• Published 31st Dec 2015
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Second Chances, Many Changes - ASGeek2012

I used to be a human girl named Rachel. Now some self-appointed "Spirit of Chaos" (who surely has an ulterior motive) decided to "rescue" me from my fate and give me a second chance. Yeah, being a pastel pony in an insane world is SO much better.

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Chapter 8 - Morning In Ponyville

"Welcome to Ponyville!"

Pinkie Pie had jumped in front of us as we reached the end the road leading away from the castle, throwing her fore-hooves into the air as she gave her enthusiastic cry. She once more somehow conjured confetti out of thin air, which rained down upon myself, Rarity, and the two guards.

"Ah, darling?" Rarity said with a sigh as she brushed glittery bits out of her mane with her hoof. "She's been in Ponyville for three days now."

"Oh, but that was Sweet Apple Acres Ponyville, and then Hospital Ponyville, and then Castle Ponyville. She's never been to Ponyville Ponyville! And here it is!" Pinkie Pie stood to one side and gestured with a foreleg. "Ta-daaaah!"

I braced myself. I was expecting the town to spontaneously break out into song. When this did not appear forthcoming, I could be content that at least the insanity of this place did not go quite that far.

Though Pinkie did look eerily disappointed for a moment.

The town was indeed far more busy than it had been the evening before. If I still had any doubts that I had been transported to a colorful pony world, this would have shattered them. I actually felt a little more at ease; being among this technicolor population made my own lurid color scheme look perfectly ordinary. Hardly anypony gave me a second glance.

I noticed at once what was missing: children, or I supposed "foals" was the right term. I did see a few adult ponies carrying really small foals, likely no more than babies, but none older than that. It was a weekday, so I supposed they sent kids to school in this world just like they did on Earth. That suited me fine, to be honest. I was not that fond of little children, and I would just as soon not run into any if I could avoid it.

"We should first head over to the spa," said Rarity. "Pinkie, will you be--?"

I suddenly flinched so hard that I stumbled and bumped into Rarity when something roared overhead. I looked up, and for a moment I swore I was looking at a formation of fighter jets, colored bright blue and yellow. Only when I got a better look at their wings did I realize they were uniformed pegasi.

Impossibly fast pegasi. Good God.

"Are you all right, Candy?" Rarity asked.

My heart was still racing. "Yes, sorry, I wasn't expecting that."

"Yes, I know, I also wish the Wonderbolts would not fly quite so low. Rainbow Dash may be enamored of them, but I, for one, hope this summit is over soon so they can vacate our skies."

So the Wonderbolts were effectively the Blue Angels, but, well, ponies.

A voice from the other side of the street called out, "Heya, Pinkie!"

I turned my head and saw two ponies looking towards us, a beige earth pony and a mint-green unicorn. The former was waving a fore-hoof. I could not quite make out their cutie marks from that distance.

I was trying to pay more attention to those marks. They ran a rather wide gamut. Some were quite obvious in what talent they suggested, while others I felt were really open to interpretation. Like the stallion with the hourglass cutie mark I had spotted a moment ago. Did it mean he was good at time management? Making watches? Or something altogether different?

And I still had no idea what Rarity's cutie mark meant.

"Hi, Bon Bon, Lyra!" Pinkie called back. "Oo, Bon Bon! Perfect! Got a moment to talk?"

The unicorn looked a bit nervous, but the earth pony called back in an enthusiastic voice, "Sure thing!"

So there was a pony named Bon Bon. My name didn't seem as strange anymore.

Pinkie turned to Rarity and I. "I'm gonna go talk to Bon Bon and see if I can get her help with the dinner at the castle before heading over to Sugarcube Corner."

"Well, that answers the question I was trying to ask a moment ago," said Rarity. "I was going to extend the invitation for the spa treatment to you as well. My treat."

"Aww, thanks, but I gotta get started on dinner plans. Come see me later at Sugarcube Corner, okay? Have a good time, Candy! See ya!" She waved and bounced off towards the other two ponies.

I thought this rather fortuitous. If I was right about what Spike had almost revealed, I ought to get to know Rarity better. As friendly as Pinkie Pie was, she tended to be a bit of an overwhelming presence. I preferred her in smaller doses, similar to what I felt about Rainbow Dash but for different reasons.

"Come, dear, let's go," said Rarity.

The atmosphere of the town did not seem quite as lively as I had expected from a world of colorful ponies. That may have been due to the preponderance of the Royal Guard and uniformed deputies patrolling the streets. I assumed this was not normal for Ponyville. As much as the extra protection was likely warranted, it probably made the locals feel a bit nervous. I was glad not to be the only one worried about the summit.

