreated from the mare. When they left her body, Spitfire was shaking terribly with blood running from her mouth. Dash instantly knew that at least a few ribs were crushed and her wings were bent in wrong angles. Dash stared a bit in horror at what remained of her idol. She actually showed it and Nightmare saw. She leaned down to her and spoke softly to her ear. “Don't let your feelings get in the way or you'll take her place. Now, no word is to get out of what has happened here? Understood?” she asked, though the threat was high in her voice. Dash gave a shaky salute. “Yes ma'am!” “Good, now go and get the medical staff. I at least want them to understand that they will rot here for the rest of their lives before they die.” With that, she turned and walked away. Dash stared at the form of Spitfire. The mare's breathing was labored but didn't sound like she had any punctured lungs or anything. She would heal… in time. Not being able to look at her again, she turned and quickly followed Nightmare Moon out and to retrieve the doctors. The rest of the time, Nightmare Moon contemplated her next action, though her thoughts were all but unorganized. She wasn't sure of herself anymore or of anything. Before the mare arrived, she never second guessed herself nor hesitated when it came to her actions. Yes, she has never killed a pony with her own hooves or magic, but… her guards had. Was it still their blood on her hooves? That mare put a sour note in her mind and the tune was now playing over and over. She didn't consider herself a monster. She gave ponies their freedom still, she gave them light, with the moon of course. The plants were still growing… if a bit slower and so far, any threat that has come to past has been dealt with. Discord nearly broke free from the chaos that had spilled over the months she had returned. If not the fact that her guards noticed the cracking statue, she wouldn't have been able to stop him. It took her, her sister and the Elements of Harmony to stop him. Nightmare was indeed powerful but Discord was a literal god. She put every ounce of her magic into the statue making sure that it remained a statue. After that, she locked it away in the deepest part of the old Canterlot castle. There, no chaos would arise. The next was Chrysalis though the problem was quickly dealt with. She seeked love for her hive and children. She had planned an invasion to secretly invade the pony lands and take their love. However… with Nightmare's take over, love was but a slow thing. Fear ruled and sorrow was consuming the lands. This left a bad taste in their mouths and Chrysalis all but retreated… for now Sombra was instantly taken care of thanks to a mysterious pony who managed to find the Crystal Heart and use it against the King of Shadows before he did. How she found it or used it was a mystery but she did and wiped the King away. However, the Crystal Empire, powered by love and hope through the Kings death, had locked its borders up when they saw the Eternal Night. A shield was cast over the Empire and closed off any outsiders. What made her more angry about it was the shield held its own natural light, so it was the only lit place in Equestria. The borders may have been closed but that didn't stop ponies from trying to enter. Tirek was the last problem and to no end, was he the worst. Before her and her sister's reign and even before Discord, he was there. He was the literal translation of 'Devil'; the monster that even made her shudder. As soon as word got out the hell hound 'Cerberus' got loose, she knew that meant that something else was loose. Tarturas held many evils and his evil was the top of it. Not only did she managed to catch up before he fully escaped and train a single pony's magic, she made sure that his chains had chains. She made sure that he was going to stay there for all of time. Another shudder ran through her. Compared to him, she was a harmless kitten… a kitten with claws. And that was just the three years into her rule. Now, she had to deal with a unicorn that not only near successfully kill her, but that she might created a resistance that could rally against her. She needed to make something of her and do it quick. She may not want to kill anypony but that won't stop her from trying against somepony that nearly killed her. This assassin did have training like Shinning Armor said. Both magical and combat, but the spells were a bit more advanced than her average guard, so she was either a high caster or maybe an Archmage, something she would really hate to be true. If anything from her time traveling counter part has told her something was the mare was indeed powerful, if Nightmare Moon hadn't interfered, she would have become an Alicorn, though there was only one way to do that. Her sister… She snarled. Her sister had planned to replace her with another alicorn! The process to do so was not easy and the fact that Cadance was one without her sister's help, goes to show that she indeed might still be able to become an alicorn. Still, if her sister had planned for her to become an alicorn, maybe speed up the process, there might be a book or something that might have helped her. She would have to revisit the old Canterlot castle and see what secrets her sister still has to hide. As she was to call for a guard, one immediately showed up. The expression on his face told her all she needed to know. She had come back. “Where?” she simply asked. The guard was caught up by the question but quickly responded. “We are not sure where she is at ma'am but we know it is her. The fire was started by magic and its at one of our quarters.” “Any guards come to harm?” If this mare was serious then the numbers would slowly but surely begin to rise. “No ma'am.” Nightmare sighed internally. “Few injuries but the fire started slow and when we were aware, we quickly evacuated. Once we made sure all guards were gone, it quickly grew out of control and spread among the other dorms. Arson wasn't a typical Assassin move unless it was to attack a certain group… or to cause a distraction. But why? To distract her from what? A quick spell and she turned her head to the sides to see her two shadows by her. Then, at least 20 unicorn guards ran in right away. Outside, she saw the shadows of a few more guards fly over head and land on the roof for vigilance. They were all prepared this time and were ready for anything. She was ready for anything. So she waited. Waiting was not her strong suite and after ten minutes with nothing happening, she let an annoyed huff. “Where is she?” she said to herself. Another guards flew in. “My queen! The fire has been dealt with and all guards are accounted for. Other than a few burns and some injuries from the damaged building, there are no casualties to report. We lost one whole dorm and another one is a bit burned from the crossing fire but it is mostly intact.” “As for our Arsonist?” she questioned. “I am sorry ma'am but we have not found a trace of her. Its like… she caused this for a distraction. We assumed she was after our weapons or supplies but both remain untouched. Though a few maps were taken.” “Which ones?” “Nothing important. A few of the dorms, small layouts across the lands, the dungeons, the..” “The dungeons?” she dared ask. “Uh… yes my queen.” he paused. “The one below your castle?” Nightmare then realized all to late what had happened. With a growl, her horn glowed bright. “Shades! To me! All guards, down at the dungeons, NOW!” She roared. Her two shades instantly latched on her before she disappeared in a flash. Her guards then quickly took off and headed to the dungeons below. Nightmare landed right in front of the first door. Though she expected to see the sentry, he was there but to the side and unconscious. With a snarl she blasted the door open. Instantly, she saw that a lot of the cells were already empty. She charged forward towards the end with her two shadows right by her side. At the end, she saw the mare there, grabbing Shinning Armor. Spitfire was on top of Sunset Shimmer and was next to Twilight. She lifted him with his right hoof over her body and carried some of his weight. She turned and saw Nightmare Moon standing there, not looking a bit happy. “So, the fire was just a distraction? To get my prisoners out.” Twilight gave her a hard glare. “I knew that you were evil, but my brother is dying right now! You said you wouldn't kill anypony!” “Well, your brother did force my hoof, though that did explain how he had some knowledge about you. Maybe I should have hurt him a bit more to get him to tell me you were his blood.” Sunset saw the two shadows slowly approaching the sides. “We have got to get out of here. Those things will get us!” she spoke to Twilight. Twilight saw the approaching shadows. “Dark magic? Turning your ponies to shadows? You took a page right out of Sombra's book?” Nightmare gave a grin. “For all intended purposes, I needed better security in case you came back. I have them and you are not going anywhere.” Her two shadows instantly rushed towards Twilight. Twilight instantly lit up her horn, though her horn glowed brighter and brighter until it became sudden daylight. The shadows were instantly blown away and the magic that came with it. Two ponies appeared from the shadows and were knocked to the sides. One being a mare with light blue coat and a near white mane with a wand for a cutie mark while the other mare had a smooth light gray coat with dark purple mane and tail with a heart with arrows pointing towards it, cutie mark. Her guards were immediately knocked out by the spell and Nightmare growled at the mare. “Some security.” Commented Twilight, looking a bit sorry for the guards. Her focus then turned to Nightmare who was all but fuming. “I told you before you can change this. You can change all of this for the better and no pony would have to suffer for it.” “No pony is suffering because of me!” Snarled Nightmare. “My night is perfect, there is enough light to keep the plants alive and to keep the nights lit.” “Just enough.” said the mare. “Just enough, but not enough. Soon enough though, the plants will die out because of the heat and you could change them all with magic but you couldn't do that with all of Equestria.” “And that will not be my problem.” Nightmare said harshly. “If my ponies really depend on it then they will appreciate my light as is.” The sound of approaching guards was heard and Twilight knew she couldn't take them all on in this environment. “But it will be and soon, it will be all our problem. You may not see it now, but you will.” She paused then gave her a somber look over. “Is this really what you want to become? Your legacy to be? A mare with jealous intentions who never grew out of her tantrum?” Nightmare hissed. “You know nothing of me!” “I know enough.” she said softly. “I know that you once went by the name of Luna and that you are the younger sister of Celestia. I know that you helped united the 3 pony tribes and helped build Equestria into a better place.” “And I still do so know.” The mare shook her head. “But a better place for who? You or us? It was once your responsibility to help us. To guide us and lead us to a happier life. Before, I get that ponies didn't appreciate your nights but should you have actually payed attention to it all, we really changed to appreciate it all. Your night, your stars, the darkness you bring which is good. We appreciate it now and if you really care for us, then you would see that even now, some of us love your work, even if you did cast eternal night.” The guards were now right behind Nightmare. She didn't make a move nor did she speak. The mare gave a glance at them before focusing on Nightmare. “You can change this soon, but if you can't, expect my Insurgency to rise up.” With that, she tapped Sunset and both unicorns lit their horns. In a flash of purple and orange they both disappeared along with all the prisoners. The guards quickly ran past Nightmare seeing where the mare escaped and checked their fallen comrades. Nightmare had never felt so tired before and for once in her life, she had felt cold. > Dark Heart Openings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Started this like at 7PM. Its midnight... no edit sorry. Dark Heart Openings The attacks have been less harmful but more disorienting than anything. Ever since her escape down in the dungeons the mare; the locals calling her 'Mare-Do-Well', has more or less done what she can to stop Nightmare Regime. At the same time, she has been helping the locals and troubles from the guards. She has freed many prisoners, has stopped harmful Shadowbolts or guards towards protestors and has even by some magical means give artificial sunlight to the populace. Since her escape, the last month has made her the most well known pony across the lands. Nightmare Moon meanwhile stood by and watched as her guards worked endlessly to try and catch this mare. She had been unease about the whole situation since her encounter. The mare has been in every thought in her mind and Nightmare Moon wasn't sure how this was good or bad. There was something about her that intrigued her so… Compared to her 'time traveling counter-part', this one was dark, full of passion and hate. But something lingered in her that felt oh so familiar to her. Hope… hope she carried in her heart and it was also that which would keep her going. Hope that her brother will get through with her help. Hope that would break her mother back to her. Hope that would allow her to raise the ponies behind her and bring an end to her rule. And Hope was running low in this world, a world where Nightmare was trying to perfect in her own image. Her image… not anypony else, hers. Someday… somenight down the line, they would thank her for bring about eternal night. When the world is actually better in the darkness, where they no long have to fear the animals and creatures of the night as they are in unison with them. They would all rejoice fully… she hoped… From what her guards had gathered around the 'mare's' identity from her brother and few records that remained(she had been torching anything and everything around her name)was that she is indeed Shinning Armor's brother and their last names went by 'Sparkle'. That was it, no last name or any other alias. Not long, some records went up in flames again and any files were all gone. This was not good. The month had really left a bunch of her guards in a bad mood, especially her Captains. Rainbow Dash of the pegasi division had really put forth her 'personal' distaste that the mare got away with Spitfire, though Nightmare knew she was happy she was safe. Trixie Lulamoon, her shadow guard had begun training more unicorns and trying to have them either become more Shadow Guards or become Archmages like herself. Since Nightmare's rule began, she sought a protege and a personal bodyguard. However, before the first assassination attempt, Beatrix wasn't ready and even now, she was close to being an Archmage but not that close. Still, that left her with few options for now while and since the last sighting of the 'mare' was near a month ago, she felt that she could spare no precautions. The earth ponies were the only ones who seemed more under control, thanks to the Pie sisters. They remained grounded but where still a bit affected when most of their supply runs or weapon caches were hit. This mare was hitting her where it counts and soon, Nightmare knew that she would be coming back for her. Whether to kill her or to taunt her, it unnerved Nightmare to no end. It was almost chilling knowing that she could die any moment and not even know it. The Sol Steel would end her life… and she would loose everything. So… in order to stop this from coming true, she called for help… and she hated using that word. Despite some truth to it, she felt helpless and it infuriated her knowing that she was going to need help. But this help is from an unexpected source. Her guard came up to her and bowed. “Your majesty, she has… arrived.” Nightmare gave a nod. “Bring her in.” With a nod, he quickly left, to come back moments later with his 'guest.' A pink alicorn walked the halls and towards Nightmare Moon. “Mi Amore Cadenza.” Nightmare Moon said simply with an incline of her head. Cadance bowed to the floor. “Queen Nightmare Moon.” Her voice filled with edge but held firm. Not to sound spiteful or malice but neither showing content nor any liking for the queen. “Please rise.” Amore did. Nightmare gazed into her fellow alicorn. Both knew that she was no match for herself, nor was she able to create anything against Nightmare Moon that went against the Alicorn of Love's peaceful nature. Despite the differences between the two, Cadenza was no liar, no true rebel and despite what it meant to Nightmare, she was still a princess. “How fares the Crystal Empire?” Nightmare asked, trying to cast some of the tension away. “They are growing… accustomed to the modern surroundings.” she replied. When the Empire had returned back to the ponies from Sombra, it was Cadance who was summoned to be its leader, her being one of the last descendants from the original rulers of the Empire. It was Cadance who had created the shield around the Empire but it was also her that kept the borders closed to the outside world. No ponies came in but few supplies did, to help modernize the Crystal Empire, though Cadance had to improve and check all and anything that went through. It was Nightmare Moon who sent them, but she always checked them. “I see… and how do they enjoy their new ways of modern medicine and food?” “… I thank you for it,” she hesitated. “my queen and it has helped us greatly.” Nightmare gave a nod. She then inclined her head to the side. “Tea if you will.” Something moved at the corner of Cadenza’s eyes though she wasn't sure if it was because of the poorly lit room or her eyes playing tricks on her. There was no one to Nightmare's side. A second later, a shadow moved right in front of Cadenza, causing her to nearly jump back as the shadow rose from the floor and a tea set on a tray materialized from the ground. The shadow had the shape of a pony with its hoof holding the tray. “Tea?” asked Nightmare. It was so eerie how Nightmare was so calm and collective to her but it didn't help that now, she had shadows that could hide anywhere, even her shadows. “Thank you?” she replied, not sure how to respond. She levitated the kettle into the cup. Hot tea poured out of the kettle and she grabbed to sugar-cubes, adding them to her drink, then slowly stirring her tea. Once the tea cup was firmly in her magical grasp, the set slowly moved away from her and crawled up the steps to Nightmare. Like Cadenza, she poured her tea but instead hot, it came out freezing cold. Cadenza saw the cold wisps of air as she poured, adding her sugar and stirring it. She brought it up to her lips and drank softly. She exhaled as she took her sip. “Perfect. How is yours?” she asked Cadenza. She sipped hers and the warmth that filled her stomach made her briefly forget that she was in a dark cold room. Almost. “It is delicious, thank you.” Nightmare nodded before taking another sip and placing the tea to her armrest. The tea set disappeared to the ground and so did the shadows. “Good, now that pleasantries are over, we may discuss why you are here.” “To discuss about the 'assassin' or what ever the locals are calling her?” Nightmare gave a firm nod. “Yes… her.” Her voice was sharp and held anger but was somewhat quelled. “I need… your help in dealing with her.” 'Help' came out strained and it still felt wrong for her to say it. “I know you consider her a bad mare and all. She did nearly kill… hurt you, but what am I to do? You know I oppose violence and since I was raised by Cele…” she paused at saying, fearing Nightmare's wrath. Nightmare however didn't react. She in fact looked at her in understanding. “Should another have said her name, they would fear my wrath… however not in good graces should I give you mine. She was your aunt and your only family, though adopted you were. Her name is… complicated for me but I cannot deny your family, Mi Amore Cadenza.” Cadenza bowed her head. “Thank you, your grace. Though I know that I am Princess still, I ask that you please call me Cadance.” She inclined her head. “If it pleases you.” Nightmare nodded. “Of course. Now, I am aware of how my sister brought you up in the world but I don't need your help in dealing with this mare in any violent means. I need your help in getting information on her.” She paused. She realized that she was sitting and that this whole time Caden--- Cadance was standing. “Forgive me, where are my manners. Please sit.” Cadance saw once again shadows move around the floor before and it took all of her courage not to jump when a chair materialized from the floor right behind her. Cautiously, she the chair held some comfort with a cushion and a little stand attached so she may place her tea. The shadows moved away from her chair and disappeared once more. She slowly sat down. “Thank you… again.” She took another sip of her tea before lowering. “Please, continue. “As I said, now, I don't need your help in dealing with her personally, I just need information on her. How was she able to stop Sombra? How was she aware of the Crystal Empire's return? What is this mare's goals?” The question caught Cadance off guard. More or less, Nightmare Moon was less intimidating but she was a bit apprehensive about telling Nightmare Moon of any details about this mare. Still, she knew she could not hide anything and in her nature, truth was ideal, especially towards the wrathful mare. Clearing her throat, she spoke. “I'll tell you what I know so far and what my fellow Crystal ponies have told me. Shortly after the Empire had returned, the mare...” she paused. “Well first, do we even have a name for her? I don't think I can keep referring to her as 'mare'?” Nightmare gave a small smile. “Yes I too, have the same problem. It is somewhat unnerving that this mare erased most of her files or anything related to herself or her family. Luckily, we had her brother and found sharing last names. So for now, we can call her “Sparkle.” Cadance looked at her, trying to see if there was truth to her words. “Sparkle? Hmm sounds like two ponies I knew.” She said to herself a bit out-loud. She shrugged. “Ok. Well this 'Sparkle' character, she had arrived shortly after the Crystal Empire, even before we knew. She helped calm down most of Crystal Ponies there and have even created her own shield to help protect the Crystal Empire from Sombra. Shortly, Sombra managed to get through but she found the Crystal Heart before he did. She used it against Sombra, with the help of the Crystal Empire and it destroyed him. After that, I got a letter to come to the Empire. When I arrived, the ponies saw that I was the 'Crystal Princess' and would help lead them. They had no idea where Sparkle left but she did help the shield cover the Empire.” She bit her lip. “It does spread love through out the lands but… I am not sure how many it reaches?” Nightmare had remained silent. Her gaze more or less wondered past Cadance into open space. 