Rarity, however, seemed above such worries, as if she had faced this sort of trouble before, and this was simply old hat. "I must admit, I am rather excited about the possibilities concerning your styling. Your hair is long enough that I would recommend braids. Perhaps for the mane a red braid on one side and an orange braid on the other. The contrast would frame your face beautifully."

I didn't think that the simple act of another taking an interest in my personal grooming could make me feel good, but it did just the same. Maybe because it felt almost normal. That was a word I had not had opportunity to use in a very long time. The last time I had used that term to describe myself was when I was twelve. It had not been long after that when my mother had begun her descent into drugs.

"Is something the matter, Candy?"

"Huh? Oh, um, nothing," I said. "Why do you ask?"

"You looked sad all of a sudden."

She had noticed that? Dammit. I had to go ruin a genuinely pleasant moment by wallowing in past regrets.

What could I tell her? The truth? It would sound like I was just trawling for pity, so I fell back on what I had been doing best: lying. "Oh, just hoping to get past the summit and my amnesia and all that."

Rarity gave me a gentle smile. Maybe that was still trawling, but the concerns I had expressed were nothing new. She appeared to accept it and moved on to talking about accessorizing. I simply listened and tried to enjoy the moment of relative calm.

I had not expected a simple trip to the pony equivalent of a beauty salon to challenge my notions of what these ponies could do, but it did just the same.

When the two earth ponies greeted us as we entered, I fully expected that they were simply the receptionists, that something as complex as grooming one adult pony and one almost adult pony required the intricacies of unicorn magic. So it was to my surprise to discover that Aloe and Lotus Blossom were the sole proprietors and attendants at this spa.

Of course, before I had a chance to experience their prowess, there was the matter of my pendant. The guards had taken up position just outside the establishment to give us privacy, so they were not available to keep an eye on it.

"We see that looks rather valuable," said Aloe. "We can secure it for you if you wish."

Aloe's compatriot Lotus Blossom -- or perhaps sister, as they looked like color-swapped versions of each other -- trotted over with the handle of a crystalline box in her mouth. She set it down near me and opened the lid with a nudge of her hoof. "Just place it in here, dear, and touch your horn to it. It will be locked to you and only you can open it."

Rarity rescued me from potential awkwardness. "Candy is having a little trouble with her magic. If she consents, I would be happy to lock it to myself instead."

"Yes, I'm fine with that," I said as I lifted my hooves to remove the pendant. It did not quite dawn on me right away, but that was the first time I had not hesitated before trusting another pony. I justified it with the thought that the pendant would just return to me anyway if somepony tried to make off with it.

I let Rarity pretty much direct the whole thing. Despite my upbringing, this was a bit of a new experience. My mother sometimes went for complex beauty regimes like this, but I had too much childlike restlessness to sit still for it. She had hinted at taking me to something like this for my sixteenth birthday.

I quickly divorced my mind of that thought. I was finally starting to relax, and I didn't want to spoil it.

Seriously, I was amazed at what these two ponies could do. The side effect was that the experience made me very keenly aware of how different my pony body was from my human body. That was not necessarily a bad thing. I had to learn how to deal with this body somehow. Certainly they knew just the right way to make muscles relax in places where I had only been vaguely aware I possessed such.

Maybe I was simply getting tired of rebelling against this transformation.

I managed to relax enough that I dozed a bit during our mutual silence imposed by the mud mask treatment. Aloe had to nudge me to full wakefulness before removing it.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

"No worry at all, dear," said Aloe with a smile. "I consider it a compliment."

"Did you sleep okay last night?" Rarity asked after Lotus Blossom removed her mud mask.

"Oh, um, mostly," I said. "I get a little restless sometimes when I sleep. Maybe just the stress of everything that happened lately."

"Having any bad dreams?"

"Sometimes. Nothing I can't handle, though."

Aloe stepped up to me. "We have some enchanted herbal essences which may help with sleep. Would you be interested in trying some?"

"We cannot guarantee you will not still have bad dreams," said Lotus Blossom. "Simply that it will help you get back to sleep more easily when you awaken during the night."

Aloe smiled. "Yes, the essences are good, but they are no substitute for Princess Luna when dealing with nightmares."

Wait, what??

"Are you okay, dear?" Rarity said. "You looked like you had a bit of a fright for a moment."

Both Aloe and Lotus Blossom were also looking at me with some concern.

I should have expected this. From what I had experienced the previous night at my window, it was clear that the recurring pony in my dreams was real. But Princess Luna? One of the two princesses who were coming to the castle for the summit? Would she instantly recognize me and know at once I was an alien?

No, I had to calm down. She had specifically said that she had no idea what kind of creature I was. I never appeared as a pony in my dreams. I was still safe. If I could just stop having these damn dreams, maybe she would go away.