'How far the love reaches?' How far is how far? Did anypony really feel love anymore? Is there love across the lands that the Crystal Empire's influences reaches? Are their couples right now making love because of it or is her night keeping from families and loved ones from fully expressing themselves? Do they hold their loved ones out of fear of her nights or because no matter what, they still love them? “Queen Nightmare?” Cadance called out. “Are you alright?” Nightmare came out of her daze. Again, why has she been dazing so much or losing focus lately? Is this mare really bothering her that much? Are her actions causing them?” Her gaze fell upon Cadance. For the first time in a long time, Nightmare really payed attention to her. Despite her age, Cadance was nearly as tall as her. She was not a large mare but she was pretty nicely shaped for her. She was no born alicorn, but she was well atoned with magic and her pegasi wings. Of course, she was born a natural pegasi raised by earth ponies, so she did carry traits from all three. Releasing her gaze had yet to be removed from Cadance and causing her an unease look, Nightmare finally spoke out. “Tell me, Cadenza.” referring back to her true name. “Have you fallen love?” The question and subject change completely threw off Cadance's train of thought. “W-W-What?” Not sure if she heard her correctly. Nightmare kept her face stoic. “I asked… have you fallen in love? With anypony? Stallion… or mare?” The question was really baffling and what made it worse was how blunt Nightmare was about it, especially when saying mare. “I-I-I am not sure if this really matters or is… appropriate to talk about.” She was speaking nervously. Though a peak of red rose in her cheeks. Nightmare saw her nervousness and nodded. “You are right, this is more of something spoken in privacy.” Before she could respond, a flash from Nightmare's horn had instantly teleported them both from the throne room to a much smaller room. Shaking her head to clear the small discomfort from the teleportation, Cadance saw that the room was smaller but that this room had more décor and a bed. They were in Nightmare's room. “There, isn't that much better?” she asked, giving her a smile. It wasn't a smile you would normally see that had some evilness or some kind of trick to it. It was a normal smile. “Why did you bring us here?” she asked, still a bit nervous at Nightmare's sudden interest of her love life. “As I asked, I wish to know of your if you have fallen in love? In here, nothing leaves this room and there are no guards to hear us.” She sounded almost like a school filly waiting to hear about her new found crush. Almost. “Why?” asked Cadance. It was a simple question but nonetheless carried more weight than anything. Nightmare lost her smile, suddenly causing fear in Cadance that she might have upset her. Nightmare sighed. “Forgive me, Cadance but… I should not be asking this of you. I just… wish to know if the Crystal Empire's influences are reaching Equestria or not. If not, am I the cause of it?” Cadance didn't say anything. For the first time since her encounter with Nightmare, Cadance felt a pang of guilt for her. She maybe covered in darkness or whatever surrounds her but, she could still feel a mare under it all. She could feel the heart that beat within and this heart yearned for something. It yearned for release or it yearned to be loved. That is when it hit her. “You do not have anypony.” spoke Cadance. “You do not have anypony and you want somepony to be in your life. That is why you asked.” Nightmare gave a small nod. She then walked past her and to her balcony which held open doors. The night air came in and brushed against her dark coat but the cold had no affect on her. “I have no one.” she said. Her heart was open now. A locked heart which was surrounded by darkness for a thousand years was now open. “I have no love, no one to hold close and nothing to hold me.” She tried to keep her voice strong but some cracks were starting to show. “Does this mean that even after I have control of Equestria and give my subjects the love of the night, am I not to be loved?” Cadance wasn't sure she could speak now and was actually quite new to this as this is the first time she has heard of Nightmare speak so freely, let alone about wanting to love. Is it because she was, Princess of Love, that she decided to speak to her, alone in her room? Or was there something else going on? No matter what it was, something stirred in her heart to try to quell Nightmare's heart, no matter how much it is buried in darkness. Maybe she can bring it to the light. “I did.” Finally spoke Cadance. Nightmare turned her head to her and saw her staring back. “I did love somepony before. Growing up, I had been surrounded by a lot of suitors but none have ever chosen to go for my heart, rather they went for my title.” She slowly approached Nightmare till she was just hooves away. “He was a nerd at first.” Nightmare raised an eyebrow at the phrase. Cadance gace a sheepish smile. “Sorry a… person who was really into fantasy and board games and… school.” Nightmare gave a knowing nod. She continued. “He was a nerd but, he was sweet and handsome and wanted me for me. After that, he went to extreme lengths to try to get me to notice him and it worked. He showed me that, no matter where you come from or no matter who you are, love can come from anywhere. “You do not have to be a noble, or a buisness pony, or even a muscular stallion to be with a princess, you just have to be… you.” She gave a her a smile that somewhat warmed Nightmare's heart. “I never knew that some ponies would go the lengths they would to try and impress another pony but… he did and he went all out for me. I started dating him and then soon, we became a couple.” Nightmare saw that Cadance was traveling down her memories and could practically feel the love radiating from her. “What happened to him?” All of a sudden, the love left her and Cadance's once smile dropped to a bit of a frown. Nightmare knew that look. “We lost contact.” was her simple reply. She was going to continue on, but she knew why she lost contact. Her, it was because of her, she stopped to lovers from ever fully staying close to one another. It was because of, Cadance was alone, just like her, but unlike her, she had loved somepony and it was because of her, she may never seem him again. “I am… sorry.” she said sincerely. “It was my fault, wasn't it?” Cadance didn't look at her but she didn't answer. Nightmare felt suddenly guilt in her chest, something she hadn't felt in years. Guilt that tore through the blackness of her core. It was a horrible feeling and just like the jealousy that arose within her a thousand years ago, it spread quickly and made her feel horrible. The silence that followed them both made this even more heartbreaking and she wasn't sure how to help her. “The love is still there.” finally spoke Cadance. “I still have hope that he will return to me. After all,” she lifted her head and gave her a tearful smile. “Love is what keeps us going and with it, I will carry on.” Love… a word that is as powerful as her and stronger than any monster or being that has existed. It can build Empires, it can topple castles, move mountains and cross vasts oceans. It exists beyond Equestria and maybe extends to the heavens. The gods of old had lovers and love has many forms. And it was the one thing that Nightmare truly need in her life. With a somewhat shaky voice, Nightmare spoke. “And do you… believe a pony like me could find love?” Cadance didn't loose her smile but she did have some hesitation. “Do you want to be loved?” she asked simply. “Do you want to open your heart for the world to see? Do you truly believe that underneath that coat of yours, that… darkness that you carry, that their lies a heart which beats and that is capable of carrying for a loved one?” Nightmare didn't know she could answer that. She didn't know if she could open her heart to the world. If she did, would that expose her and make her weak? Would others take advantage of it and try to usurp her? No, she couldn't allow that, after all, nopony would dare try to court or even show a bit of interest in a Nightmare. So if not the world, what if those she knew of? “Would you?” Nightmare said softly. Her eyes focusing on Cadance. This completely stirred Cadance away and sent her spinning. “W-what?” she wasn't sure if she heard her correctly. Nightmare inhaled a bit, not sure if she should repeat herself. “I asked...” she exhaled softly. “Would you?” “W-Would I what?” “If I were to open up my heart, for you… would you love me? If I were to ask you, to be with me, right now, would you?” Cadance stared at her like she had grown two heads then those heads started to show different traits of her. The Nightmare that she knew of and the Nightmare filled with sorrow and saddness. However the one with saddness carried the heart. It carried the heart in which needed to be released. Nightmare saw her dilemma and sighed. “Of course you wouldn't. I wouldn't expect anypony to give even a sign of interest, let alone the Princess of Love herself.” She turned away from her and back to the balcony. Cadance was still trying to find words to speak, to say something, anything to her, but at the same time, how could she? Nightmare had completely thrown off her guard when she arrived, then she did it again when she asked for her love life and now this? She felt almost like she was going to have a panic attack like her little Twilight she used to care for. However, in the midst of all that was running through her mind, she had a duty to fulfill and despite the nature that is Nightmare Moon, she believed that no one is above approach, especially when it came to love. The heart yearns what the heart needs. Collecting herself together, she spoke softly. “If I were to...” she swallowed some air, trying to calm herself. “If I were to lov…. Care for you.” She tried, she really tried to say it. “Would you open up to me, completely?” Nightmare turned her head to her and Cadance saw something she had never seen in her eyes, tears. “Would I?” she asked. Her voice was a bit shaky but held strong as if she was trying to keep herself from showing true emotions but was failing. “You ask that if you were to care for me, now… would I open up to you? Reveal my true self?” Cadance gave a shaky nod. “Yes. I know that… what Celestia had told me that you were not always like this. That you were once a beautiful mare that had so much love and compassion to give. When you took the throne alongside her, that you made it known to all that you would take care of them. You would be their guardians of their dreams and the hopes that tomorrow, there would be a new day. A day where the likes of Tirek, Sombra and Discord no longer reigned but they could finally rest.” She lost her shakiness and spoke calmly but with much assurance. “I know that before, ponies fell asleep in your nights, but had you seen it in their point of you… they never got to rest. Discord, Tirek, all the monsters that have come before you and your sister's grace, they had to live everyday, hiding from them and everynight, learn to keep their eyes wide open in case they came to harm them. Discord would mess with the day and night cycle, so there was no way of knowing when it was truly day or night. When you showed up and finally brought Harmony to the world, they rejoiced. They rejoiced because they could spend the day, enjoying the warmth that brought them food and color to the world while your nights brought them together so that they could sleep. Your beautiful nights allowed them to rest as they got to enjoy the world around them, for the first time. Yes, they may have feared the darkness, but that is because they hadn't fully understood it at the time. Monsters did lurk there, monsters like Sombra, or