"Um, I'm okay, sorry," I said. "So, these essences don't do anything to stop bad dreams?"

"It really depends on the cause of your dreams, dear," said Aloe.

"And we're not experts on that by any stretch of the imagination," said Lotus Blossom.

"But if they are simply the result of common anxieties, then, yes, the essences may help."

"And they are not terribly expensive."

Rarity smiled. "I would be happy to purchase some for you, Candy, if you wish to try them."

"Yes, please, thank you," I said. Certainly it was worth a shot. Anything to prevent my secret from getting out before I was ready.

If I were ever ready.

In the end, I had been fully bathed, massaged, pampered, exfoliated, groomed, and styled. I had no idea how much time had passed and really didn't care. All I could see was the end result.

They managed to make me not want to avert my gaze when looking at my pony body in the mirror. I might have consented that I actually looked pretty rather than just simply cutesy. Ultimately they had abandoned the idea of two braids for a single larger braid for my mane, my red and orange hairs twined into a near perfect spiral of alternating hues. My tail had been deemed too thick for braiding unless I was willing to have it severely trimmed. Instead, they enhanced its natural waviness and used hair clips to keep it in check. While pink hearts would not have been my first choice for the motif, they insisted it blended in with my natural colors more.

Hell, even my hooves looked good. The hooficure had left them with a smooth shine.

"You look absolutely wonderful, my dear," said Rarity. "I daresay it is perhaps a blessing that there will be no young colts for you to distract at this dinner, for you would surely turn their heads easily."

Dear God, that was not something I wanted to even think about, but I accepted the compliment at face value. "Thank you." I turned my head towards Aloe and Lotus Blossom. "And thank you as well. It really did turn out lovely."

"We are most happy you are pleased, Miss Swirl," said Aloe.

"Oh, do not forget your pendant!" said Lotus Blossom.

I had indeed managed to stop thinking about it for awhile, so that was an added bonus. I almost didn't want to take it back, yet I still felt a sense of relief when Lotus Blossom brought over the crystal chest.

Rarity dipped her head and touched her horn to the chest. It popped open at once, and she lifted the pendant to my neck with her magic, where I heard the faint click of the clasp engaging. "Let me pay for our treatments and your essences, and we can go."

"Okay," I said. "Oh, um, I don't really have a way to carry them."

"Not to worry, Miss Swirl," said Lotus Blossom. She and Aloe disappeared into the back and soon returned carrying what looked like two squarish canvas bags connected by thick straps. The outer parts were embroidered with the two ponies' cutie marks. I understood what they were when they were draped over my barrel, as I had recalled other ponies in town sporting something similar.

"All first-time customers receive a complimentary saddle-bag," said Aloe as her compatriot grabbed several small bottles and deposited them in one of the bags.

"Thank you," I said.

I got to see Equestrian money for the first time. Rarity had a small velvet bag tucked into her mane closed with a drawstring. Inside were bright gold coins of various sizes. From her conversation with Lotus and Aloe over the final pricing, I learned they were called "bits."

We bid our goodbyes and headed outside, the guards seamlessly falling into step with us as we left. "I thought we would detour by Fluttershy's cottage before heading over to Sugarcube Corner. You'll get to see more of the town that way."

"Are you still planning on heading over to your boutique later?" I asked.

"Of course. I am hoping to get there early enough to put in an hour or two of work before lunch, if you didn't mind waiting around."

I really was curious as to how she worked. My memories of watching my mother make dresses were really vague. By the time I was six, she had already moved on to being a manager and no longer made anything by hand. A few years later, her stores had become largely automated. Watching a bunch of machines was not very interesting.

"That's fine by me," I said.

From the height of the sun in the sky, it looked to be about mid-morning. I guessed the spa treatment had not lasted quite as long as I had thought. I was relaxed enough that the roar of the Wonderbolts flying overhead did not perturb me this time. As they streaked away, I noticed that one of the members of the squadron was leaving a rainbow-colored trail.

I squinted into the bright sky. "Is that Rainbow Dash up there?"

"Yes, she's in the Wonderbolt reserves," said Rarity. "They must have called her up for duty. Either that, or she begged for the opportunity to fly with them. I would not have put that past her."

I had pegged Rainbow to be a bit egotistical, but I supposed some of it was justified if she could fly that fast. Certainly I was grateful for her recognizing the changeling back at the hospital and protecting me until Twilight had arrived.

As much as I was enjoying my morning with Rarity and looked forward to seeing Fluttershy again, I still wondered what drove them both to be so attentive to me. I tried not to think on it too hard. I wanted to hold on to these nice feelings and not worry about anything anymore. I wanted to trust Twilight and the other princesses to keep whatever forces wanted my pendant at bay and get on with life.

"Rarity, can I ask you something?" I said.

"Of course, anything."