the Windigos, or other creatures that may have been creatred, but it was you who would protect them at night. It was you who guarded their dreams from those… 'Nightmares.' You were the only one who could watch them at the only time when they couldn't watch themselves, at night. You were… are their guardian of the night and you still can be. Please… be that mare who you were once before, be that mare that many had depended on to protect them. Be the mare your sister once loved… be Princess Luna.” The tears that fell from her face where now running and despite not sobbing loudly or even showing a full breakdown, Nightmare was losing all composure. Slowly, like sand be blown away by the wind, her shadows blew away. The layers and layers of darkness blew from her coat. The dark coat was slowly fading away and turning navy blue colors. The mare was losing height but from it, beauty was reveling through the shadows. Her eyes shut, she continued to softly cry as her mane became like the night sky, with true blue mane with stars that glittered ever so wonderful. Finally, what was left was a mare about Cadance's height. Her blue coat looked soft as silk. Her cutie mark still carried the moon but no longer a menacing one. The menacing armor and shoes that she wore were gone. All that was left was a mare that Cadance could only describe as beautiful. She was looking exactly what she pictured when Celestia spoke of her. Her tear filled eyes finally opened up and instead of dark slit of black, she saw light blue eyes that were full of sadness and pain. Cadance couldn't believe that this was the mare that Celestia spoke of her. She now looked so fragile yet, she carried the grace Cadance could only wish she could. The mare before her was stunning and it brought her to a smile that she managed to push through. With a voice full of confidence, she approached her and with her hoof, lifted 'Luna's' head. “This is the face anypony would love. This is the mare, that I believe can bring anypony to your heart. And now I can say, since I see the real you, I wish to know the real you.” Luna stopped crying but her tears still trickled down her face. “Is this the real me? Is the real me worth loving for? Please! I need to know!” With that she grabbed Cadance and cried freely onto her breast. Despite the height diffrence, Luna sat on her haunches and buried herself into Cadance, crying freely unto her. Cadance held her, letting her cry herself and softly rocking her head to her, trying to gently calm her down and whispering to her ear. “Yes,” she said softly. “This is the real you. You are worth loving.” Though Cadance has never loved a mare before, it didn't really close herself up. Yes, her heart still went out for Shinning Armor, where ever he may be, but she felt like her heart could open up for this mare. Despite the oddity that she might as well be her aunt, she saw pass that and worked her way into thinking that this mare needed somepony in her life. Whether she would love her or not, she would still be there, as long as she tried to remain true to herself. It was about 10 minutes of crying before Luna stopped and sighed herself. “Its been a thousand years since I last had feelings like this.” she said softly. I have never felt this way, ever. “In love?” asked Cadance. Slowly removing herself from Cadance's breasts, she stared straight at her. “Yes. I have never held love close to my heart. Before I was a Princess, I was fighting Discord. Before Discord, we, me and my sister, struggled to live everyday to survive Discord's reign as well as the other problems that racked Equestria. My heart was only for my sister and that. For my fellow ponies, yes, they two but… never for something like this.” Cadance gave her a knowing smile. “I know that you can love somepony, Luna. I know that your heart yearns for it but you had let the darkness consume you. I opened it up and now I know that you can try too.” Luna kept her gaze to her, her eyes wondering, hoping. “Will you be in my heart?” Cadance didn't answer right away. She inhaled softly and exhaled just as gently. I can't say that I have ever been with another mare.” Nightmare suddenly looked disappointed. However Cadance quickly brought her back. “And despite my love that still goes for the one that I used to love, where ever he may be, I am willing to spare my heart for you. No heart should ever be closed for one pony. No heart should be left alone for that long. But, I wish for you to be true to me. Stay as Luna, stay true to yourself and show me the mare that is still full of compassion and love.” Luna gave a smile and before she knew it, Cadance leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. “My heart is yours for now.” Luna smiled and brought her into a tight hug. Cadance hugged her back. Luna then gave a small chuckle as she held the mare, closing her eyes in comfort. “This feels nice. However you hold your heart onto, he must be very lucky. I hope you find him.” Cadance smiled. “I know I will. And if I know him, he is probably still holding his heart for me. If I know Shinning Armor, he is probably still holding out.” Luna's eyes immediately shot open. “Shinning Armor?” she said, her voice suddenly shaking. Cadance didn't notice her reaction or shaky voice when she heard her. “Yeah. He was the one I loved. After...” Luna could feel the lump of Cadance. “After you came, he was Captain of the Guard. Then, he disappeared with a group of Celestia guards and...” Cadance pulled away, whipping away her eyes. “I am sorry, I shouldn't be saying any of this.” Luna still stared at her, though Cadance hadn't notice the surprise on her face. She quickly masked it up, like she had done for so many years. “I am sorry Cadance, I… don't know what to say.” She really didn't. She had now just opened up her heart to this wonderful mare and now… now she realized that this mare was in love with the one pony who despised her. The one pony she had tortured herself, nearly killing him and was the brother of her assassin. A cold and unease feeling went through her spine and sadness once again, gripped her. She couldn't lose Cadance, not after what has happened. She had finally opened up her heart only for cruel fate to throw this at her. Its not fair! It wasn't FAIR! “Luna?” asked Cadance now noticing Luna's somewhat shocked and somewhat saddened expression. “What's wrong” “I-I...” she tried to speak but was interrupted by a knock on her door. “Queen Nightmare Moon?” “Yes?” she tried to answer. Her voice was shaky and not at all sounding like her darker self. The guard must of heard it through the door. “My queen, are you well? You sound… ill.” Luna quickly shook her head and grew a bit angered. She was angry that now, her love was in love with a stallion whom she hurt and others. Anger rose through her chest and with a loud voice, she spoke. “I am fine! Now tell me! What have you come to report!” This time, the voice sounded much like Nightmare Moon, which quickly scarred Cadance. “Sorry, My queen!” the guard said through the other side, now knowing that she was well. “I came to let you know that the Assassin 'Sparkle' is here the castle!” Luna's eyes quickly went wide. “And are my guards not taking care of it?!” she shouted, scarred knowing that maybe she was going to harm her in revenge for her brother. “No my queen… she is just...” he paused. “...is just what!?” She yelled, her voice getting louder. “Is just what!” The guard hesitated. “She said, she is asking for you. She had brought no weapons and says she is going to surrender herself… but only to you.” Luna stared at the door in disbelieve. She couldn't comprehend it. With a shake of her head, she spoke clearly to the guard. “IT is some kind of trickery. Get every guard and surround that mare! I want all Archers, Archmages, Shadows and the Shadowbolts there! I want to make sure that if she tries anything, she will have the entire Lunar Guard on her. NOW!” “Yes, my queen!” With that, the sound of running hooves disappeared down in the hallways. Luna stood there, panting at the door, glaring at it. “Luna?” Cadance called out. Luna snapped her head to Cadance who stood there with a worried expression. “What are you going to do?” Luna looked her over before quickly approaching her. “I must take care of this. Knowing her, she will most likely come for revenge.” Cadance quickly laid a hoof on her cheek. “Then let me come with you. Maybe we can talk sense into her!” “NO!” nearly shouted Luna. Cadance flinched and Luna sighed. “Forgive me but no. I can't let her know you are here. If she finds out that you are here, you could be a potential target. If something happens to me, at least you can still rule Equestria and the Crystal Empire. You may not be powerful but just in case, I do have a few spell books which let you control the sun and the moon.” Cadance stared at her, not knowing if she was telling the truth or not, but couldn't ask. Luna then brought her own hoof to Cadance and brought her close to her. “I want you to stay here. If she does kill me… and the guard, run back to the Crystal Empire. That way she may not know of your involvement.” She then rubbed her hoof across her face. “I thank you Cadance. I truly do, you brought my heart open in so long and it gives my heart warmth.” She leaned in and gave a quick kiss on the lips before parting. “Your heart was open for me and for that, mine shall always belong with you. Please stay here and be safe. I will return.” With that, she quickly opened the door and flew out, leaving a stumped Cadance. Running through the hallways, her shadows quickly formed up around her and an instance, she was back to her Nightmare Moon form. She then teleported directly in the throne room, where over a hundred guards, Shadow Bolts, Archmages and a few dozen of her Shadows where. All had every window, door, exit and hallway covered, surround in a gigantic circle, where in between stood the mare. She was in deed without her cloak and her scars where there for the world to see. Her face held no fear, no malice nor any emotion of any kind. Her gaze had looked to the throne where Nightmare had appeared. With a grunt, Nightmare spoke loudly. “You are a fool if you came here without your weapons. You have no where to go, you are completely outmatched and outnumbered. You will be dead before you touch the floor. So tell me 'Sparkle', why are you here?” The mare looked up at her from where she stood. “I came here to surrender to you.” > Infiltration or Annihilation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infiltration or Annihilation What comes to a mare's mind as she stares down the belly of the beast? Would it be the sharp pointy teeth, in this case; blades, arrows and beating she may receive ? Is it the way down where the walls around you come closer, the magical grasps around her and slowly choking the life out of her? Or is it the fact that in the belly, lies the true suffering, where you are surrounded by black and are slowly digested painfully; the brutal and utter torment that would be Nightmare Moon? In this case, she was looking directly towards the monster before her. Nightmare in all of her horrifying glory, has just about every guard, Archmage, Shadowbolt and Shadows surrounding her, all ready to attack. The moment she left the ground, the Shadowbolts would tackle her to the ground and crush her. The moment she took any movements to the sides, her guards would stab or launch every arrow at their disposal. When she would barely light her horn, either the Archmages or Shadows would come at full strength and attack her with anything and everything imaginable. All this and Nightmare wouldn't bat an eye. She was at her mercy… or so she lead her to believe. “Is this some sort of trick?” asked Nightmare. Her voice was anything but menacing. “Did you come here to gloat, attack my guards before removing my head?” Sparkle didn't answer right away. If anything, she was thinking of multiple scenarios if her surrender didn't work. With a calm and collected voice, she spoke. “I didn't hear to kill you, Nightmare Moon. If I did… I would have done it already.” “Really?” asked Nightmare, tautly. Sparkle gave her a firm nod. “I would have done it the second you materialized. I could have done it during my raids in the castle.” She inhaled and exhaled softly. “Your predictable.” Nightmare snorted. “I told you before, you know nothing of me, Sparkle.” Sparkle gave a raised eyebrow. “Your bedroom is on the second tower to the left of the castle. You sleep only for three hours to restore your energy with four pegasi guards on top, two at the door with your two shadows in the room. You also like cold tea instead of hot and your guards have shifts that make predictable patterns, even your own shadows.” If Nightmare hadn't practice years of stoic expressions, she would be gaping in shock and some fear at this mare. She knew everything on how she worked. She knew everything and she hadn't been spotted once in the castle. With a dry mouth, Nightmare spoke. “I see you have spare time besides sabotaging my soldiers and making my life a lot more complicated. You seem to remember a lot.” “And you seem to forget that you castle has many secret chambers. The ones behind walls, the ones that lead in and out of your castle… including your room.” she paused and saw Nightmare's stoic expression disappear showed signs of fear. “Where I also could have attacked you in your three hour sleep. Your shadows wouldn't be quick enough to stop the blades and before your guards would even hear the alarm, you would be blissfully dead.” Her tone was cold, colder than Nightmare had ever heard from anypony. She was just as cold as herself and that sent an all to Equine chill down her spine. “So yes, if I wanted you dead, I would have done it already. None of the guards here would be able to stop me if I tried.” A pregnant silent filled the throne room and every guard there was either a nervous rack or trying to remain calm as they desperately wanted to attack this mare. Nightmare stared down at her, trying her best not to show interest in this mare by either fear or envy at her magical and knowledgeable prowess. With a small click of her tongue she spoke loudly. “All guards...” They all tensed. “Leave us. Return to your posts, all of you” She paused. “Now.” Many guards stared at her in disbelieve at her orders. Some wanted to protest especially her captains. “Now.” she said in a much stronger voice. The guards slowly but surely began dispersing with some walking backwards to see if the mare would do anything as soon as they left. All her guard disappeared though Sparkle saw the two shadows that lingered in the corners of her eyes. Nightmare followed her gaze and gave a slight incline of her head, indicating them to leave. The shadows then disappeared, leaving the two mare alone. Sparkle then slowly sat on her haunches and let out a small sigh. “Well that was better than I expected.” she said all too calmly. Her voice went from cold to casual and that unnerved Nightmare. “So, now that my guards have left, what are you going to do?” Sparkle shrugged. “I said would surrender to you and I did. I honestly didn't expect you to let me surrender so easily so I didn't plan this far.” Nightmare growled. “You speak so calmly for a mare who walked in on a death sentence.” “You speak like you would kill but you never spilled another pony's blood.” she gave her a hard gaze. “I know you hate me but… I still think that you would at least try to blast me… or something.” She gave a wave of her hoof. “Being the whole tyrannical-monster-nightmare that you are.” “Says the Assassin who stocks me.” Not bothering trying to hide her taunt, Nightmare pressed on. “I figured you want revenge for your brother after all.” Sparkle gave her a hard look. “Should you have killed him, you wouldn't be alive but in a worst state then him. Luckily, I saved him and the fact that you are somewhat above killing, I relented. I am not here to kill you, I just wish to try and change your mind.” “About what?” snarked Nightmare. “Returning Equestria back to normal?” she mocked. “Or are you gonna convince me to try to raise the sun, set my sister free and live happily ever after?” Her voice was dripping in sarcasm and this irked Sparkle. “I am trying to be serious! I have trained my whole life to take yours, but once I saw that you are just as forgiving as just as kind as you were to your banishment, maybe I can get through to you.” Nightmare scoffed. “And how exactly do you plan on doing that? I for one am not just going to let an assassin, let alone one that tried to--” “I could have!” “… could have killed me. I don't know anything about you, you say you are unarmed and yet… the smell of my sister's Sol Steel lingers around you, so that leads me to believe that you aren't completely defenseless or fully surrendering yourself.” She leered at her. “So again, what exactly are you trying to pull here, Sparkle?” The mare gave a hard glare to counter Nightmare's but lost and sighed. “I told you, I am not trying anything. I just came here to try to work with you. My Insurgency believe that I should just end your life, here and now, but I know that there is still good in you. And if you were kind enough to let Mi Amore Cadenza in here, then you can be changed.” “How did you...” Nightmare Moon was about to ask, but then again, she knew everything about her. Some panic rose in her but she held it down. “How are you aware of Cadance's whereabouts?” “Just that she arrived here. I thought you were going to harm her or something. I came in after, hoping that if I let you capture me, I can look for her and save her.” She paused. “I hope she is in your care and isn't being harmed… right?” The end sounded like a threat but even Nightmare couldn't tell. With a small scoff, she coolly replied. “Cadance is completely fine. Though last I checked, you were aware of everything here?” She prayed that she wasn't aware of her personal interest in Cadance, let alone what would happen if she found out about it. “I just know that as soon as she went in, I came up with this plan to come and rescue her. However, I've come to realize that she is fine.” “Yes, as I said, she is well under my care. No harm shall come to her.” Sparkle gave a small smile. “I know it. Which is why you call her Cadance instead of her title.” Nightmare baulked knowing that she had used Cadance's name so casually. It is not even a few hours and already she treats her like a friend… if not more. Sparkle kept her smile. “And that is what I want. I want to know that you can be a caring pony. That you can make friends with anyone and that if you tried, the world will no longer have to fear you.” Nightmare looked at her, seeking any ill or hidden agenda that lingered that hid behind her eyes but saw none. Reluctantly, she responded with a much calmer tone. “For an assassin, you are not much for having cold personality.” A bit of a frown approached and disappointment filled her voice. “Even after what I did to you and your brother, I still don't see how you can believe I am worth redemption.” “Because the path of redemption begins with kindness, then forgiveness. The rest follows through honesty, generosity, then we become loyal with one another and maybe in the future, we may all smile together. Its like magic, it makes it all complete.” She paused and groaned. “That sounded really corny.” Nightmare hid it really well but a quick rise of her lips rose for a brief second before returning to a frown. “Yes, I am quite sure that your phrasing will unleash Rainbows of Magic and purity me this instant.” She snorted. “I am pretty sure that is something my sister would have said, 'My little pony',” she said in a mock tone. Sparkle gave her a look. “You really hated her don't you?” she asked softly. “Your sister.” Nightmare didn't respond right away. She slowly rose from her throne and walked down the stairs to Sparkle. Approaching her, she a good head taller than her but the height didn't scare Sparkle, nor was she intimidated by her. “I loathed my sister.” she said harshly. “While ponies around us worshiped her, I was left to the shadows and treated as the outcast. It's because of her, I was alone for a thousand years.” Her voice dripped with venom and sorrow. She then turned from her and began walking towards a hallway. “If you truly wish to change me, believe that I am worth redeeming, then you must know my true origins. And this is something I take not lightly, for no others know of my past.” Before she continued on, she stopped and turned to Sparkle, giving her a serious look. “I know nothing of you, I have no reason to trust you but so far, I feel that despite all this, you have no intentions to harm me. You wish to change me, earn my trust and restore balance, I will let you know that the task will not be easy once you understand where I came from. From here on out, you will seek the truth and in return, I want your oath that you should never use this against me and that you must answer all my questions, truthfully if you want to learn my history. Should you do, your magic will work against you.” Twilight hesitated. A unicorn oath was as sacred as their magic. Should one try to go against it, it will cause them harm or risk losing their magic. Not only that but should another unicorn decide to place their own ward on the unicorn, then it doubles the feedback. She really didn't want to do this. “Well?” asked Nightmare. With a strained nod, she spoke.“I understand. 'I, Twilight Aurora Sparkle, swear upon my name and magic that I will not under any circumstances share any information nor use this information against you and I will be truthful as the light is bright. This I swear.” A glow from her horn lit in front of them, insuring that the deal was set before it disappeared. Nightmare gave a small nod before responding. “I didn't think you would do that so willingly.” She paused, giving her a once over. “Since the spell is set and you have to answer truthfully, are you really unarmed?” Twilight sighed and lifted her front right hoof, indicating a small Sol Steel Knife in between her shoe. With a shake of her hoof, it dropped to the floor with a light 'ping' on the floor. Nightmare snorted. “'Unarmed' you had said?” Twilight gave a shrug. “Up until now, I wasn't sure if I would be killed by you and I would only have a quick second to throw it at you or in case you decided to betray me later.” Nightmare was now impressed and gave her a grin for being a cunning enemy. “Keep it. There may be a time where I feel the need to harm you and that may be your only defense. I didn't swear on my oath I would kill you or harm you, but I will… try my best to warn you of my intent.” She turned around and continued down the hallway. Twilight pushed her hoof down on the Steel tip, ensuring its comfort before catching up to her. Her words rang clearly, but she believed she needn’t worry… much. Nightmare led them to the west wing of the castle, where the library was at. Despite being an assassin and standing right next to Tyrannical Nightmare, Twilight couldn't help but issue a large 'squee' as she saw the vast amounts of books that filled the walls. She instantly ran to the nearest section, explaining loudly on each book or section. “History, science, math, literature, fundamentals, magic!” she continued. Once