"What if I never get my memory back?"

Rarity smiled gently. "Now, Candy, it helps to have a more positive outlook."

"I know, but, please, humor me. What happens if it doesn't come back?"

"I guess I am not sure what you mean. In what context?"

I was not sure how to put it without, again, seeming like I was looking for somepony to take pity on me, or without revealing that I was pretty sure Rarity was intending to foster me. "How would ... how would the other ponies feel about that? How would you feel about that?"

Rarity paused. Whether because she had been surprised by the question or was trying to find a nice way to let me down, I had no idea. When she finally did speak, it was in soft, measured tones. "We all would like to know who you really are, Candy. However, I doubt your past would ever change how we feel about you. We all have things in our pasts we are not proud of, if that is what you fear will be revealed. That doesn't change who we are now. Does that make sense?"

It did, but I was not sure how relevant it was. I was not even sure who I was anymore. Was I still a human wrapped in a pony body? Was I a pony who simply used to be a human? Or was my human heritage even important anymore? The fact that I continued to dream of myself as human made the question even harder to answer.

"Is there something you need to tell me, Candy?" Rarity asked.

"No, not really," I said quickly. I was still taking the coward's way out. Fine, so be it. I had something good going, at least relative to what I had just a few days ago, and I didn't want to spoil it. "I'm probably worried over nothing. It just feels strange to be here. Um, in this situation, I mean."

Rarity smiled faintly. "You feel suddenly thrust into the spotlight, as it were."

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

"I know how that feels, despite the fact that my additional fame was occasional and fleeting."

O-kay, I was not expecting that. Rarity was famous for something other than being a fashion designer? Did that have something to do with whatever council she was on involving Twilight? Should I show my ignorance and have her explain it, or just go along with it like I knew what she was talking about?

Maybe whatever she was famous for was something relatively minor. Certainly she never claimed to have any further title like Twilight had. Even Aloe and Lotus Blossom referred to her as no more than "Miss Rarity."

I had to know. "I'm sorry, Rarity, I don't recall what else you're famous for."

"Quite all right. I tend not to be a braggart about it. I am an Element-bearer."

I had no clue what that meant, and yet I felt like it was incredibly important. "Wow, really?" I said, hoping that was an appropriate response.

"Yes, well, it's not something that comes up in casual conversation. To be perfectly honest, I would much rather be known for my beautiful designs, dressmaking skills, and excellent fashion sense. And I am more accurately a former Element-bearer, since we had to give them up."

She had already implied there were more than one of these Element-bearers. I had a feeling I had hit a brick wall as to how far I could claim ignorance. This sounded like something most ponies would know.

"I do hope you don't treat me any differently," said Rarity. "Really, it confers no other status or title upon me, nor does it change who I am."

Well, that made it easier to hide my ignorance. "I understand, and I won't."

A soft fondness came over her face. "But I do admit, I did look absolutely fabulous while wearing it. If there is one thing I miss, it's that."

"Do the right thing, but make sure you look good doing it."

The words had spilled from my mouth before I realized I had said them. I tried not to panic when Rarity looked at me, her eyes widening slightly. "Why, that's a rather good way to put it, Candy. Wherever did you hear that?"

I had no time to come up with a suitable lie. "Oh, um, just something my mother said once," I mumbled.

"Well, I would say she was a very wise mare, then."

I forced a smile and just nodded.

Rarity must have sensed an undertone of sadness from me, as she dutifully changed the topic. "I believe we should head over to Fluttershy's cottage. Hopefully her, ah, tea partner has left by now."

"Tea partner?" I asked. I had only been half-listening to their conversation about it earlier.

"Fluttershy sits down to tea every Tuesday morning with Discord. As much as Fluttershy trusts him, he is not one I would recommend you meet anytime soon. He is still quite the ruffian, if you ask me." Rarity shivered slightly. "And he has no fashion sense!"

So this Discord was some sort of known miscreant? It was the first time I was hearing the name, but apparently it must be widely known since Rarity chose not to explain further.

Having tea with some sort of criminal? That sounded rather out of character for Fluttershy, but then again, Michelle often tried to make friends with the worst of the drug addicts to get them to clean themselves up. It was frightening how many times she had succeeded. Maybe Fluttershy was trying to reform this pony.

I wished Rarity would just come out and tell me she was thinking of fostering me. I supposed it was possible I had made the wrong assumption. She had never mentioned having either a husband or foals of her own. As nice as she seemed, she didn't strike me as a motherly type. However, many people had made that assumption about my mother as well and were often surprised when I showed up and said I was her daughter.

I had my doubts anyone, human or pony, could take my mother's place. Rarity would be more like the big sister I never had. It would certainly make living as a pony for the rest of my life a lot more palatable.

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