again, Nightmare was bewildered by the mare's sudden change in attitude. First, she acted like a cold blooded murder, then she acted with compassion; during her month long run, she destroyed supplies and all like a common vigilante, then she was cold and now… she acts like a filly in a candy store. This action once again nearly brought Nightmare to a small smile, seeing a mare so easily pleased despite the cold world around her. She then saw towards the corner the librarian who looked very displeased with all the noise as well as two other ponies in the library Clearing her throat, Nightmare spoke loud enough for Twilight to here. “Sparkle dear.” Twilight heard her and immediately stopped, turning towards her. “I am aware of your… fascinations with books but we are still in a library and you are making quite a bit of noise, especially with the librarian here.” She motioned to the violent mare with gold hair, going by the name of Whispers Grace. Twilight felt her cheeks reddened and her ears drop down. “Sorry.” she whispered. The mare gave a huff before returning to her previous task and the others ignored her, continuing to read on. Twilight slowly walked back towards Nightmare, whom still carried a bemused look. “A little bit of a librarian yourself?” Twilight gave a small nod, with a sheepish grin. “Yeah, growing up, I loved reading books of every kind. I excelled in all my classes, could perform spells beyond what most foals could never do beyond simple levitation.” “Teleportation, magic repulse and more?” asked Nightmare, clearly referring to her first initial attack as well as the other attacks on her. “Yes… well no. I learned teleportation when I was young and the rest followed when the Guild recruited me.” “Teleportation so young?” asked Nightmare. “It took me decades to even learn to know where I was going before I could fully teleport.” Though she was reluctant to admit it, this mare was indeed powerful, how did her sister not notice her? “My sister would have had a great student if she had searched for you.” she commented. Twilight gave a shrug. “Probably.” she answered. She pulled a book from the shelf with her magic, without really having to see it. The book's covering held a three clawed paw. The pages quickly flipped before landing on a picture of a purple egg. “I needed to pass the entrance exam. Try to see what my magic would do to the egg they brought in. The exam wasn't really meant to be passed, I didn't know it then. The point of the egg was to see any reactions the participant would have on it or find some ways of making the egg alive with magic. For all I know, it could have been a dummy in there and it was just a stupid test. Either way, I failed and Celestia never noticed me. However, that didn't stop me from pursuing magic.” She closed the book before magically putting it back. “Yes, I am aware of your powerful gift in magic, which is why it is your Cutie Mark.” Twilight couldn't resist. Despite the evilness in Nightmare Moon, despite all wrongdoings around, it had to have been to easy. “So… you stared at my flank and called me powerful. If I didn't know any better, I'd sat those were 'flirting' words?” she asked, raising an eyebrow and trying her best to remain stoic. Nightmare nearly baulked at the words and sputtered to say something. The librarian, despite not carring that Nightmare Moon was her Queen and overlord, loudly but firmly gave her a 'Shh!' to keep her voice down. The other two ponies, whom where a guard and civilian, also seem to baulk, quietly at the librarian's brass bones to hush their queen. Nightmare seemed even more embarrassed at the fact that she was told to be quiet by a librarian no less. With a snort, she walked on towards one of the private reading rooms to the back, with Twilight trailing her. As they entered the room, Nightmare slowly put up a silencing spell through the room, cutting them off from the rest of the library. “You have some nerve to even dare insinuate that, especially to me!” she hissed. Twilight had a small smug of a smile. “Yes, well, a mare or stallion doesn’t look at another mare's cutie mark without also looking around or beyond. Besides, I told you, if I am to try and change you, it all begins with trust, then the rest follows.” “And yet laughter was your first choice.” “I never said anything was supposed to be in order.” “...” “… well I didn't!” “I believe that we are getting off point here. Now, you wish to know of my history but now, I need to know of yours.” “What is there to know?” she asked. “Before… before all this, I was just an ordinary pony.” Nightmare wanted to comment how that was a lie but then again, her oath hadn't taken affect. “And then, I came along and changed your life for the worst?” Twilight didn't answer right away. “… I can't say where my life would be with or without you. I failed Celestia's entrance exam but stayed in school. I had no friends… to speak of and most of my time was on books. When you did come, my brother hid me away with his guard and my parents...” she stopped. Nightmare didn't say anything nor did she give her any emotional response. Instead, she used her magic and materialized a book in front of her. She began to idly slowly turn the pages of the book. It was a gray book, a large one at that with a sun and in on the front cover with. “And now that you are here,” she finally spoke. “What is your mission?” “Infiltration.” Twilight said evenly, though in her mind she mentally cursed. Her magic working against her already. Before she responded openly now, this went against her. Nightmare didn't respond as she continued to flip the pages. “What are you trying to look for?” The magic burned her horn and Twilight tried to resist the small pain that began at the base of her horn. “Gather more information about you, find any weaknesses, expose you to the public, and find anyway to reset the world back to it prior state.” “Am I to assume that this 'Regime' of yours plan to take over if I am out of the picture.” “Yes,” she strained. Her head was pounding now, she really didn't want to reveal more. “We have contingency plans in case you wouldn't revert back or change your ways.” “Did these plans evolve you or 'Mi Amore Cadanza' to take over the sun and moon?” “Yes.” A pained grunt came through her. She really should have thought this part through. She could dispel the affect, though that would make Nightmare cautious. As if to reinforce it, Nightmare casted a small spell on Twilight's horn in her own magic. She stopped looking through the book and looked towards her with a stoic expression. “Your hurting yourself with the oath. I keep asking proper question and you try to resist. You do not want me to ask these questions but you know I will. Now, as much as I know you can dispel it, I am making sure you don't. I am also going to put my magic on yours to make sure you give me what I want.” Her tone now was cold and her gaze was hard on her. “Now, I want to know if you had failed to kill me, would there be another assassin after me?” Twilight grunted as the pain in her horn doubled, her head pounded as she struggled to reply. “Y-Yes!” “Whom?” “Sunset Shimmer! Agh!” She struggled on her hooves, Nightmare's magic making it feel like a huge weight was on her head. “If I failed, s-she would be next, but, she won't hesitate to kill you. She wouldn't stop for nothing.” She looked. “Please no more!” Nightmare's eyes continued to bare down on her, her form becoming more menacing. “If I were to ask you, where your 'Regime' is located, would you tell me? Would you tell me where your brother, or Sunset or where the resistance lies? Would you tell me how I can continue to rule forever if I asked?” Twilight strained more, tears running down her face as the overwhelming pain continued to wrack her mind and body. Slowly the pressure forced her legs to bend, almost as a huge weight had settled on her, making her drop to her knees. “P-Please!” she begged. Nightmare growled. “Tell me! Would… you… give… them… UP?” With a final grunt, Twilight resisted her magic long enough to speak. “NO!” With that, a magical burst came from her horn, causing Nightmare to stand back as the light grew until the magic from her horn grew bright enough until it became to much and blasted right in front of Twilight, though from it, the backlash sent Twilight flying back and instantly slamming her to the wall. She blacked out before she hit the floor and her magic seized. Nightmare glanced at the fallen unicorn, before her eyes turned to see the guard, the civilian and the librarian had all looked towards her. At this point, she wasn't sure what to do with the mare before her. Kill her right out and be over this whole ordeal or find some use of her, maybe break or mold her to something of interest. Turning to the guard, she barked. “You! Guard, go and fetch the medics. Quickly!” The stallion threshal hesitated before quickly saluting and responding. “Yes, my queen!” He immediately turned and ran out the doors. Meanwhile the other two looked at their queen, expecting orders or to resume their tasks. Nightmare just gazed upon the unconscious mare before her. She felt a twinge of sympathy for her, amongst something else. Almost. > Beneath the Darkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beneath the Darkness           The steady sound of sweeping and shuffling filled the room. At least, that what it felt like. The sound was pleasant and she felt somewhat at ease by it but carried cation as she realized she was not alone. Slowly her eyes came to focused and the room became clear, though it was a guest room no doubt. No real furniture was in it other than a draws, an empty closet, a bed-stand, a desk with a mirror and a door which lead to a bathroom. However, what caught her eyes was the pony in the room with her. She had some black vest on, covering her white coat, leaving her lower half. She had a three diamond Cutie Mark with a violet mane and tail. She was tidying the room all the while her magic tended to the drapes and dusting of unreachable places she personally couldn't reach.   However the mare was obviously intended to keep an eye on her. The mare didn't seem to notice that she was awake but, she did seem to expect it as she would occasionally glance at her. Twilight reached for her horn and felt the edges of it before moving it up and down… Huh… she half expected an inhibitor on her horn. She gave her horn a light feed and felt a small twinge of pain. The magical backlash from the spell probably messed with her magic. It didn't seem permanent or damaging, but it did look like she won't be able to use her magic for awhile. In the meantime, she moved around the bed, catching the mare's attention. “I see that you have finally awoken.” she spoke, her tone graceful. When their eyes met, she was filled with curiousness. “The mistress must be notified.” She kept her gaze on Twilight for a bit before slowly walking out the door. “Wait!” Twilight called. The mare paused, meeting her eyes again. “How long was I out? Why didn't Nightmare… imprison me or… lock my magic up?” The mare in question gave her another look over before responding. “My mistress just informed me to keep you company when you woke. That was all though you have been unconscious for at least five hours.” she paused. Twilight saw her eyes keep looking at her but not directly at her. Her eyes kept scanning her, expecting something to be there. “Is… there something wrong? Do I have something on me?” “… No, rather the lack of something.” “What?” She shook her head. “I shouldn't be socializing with you anymore than I need to be. I will inform the mistress. For now, she says to remain in the room and I do mean, remain in the room… for your sake. We will bring your meals soon enough. Now if you will excuse me.” She grabbed her duster with her magic and opened the room. Before she left, she spoke to Twilight once more. “I have never seen her so terrified. I don't know what you have done to her or what you did, but you have her on edge.” Her gaze hardened to Twilight. “With or without wings, you prove a challenge to her and you better make sure that the backlash you get from her is worth it.” She then left without another word, closing the door behind her. “Wings?” asked Twilight to no one. About 20 minutes later, Twilight was pacing around the room when the door opened and the mare came back with a tray of food. “After your meal, my mistress wishes to see you.” She brought the food to the stand. She looked towards her. “I suggest you eat quickly. She expects you in 10 minutes.” She then turned to leave. “Wait, before you go, you said that I have put her on edge. With the wings or without… what did you mean by that? What lack of wings?” The mare didn't respond right away, rather she looked away from her. “My mistress says to not speak of the incident again.” “What incident? She said that I traveled through time and tried to change the future.” The mare gave a pause before speaking carefully. “It is not my place to discuss this but...” she looked around, looking to see if anypony was watching before speaking softly. “I don't know what she had meant future but a pony much like you, rather exactly like you came and dra….” she paused and sighed. “I am sorry I cannot say anymore.” She then turned to leave, almost dejected. “Wait I...” a shadow came from the door as the mare left through. The shadow moved past the mare, giving her once over before passing her and slowly moving towards Twilight. Twilight moved back as it moved closer. It stopped a few hooves away before it grew from the floor and began to take pony shape. From the shadows, it peeled and began revealing the form of a light blue mare. The mare was the same mare that Twilight had defeated earlier. Giving her a harsh look, the mare spoke with a hard edge in her voice. Twilight guessed she still had a grudge on her. “The mistress awaits you in the hall. She expects you to be done in 10 minutes with your food. It is best not to keep her waiting, so I suggest you quickly eat..” Twilight didn't respond right away. “Kay...” was all she said. As she turned from the mare, though not completely, making sure the mare wasn't about to stab her in the back. She glanced at the food and really… expected something different. A salad bowl of alfalfa, baby tomatoes, carrots and a strew of dandelions, complete with a warm cup of tea. “Huh, I figured she would have fed me a piece of stale bread and a bowl with something resembling soup.” “And yet that is really what you deserve instead of that meal before you.” snarked the mare. Twilight gave a glance at her. “Still upset about me knocking you out?” The other mare growled. “What do you think? You made look like a foal to my queen!” Twilight gave a shrug. “You and every other guard that went against me, so lighten up.” The mare just continued to growl before turning away. “Hurry up and eat! If the mistress doesn’t see you in the next few minutes she'll...” “She'll do nothing that she could have done while I was unconscious or sedated.” Giving her a knowing glance, she returned back to her food. “I am still alive and so are you after our misgivings, so relax and let me enjoy myself.” The mare gave a glare but didn't say anything. She turned away from her and let Twilight eat. “What the Buck you mean she isn't dead!?” half-yelled Rainbow Dash. Lightning Dust shrugged. “Apparently the assassin blew out her magic and the queen didn't kill her when she was out cold.” She took a bite out of her sandwich, munching loudly, further agitating her leader. “So you mean to say that… we did a bug hunt, all this time, have half our guards looking like minimum wage security guards that are out of commission, she blew out her horn and the queen didn't kill her when she was down?” Lighting Dust swallowed, followed by a 'Eeyup' before continuing to munch on her sandwich loudly.  It took all of Rainbow's effort not to punch or hit Lighting for agitating her so much. Then again, she would probably take the hit, continue eating then hit her back. “What the buck is my life?” she groaned as she let her head drop and hit the table. Lighting Dust glanced at her in a bored expression before finishing her sandwich with a last gulp. “Not sure captain, but all I know is that we were just a wasted resource. Heck, if I didn't know any better, I'd say she just wanted us to get humiliated for her own entertainment.” She easily missed a fast hoof jab from Dash; she looked at her with an arched eyebrow as Dash glared at her. “I should...” “Look Dash,” she interrupted almost immediately with an expression to match her own. “I don't give two shits on what the buck we are to Nightmare. Whether we are guards, or we are toys to her, I don't care. What I want to know is what makes that ‘Mare’ so special, alright? I want to know, why she was worth getting our flanks hooved to us, why Nightmare didn't kill her and what this has to do with the other princess or whatever. I didn't sign up to be a prissy little guard and not be at the bottom like most of these wannabes in here. I joined because the Shadowbolts are the ones that can do the extreme that I am seeking. They are the ones that get to shove everypony else out the way and no one will question them.” She snorted, leaning back and giving a glance towards the rest of the guards in the room. “I hate that I am even on the same level as most of these idiots here. The only one that comes even close to my level is you, if not more so.” Dash lost her glare but kept her eyes steady on her, listening and observing. “Yeah, drink it up cause I will deny it if you tell anypony else.” Dash smirked at that and Dust returned it before turning serious again and leaning back in. “But I am tired that we, me and you, are still at the bottom. That we could be up there with the Elites, showing everyone who is boss, who really runs these joints and what happens if they don't… follow… orders!” Dash hated to admit it but the truth was, the Shadowbolts were the Elites. Much like the Wonderbolts were to Celestia, the Shadowbolts were practically the top three below the queen. Her 'Shadows' or 'Dark Lights' as they were officially classed as, were the unicorns whom were trained in dark spells and arch mage level sorcery that makes even modern unicorns look like preschoolers. Then came the 'Heavy' class which were the strongest earth ponies around and those are the ones that even scare a few of the other guards. Lead by the 'Pie Sisters Three', those mares are the definition of 'Indestructible' and 'Force of Nature.' The fact that they can turn solid rock to dust, crush coals into diamonds and have strength to go against a battalion of soldiers and come out unscathed, it made her question if they were ponies or demons from Tarturas itself. All these groups however have one thing in common. They only take one or two recruits, every year. And that is from hundreds of ponies whom tried to join them. Currently, the Shadowbolts have four members with a slot to open in a few months. The 'Heavy' have only the Pie Sisters themselves and that is because they were the only ones to have 'their kind of strength', on that class, though rumors suggest that they have found another to join them. The Dark Lights had only three members and they were chosen the first year by Nightmare. They haven't gotten another member since. “IF we can show Nightmare that we are the badasses that she needs, then we have got to prove it! We have to go out there and make a statement about us!” Dash snorted before looking around. All around were recruits and guards that chatted and mingled like it was a casual great but none of them really took their jobs seriously. Or as serious as they should. Turning back to her, she leaned in, “What do you suggest then? I mean, Queens' practically got that assassin in her hooves now and with our big shot out of the way, how do we get her to notice us?” Dust gave a grin before whispering. “I think that we should go out, do some recon and find that mare's Base of Operation. Or if she has a small resistance settling near by, snuff them out. If we take out the resistance, than we can end the rebelling and Nightmare Moon will sign our names on her moon with praise.” Twilight was guided(more like watched as she moved forward by a creepy shadow) towards one of the main rooms. She knew what awaited, she knew what to prepare for… She knew that when she was unconscious, Nightmare took her Sol Steel. She groaned mentally at that. So far, not the best way to go about if you are walking into your death. Still, it might mean that if she fell, her rebellion would avenge her in some way. Shining Armor currently held leadership. He would hear of his sister's fall and rise to avenge her. If she fell, Sunset Shimmer would replace her as current Mage. She prayed it didn't come to that. The doors opened towards the throne room where Nightmare and a few of her guards were currently in the middle of a conversation. Off to the sides, were a group of band, playing a soft, gentle tune. A mare with a giant cello, two stallions with violins and another mare with a harp. The music was gentle but it made Twilight question why Nightmare had it playing with her in the middle of the discussions. Nightmare caught her entrance and quickly sent her guards off. With a quick bow, they left and her sole attention was back to Twilight. “Glad to see your still intact and alive.” she said evenly. Though in truth, Twilight knew she wanted her hurt or dead. “Surprised I am still alive to hear that.” Twilight responded. “Though it begs the question… why?” Nightmare kept her focus on her before turning towards the band. She heard them finish their first part of the symphony before slowly starting another one. “I told you before, I am not a murder. Yes, it would have been so simple to end your life there and then, but… I choose not to.” Twilight cared to glance at her feature, almost wanting to move forward to see but the fact that her 'Shadow' was right behind her, possibly well-armed, she wouldn't get a chance to. Instead, she opted to swing the conversation around. “So… then now what? You’re going to… keep me prisoner or something? Ask me my base of operations?” “If it was your own will and freely asked, yes.” Nightmare answered truthfully. Twilight snorted. “I think I rather have my horn blown out again before I do that.” Nightmare grinned. “Is that a promise?” Before Twilight answered, a guard quickly came in. “Your majesty!” He quickly bowed before rising up. “Your arrivals are here for their appointment.” “Tell whoever it is to cancel it and set it for another day.” “But your highness… it is for the newly born. The parents have asked for you right after they were conceived,” Nightmare's attitude quickly changed. A pleasant smile appeared before her and Twilight saw this as no faux, nor malice or anything else but genuine happiness. What do newborns have to do with anything? To answer her question, four ponies were escorted to the room. Two were males and two were females. The first pair were threshals unicorns. The male black mane with ash coat while the mare had a navy-blue mane and light grey coat.  The next couple where a normal pair of ponies, a Pegasus and an earth pony. The earth pony was male with a brown coat and yellow mane while the pegasus was dark blue and silver mane. Both females where carrying bundles in their arms. Twilight stood in confusion as Nightmare allowed the couples to approach her. With a bow, they spoke in unison. “Your majesty.” With a smile that surprisingly made Twilight's heart flutter  a bit, she spoke in a gentle carrying tone. “Rise my children, and let your ruler see your offspring. Both families unwrinkled and revealed the two tiny little foals within the blankets. Both foals were only a few weeks old judging by their looks and had not fully opened their eyes. The one with the threshals, they had a son, easily mimicked its parents features. A blend of black and blue mane with a cloudy grey coat. The others unraveled a chocolate coated filly with a light sky blue mane. All in all they were adorable. Nightmare seemed to think so. “Before I begin, may I ask for your names and the names of your foals?” spoke Nightmare. 'Begin? Begin what?' thought Twilight. The therashal father spoke first. “Your majesty, my name is Mist Light and my wife, here is Umbra Nox. Our son here, we have chosen to name Midnight Cascade.” Nightmare nodded, seemingly pleased with the name. She then turned to the others. “Your majesty,” began the male earth pony. “My name is Acorn Oak and my wife is Midnight Breeze. We uh… don't exactly have a name and part of the reason we actually hoped that along with the blessing you can bless our sweet little filly here with a name as well.” Nightmare positively glowed with adoration at having to get to name a foal. Twilight saw her smile again; it was so odd knowing that the ponies before her  where not fearing her a bit nor where they a bit intimidated. They actually looked just as happy as Nightmare for doing this… blessing? Nightmare couldn't help but lean in a bit more to the filly, scanning her features. She wished to could see her eyes but alas, maybe when they returned to her in the future, she would see them. Still for now, as her royal duty degree she must serve her children and give them what they must ask. A name for a foal. How queer that ponies come to her for it. And yet, from Twilight's understanding, this wasn't the first time couples have approached or come in with their new foals to be blessed or given names. After scanning the foal, their parents and even mentally running through a list of names, she spoke calming and almost happily. “I, as your ruler, thank you my children for giving me this opportunity to name your foal and I believe I have one you both may love.” She then closed her eyes and her horn glowed a bright blue. Both parents closed their eyes and held their foals in front of them. A whisper of air blew around them and Twilight watched almost in awe as blue sent a chill in the air but it was… pleasant and rather soothing. A wonderful voice filled the air as Nightmare opened her eyes, showing pure white. 'By the Setting of the Sun, The Rise of the Moon, The Beat of your Heart, I grant you a sliver, a piece, a token, of the Moon's glow of impart From where you rise, you may pursue, a higher cause bright and true. Your fears be not the dark, you fear not the night, my moon will be your ever  lasting might. What brings forth my guiding moon, our hearts will always beat in tune. My glow of silver will follow you, into the darkness of night and thru, With Luna's light and her heart's guide, we rise together as a thundering tide. As so my children of the night, I grant you my part, my strength, my light! She leaned down with her horn and gentle hovered over the threshal foal. “Midnight Cascade, my Luna's Light will watch your might.” She then turned to the others that are eager to hear her blessing. She then paused, smiling at the filly and then leaned down. “Breezy Falls, my Luna's Light will watch your might.” Both parents glowed with happiness and were filled with merry as their foal glowed brightly for a bit before it faded. Nightmare's eyes returned to normal where the smile that was there before had never left. And just like that, the foals carried a small marking of a pale moon crescent just above their brows.  Not once did the babies cry, rather their rhythmic breathing and soft murmurs in their sleep was heard. “And to the sire and dam of the foal, I bless you with words of guidance and peace. Should you ever feel lost, you only look up to the stars and moon for your way back. If your life is to ever to turn down, to always remember that the guiding  pale light will always lift your spirits. And should you ever feel your emotions run dry, keep close to your heart, the ones you love and cherish, for they are the ones that will keep you going.” Both families were overjoyed with their Queen's words. They bid their farewells and many 'Thank you's' for the blessing before walking out of the room with their foals. A silence had been but a moment as the musicians had finished their piece before starting a new one. Nightmare still carried that smile and Twilight has never felt so conflicted in her life. “Wow,” was all Twilight managed to say. The sudden voice brought Nightmare out of her peace and turned to Twilight whom seemed confused but not in a bad way. “You have something to say, Twilight?” Nightmare's voice had quickly changed, almost a bit intimidating as if waiting for Twilight to call her 'false' or a 'liar' with the blessing. “Honestly,” she began, tracing small circles on the floor below her with her hoof. “I just never expected you to do blessing nor have them be so...” “Cryptic? Odd?” Nightmare was saying, trying not to sneer. “I was going to say… beautiful and gentle.” Nightmare immediately felt bad knowing she judged Twilight for her blessing, let alone calling them beautiful. An awkward silence pass until Nightmare moved pass Twilight and headed towards her side doors. “Come, we will take a walk and then discuss your predicament.” She spoke to Twilight as a subject. However, she knew that she was not her subject, nor her guard, nor her maid nor anything else. No, Twilight was her equal. She had great magic that almost completely rivaled her own. Not even Cadenza has her strength, and yet, she also has nothing to hold her back from unleashing it. Nightmare herself had analyzed Twilight's power when she was out cold and when she found the full power and mana that the mare had within her, it unnerved Nightmare how great she really was. Even now, despite having blown some of her magic in the backlash, she was recovering at a quick pace. Faster than most unicorns could. Should she come close to her, she would practically be fighting another alicorn herself. She could very well say that this mare was… her. An old thought passed... … Nopony in my kingdom but me should possess a magic powerful enough to change time!' …Your kingdom? … Who Else? … Princess Celestia of course! And it was Celestia whom gave that… other Twilight the means to travel through time. More or less, that alicorn had access to that magic to do so. However, that mare was from a different time line, a different universe. One where Nightmare fell as she was sent back to the moon again. Loneliness… cold… fear… hate… agony… Her sister now was suffering for what she suffered for a thousand years. Staring at the moon, she gave it a hard glare. Three years down, 997 more to go… maybe longer if she so chooses. Take it all in sister… remember it all, that loneliness, that utter dark cold… All that she despised of that mare and now here was another mare that she disliked but somewhat had respect for. Maybe something else… Both had reached the gardens were the moon was bright… somewhat highlighting the three colors that embodied it. Walking in the moonlight that never stopped, both mares walked side by side before Nightmare stopped to a small table  in the middle of the lawn. Surrounding it, was all sorts of flowers and plant life, some that have been magically altered to grow with moonlight. A chair made especially for her with cushions, Nightmare sat down on it while Twilight cautiously sat across the one for her. She wasn't sure if Nightmare wanted her to sit but she made no motion of stopping her. When both have settled, Nightmare was the one to speak first. “Tell me… dear Sparkle, what is the end game to this?” Twilight was confused by the question though she had a small idea of where this topic was going to begin. “I'm sorry?” Nightmare gave a glance before pointing her horn to the moon. “Is it to bring my sister back? To have her bring back the day in which ponies can all go back to fearing my night? Is it end my reign and send me to Tarturas when all is said and done?” There was no sneer nor malice voice but there was a bit of disdain and sadness that bared its way through. For Twilight, it had always been her goal to fight and help bring about Nightmare's reign. When the final day had set nearly 3 years ago, Twilight had watched her world change. From the moment she was told her father was dead, her mother in a coma and her life ending, she knew that it was Nightmare's fault. Her brother was the Captain of the Royal Guard when Nightmare came in. When his guards fell to her forces, he immediately sent a few guards to Twilight in case they used her to leverage him. They along with a large amount of devoted followers hid by weeks end to a safe house near the borders of Equestria. Shining Armor had planned to take on Nightmare but had come to realize that she was trying to harm any civilians or family members of the royal guards. They set a retreat soon after. After a solid month of Nightmare's reign, Shining began training Twilight in offensive and defensive magic. Hoof to hoof was her secondary and she even had some alchemy training with a zebra shaman. Six months in had already a number of assassins set to end Nightmare's reign but she had quickly gained a guard and with that guard, she gained loyalty. Either through fear or choice, her forces grew swiftly. Within the first year, other leaders from across the world have tried to come and defeat Nightmare but many had either fallen or been forcefully bribed into accepting Nightmare as the new ruler. Next thing she knew, three years have passed and she now was trained to take down Nightmare. If or when she fell, it would be up to Twilight and a few other unicorns to help rise the sun or if possible get Princess Cadenza to do so. She would be Equestria's leader until a new one could take her place or they found a way to bring back Celestia. The fail-safe to this plan was that all ally with different world leaders to fight a combined assault on Nightmare and then figure a way to bring back the sun. When it was discovered some time ago that a mare mysteriously came through a mirror portal from a different world, that was Princess Celestia's former student, that she may have the magical potential to succeed if she fail. It was a spur of the moment choice but there were so few choices out there. Any and all powerful unicorns where reported or registered to Nightmare Moon. That left no room for any error if they were loyal or forced into her servitude. Plans within plans, from backups A to Z and so on, it would have been a wonder if the first plan had worked and now… here she sat, in front of the queen herself. A million different things can change the outcome of All of that running to her mind and she only said one simple word. “Yes.” she let it hang in the air for a bit before continuing on. “One way or another we would bring back Celestia. Yes to bring back the sun and restore harmony...” She kept her eyes on Nightmare whom remained stoic before finishing her speech. “… but from what you just showed me, what I just witnessed, I cannot for the life of me think about taking your life, nor sending you to Tarturas. You may be worth redeeming.”